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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Oct 1941, p. 8

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ORONO WELKLY tcf~Dae, rwo wîemairîed ait the earlier on account of the convention) M V IL I.E panag bone e n Sturclay, and Winl bc in harg-ae of s. a nIfm i y e r e w dAer , c f Mr d r o o k , M rran d M is rn . id IVLcri, OhaaMl. and Mrsz-.l Too lV foi- last weeok) ilion visatd nFrank Gables an'd baby, of' BowIvA1n- ' Mi-ss araPac iie Sa~ weo en. vlle wee .cet uestsý of -vi. and ville frlionds on Sundaly. -Ltaw, MrarakwoMirh.,vuirs. Jas. Diir ha,- VEs. Willis Jue. Mis. Fred Smith ndSamu et M.an i.Fak ilena~ Plon spetce smudy Wou hMc.and Mrs. Fred moaved into )the village. ieade at Midiad.tyL iallry, of Toronto. Mrs. Smith's , Mn, Floyd Milîsoni has seeur-ed a rankGiler nd istrMs. MallJory, srcoeigpcisititoflatMalton airport. igala riendsontfro ber otor ccientof a fw P'e. A. Nyoof Niagara, eall i days aga when her leg was brokren at L. E. MMi' and G. J. Staple- uil Robiison spent and le knee injjured. ton's last week. and dDu.Shapec, At the W.M,5S. imeetinig aon Otobeýr Quite a nunilber fromi here attended iii hison erel4th, the scip)tut'ereadingwaagefl the plowng mith at Peterborro aiiÀ te omsm, Mrs. prayer by Mes. MeLachlan. Ms Mr. and Mrlis. Lanson ýMillson anid spen NVdneId-Lain.g gae a splenidid paper fImm the Boreen Visîted Mr. and Mlis. HiltonI spentWedneday tudy bo,)Olentitled "Five Decades Mrs. Ivison Tami- in Honanii." Af ter a lýimn the mieet- Aery, of Baltimore. ing ulosed with prayer by M1iss Laiug. Mr. and Mrs. H1arry M.ay, cf Cc- has retulned from bourg, spont Sunday with Mr and ýher, Mr. Albet On Tu'es'day evening our MEeeclUs. rtobrt Moiton. lngs. Mi. Franc Mc3Mulen and his pupils Mran s.. nial! und Mr. Stan. put on a splendid programmrre j heMinn Ms Cunsb Grl in, spent Sundi ay ommiiity H-all. There were chor- Nool Brooks, of Mnrawere ne's. uses and ilolk d(anýes, by the chikiren, ust of Mr. aini Mrs. R. J. o)weý. id 'Thehna t P-wth Miss Jean (Campbef as accom- Mà. and Mrs. J. A. Barrie aid ký-end witli their ,Panist on tihe piano, as well as t1ireMîa visited Mr. and IVs. Fraik, ïrnis, Orono. Public Speaking ' Contest. Those wh tknrno niniie nSndy Ore, cfPteorspk were : Evelyn Gard eh tknon, ofKeithle n udi,- ont the week-eds.tapleton, Mildred Hoakin, Fae Jones, Thre Rary Club) of Bowmiianvi 10 .Ja.Stark. lHuelnMotoni, Mrgre ven,-s, Ger- tirted 0our-scfiroal hîrenta visit T.Perc, ana lineM uraDrtySaeo. aB nile Thieatre on Frid-'ay- Sundare ay it' .Triila '~ c.. ~~ouig o . rent wr Kîh tS' eo hesdd1 a igof Mis. Pat Cet- nnà 1) 2 (IL V otoi on1 Sunday in PorIt ipeuwe wo , w e Suni- Jon ,ard Bu]L ies1_1, pi.ayedn- two,ý ile andMrs. Wili n dues.Bill C ïuc-'î cteýd a-ldsaty cia nanî GergeIEliott toi Amand M1s. GeoreStplen and ilton Harper and tire m'cney etI',hle do.The sehool fml n i.Geoýrge Smlith visite]i of (ohourg, we eV irs yod bloe-made ca'ndy. Mi. awd Mns. Beut Caldwell, f To- Mr. and Ms L. 1ire W. 1. tmet at tfire home ,of Mss , u a.Ms Thos'. Staqple- Jîn Thoi"'son on Outrber 15%h. pcn cme hrome th them. -epleton ard WMel-Lt wasanuruced that' tlis Bi-nlr adMi.Bauei, eet ed the Telephoýne s givinl20 adso jai and Mrs.InMiss Pringclee, Mr. Haye, Eoyal York ioten cnewy to the Rud Coss. They 00Msarrnge r.Hys -4 povdng tu e lunch to nuii apee Mi. and Mis. Tm-op,rHAilcfPeterboo, T Lan'~ ai a' Ags Vo ine sold at the,'basket soial Verecrunday guests of Mi. ind Mes. spen n ewO'y ing 'bal! by the [MenPs 'Club. Tire Ganz en]er on. is oterMt reees of this is to hiAlp decorate _Mr. and is Partrid'ge, of To-i- S'ie hall.hI the absnre of Mis. onto, visîted Mr. and Mrs. George, ihu Reknap m 17$ghMis. Rw'clknp w'as cenvencr Gampibeli. Mr Partriige, w'ho is 87. Whittaier son ~o the meting Mis.GÉoodma1n c"' dirs aurtMs. anbel Mr.an]Mis P.y'xne, Dst i"t Pr-es,,idenit, gave an g Mrtd hirbrs.days Voehe cinto. ~ t" sting te1k in "Ouilu 11tituite and * vhchca e oire same day ieland Lnae and ilspa hievementsr"mMis. Redkrapesang site'd a1t 'Mn. Hiyvr iey WrnisSmrini Sun'ay and a- r tr Roes." t the dose an ex- W Vi re h art sp'aks, however rsar. cllen luch ,as sre.Tr etsml tir worsits language is al- to, Mi. l1'yd rtigw il 1be('at Mis. i' sFa vay's aec-'îele'-to those who have Miss Ethel B'yers. c'sOn Nvelei2ts (a swoel, hect.-MarBaker Eddcy. * "'0""»~< v weapons of war -nced them 1. It is ouù' responsibility. War the reach of ail. More regular ,ertificates mneans more war ish their sale wherever and hi for a short war - get busy Ted Wood- ag Store, PHONE 68, ORONO ag Tissues 1 M is S.llol, af MrSi-, wt e ~v ' h Mis. %Er Jie Mi. and Ms.Fed Wî sa, Peîy taw, it Ms. Wrn a1îson.1ý 1MrL. and Mis. LewHaccel, ar Wes. with'I an]dMs.J. E. Wlt of Elizabetliville. 31M i and Mis. Os. Cowani, Mrs. W. J. co'wýan, cf Orono. , witiir Mi. and Mis. W. A. H-aiiowcll. ,\r. and] Mrs. Russell Saveîy and Miss 1,u 'h11Savery witii Mi. anld 'Mis. 24,ai Ms. DîetHallowell, Mi1'ýss Bertiha aLIlowell an] dfriln], cf Tor-onto, Mi. anid Mis. W. J. Stutt, c)f Orono, witi 'r. i. ad Mis. Jacob Hal-1 lowell. COe"WANVILLE Sunday visitors: Mi .ac aresof T \oto as home a ver tirýeweknd 'Mr. and ÀMis. 2Andruev Baidy o- tore(d to Hermon last week. Mir. an] Mrs. J. J. W. Stîiluger wit"ir'Mi. and Mrs. VWeu. Stringer. 'Mi. an]d i.WlisFroPort GraiffY,,with Mi. au] Mi-s. Clarenice Mli. *and Mis. 'Le2iilan yeand faroIily, .and Mis. fHarry Lbayuon a11d famnily, with M\i. and Mps. Wmn. j Mi. an] Mis. Jimi Rutherford and infant, and Miss Dorothy Hollings- woth ith Mr. and Mrs R. Hol- lîngsworthir Mr. Liud AMis. E'rwini Farrow and Athur, of Garden 'Hill, iMr. an] is Austin Turner, with MIr. and Mis. 1'. Stephens. àMi. and Mis. Ivan Far-row, Mr. and Mis. (lias. oeee f Oronio, Mrs. 'Geo. 1e'nderson, Mary anrd Cecil, cf Newtouville, with Mic. an] Mi s. CLrGssley. Mi. 'an] Mlis. MorrislirOshboine and Mis. HaineLs, cf Morrisir, ey. iMr. Eliiott cf Welcom-e, Mir. andd 's. W. Cowan of 'Oshawa, M.and Mis. Frank Hall, cf Orýono, -Mi. and Mis. Os. Cow'an anid Mrs. Will ooan f 01-o11o, wîcI'thMr. an] Mi1s. B. Cc'wan KENDAL lMiss Oj've Gordionl was homle flocml P'ort Hupe on Monday. Guanerýi Pete Maitînieli, cf1,ný ston, was omile for, a few days. wa'ùs \with iris parents Loi tirie wee- SoeKua foiks att>eni1ed tire ,'n Sunlday. Mis.- Fred FaIls and 'yrtle were onl a maotti 'tp tao Huntsville an] o)therpons Mis. A. Wilkinsoni, taleand tie uil f eclisdhool have raise] an(!dsent ln 'a donation of1 $5.55 to tire Navy League cf Canada. The ladies cf t'ire eamn-iunity have been busy tirese- last twc weeks quil t- ing for tire Bitisli Waî, Victinis. A toYtal cf eleven quiits were quilted, with Mis. A. Jackson 'being ceiief clonor. WVe wisir to congratulate the two yugcouples viro chose laist Satur- 'day as their wedIding date, an] to welcoome the brides taou(>i midst- Miss Ethel Byeîs, tire bride cf Mi. Lloyd Gas an'd Miss; Ecinaýý Malley, as Mrs. George Winn-. League was hield Tliursday eveiug ini charge cf the officers grouip. T-ire tapie!,"Cis as aChd, was 'gi;ven byý Clarence Bell. Miss S. Tliertell gae îadug Granny's littie boy cames home.",Arran1gements were mado ,foriaHalow'et'Par1ty 0on KIR-BY I. -and 'Mis. Oral i Chapmala- daa. es Erns Hwe Lsnd pn M tEquipment, Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers K11 DiNESS COURTESY Equipped to take care of the mùoest fune reasonable charge as wl as the lar miost exactin.- Teleiphon-e: Office 668 - Telephone Coilect Residence Bc .neo. os Oui fo0rmllei position ai Fr Ml%.AMoi. .Mi. S. Manel toi. Mri.'Cooe a position in w h SERVICE rai at the mest 'gest and 523 and 726 oWvmanville, Ont. on Friday last. Not batd, Kellet an]d ek-end with iid attended tire Oranige o-ver th e anrd Paul nd Gleorge A "He-Mani" hand1ke i ehief miade by the mnakers of Velvetta Cleanisîing rLs-sues. Large in size (12" by 12"). Stronger thanan other tissues (3 ply), these are ideal where a larger size face tissue is re- 2 quired. Box of 225 large tissues ........25 Roxbury Hot Water Botties Heavy construction, 2 quart Rot Water Botties, bufit to last. Guaranteed f or one year. $1.00 Af value, each........... ... ...... .... ..6 AYWON Peppermint Tooth Paste, Lavendeii Shaving Creami. Larýýge size tubes, extra value. Special,15 each ....................... .... 15 NEXT WEEK-FOUR GREAT DAYS! The R'exali One Cent Sale Wednesday to Saturday inclusive. Pay the regular price for any one of 400 f anious items and get an- other one just like it for ONE CENT Your sale bill wiil be mailed to you this Saturday morýningo. If you do not receive it, phone us and we will send you another. Remember the dates - November 5, 6, 7 and 8th You Save With Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store Wumen 's Coverali Aprons And Tea Aprons, new patterns, cut in good size ............ ...........29e Wom.en's Oversize Coverali Aprons, new pat- ternls, good(7 quality tub-fast materials, cuLt in over sizes, eachi............ .......... 45c. New\, Electric Table Lamips, large shadles, neat designis, priced comple-te.......... $1.75 to $3.80 Boys' Lacedi Knee Whipeord Breeches, double knee and si--eatt, sizes 24! to 34, pair ,.. ..... .6 Men's and Boys' Wool Tweed Caps, waterproof- ed peaks, priced........ ........ 69c. and $1.00 Washing Soda, 5 lbs. for ...............15c. James Dome Lead, 3 for............... 10c. Fresh Cornmieal, lb ............... .... 5c, Whole Glazed Cherries, 3 ounces for........ 10c. Baking Soda (bulk). Special, per lb .......... 5c Ivory Soap, guest size cake ........ ......... 5c. Speeial - 1 large Chipso and 1 Glass Creami Jug, ail for ......... .... ....... ........... 29c. Seedless R~aisins (smnall), 2 lbs. for........... 25c. Icing Suigar, 2 lbs. for............ _.....19C. Brunswick Sardines in oil or Tomato Sauce, tin 6c. Fry's Cocoa, large 1-lb. tin ....... .......... 31c. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE UROiNO 5c. TO $100 STORE 117

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