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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1941, p. 2

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t7-- srcueof tbeBrts npe ias stoodu p Awtbout any appaen-t WtrW tothe demands occasioned J»' the waq Isa amtrof cnsid- inrable gratificaition. lir a recen11t Is,- sue Thte London Tïiisime eors to Mh15qaM notes that basicaly t.e reactions of war on ovýerseas Em- pire bauks bave been similar te those lu Br"Italu, ývblcb hwaýs to be ezxpect.ed," as the Gvrmuao the ov"'ý'eses Dominions aud Indi 1ave a conimon ojcie aey ~outribute ,tohe task o4 inuin the war. The efot tbey put forth vary enly in ccrauewtbthle type"ý q.1 territory.(Greatly elre x peitures on account ,o! th',e w"ar are, resUuting lu nexpnded ot-;eicir- culation, risiug bank deposits and lncr-eaSln1g iuesmets luaveru- ment ,ýsecurities. Growin)greocs haveý on the wbhole F'nabled the Empire Intutions to mzantain Qarnïlugs and dividends ln the fîace e! SUbstan1italadditions to tai bur- 'dens and a teudenicy forbaso Mtdvan1es to lag bebind crae As Vie Tim(es points ontlutree Yates bave, if anything; tendedý dow-,nwardsý, and whe.v eniy reaci Jow levl ie margin o!proft b- tween dpos!t ?and1 ban rate'sted la fa&l,"Since the last war,"Veù Tiisnotes, "the EnUpirebanin iront has been renldered tbesrog Qr by copltio o te eai o acutral reserve bank u inte Do- mulinins amd nd uInidia, The eit ence o! these oversea Empire re- Serve bankc-Che Bankt o! England took n active lterest l teir, ,ereation, aidilunoneIntce gave directassistane by tce ban t experienl-ced fficias-bLas )elp- Ad to drawoser the f!nancial insbetwcvEeeu the vroover- seas Erppire countrùies and be tween î,beM and Great Britain, ad'U tiss prvýe'd 0j f greatbnei in eusuring clse financil -pr aion btenthe varions prtsof the Emiplire lu ite present ,struggTe. The characterof tie warpecial,- y ésilc te collapse o! France, maltas the unlty o!fte Enpire's !lanxipal effort imore essentialthaný I191419? 1SSviùg O6Rr-Ïo'Si N4atural Resources GQ C. Tuer (Ontarle ,Federatîoosef Ang1ersý andl Hunters) No. 62 THE FISH DUCKS5 Sof da wou-ùLd Y a buterfo ns or fiatducits. eeios; fthe lhood- Aieican mer- d -br eaated er- eaefounld in id apigai a ie ownGreat d thley are moere omnsighit lu lkes of the ro s a mother ïme- ing ber on thIe have )ou [. 1 hav e [iese birds bey7 wenc s8 01 veny IV mfight ers Vo,,me- VOICE I 0F THT PRESS RELSHORTAGE It'as abouteî1the wmn Th(ere'S flt'nougli ofl tem. maaeone -ý,.ayjînd the bouse for 4 years or doembt diputetMe sate- ment-solie rngbt ven s_ aythr are too ýma-ny, or duesshejujst oundtht ay-bt hefact z0f tbe mttrist nr'sashortage. And fo ac rovice hatbas just âmade theiger Lily its emb16mn àbt' abd situation. T oo bad wor dn't get arondbeforeand eonsirng the suject and ail it0 fuuny it dWn d tPas tey could have ckein BcelrButtons or mayebu heStag fWon enmlr. But te siuatin istj)ere, or ýManlt, ý)oaý too,--nd ijt's ver jy rea New don' go askig Where they are, grlsbut filsof the natona regstatiiîofficess Show there areýî n0,00 mre en than wmern l Nýï)oageýs wrveïgiven but theyý ManUeer16 but apparent}y fot lt's thàe anahoethws. Mïanitobab8a ssurplus o! 11>00 imen; Aiberta, 47,00; Brtish Col- umbia, 32,00mn It's pr.etty riidup -lu thýe Yu- kon to. a held î wbý,e e me aremenandSoon andtbeywit lut wbat do you find down eac? For oue tiu oud id -more womn wichsboidpr.ove ithe old sayig abut "o wet, yuug an, gowst As a matter of ct ypu would wor5'neýn,nodutseo!te nice 1lookia n okngucl o "'ne a e n; ntaio ras 1- bas 5P000 more wbicbh is auawful SO *wvhy flot gtgutieru this tbing? Wby not invie the womeu cf t'e past to 1.ýý0 oveir tli en ot t-!ý1ue ,West" It vwould bblikea ran for, everybýodyJ wa wtheoul Vxtra ren .m lte e o mrryoi aIl the sîseseast o!the Great, Lakses aýnd yet gv hmatre ton echoice. Wecould brngtem on't by Cth tr Vlodîe could geçt out our, 1(- gaon bats, tn b"aumerehbe býave a eoparn siaau a a Juetiture a train caWi.g OutfrmOtrolaedwn it a coudctora co-up-le 0fbrkene and 20,000womea.l --Regina Leader Posi. 0NE _SýH IRlT A yVEAR, Alettr lu The Mnhse Guardian makes you realize sud- denly bw itl he wahlis af- !ected îus bere in Cana. ý1 nlu is leter a2Mr, F. S, Statbham aýrgues thata Bitiherneeds only one yew shirt a yeareta sit can be wor for severl yeasand under- clOthjiug for tbre ya!s at least. "Coh s," ys lbe, "hol e used onlly to aviarretst forindcn exposure and to 1keepwam.It te fiish up11)a year witb aýs mn unused clotes couponsas pos- Hlee webve no rationing oi clothes aud e bavL"e lty olc, 100( as weIl As a peuple we ar e btter dîrPesed andÀ fed and better oiff in every wa, on the average, than ever before. As a people, apart broni those actively engaged lu it, we have hardly f oit the w at al. To sp)eak ot ep)r taxes, wvar bn and sHigbt nconvenieues as sacri- fices, after the misory of Europe and the sýu'-fteriug of Biaiis al- most ldeen O 0far, wJe don't know wha sacrifice Is in, Canada. -Vaucouver suni. Bucidy, 6-weeks-old Eng,-lisil -nder stee l helmet Vo mnth rýcrniting sttion iibvead RECKLESS PEDESTRIANS Celumbus, 0h1, bas tabou Vit drstic stop et arresting pedes- charges o! reclessness. Perbapsa there is ne o umnaien l Ar baws for sncuctiobt niVigt we r-ivera wbo epeoae their cr reckieasly) ar-e sbette piosecu- tien. Wy shnitipedetrias ne ho subjectVoAte mrncersiitos Afwproscuions m" ligblt bave anl eteeysnlntjarýy efeton peuple wowalk aot! Vite rots in sucit a manner as Vo encourage acci- dents. Widsr aiyStari. FOREST NEEDS b! we bati taretiabout 4U years ugo plaitng treos Vo replace sorne o!fitsetaboeutby our pinee anceters- wllm, ceoudiLasla boe te tia-y titan ipy ar,Ten weîouiti ,ýnoV heo foI i eeVtn,~ Vhigbke ite wîntidaa e h- cýause ite witiouiti nei gel mucit o! a chance; Vite treos would Do there Vo break Uts force. W're gangs weulti noV bave mte V uieu; roofPs woueuti sta laplce;fut grewmeswod ho abbe Vo-manket oherapmplus instatiofu brg Mr mcake ide3e!soMejan i teeti Vite rete Abogs, -OiwenSunio-îms LIFE'S LIKE TA ;i bulldo, trios tVo look tough nog s ,ýposition a macot o! jU.S. Mrn UN DE RSTA NDAB LE ilUuliam aiseqafrm= e tetie Geniemal Mtrsaiýdti1the other day; "Biliins ut dollars dn't maean m eme, I ,don'Vt in- stand hoe ini ! ig'ureS. Týit Viing k uniemtanti is two bauds -St.Cattmines Standard ONE GOO1D THING LEFT bo'see Vh -jing yenca sil bjuy on iteiaamntp -a sav'inga etfiae.Ani ie beauuty e!ite criictsistia ite mnley yon puy for tbem inow ail cerns bacMVo Yen onnV itei- ~tletplan-anti witb itee. -St. Ttuu insJunl BEST WI-IEN LINSEEN The fnetfeeling iwe know is fiuiiug ïa,$10 biii an cold suit Saya te QehoCrncl-e- grapit.Tite jubilation is iuit geater f Vie ae wifoh Su'msenyu mlak'e te doey HE KNOWS WHY Tbree montis aga Hiter boat- ot iphowenldcouqer Bssin i si weeka or knew Vite eus on wy Now lie lknows CViterap n y -wnSountiSnTins By Fred Neher «'I mâilaid nîy rollting pin an' 1 badth t roll out this dougb. You kçnow the John-sons would be disppinted if 1 didn't have a pie for t e." P1reýsidfeuit Josevt asactedc. "Teeare de-edis>, ut orSsayýs leng(es our- enieny. is nation Cdoos net yot ,finýlly defy Naiambition, to'onqur11eLarbIt ais defied bler ,ambition to mie oeans.i ot ouai Amera t last the Amnercan navy, is ready for luwa-, t s ut grips with Nazi GerManyon tSeatlantlc n 11w]audts zone0fopx-tin nay be(3extentidti Vo he2se hre. u a Navy Dy address te chie! executive dcaethtthé s"'St ing~r ba strtec-Ameicabas ben ttced" Le Cit, ith oss sbooting," he sii."utteshoot- iug bas s>tar!teti,Ad istory has, reco0rded wbo ,*îred- th!e ll;rSt s LuLthe 11--g -un, ee, ail tat wimatter is hutroith aSt toues to Hto' rqetpots tatons Wtat bis plans for oconquest d( ofltentendi acros ViteAtlantic ocean?' Lati-Amnerican plan 'Bt"hbe nnte.5t.sub- mares and raictes prove other- wsAnti so- oste niede- oiguet is sworlti odr 0 r sae,eihae u inos --by tt lnosu of new worl oie1is a nmap o of tbAm2en- canti a part o! Cntallmerica, asHiti.or .propjoses 10 reo,(rgïtlize "Tpday iunttisar=athere are fourteen separate counthrie.But lin], bowever, bhave rtlosyos- literatod ail l oxisti ilboLI a!y liinos. Tbey bave dividetcSuthl bringig the Whoue Continetunder their eomîinatiou., 'And tbey haveaeeSoarn- d tttiet erritory, et eueie the8e new puppet statesiclade-s the republic et Panama andi eur gret iflne, tbe Panmae Canal. ReliIious Plan, The proseu1 thoin turuedti. V the snbject et roligion. Your gvruetha.. îinta possesion anuer dcumentmte Rt lacealeti plan whicbunmcob- vions reaýý,sons , teNa idi lot and ,deo nt ws opbiiejusV yet, but witich tbey aie eaiy tw impose a Mite Inter on a dumi- ated sworlnd-iif Hitlem ius "iV is a. plan toaols ail ex- an1tMitýamm]led an , 1lintiu1,Bti- hist anti Jewîsh aue. The prperty Vie Reicilad its p îpt, ne zcî'oss ant1i ail otiier ymos tre- liýgion are,'te ;0e orido lite clryaeto ho ,forever lqiitt "ju(ae te (i chLurchies cetour civjlizatLion, tuoela Vo ho ý0set np a anntrnatial Nazi cuac-a Churci wbich wsud be serveui Dy te urjatîs sent ont by trie NazIi g oruml,ýenit. Ila ic lace ýýet itew il thl o wos üet Mein hav i lbeý Alni in oface e b rs tchris wili ho puit tosmostt ws tîka anti thtenac sot Ro Eias Gus, ant td Mr.neseelt pawUit ri e Vo 1XlaUn ga11a1tUy V bM te)n ,azis is smtigcoete belip ail tLose cutretule UitIi ittateL(S incinu,U lw1lo ar]e bUn Ueieatinglie itier figliting for, tneýir wnSotianti thoir o(-), bernes.ÙRussia nleed-,auai kind ethei -netanks-r, gas, towad tiesuceaful defeace agia ie Invd, Fron u t th Ieti m tuadfr? niun saiela etirggratqunîtes those essential s uis Btt needa et bRs!iteàaîmyonill on- andp tuel bave te coInuer i anice o ht kwe dî- fot rail. Anti we L e a. chalienges CAP.O The pe1ietraizsusvital Output e"f ica utrisat ahider11J, c1riet aces th evenlig: fiito untauottoue!a u umm(-bu nat.ion aa-wbbe.)jc ho'11 ineplttitewia, t e lIV is ajhalegete oh LLeis justafwburte iL iet dontituidea .ei0o uaVlt cim tta Lwi cilontVt t-k ilu. Cite cu ie wei i Mnrr. ayo i enat i Mergan, theLi geu qesiobu adequaitefulapylaogear intereau ni mottoVt .tou we1tare, Titre is vero -asnti the contI"inýý;unce u( ebtutoii., Titere isne eaoli, tppg that Vt lig0 oi Vselig Millios of pooploon tiscon'- tinet, ramtb~Panlama aalt ing episodo -')lu meinitto' thitanLevis'actionmin cousig ,it erneguy ofitethe bus "itei -cts tue gou-da titt tty areprtc-n for ie etgc e cenco-ay.T prositient sald ti ar revt- "erye cofe'tu !-nc cur seit0-intra,"syst ï ec Yhork Topes, "eveory rgatifoVitep safetyo! hsheiptre vr thope o! koepbin ViE srucio e protmpts us teL Vitrow oui- [oh tandtlanig e eCfîetepe derit' ondoreetut iebraii Soate vrsineVieNtait THE. WAR -CWEEKy uretE-et SlowIy, Perhaps But I-nexora.bly United Stateoes Toward a- -lrI IREG'LAR FELLERS-Expert Acivice -By GENE BRE ,en

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