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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Oct 1941, p. 5

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IV together-, not i ,,Ist a sima1l part of the punipkiris joince1 but 'al good flfth of the pu.mpkin's. The stem l'ooks as if at one timue imig-lht have been two but they are nowgrn into one solid stem. These pumpkins ar-e a goodc duplication of the S ia mes e twins. This is the first timie we have ever heard or seen twýo vgtbe of this size 'grorwn soliidiy tog-etiier. These puiripkins are now on display ithe Times office windowi but wili soon 'be remnoved and turned over to the editor's wife -who will tran'sform- teiinto pies. Md. B'w snd K. H-Lnteri, of Peter- buroug4h, charged witb the theft of farm maadii,ýhiaery fr-om Johnýq Boyd, rear Peterborough,apardin Co- 'bourg Police Court 11bfor,)e Magistrate R. B. Baxter ýfor sentence. Dow re- ceived a sentence 'of six aionths in the reformiatory, and Hunter one m'onth in OIC(botrg jail. The two mier were arrested by Chief E. C. Richards 'of Miilbrook. -ý-at your service RDSOLE RUBe$16 .... . .. ... .. - . ý . 6 $2.98 $1.49 $2.00 $2.85 - - ORONO For this week-end we have DRESSED- DUCKS, CIIICKENS and GEESE' on request1 Pure Lard, special, lb. Walnuts, shelled, 1-4 lb. Almonds, shelled, 1-4 lb. Cut Peel, 3 kinds, 1-2 lb. White Raisins, lb., Glaeied Cherries, 1-2 lb. Hallowe'en Kisses, high quality Iy, IL.bag [addie, lb. IL ,not iced, lb. 16C 15C 23c 15C 22c 23c 19C 25c 22c 23c 30C 27c 24c 22c 15c IL 30c C'l 1) Orono Boy Scouts rish Vo thnnk the eifizens of Orono and surround- inig di-str-ict for tihe iiberal patronage extended o them at their a,pple day on Saturday la'st. The total rýeceipts or the day aontdto -between $20 and $21. At the pr'esent time ,we do) ot krwof onle house for reu(2t ir Or-ono. Nom, is the timcetobul as after thle war mariy Euriopeans will corne to Caniada. If someone would buy the o)ld Pestllyterian buoh it couild. be ma&e into f our apar-tmients and they Mir. Cecil Powe-rs spent Monday in Toronto on business, Miss Edina Stutt, oif Grafton, spent thie week-end wit-h Mrýs. Fred. Oowan. Mrs. Thonias Patterson is visiting- lier datighter, Mrs. J. W. *Berry this Mr. %Wm. ýCoibbleditkli as accepted a position in the O0. -W. Rolph !lird- w'are store. 3/r. and Mrs. Heibet Galbraith, of Blackstockç, vsited witli Mr. and Mrs,,. John Berry reently. would soon be filed, ibinging new aier barn, iproved, andMr. Lanitzo people to our village. 1jiaonito, is doing thc work. The 'Orono 'Continuation sehool eictdtheir Lterary Soc:iety officers on Tuesday of this wcek for this sc-hool terni, as follows: Presidenit, Carol Staples, secretary; Annas Sta- ples; treasurer, earmran Cornish; school editor, Donald Staples; pian- ist, Audr-ey Billin'gs. UDurhani County Temperance Asso- ciation Convention was ýheld in Park Street United Ohurcli, Orono, on Wed'nesday afternoon an'd eveniag last with a good number tu'rning out to tihe evening mi-eeting. In the Pub- lie speaiig contest in the eveing there were four entrants (three boys aad one ýgirl), the 'only girl entrant lieing the -winner, Miss Arlene Nor-thcutt, of Bowmanville. Friclay evening, 'Otober 31st, is HlJlowe'en niglt-the nîglhýt that children -will eail around to the dif- ferent boires wi'tj that famniliar cali "'sheli out'. Tfhe okier ixDys of the village wil'l be up to miischieveouis praaks, some 'going farther tbian thuy should, siueh as destroying property. We are informied tlat sone of our citizJens have their sbtguns oied ip anid re'ady for Hallowe'en. WVateh your step when you are destroying other pople's property. Mr. Robert S. Little expets to move into the village in a couple of weeks- to the hünme he purchased froir 'Mr. Fred Durcan on Station streýet last Mpig 3r. ardm as tw who have been ocrupying the resi- dence for the past feiw months, have rented haif of Mfr. Tomi Cowan's house, niow occupied 'by -Mrs. Flintof an-md fanily. We under,.stanid Mrs. Fliatoif bas boug-htý the late ýMiss Dawsoiils property on Park, Street from- the Pirsbyterian Church Board. Mrs. 3ficlenna, who bhas occupied the bouse for over tm-o years is mnoviag to the George Taylor resideace on Church street south. Orono Tins hàqp First Class, PLUMBING HEATING and I TNSMITHING And al kincis of Repairs R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Oreno Phone 30rl6l o p PARK ST. LUNITEDI GHURCK Rev. S. Ute~o Pastor SUNDAY, OCT. 26th 11 aP.,Rv . F. Gardiner, 2,30 -- Sunday Sehool. 7 ~p.a.-Rev. P. iF. Gardiner. A man \v'ho completely renoua- ces alcohlili drink deprives Qinisef4' 'f n'cthiing, bis joe o living snd his pleaEiuesl- erompt Miss Doris Lowden, R.N., Orill a. spent the week-end -with lier parents, M3r. and -Mrs. Charles Lowdea. Cognratulatiors toe'Mrs. 1. %Barra- hall wbo eelrates lier 9O'th brha (tomorrew), Friday, October 31st. The Red Cross can'vass; of the vil- lage is nearing coiiplletio-i ard the response is being ,fairly well received. The students of Ororo Continu- tinsscoo'l will hold a halio'we'enl party ir the school on Friiday even- ing. <Mrs. AneThompson, of Black- stock, is vi big 'er- sicter, Mrs. Dean Carscadden and other friends this week. Mr. T. J. HI. Allen visited with bis î>w-ents, Mfr. and Mrs. R. H. Allen, Cbiurch St., and with his sister, Mrs. I~iia nBragg. Pte. Tom ýLewis, 'of the Midland Regiriet, Niagara-on-the-Lake, spent a f ew days with bis wif e and family in Ororo. Mfr. Tom GCowan returaed horne or Tuesday from Toronto, where lie speat a day or bwo with his, son, Mfr. Allîsor Cüwanr. Major Fred Lycett, of the M,,idand Regneat, Niagara on tlie Lake,1 spent a few% days the f orepart of this week ýwith bis wilfeý and family. Franklin Taniblyn, youagest son of Mfr. A. J. Tamnblyn, started to serve bis ayprentices hip lan'C. T. Tyrrell's drug store on M'onday of this week.1 Mrs. J. Eagleson spent a fe'w days' last week in Toronto, and -while there was a g-ucat at the MeDowell anrd Allen cburchi wedding on 'October 231-d last. Mfr. and DMrs. Lawr--ee Allen amd chldren, accompanied hy 3Mr. and Mrs. 'G. Joncs ard Eileer, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robb and Clifford Jones at Stirling or Suniday. Messrs. Perc. Lan nasd -W. E. Armstrong motor-ed to çMotreai on Surday, wbere Mfr. Aristrong sold his cattle on Monday. Hie caimns that good prices were riceived. Friday niight is. the niglit fori pranks. Take youi gates off and store tbem away, al.o anythiag risc ýbat can be carried, elway, for if you don't, if might tak'e you a week to fird them eagain. The weather i hi Vs district is gradually becomiug colder, remird- ing us of appr'acing -winter. The last couple of days bas been real c«ld, tihough up tic the p'nesent there has been veary little frost. 3f.and LMrs. C. D. Bouck suid daugghters Eve and Ethel, ocf Toronto, cpent Suaday with their daughter, W .R. A. Foinrcster. Mas. Forres- ter snd son Joyhn aceoipanied themi 'back to Toronto ý'wlere thely spent Mainday. Mrs H. M.ý Harper, !'\Ir. aild Ma-s. T. W. Harpler and 'sor Grant, and 3f.and Mas. 'Grant, of 'Tororto, visit- cd with Mfr, aud Mis. P. H. Allen, Clnircih St. Or tihef r ietuira ti-p they called ait the bomne of 'Mrs. Ir-wln Bragg. Dr. 'Wilfrepd W. Slhenrwir, Veterin-1 ary*. Surigepon, ieoei'ved word the end of the last week fr'om tihe Veterinaary Diiectoir Generall, at OttavW, ,that ihe has licen appo)iitcd l an -Aic'redited1 Vetorintain vithi power te i-ssue health certificat&,, in the districtin wýhich he recsides. New, modemn test equipment er-1 ales 'une to niake f ast, dependableý repairs to any m4ae el ratlio. Chas. 0(cdyO Service at( rival f coi (ED.ST.), 'onto, on Sun- FeeikTne,-Tor-ont 1, M1ary Janle serten'eed Vo six 'oahswhlel late John S. peaned for senýIteInce( on Fric d year. befor'e JustieIMakins in the fuineraI Police 'Cour t. Hie had Iee ,Toronto, on ed on a, danglerous diiing ,h, at 2 p.m. w h i ch ad beer ed Le fo netery on ar- slJaugliter. Tanner wýas the ( a rloadster bcarinig aine oý_ ,bout 4 p.m. whicb uipset ou a êcurve ara belîford on Sept. 14th, kýiI mer. The smiall courtesies sweetea lif0 the greater, epnoble it.-Bfovee. jBty tWar Svin'g 20 - ýgCo-rtiUfate] ANNUAL SA SOVEREUON PAINT In ail the required colons, in QUICK DRYING ENAMEL, FLOOR ENAMVEL VARNISII1 STAIN, FLAT WALL PAINT, VELVET FINISH and HOUSE PAINT UNBEATABLE VALUES Special Priee 32 ounce size 49C TIIESE PRICES FOR NOVEMBER ONLY Now is the time to save money on your paint order for ~next year RO0LPHOmoHAmeR DW.VAR E - - ORONO ARMSTRONG'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH 'Specials Thurs., Fn., Sat. - Oct. 3th, 3lst, ;Nov. lst Phone 70 r land 21 r 1 Ilamburg Steak lb. lSc. Fancy Pink Salmon 2 IL.tins 2 for FRESH- SAIJSAGE 2 LB. ROUND STEAK LB. 25c. a Fresh Side Pork lb. 2fd4c. 3 dozen Mý,cCormick's Biscuits 2 lb. SIRLOIN STE.AK LB. 27ea,.& Ladies' Silk Crepe Dresses, i various colors, sizes from 12 to 20,.?.ad 38 to 46 Priced $3.95 to $9.50 Ibex Flette Blankets, size70-84 SPECIAL $2.75 36_inch Flette, in Fancy Stripes and Plain Colors SPECIAL 35c~. yard 36 ncli ,white SPE Snow Dish 2Sce Robinhood Floun 100 lbi. $3,00O Fresh Skirts, latest styles, ln and pleated Priced $1.95 to$ Ladies' SiIk- Hose, new Service Weig-ht, Chiffon, AT OLII PRICI Broadcloth, in Onaio IIn Orono It's Mac Smith's IMEN'S BUSIIMAN BERS, pairn..... Men's Feit TopRubbers, pain .......... Men's one-buckie Overshoes..... Tw'Mo-huckle ..ý....... ......... Four-buckle...... ............ Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MAC. SMlm1T H Phone 43 r 1 PHONE 61 r 2 Cottage Ri w w PHONE1

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