OPONO, ', NOV. Gth, 1941. Subseription, $1,25 Per Public Speaking Contestý Town Hall, Orono, Nov. 7, 8.00) p.m. )ne United People Putting Forth Every Effort Is Necessary For Peace ays Colonel Drew When4 W M.S. MEETING Speaking at Empire and Canadian Clubs On Tliursday, Ocýtob>er .0, before ,î aclked audience. of thre Emnpire anid Canadian CLlbs iii Torýonîto at the -LeynI Yoik Ho)teJ. CloelGeorge I>rew, the Onitarie Coniservative le-ýlï eci, gave Iis fi-st p idc ndesiii Canadca after two moiýnth'fa-fld ing study in the Britisýh Isies. Iu a trong,uemotional amd tirrîing ad- dreslie toM wth neaw conviction tIre vstory cf a nation t.at thadC found it- '~~ uits most desperate mnomenits;I ntd 'f anýtlier naten-CiCaada- ht rn uet folle.w the pattern cf Un- iselfisIrunit~y Eritalu lias set, if lt le ~to survive. TIre war rnessage tirat lie drove Iome tc lis listeners lu hard-iitting "words was: "i~Iis is such an emiergcim-y as we liave never f aced befere. We need. men, large nun-ibers of meýn, iu tIre ~armaed forces. We need them hiumne- <l~eyand we need tIreu very badly. ...There miut be equality of ser- ,vie andad saeril1ke under a univer- sal coriupuscry selecti've sy;stei. INothinag cîse will produc e i-mi-tai ipower we need se ugenty. Noth- inig cIsc will 'keep tIre -mon on t1e ofarinis and lu thre factories wiro are -needed thiere. Nothing else is truly demiocratie in a iwar cf survival, sucli ±îng to an emoitional! strength lufht caxight hie audience up in fetlesileence, Clonel Drew saidu "Surtadyý we know, whit yée are up aginist. Eilireri we win this wïr o we, toc, nmiay et our bearts outi .impoteýnt anger while a hundrcd lu- ýtmoceut Canadiairs are sI1t down lu icold blood iusupn e retallution for tIre deatI cf onýe duke Gemmnan officer whe 'was, in fact, killeud !bVa lirug-crazed eierof the Gestapo). Y'cu thmuk that 'cal't ltiappen here?, Wio thouglit th'at cou Id lapipen in France less than sînteen miionitUre ago. Whc thoug'hit sueUr unpar-alleled sav- agery eould irappen anwhreluthis 'wcrl'd we kuowx? Just thhrli of the insane arrog-ance which cconceived that fantastiu artlimeticfcf eth." Colcnel Drew iade it very clear ,that wýhen ire said Britain was rnited asoeemnan, lie did nt nmean that there was no criti'cism oaf tire govcrn- ruent, or 'cf B]tish auctiviiy. "There have been msale.ThereL are weak spots. 0f course there are. But they are 'being- constaiitly expes- ed and corr-ccted Uy a free, ceijma- geous andI vigorous precas, andë by a fi-e, courageous andI extremiely vig- Ic-euns 1Heuse of Gomm-n-ons. Týey lknow vtIrat tire govemumnent of 4tIre ,country le their c.v Uusiess, and they knelw aIse thlere nervem was a goocd demnocrnatie g'evernment auy- '.resince the dy of early Gre-ce, witholit sound criticisii." The NoývembiIei- meetinig of the Wo- rinan's Misioiary Sciety, Orono, asheld on Tueýsday, Novemiberi 4, withi the President, IMrs. Littlewood, in the chair. The mietinig openedl with the iug- irg of the hymu "Lord whiile for al nrakid e pI-a," f t'we y tire A slort report cf the P'resbyterial heMd at Enuiskillen laent we was giveni by, Mrs. Littlewood. The sec- ret-a-ry, ]Ls. C. Wood, read a letter îromi Mrs. Roland Smnith, who' has re- cently ieft Oronýio te reside in Oshiawa, ýthe letter was an ana'wer to a letter cf appreciation sent hier fromi this auxiliary. A noiuati.ng cmmirtee cmposed f Mrs. C. Wo, àMiss M. Davey and F. M. Co1hledick, was appcinted te brimg in a siate of officers for the ewyear. The theme of theý meeting was "we live by faith iu Jesas Ohrist." A readin~g was gýiven by Mnrs. RH Walsh "thle sense of stewýardlship." Mrs. H. Rot)we then gave a paper on the flrst chapter of the new study book, en- titled "serving the sons Shuli, whilh iu Wes'ýt China. Thre first bliapter iiam-ed "Lifting, the Latch", told of the fli.st missionaries gcoing- to China fifty years ago, Dr. anid Mrs. Iliii- hem)ï-, Rev. and Mrs. Hartwell and otliers, and the cenditions they hadl to filht againest. T1he second chapter cf thre tudcy boo'k will be taken by MS. _M. H. staples' grýouIp xtme- ig. Mrs. A. J. Staples who is quite iiim Torenito was kiindly remiemiber- cd. TIe nmeting closed with singÏiiugt adprayer. "Thlere can bel', lie said "on)lly ne policy for 'aadaste follew in tins dreadfuLl heur. "As one united people we imuet de-I miand and support every mnensure, nel nmatter how 'drastie it may ble thati' will oiail forýth from oui- people th(- Iast ounce of effort. That is the price cf vcoy" ColonelDew, address wa~hod cast at noon on Thiursdlay-, ebroIad-_ cast over thre C.B.C. national nectwcrk1 that evening , and printed in fullI by at leas ue leadin - Canadlian new.- paper. It is aise ieing prihted in heookiet f orin by the Emipire Cliib of Ton,ito MHis pi.ture of British spirit and unity lireuglit round after ro o f Bulue.Jrt a grim silence felI ou the audience as lie described "our, superemne emnergL ency - the hllihe- fore thie most terribleý storm w-'e 1aveP ever faced". This silence ws'brokeni (Gotinedon pagi.e iglit) Light, Session For Clarke Township COuncil *On N( ýrIt in tie ;InplemberIs p "Tegular Ime i.ng were r A letter and Ratcp 'held Lu VIý irospitai bille owlug -toter weme discussed, and tIre odered te nirange for tIre 'cIletion cf sanie. loigbills were ordered R vs F, $32.01; ci- Ce., coal for wnaiivillc Ires- ýLyall Lowery,l Pr-o. U. B. '!sui ýschoolmattems TIr erek re~poi Smlth, eng-ircer, w ortIre ar meý1% uedatrnon 'Sevemal natters pitaliziation were (1 clerk was stue Eastern SectionOfshw Presbyterial W.M.S. Met At Enniskillen Last Week THE ALLIED OCCUPATION 0F SYRIA To pfrevet Axis infiltyration AI lied Fre advanced into Syria, and after a monith's flghting- an armistice was asked liy the opposing Výichy Forces. ýfeace lias nouw been copl-etely restored and life in Syria has returned to normnal. This ,photo shows Turkish soldiers interested ln one of the Britishb A'rm)ourýed Cars which patrol the Frontier. Controller ilints Fu Rationing_0f Cas Due G. R. Cottrelle, Donmion cil con- troller, while speaking at Wininipeg on Thumsay of met week stated tînt lie may "break away at any time now firom thc preseut metiod cf curtail- ng gasoline and impose full gaso- liue mtonig" Mr. Clttrelle made this tatemnt lu an interview folLlowiug au, address te tire oung intissetion, MWinnipeg Board cf 1.iacte Hne suif tire present cur-tailmieut programi "is net nearly nouh. "W'lgive it a fuir trial,rire odded. (G. B. Wefie-ter, aseistunit cil cou- troller, iudinatiilianinterie-îw re- cently tiret a curd syetemn mght be used if feunid necessary.) M. 'Cottrelle exaie tliat tIre Donion requires lu a normal yeam aot45,000,000 liarrels cf ecrude oil. Witlir mar neede 'and a mnihýoiiîng w,,am ludustiy total reýqiriemients will Ire p'usIctd te 60,0M0,000 or 63,000,000 burmels a yeum. "Carada produces ouly 15 per cent RC.A.F. Bares Brunt 0f Canadian Casualties Uncificial figures compiled fromi casualty lists iss.ued iby the three branches cfCndasaurmed services place total mnnber of dead and miïss- ing- Goficially rqported shice the start cf thre war at 1,817. These are divided as folloavs Air Force, 91I5, Arni$î, 4,7G6 Navy, 426. In Cïuberia, Francis Forenmy iniiister of Auý- suia, -,niioun cd total uied Kigdom csunîlties in ail (detrsc war nlow stnd a', 10,0,exeeding -orbined casual- ties cf ail th-e dominions Iby 74,000. Mlrs. W. Shr i eld as'csfu quiltiug andd Cross Tea ut lier ~home eue day last week. Se far in Yu<goslaevia Hitler lias't won evein an immori()ial victomy. cif its oil reqiriemieints;, 'said Mr. Cottrelle. 0f the aoutirpoted, 74 per cent Às hroughlt in b)y tanker, 22 per cent by pipeline and four per cent Iby rail.1 -~ ___________ I'and Canada's War Effort A weekly review cf devel'opmeniuite on tIre 'home fi-eut from Otober 23 te October 30. 19411. 1. Text 'cf Or-der lu Council stubil- iriiie wartime wuge.s issued. Order embo-dies four principls: a) Exteni- sion cost-'f-liviug bonus from war industry g-enerally; (b) ccoet-of-living 'bonus made maudatory ounîndustry; (c) Penultie2ýs provided ag-ainet in- fraction cf Ordelr by auyý employer; (d) National and regicual wvarîtime Ialùboa ords estallisIred rwith equal representution cf em aoy ds unic- Except on wr'itteýn per-missýion of National WurLuorBnard ne)em- ployer may increaçse basic -wug e ratýes,. 2. 'Canadian Air Force Ceastal ýýquadron adlds thrce Nazi vessels te its, m'0utiug score lu uttacke Onl wiiclu194,0 amnouitedte en1lY 3,30 tonis (tIre depurtment cf Mines and Rsrcsanounices) is ikely te iacachin a unal rate 'conidurubl'y lu ees cf eue IOfndred timeISttfitfig- uire as outeomie cf developmnents neow under wauy on a deposit et Pemb1Iroke, HatsGoutNeya-, Scotia. Batrite is used lun drilling for cil, whiereuad- Vant'age la tulken cof its relatiively Iriglirpcil gruvity te aid in cou- trolling gas pressure It is Ics wwdeyud as anin lert file'r ilumb- bepaper!', cilîtir eie, lenitIer and plastics and uspimn and cx- teuder in puinits. 7. Foýur ieswepr and tir(,e corvettes chrîetened ut Sorel sCip- yards. dA foui-tIrcorvette lauuched. 8. Censtruction programurie of Wartime Heusiu'g Limited (Goverr- Germian ,ihippin)g off Netherlaude eLouu '.man> an'uscu coast. Programme ucontemiplate-s censtrue- '3 First fiteeu 'Canadian tanks o tien cf 4,427 bungalews, 3 5 staff Ire ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k shpe e usatns mni uses, four ceuriesaries and two Iýschiduled a 10 Canaian i mi l. .-,,pecial 'buildings ilu 27 cities and Schtcwns acrese Canada. Contractea ii~anty ank fr Rs ia efme ndawarded for 3,71 lieuses, 31 staff of ýyear. il -4. Sualyi,tence aîîowannce for al', bouses, tirre diuing halls.. Esthnt- --l' M, - .ed exienditre fer toytal programmie: Ir For-ce increnas e dollar. ITuer ar- increases air Three Cases Disposed 0of At Supreme Court Sittings MItr elberti~gfer. two hours and a haif on 'Octber 21 tIre Su- preme Court jury,, emipanelled byy Mr. Justice Makins, at Cblourg, acquitted Carl Walke,, c f Ter-onit, wvho w as charged ithmasughe in coen- i-nection witilithe deatir cf James Run- ciiiian a't 'Meyrsburg on -May 2,3 0f this year. HUie Lordsiinltc1dresing Walk- er, toldhlm Iri e ,ouId conisider hin-iseif Large Quantities of Goocis Sent to Differnt Parts iof Canada and England TIre felui eenth nuniual imeeting -of the casterueci ocf tîL eOs'awa Preayteral c heWom'1el's lVis- sioiary S ocîetof tIre United Chur-cl cf Canadla was lrld ilu E-nnisIcillen United C I i u uOcte"er,0, with ut btrsessionis. l a io p, . lfi T vePy luccy, as lie mighbtVery weil NL,ecstle, oc have been found guil'ty en tIre cvi- unanhmous1y dence on one or other cf hmee har- ipinutes as r ges. IVle a wondcr the jury dîd not stocký; Mm'. ville, aud Mi flnid you guilby ou oeeof themi, and 'Vnville wer'e I r,.1ou1d advîse yo:u te drive more Commliittee. ealrefPuliy in Vtre future, cftire 'E n TIre charges ai-ose fromi an acci- comed tire la dent on Mlay 23, wheu Mm. Runcimian. 91e mreport ili'anies mhlc' was is car accident m-ith an>eher revealed tIra car it tire intersection of tire Meyers- lias nt ocnl-ý burg sidero'ad and tIre Bri'g'hton- creaeed, as s Canrpbellford Highway. . Rulini- of baby band man was straig-htendniig a fender cf evendng auxil tint Miss Mi1 hsaIne carWhenir e 'mas struck by a car 'of China. wox. diven by Wnlker. study. The Tire case reughit lby Mme. da M'a'y the child and Tiummis againet S. J. Cobl'ae , hemothr who iu n y nvother C'ollactt Coach Lines, -Martin Trans- An incerus port Ce. and 'DavidRosesMelucIyme, entli Scirool was diemissed. dL'mssngtire cf Quinte Cci uc isin 111ilrdlilp ommeted tceWhiltby,ws irad ireen neo evideucee te shiow tire Peairce-, Ceur 111 tIre a-ira Urusý \vas out cf repair rad thueeMjue. M. S. ci 'bee-n 'an'y evidunce cf ngigneon pored tati tIe pa c f tIe CoacIr Lires Go. or 'Ves, $,5,6-77I Mm. Coiacutt. Hie Lerdship ordeed ,ceuse f $1 thaut tIre casze ire dismiýssed with coiests. Mme. C. W' Judge Malins suggesýted t1hnlt ut nai sp ok e ti 1inter date tire decfendaumte miglit pen sponqjtMse te their heurts andiamIe somre gift te ilu elîclothi,L Mme, Timins.an an afgSr Tire fucte upoii whiclr the SUitfor poH oe, ita1 daurnges was based were tint ArtIrur -,elrugand Ca-l Timinsip-, hushand cf VIre plain-t sent teil>,M'1l tiff, ns',an employec cf' tle Gonch 700 Indians Lines Co., was drivinig weeust H1an- - v i-yttieiX cock's Gomuier n ost cf Coîboirne, on are 90 Itdi ecýhool. 8-15q tIre mnin-g ef February 13 c)f this clob'Iing 'wer!. yenr 'm-ir-wen tIre huecollided rith a Four ibexes 'utnTransporit diven lby Mclntyre thiuir 'tire teck fi-e, Timunin-s was tral (Continued ou page ciglt) St w a s nm0 -edCi Ail Preparatiftns Made N.mnile For Dance andi Draw thae beten use cf hem hnin Mvs. W. P. Ro Take lu tIre Daneceand Drnw lu Vie esSecmtnry,z towu halml, Oono, on Friday ev-ening-, 'cmenutIre piue) Noimel1. Prjeceedes fi-cm thre 1ports in 'heu dC- evening'.s eiertalumiienit -wilîl be used Mrs, Foley, B f or tIre Hall IpeeetFuiLd. epO-tfr us Prizeýs are nowon disp),ýil, 0. W- i,Serty Roi 'shad walre store -win1dow. mou1nn' yusVob TPhese arie good prizes and somne of suved, 'li thle ticket holders ni-e going Vo r 1eceýive vice c' f GCcd sut irem. Admiss4i o e ci:, l ,-aup.ult te I Gullcr-way's 6,-piece corchestra. For is.Te4u huontittive te thse whlo d etws t aceaPiegidu curd p'rty Vill Ire leld i l Ie LdeshfIe Reolu with vuluabIle prýizes einrg tmtc p-ie given te i rnr.AmsiolTm slk 1,5 cents. (Continue Two Orono Breeders F. W~ mvembeï v aluat iand J. mjc]l 36th Breeders' 1ih 30.1 and g Mnouneeci Gana-1 cirer 6. Pr-oduction of barite lui .jel. 5. I ,,-~~--i--~ pche'r,