THE ORONO WEIEKLY TIMES every Th'ur-sclay miioringiç at The limres Office Orono, Ontario on1 reqUest Subscription, $1.25 Subseription to the Uited States, $2.00 AIl Job Printing Wi, ll Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A'-. Forrester, Puiblisher Timne For Unity The tne for sýtrikes hais pâssed, or should be dione away withi. t %%ill our soldier-s think of strikeis that aie lemployedl in the iigof -war equiprnent striLing at suich a desperate time as we Sacing i:today? Âne thee workers gointg to ]et tfig.lgting Im-en m ? Surely the worina'i-j2 peopfle -will nrot illo-w, any disunity in their i aaks to hinder- final vic-tory ojver t this monster -who would de- >y thein. There mxueýt be united effort, mutu-al sacrifice and unre- inig, produetiunýQ if we are Vo sharýe in --\ctor-y and ýthen join in g-reat task of wurld rcntitto.We- are thankfufl that in ada fwe tire frec frnm strikes and viar pr-oduiction is gradually ihing the m--axirntse adpoduction, when war equipmnent will Corne the asaicmbly lines in great auantity. At the present timie Great ain and Russia are depending Vo a lange extent to American kers to hdlu fil 'tbheir needs, but at the present tume billionis of as of war orders are held up in the Unitedl States due Vto the or Unions ecallig the meniDut on strike. Thle holduLp in war pro- tion lias Iecomne so serious, ýthat iit seeis iikelv that the govern- it of that ccnintry will have to step in and form esome plan so b that great industrial country will work tlogether and supiply .Great Britain and Russia with a(l the equipinent ihey need 'Vo * * * * Gasoline Rationing In England ies we hear complaits on the cutting down on gasoline (dianis have to endure, lt seemas strange that -sucli comi- uul ever bc voiced by sommne Canadians who do noV at pres- ,te icï,,rdshiips of war. Cas can ha purc4ased tliroughout tail ýplaces whlere gasoline is Fhandled, and there shouid be jents for-thcornxing. ere reproduce the fllwn extraet from "Bulletins Frema hch els you a stony cf gasline rationing un England, and have read hý we feel sure you will eonsider yourself lucky re living jen'Canada and tihat gasoimIne here is plentiful and ra getting your fair share. "Addad restrictions on, the dis- of gasoline were imposed October 7 ührougoihut Great Bni- ri private car owners found thexuselves able Vo obtain for on exactly half oit wbat They had been obtnining prevýious- wners will be enabled Vo frayai oniy 100 mliles eanionth un- have saved a few gallons froin the porevious morth. The wance liad bean dntended Vo continue until tïie end cf 1941, Pities bave 'already intimated that ths perniîtted amounit i boa neduced iby one-sixthl, beginninig in Novemnber. Sîmul- suppleneentariw allowanccs, granted 'where need was proved, b( reduced and thxe nunning cof couiches, busses and pîieasune rely controlled. E-conomic Control Bold and Wise (IThe Cobourg WorM>) arge plan for control of prices and earnings announiced by ýMileister is botih courageous a-iCi wise. There is every believe that il will, in lMr. Mackienzie Kung*s own -wcrds, etensify the effort of this eointry in war. IV will hclp Vo 'repetition of dstress and depression afttr the war". t -would be neoessary sdonei- or laVer Vo face the choice or buitter» uin this country lias been evident Vo the m-lajoiity pic of Canada since thbea arly days of te wr.Tt is not a Schoiceý, suoh as the GeYnmanis made in their ranewed ain- wîn ýworId rmnstery. W'e believe here that butter is batter ilffy nation than g-unis, but the ch-oice is nlow forced upon rvive in freedoni o the state cf affains when we car ag-ain ,r f butter, wc, must for a turre prefer the gmn-. ie Prime _Minister stressed, we canniot hiave both. There are b, eraterials and noV enough miec Vo make the goods for ini- vilian coisumeption and the goods fornilitary use at the )now, the i--ensuries of partieal ontrol of pices lnstituted by dian Government lbas worked well. 'Sucli things as rising sugar caused by pandc buying for boarding -wcre pronptly But thbe ruýse in cost, of living bas becomne generail eow and eral control. -poym'eeV lias practically enîded, îniost of the nati'on's wonk- arning more, and there is consequent stronger damanad for us not in huian nature Vo puteah the incereased inconlie into ýs without the persuasion cof compclling conditions. The ermend for a sinialler quantity ocf goods is resuliting in ii lh- ich cinIcmxstnces, inflation folows if the ecoaomic or.gan- unýt ýsubjected Ve ointerolI. Dem-ards for increaised w\ag-es tibat increases thae ost of producing thei goods, the pnices -tIer, and the viciîous crche of inflation îs ie motion. the increases jen incone caver keeii up, rever car keeip up, rising pricas. Distrass and depresision f ollow without fail. .s stien heii this ýcoutry duling and after thlahst wair. cd Vo a far worse degree in sorne !cf the European eoLin- mrnoncy becamne wortihless overnigiit, and the chances Vt would happen on the former Eurqpean scale, ather than Ïcan, 'bore ,this tinteiý, for the scle oft ur effrt is so niucth Forty pen cent of thfe national~ incomne de gonrg rn war Lea tien par cent was anougâ,l ast tume. ý will crtainly 'have Vo ibie Turnehr restrictions imposed on iction cfmny classes oft gonds, Lard soe ma y disappear mnankets Laltogether. 'The raw matrinls utgeo into mu- A begineding bais been made and wcv are already familiar operation of certain restrictions. iMeanwhule, tiebi -i step 1was the gnral frecznug cf prihos, costs andi earnings at 't leveils, and that ste1p the Goveunnienit 'bas bad tihe cour- Hacikenzie King's own words are again tiebehst o outline y. "TBbe policy cf control as ht affects industry, cormmerce, eý icd labour, dleniands a degnce of restriction bo whicb ~hithento, bave been quite uacus Ttd.IVwil denand oft 4elf-dsciplined and seTcnrl t wili necd, as h de- ewoebete support of ereyr'one xeho has the well- bis fellow-citizeis -it heat. In these peilious timies, we sbriek fr-on i amy cour-se cýf action ,wbîcb will help Vo pre- 1strenlthan th(, nionale of car country. [s poiy the Govenemexit hopes Vo avoid tihe fears, the jnisceuity, thie SuffPnir g aind tjhe ilofiteeriig-wbiilCb le in- Ifrlees ire-vialbl~y bings ie its traie. Thee mensures niow be- nced should help in the winnÎneg of the war., and, aitten the itate necovery and rcntuto. eare indeed periious finies. Thec British Emipire lias be- e ist nriuIoILs aedd aneeouîs long periAof i effort Vo niaka ctory anid survival.' In Canadaw have donce, are doing a I, but we havre not yet appraclied tie imensure oft qacriflce becn freely given by tihe people i Hitain. Our own sliare ttle for liberty ixasi matci'h theins, and tihis bold measuit'e oft ill n t mah itDusileforT bat quiality Vo haieaéhel WOODLAND'S SONG Thanksgiving Daty, 1941 Thanklsgiving Day bas corne andi gone, For- ineiteen hidred anid ryoe Anwh at did 't mean Vo you and mie, A day of gaîlf or tennisuIcaybe-. Or did it -mean as i4V did Vo ime, A trip Vo the woods, its Sileeldor Vto A li-teingi ear forý woodland's note Swelliuig into sogin eac-h ovelyý thrýoat. A rippling brook that ippled its way 'er pebId rou-nd, and seemed to Say, '"Oh cone with ine deep into 'the 'woods, Aý'nd II will shcow you that God is good. The squirriýels were busy as they coul be, Stoiig ifood ini the oH (oak tree, Andcihnpn sang, "Oh îGod is good,1 For UIlias, given our inter's food." The trees aglow, -with autume n glory, Seemed Vo repeat the saïne sweet stor'y, "01Oi God ýis good," they seem-ed Vto say "And rwe're teýlIiin!g His g-lor-y this Auturan day. As I viewed thbe spiendor-, aeid listen- ed V1 o song, Of woodland's note, as I -walked alag, My beart sang too, to the God of Love, Who sent woodland's peace frora Heaiven ebove. And m-ethougbht of thle peouple acresrs the sea, Who are suffering today, as -we might be, And cannot hear tihe woodland's song For noise of wair, the wor1d's great wn'orIig And I asked that Hie wbýo sees spar- now fall, Would 'grant that peace m-ight corne to al Before another Thanskgýiving Day, And 'we ight bran ,the nations say, "Wc-'l 1-beat our spears into pruning hooks, Anxd then wOv can hear thea babb!:ing brooks, Aend listen to thbe woo.-land's song, And praise our, Ccd, Vo whoni we Lillian Rindes MIclachlan INewton-ville, October 9tb, 1941. . Classified FOR SALE Seenee oc:k Hn,1year1-old. Apply Voý Neil Raine!)y, 01,011o.a-2c SIVRmDAL CONTESTr The W.IC..U. Silver MeI(dal w\,il be( hld on Nýovember 2lst. Please keep tisdate in Immld. a-42-c. FOR SALE OR RENT 100 acrjes o1 lande Lot l, Con. 5, Darlingitol. Solid brLi house, bard ai-d soft water la i house and harei. Apply Mac. Smlith, Orono. c-42-c. FOR SALE Eleetrie Washei iii first-class or- der, guaranteed. ~a be had by re- sponsi>ble party for balance of pay- ments. Enquixie Rolph Har-dware, Orono, . TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be reteived by thei uadersigned uip Vo and including Nov. StJbh, for opernating the rink for the winter cf 1941-42, on the premises of the Dur-ham Central Agricuitural Soiety. M. H. STAPLES, Sec.-Treas. STRAYED From-i Lot 17, Concession 7, Clarke Township, on or about Ocýtober 7th, 2 head 'of younig cattie, weighing around 600 pounda, w'ilh tags je ear. Anyone kno-wing the wlrherearbouts )f these cattie, pease notify Robert Allen, Sth Lince, Clarke; Phone 2513, Orono. c-,14-p. HOUSE FOR SALE Orono residenee of the laVe Thomas Smlnth, elctricýally equipped framie b)ungalýowý, six ro-oins and bath, with automiiaticý pui-ii.. ood cellar and fur- nace, verandah (two ýsides, one glassedl ie, garage, &îc. Enquire it Tmes Office, or -write N. D. MeKenzie, 6 Lyall Ave., Toronto. ti-F. Aldoos - open Vo Thomiias Fuller. )COutesy.- É?PEND LESS-ý Auction Sale The undersigned auctioneer- has rie- cýeived inistru(c.tiOnIs froi ARTHUR W. CURTIS Vo seil by puiblic auction at 1.30 pm (standar'd tune), at Lot 19, N. cf 9th Con., Clarke Twp MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd 1941, the f'ollofwb]ng Faill Stock, 1Ini1plemle nits, etc.: HORSES 1 Biood(I Mare, 15 years old. 1 Grey G ldilg, 8 years old. 1 Bay Gelding,7 8 ycarýs old. 1 Chestnut Colt, 3 yeai s old. 1 lBlâc'k Brood Mare, 8 years eid. CATTLE 1 Go'w, frveshiened, 10 years, clSat foo t. 1 îCow, 7 ycars, fresbh. 1 Grey Oýow, 3 yoais, fresliened. 1 Grey cow, 3 yeans, freshened. 1 Grey Cow, 3 years, due line March. 1 Red' and Wbite- Spotted Ccw, 3 years, due ie ýMarch,. 1 Red Cc,)w, 7 years, due in Ampih. 1 Liglit Grney Cüw, 3 years, due in April. 1 2-year-old, with caîf at foot. I Blacli 'eif er, 2 ycairs oMl. 6 Dunham Heifers, rising 2 years. 10 1-yepr-okld Calves. 1 Steer, rislng 2 years ,)ild H-ARNESS 1 Set Team Harncess, practically new. 1 Set Teni Harness. 1 Set cf Single Harne-s. 4 Collars. IMPLENIENTS 1 Cbathann Seales, 2000 Ibis. 1 Set Adami's Farn Trucks. 1 Hay Rack. 1 Verirty 2-furrwed Plo'w. 1 Tudhope Anderson Sinigle Plow, 1 Cutter. 1 Frost & Wood MVoNver, 6 foot cut. 11 Frost & Wooid Huy Rake. 2 Set 'Of Toboggan Sleighs. Fo'rks, Soes Hoas and linxnerous oither articles. Quantity of Potaitos and Lumber. This property is for refit TERMS CASH Ed. Youingynan Clark Auctioneeur Hitler thinks the peoiple of the U.S. are soft and yet the Poliee Ga- zette lias a wvonan editor.-~ Brandon sun. we can? Thcn's one thing we can al Our Town iÈs ut War 0 Men are drilling î, our town Our own men 0.e*. men we coul by their do ... one thing we must ail do. W. frtnomes. Somie oF them quit good must ail buy more Wor Savings jobs to join the army . . . some quit Certificates. ochoot. Wken the Empire werit to war and Canada went to war ... this town went to war. Every now and then a Eew more men hrom this town lecive For active service. We're taking the war more seriously. Are we? Are we ail? Are those of us wIio haven't joined up doing. ail we con? Are we Iendîng ail The help of every Canodian la needed for Victory. ln tii.,. daya of war the thoughtlea; a.Hihapender is a traiter ta our war effort. A reduction in personal sjending la now a vital necessity to relieve the pressure for gooda, fo enabie more and more labour and materiala to b. diverted to winning the war. The ail -oui effort, whicb Canada imust imake, demanda thia self-denial of each of us. #&y MUoE Protessional Lirectory MEDICAL - A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHUYSICIAN and SUR GEON -.Q to 4.00 ini.; 6.30 to 8.00 pan.L PHIONB 47dr1 ORONO DENTAL DR. R. O. DICKSON Office I1ours in Orono: Monday to Firiday (inclusive) From, 9 aj.. o 5 p.m.-"Evenings byý 4Aýpointm.ent Office Hours ;n Newcastle -- every, Saturday roni 9 a.mi. Vo 9 p. For appointiment phone Oronio 18 r 1 VETERINARY Wildfred W. Sherwin B.VSc., VETERINARY SURGEOvN Office:- Main St. Or>no Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. r«%ýJohn J. Gilfiflan Mý mQUALIFIED OPTOMETRISI Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry 01 Ontario Office Hors:e 10 te 12 &.m. anid 2Iï 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in C. B. Tyrrell'e Drug Store J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- 1bile and Liability Ororto - Ontarie AUCTIONEER TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduots Auction Sales of aU i ame and at reasonable rates. Gommaunicate with hin at -uot Perry, Ontario, or seee hie (3Lrk, A E. MeNloton, et Oronc, ffor date. G. RICHARDS Practical MWatchinak.r' Ail Repaira to Watchec, Cleckr, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention F.- F. Morris & Son Funeral Directora Furniture Dealersj AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480.. Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Dldest, Largest and Monst Complete Furnture Store and Modern Fineral Service in .Durham Our Service-TH E BEST Our Gojod-TlHE NLWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORRIS & SON BOWMANVIJ.LE - ORONO PORT HOPE Friday ancJý a Saturday "The Sea Wolf" Witih Edward IG. Robiinsoni, John Ganfield and Ida Lupin-o Monday and Tuesctay "OUR WIFE" WiV.h Melvyn Douglas, Rutih Hlussey and E11ern Drew Wednesday and Thuraday "Great Amierican Broadcast-" 4IL WiT FOR YOU"" ftiibecribe tote iOriaTima., Ix-» SUPPORT THE WAR WEAPONS DRIVE IN TOUR CQMMUIJNTY Publishd by the W-r Satings C-mü~itee, Oitaw Tçd. ý 1 PARK STIREET ( 1 ( 1 ûý