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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Oct 1941, p. 7

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for War Savings A British Govermient White Paper irecently ann.iouneced la- erea-sed alwne for depend- ents e servec1icme effective on, tise first pay-day"inl oembr After repasonabie commiitinenta s ud a Ps rent, are m-1et, the ailow- ance will lie 16 sillinjgs (abaut $3.20)weely for n wife and 16 aditonlsillings for oach fain- ily unit. Two sachool-age- chidren are conuidered a1 unit. The mxmmcomîmitmnal a- <lowance for rent, insurauce la- talmearts aad similar essenitial expenses wil'l 1) ù Lis (about $35)instead of the present Familles -with a lilispre-war living -ýstandard willle able te laim incre-,aseýs te £1 for oach unit and bglrcommritmnent al- lowances up te a £3 mnaximum. The new provisions allow ,aise a £10 maximum11- for em-ergeadcies sucis as iiness and funerals. Increasýed depjendenits' a1llw- anees for Britiali servicemien are expected te lie followed b)y a mimilar stop lu Canadla before, It is aise, understood early ne- ýýpo ca!,.lie-expiected te authorize ,Pýment of allowaiices for more flantwe hldren1. The present allowance for noni- 0.ommissîoued ransis la 3 5 a miontb to a niaui's -,vfe and $12 a mnonth oeaci for dhiîdren but nt for more flan two.. Aliowances for comnsrissioned. officers' wives start at $45 a meintti for thse rank, of lieutenant and ictaowitb rn. The $12 miontily alw ance for chlidmen is the saine for ail anks. \~URGES CZECH NON- VIOLENCE Work Overtîme Plying the needle and using lsand-powered sewing machines, womie ouonuIndian reserves lu iiorfliema Canada are furffhering tise war ffert L'Y convirting dis-- camded military clothîng lut o use- fui garmnets for their familles, tise lIndian Affaira Bandli of the Mines and Resotirces Dopartineut Thse departmient said "sLitani- fiai reductions" lu goveruiment relief experîditumos for Indian clothîug lhave been miade possible flirougis increasing use of fhe con.- verted military coha."2et e onta, jackets, trousers, shirts, un1derweam, puttees, sor-a, and glovea, ne longer serviceable te tise amiiy and air foi-ce, and for- ~irrydisposed of as shoddy or ias'-P, now are lieing sbipped inte remote Inidian reserves flirougî thie co-opeatlon of the armied forces," tise departinent said. Wemen Fix Homes SBusiness became se bri affer Mrs. Lawrence Mitchsell opened a repair sisop on a sniaîl scale thjat se soon lad tIo emiploy fivýe as- siLsta nt s. Tisey are w-orkiig (day and nliglit cleaaing- and repairin wo-vi-out fumiture and carpets jichare lieing uaed te fumniali LWIIhes for bemibed-oct people in Ec BLOSSGMeýS IN By MEATRICE FABR SYNOPSIS Edna Kahley, engaged to be married has been swept off ber feet by Samn Giadney whomn she meets the night of ber engage- ment Party. There is a whiri- wirid courtship and wben lie re- turas frora Texas where h;s flour mili is located, a double wedding is planaed at whiclx Edma's be- loved adopted sister, CliarIote wiil also be miarried. But al the last moment, the mother of Char- lotte', fiance, discovers tlîat shle i. illegitimate and Charlotte coin- mits suicide. Recovering froni thse sliock Edma marries Sam and tlaey go to Texas to live. When a soa is borai their happiness is coin- plete. Then littie Samnmy is kilied ln an accident and Edna, to bide ber ur-happiness, becomnes a brittle society matron. Sain tries te get ber to adopt a child anad she flies into a passion of rage but wbien the storinsubsides she and Sam, start a day nursery. It brings them together again. They are making plans to enlarge it whea tise wheat crash la waIl Street, ruins Sa', f leur zmiii business. CHAPTER FOUR For tIse next few minutes Sain explained liow thingos were--yes, he lad lest everything and would have to start over. Edna sudjeia- iy man te hflm."Oh sweetheart. Wliy didiVt you tell e " Shoe studied lis weary face. "You'ro! tireci Samn. Wl.y honey you look i1!" Jones, the bcookkeeper said abruptly, "Ho i sn't il! Mrs. Giad- ney. Hle's insane, thinkin-g hi cani pay off this load of debts he's swamiped with. Why lie can't do it in twenty years," He headed for the door. "He ouglit te go into bankruptcy and wipeý those debts out. But 1 can't per- suade Ihlmi. Maïybe yo cran.ý" Wliea lie lad gonoe Sain turned4 to lier. "Ho doesn't understand dIe ari. None of thei do, Yeu wouldn't want mie to fail mny ob- ligations would you?," Her eyes were sbinling with t1he love and adiriation se had for this mail. "No Sam."1 "Tliat's -my Edn." H1-e strokýedü lier hai. And do't you orry that pretty littie red'liead oýf yours bec-ause everythinigoI ng to be al riglit,"' A miii foreman'ýs job lad been Ogdon's is My ~-~ brandI1 gWhon an old-time i roi-your--owniler seos "Ogdien's" on a p ackage, ho feolýs thaf it's' been branded special ly for hlm. Foir Ogden's is net just anoflior tobac but a distinctive blond of ohoicer, riper tebaccos with a flaveur which has kept it a steady favou rite for a quarter of a century. Buy a package today and thon Ogdoni's wilI always be your brand, Onfly the bust cigarette papers - are ond o(fugh for gns OGDEN'S FIN'E CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO Pipe Çmokers! Ask for Oq'den's Cut PIvg h offemed te Sain in Fort Worth as soon as the uews of ha il' failuie became known, 50 nexf day beg-anVIhe humried pr.ep)ama- fions for, departure. The bouse and ail its f'u.vishiiings vwere put up at auctien and Eduna couldn't resist a pang- as hem ioveiy piano, Sam'as weddfing gift te hemr, weut under the laminer. Bu t its bass was mo11(re tisan made u--p wlien Sain toldlier about tise nuîrsry. "Darliu,"' le said slowing hiem some papers, "ifs just lieeu safely macle ever te the Mothers of Sherman and we've gotten tho City Council te voeo fpnds -for -ifssupr. lu heartfelt ceontnent Edna sque£ezed bis baud. "Samr, tits goodl!" Zek'e Lad inpsisted on cominig witis themi."Littie feller hike ame dOn't rneed n pay, just a bit a' ena"le lad said, Tison, nt iast tise momient arrived, wlien ail tisree of tisei steod on the stepa ofth train lidding tbeir beloved frienýd, -Dr., Max BLeslar goodliye, Max id lougýist Edua a boui- quiet ,and se hliem nose burîed ai tise flowers as se said, "You know Mxou-r cottage lu Fort WoIrtl ias a guostroi" "Wijo ilu tindter," lie demand- ed gruIffly. "would want tefi') sif FotWorth?" But fliere wvas a twinle lhiis eyes tint said, "l'il In Their New Homne Settled lu Fort Wortli, Sain and Edua quickly adjusted thein- selves and found contentinent h3, their love for each other. But S'ainlad beon working 0o1n apro- cess, for oxtracting certain nutri- tive elIements frejin wheat ~and i4, was al Ednra could do, te get hlm te tale futme off for mieal heurs. ShJe mn inte iLs ofieat Ltie mii ne forenoon -und held up lis lunch box. "Listeni darling, dhick- "Wonerfl." He stopped teo kis brý, then went bnck te lis icroscope. "'Honiey, this uew cilaff is -iving-me exactiy the ,ýeioments 1I ueed. They told me fils mmungtiey'd tale tise pro- z.csa on hm at the m;iii if fi, wo,-rka eout." He picked up somne ppa. "sý4Look, Here's the pat- ent application. The Gladney W-heat Wastag-e Procesa." Proud- ly il le add ed i,,"Wp m ay get onoutgli out of tlis teû pay off every deit okf l' Shrn n. But En pointed te something. "4Lool-, Saiund EdIan Gladney, Propriter, Well, if I have anyv Say laihisCorporation 1I now ýorder yo,.,u te ent your lunch." H.i-started toenmeove bis over- ails, "Soon, as I run over te the Court Huete mail these pap- She grabhodî thoin up, - "I'il 'talethm. Sheli lew hlm a k.iss, "ýAnd see fliat you ent, every speck of Litîn uc. Edna lýad sent the papor off when, passing an open door la thse courtroin she saw a Judge pre- -3idmgi and a number of dhidren Ge,-t quIek rehef Cmo n esffling, nuc,-chokedý miser 'Àfvourhed c d . .. oothe Your 8se, in- fiamàd notril.,..brethiefreely agi. . . lep bette. Mentholtum penetato to tii, rern teatL air pge.. ., helpi' char head und nue nd keeP thon dcur .. . UInstetyreieves your dis- teor moreY back. Ask your oraggist for Mcnthoate, todey. Jars or tubes, 3uc. AZ IS SU E 44-'41 111 have usod ail kind? of pilla and pow,.ders, but nearly everything gave meý a grent deal of discomnfort. I have beetn eating KELLOGG'S AIL- BRAN now for about lsve months, and it lias doue nie se mucis goodi I will nover bc witisout ALL-BRAN lup tise 1ieuse," virites Mirs. E. Goodale, Hamilton, Ontario. Try ALL-BR'AN'S "Botter Way"' WINDOW LICENCE CERTIFICATE 'being issued by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board to ail persons and f irms included i n the nation-wide licensing plan. ' A comfbination of blue and gold, the licenice certificate must b(, placed on the door or an, adjoin- ing window of the lilencee's placeý oýf business. Dealine for secur- ing a license is December Ist, sitting around on the benc'hes. They were( al] rather thin and neg-lected looking and eachi child wVore a littiei lab)el bearing its namie and age on it, She spoke to the matron. "Why --thiey're tagged Iîkce cattie." The matron said quietly, "The state ca n't afford cýhaperons2 mia'am. Anid they've cone f roui ail over the state of Texas," 'The woman rose and picking up at littie baby she vwent to the Judge. "What is the child's namie?" he asked her. "Just -Tony, 'ludge." "I see." Hle turned to a wo- mian standing there, "Mrs. Bed- iows, the record shows the miothecr to bave been of reput-.able famn- 1ily. The baby li as nlot beeni very well looked after b)Ut doubtless iunder proper conditions, with sufficient food and care, h-e will iblossom out," Mr.s. Bediow waýsbsaking- her iead. "1'm- sorry Judge but- wVell w\e ive amnong rather conser.- vative people anid-"» "You insist on 1eg-itimacy*!" Rather regretfully, Mrs. Brelow niodded. Now the Judg-e turneI'd to the imatron, "Yu'l ave ,to taike the baby back to Mr,,. Tay,- lor." But the niexi momeint En was up at the Judge's stand a ndC after a brief elloqjuy it waFs de- cided that ittleý Ton,,y was not going back after ail. Neither v; as Jackie, another youngster Wholv had also been turnied dow . Wien Sarn' came home that night Edna met him at thie door with a sheepish sie "Darling, I have a surprise for- you." Theîn, rapidly, she explained. "Sam, i you could have seen them I Ch1!- dren tagged like cattile. These two were, turned down becauise tliey were fatlfierless. The Judgeo let mie havethm es giving zmue two weeks to find them homes- and Sam i'Pi going to do t." "What',s his name, Mýizz Glad- niey?" Zeke asked, offering a fin- ger to the littie red-head. "Toniy." "That's ne naine for a littie fella. Ah's gi'to caiîl hlmn 'Little Sain. Edna's eyes miisted at the me- miory and Samn put lis arm arounid lier. "Zeke," 'lie chuckled, "thls is oniy two. Slie'Il probably wind un witli forty." "Well,"ý Zeke said optimisti- cýally, ";Il knows where ah can igit lielp." Sam's rough estimiate had been cloýse to correct. Within a short time Edna had rented -a amal store building- across wliceh she placed a brightly painted signr "Texas Children's Home and Aid Society." A Very Busy Lif e Rer days wer spent iniging doorbelis for funds, making l- quîmies as to prospective pare'nts for the neyer enidin streainof childreni who camne to lier doorc and giv-ýing ber tenderness and care te encli individual child se that it wouldj grow healthy anid strong. And then, of course, it, was a red letter day themrng that Dr. Max Br'jesiar arrivcd and declared himiself to lie the niew )sztff physician. Eduia introd-uced hlmii to two of the mothers who lhad cone th-at mnorninig to adopt a boy and a girl ea eh. Then she brouglit hlm to Little Sarnsscrib. î"Max, I've lad every specilislt in IFort Worth bKut neo ûie's iselped hlm.", Poor little Sain. - fe ad grown i4&*, an adorable c jlbýit Edna had For eaýcipîcturetg cemplete "rowýn ra yeur inineand 9addi name of tise pîcture yc teu on ihe back. Acidi' Tihse Ca na (1-a Starch (Coinpan'Y btd., 491 We 1ii- ton St. UE, Torontoc roud, sendi a Vlabel, wlth mm aud thffe iwant writ- aDept. .1.12 te coarrecf constipation duc te lack of thie riglit kiud of "bulk" lu your diet. But remember, ALL-BRAN doesn't work like cathartics. It talus tinse. Get ALL-BRAN at your grocer's, lu two cenvenient sýize packages, or nsk for the individual setrvinig package at restaurants. Made by Kellogg's la London, Canada, mentlis o. tiis year bieing11,6- 357 pouinds agadinst 118,41.5,253 iD 19à40.CieeeOutput in September wvas down four .perfent foi ts saine menthisnl 19410, at 20,056,2A2 1)oua 1Ld S. Chocolate Pudding By Katharine Baker If you have te lure tihe ci diren .toe ont their vegetables witlh the promise of a delicious dessert, Choco'.ate Pudding isï- just about theI most tempting reward you eo(-uldofe. The younqgsters love its rich, cliocolaty flaveur. It's just as wholesomie and inourishiag as it is dellclouls, Chocclate Pudding 34 squares unswec-etened ioce.. late, cut in pieces -i;upa ilk (or 1%/ cups eva- poratepd milk and 1% eup& water) %cu» Sugar1 4tablespoonts corristarcl-i-. 1y, easýp0oonSait 2, teaspoon vailila. Add dchocolate to milik in double bolier and lieut. Wlein hocolate is melted, lient with rotary e.gg eate-r until blended, combine sugar, cornstarch, and sat. Add a sinaîl amount of dliocolate mx tcare, stirring vigorousi, R eturi to, doubleboie and cook until, thickened, stirring conistantlyv. Then co-ok 20 to 25 inutes, long- er, stirring occasionally. Add vanIlil1la, Chili and Srrve with creýam. Serves 6 aise lad g;ver ni lm nextra spe- cial nseasure of devotion, Dr. Max grunited, "Massage iJs what lie needs. Pientjly of it, But it tales an expert operater." "Oh Max," Edna saidi, "c4uld- ntIlearn? PImSure -.2 *She turnedi as avic said, "Mý'rs. Gladniey " This was, the tini lipped Mns, Gilworth whe lad called Edna on flie telephoe yesterday. "I lad an appoint- mnent with ;ou and I wouid &p- preciate your keeping- it rIght nlow, After ai,1 came here te adopt a chîld out, of the goodnessý of m1yhat" Startled, Edna edddGeedl- neLss, she thaouglit, thîs Mrs.Gki- wortli was certalnly a ver1;y self important piersoni. Seated oppo- sitle tise womanin the office ahe bgnasking the customnaryqus tions-inme, age, hujsbanld'a oc- cupation, "Any T.B, in t'he fm- "Insant. Like 'a columu ofw -vratli, Mrs. Gilworth rose. "Mr, Giadie,I did not cone liere te b. -insulfed,. An-d lot me -te!Ilyeui-youha-ve net heard tIse mat of this." (Conitinuied Neat ýWeek) Butter Output Reveals Gain Up 22.2 Percent-AýI Prov- inoces Contrlb5uto - Ce Galin Small Canadian rodutin Xcreamî. er-y butter lb epo brrose bPy 22.2 percent cosupared. witl tihe saine monthl ast yoar,, tise Domn- ion oi Statistics saoys. Lnst year at this timo anxleIy -,vas feit concorning bujtter surpMles, and flownîncreases luinprice a maimm as establisised by tise Wýarttimo 6Prices ýand Trado eard. Tise bureau said tisat aEi rovin- ces Conibuted 0tiseincreased productioniastmontis whiicil mris ed tIise output to 32,415,274 pounds emjpareüd witLs 65799l )p teier, 1940, Output, duingtIse first njine niontis of tilis year was 233ý,696,324 poundo against 8211, 211,423 lu ýtise saie perlo lu 1940. Wviisue butt.er production rose, tlice bureau sald triat cIiseese euitpui, affeCted by drouglit cnii early la tise major prjcteducing prov- inces of. ontario and Qeewas only Sligistly gie for tise aine VIf YVu-

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