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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1941, p. 4

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THE ORONO WEe]KLY -tiIWESg Times rhursday miorinigtTh'le. Times Office Orono, Ontario tes On request Subscription, $1.25 SuhIscripltionýr to thie United States, $2.00 job Pr-intinjg W1 ee Our Prom-pt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher 3nsider Raising Dependants' Allowances essin allowances to soldiers' dependcants wilil ie recoin- to the governmreut Iby the special cabinet comimittee now ing tibe prolblem-. it is probable that the rates iwill bce l-1- andi that allewanees will beie made for as man,1-y as "Our chli- 4ead of beig limited Wa twe. as if is at the present tie. scertainkly time that the goverumïent looked after tliis. ques- soldiers' dIependlanits. The laber -uions tre looking after thec classes. Some have stmuek for higlier wage's and inow they a bonus systemn. 'That is, -when tihe cost of living Advances live ýa langeý-r bonius up and above their daily wage. Swar noiw bas beeu in progress for two years andi the allow- r soldiers' dependauts have stili stayed the saine, lthoulgh -of living bas advýaneed 15 per cent. Every soldier's wife e allowed a certain sum-, t4o show bher VLo Ilwe com-fortlblýy rfa.mily. If a wife bas four cblsren, then sihe shcêuld receive money eaicliin.oth so that she will be aile to make ends mneet. Is te reason that a miother witb four cildren would need ney tban the moher iwho has only two chilîren te look after, e particularly now as e1othin~g is steadîl1y advanicingl- i price sIren have to be elbfbed tc> Keep themi warmn through our Id winters. The oies are fighting, or will lie fightivg Our andi it is up te, the goiernment to see that their sispendlants 1looked after. If the goverment neesis men for the arm-y, rAir Force, how eau bhey expet ta get the cnes that -have y' of frein four to six or iglit, andi eniy 1-e allow\ýed ýnou1gl for two chilsren. QIt can't be done. The only lair, way is to c, muac for eaeb crhild, no matter how large a family they iMachine Guns a Month ,s comttec Cle Township are busy en- the-ir oýbjeltive- of two mnachine guns per mcnii-tb, Lbout $8,00 will have te lie raised oeac mlonfli to Thirty per cent of this amonnt bas beeu raised nthl of November te go fo secure the balance of soen very mnucb enthusiasmi showýýn tVrougbout, far, ansi if we are going ta cdefeatlFHitler ansi his ft is ablle te -do so rwillbave to e lp shoulder the 1have enouigl equinpmeut ou band 50 our armied ly armesi te face flic foc. France f l because edanid- so ditnany cf the other countries. Are it ini the saine position as these other countries ? sia, if s la labed, was prettky well prepared, but 1large ainuoint cf equlpient andi uow tboity are- Yo ean't bave tee machl equipinent, but xe cor- littlc. Now ise le irne to preparo, nof aff4r Sight, .pracftically t.he wbcie cf Euirope to turui out ber le reasi' about sab«tage in the dilferent counitries ut al hfldanuage that is donc will niot lardly lic tanuouut tharb fa ansi will lie turned ouf. ehii this monent now, -when we bave time ansi Ëave an abundaiiee cf everytihing ncedcd for oar Iiers are of ne use without oquipinent. We bave olIdiers, and nonw lt us aIl turu ouf our spare dlol- neuf andi sec, that Clarike Township supplies two mionthl for as long as the 'war lasts, n,r Win Without Fîghting hc woul!d wel!omc au l"appeasoernt seen tfie fate of tee many ecoutries aliz.e fiat any peace, short of coin- n a breathing speîl, wliile IHitier ýs cd! conqueresi Europe fer an ail- upire, f the Unitedi iStates, audi Souti os, somce -peopie stilI persist in hep- racle thàt rwill couttfthc Nazis wit.h- 1They w111 pensist lu lielievilig fiat iis fighting for us, unaidod ecp n 'hie demlocuacies. They hope for querede cuntlies of Euroipe, ln ItalY, It inter- ucw. t oagains lown. This es Phlip, not ro-ached Tàosoow andi la nearing all the richoat vast coulltry. The cil fieldss that the Russiaus can sic üS any more use te Us tlban wcv ansi Our friendis in the jhat we at least did atually çve were lu Norwagy, tee late ýr lu Greece, Ifully ansi get ifute cur e 1,uttlfield an enemny Who omassail the resourees Oua of higly trainied, war- illtper .xWho is ine-enious and Countyand District Thievesý early on Mondaymoig entered the Fisher"s, Dairy, Cubourgl aind stoie $100 Mhiclh was hidden on the premi.ses. Four shioweris were giv'en, for -Miýs Eîba Ca;verley, Bowamnvlle, by friends previons to lier mlarriage to Dr. Chasý. Austin, of' Enniskilflenl, on October 22. fHIaold GunnIiug., chairlged with 'ar1>- seollin uConnlection wkih a fire at b is qpremises near Campbellford, was re- manded for anoliber week by Mgs trafe Baxter on Tu'esday of last week :. .Cobiourg. A sle medal has been presen.ted ta Troop Leader Willinmv rwnng of Kingston, in recognition of his bravery in saving - Miss Mary Martin- shyn, of South Porcupine, fromn drowning in Cchûuirg harbor on July 16 of Lbib yeaý. Aflter a long illness Banna Martba Seens, beloved wivf e of Charles Hl. Wicks, of B-ailieboro, ýpassed si ay on Friday, October 24, inu lier 74th year. She leaves to moua b er loss, ber sorrewîrsng hu siand, and mie sister (Saurahi) >rfHawtihorn. ,Second Lieufentant Oa6sM. Jefs, a'meinher of the 2nd Midlausi Regimienit siaice July, 1940, bas been orderesi to repout for aeti've serivice, commeneing on NeYvemîber 1. Be will hae attachesi te the S. D. of G. High- landers. Be is tlhe son cf Mr. andi Mrs. John Jefs, Campbellford. Construction of teiporary build- ings et Bowmanrvilie Traliiing, Sehooýl grounds for German officers hias been balfesi for a short tinie on accounit cf Iack of inaterial in somie lios. Soune fwenity buildings have been sidled andi roofded su:d pluiiibing sud interior flinshl are ýunder way. Some 175 nmen are employes inlutheiwork. IPeter Stasiak andi E. Stolaisici, cOf Tc,,oonfo, enjoy3Tesi short bail liberty wheu they returnesi ta Cobeunig to e H1ALLOWE'EN PARTY Thie 010110 Con isuatiol Selhool hel2d anIlenjoyaie liallowe'enpatinl the scfhool last Friday eveninig. M\'ost rf thesïLtudecnts were ini fa-ncy eos- týjmje. Dnrig the firsjpart oi tlibe cvenjin,,,tihe lst ?orm iistudents were initîated. This was followed by gaines and danciing, aifter, which luntch was seived. The prize winnercis were: Girls, Ml R iebards' aind Greta Mereer-; boys, Cari Flintof and Bob. Coathanm; best tomple, Emuttl Lun and Eleanor Ranisbýerry. J. L. POk-j'WER S- Renresenting the NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. "Take the worry out of Iife'" For information Phone 71 r 8 CHURCH ST.. ORONO, ONT, Classifieci COJNING EVENTS TXhe quilting gionp of Park Stree-t W.A. are having a qithganci Po, Ltwk Supper onr Thuirsdlay, Noviember 111, 1941. The quiltis ae bei-ng quilt- ed for the Red Cross. In the evenimg Mr Ceci! Carveth, of Newcastle, will be present with Iis pictures, which have been well rcevdweee they have been shown. Admnission, 25 cents. BIOUSE FOR SALE Or-ono residence of the late Thomas Smith, electically equipped framne bung-alow, six rocins and bath, xith automiatic puip, good cellar and fur- nace, verandah itjwo sides, one ghassed in, garage, &e. Enquire at Times Office, or write- N. D. iMcXenzie, 6 Lyall Ave., Toronto. tf. Auction Sale INOTICE TO CREDITORS Stocker Cattie and Hor ses E- A. Werry and Wm. Ghallis will sell by publie auction 10 HEAD YOUNG~ WORK HORSSES 75 HTEAD CHIOICE CATULE at Werry's f arm uorth of Enuiskillel. SATURDAY, NOVEMiBER 8, 1941 at 1.00 o'clock. TERMS CASHI -Ted Jackson, Auctioneer niew their bail ithey rwere taken into custoidy Ihy Cobourg police. The two men who are charged with break- ing andi enterin'g charges laid in con- nection, with a robbery in Port Hope wvarehouse, are wanted by Stratford police on a similar charge. ftis Mary Sim-itbi, diaugter of Mr. ond Ms J. Russell Smyith, of Mill- àroo&, was united in marriage to Mr. Harry Freemantie, of Cavan Town- ship on Saturday, Gotober 25. PrÏor f0 the inarniage Mrs. Henry. Gray an'c Miss Mjýarjoiry MecDowell wr joint hiostesses for a niiscellaneou-., shower for Miss Smith, 'wiih was held at the home of Mr. andi Mrs. M. iMIDuwell. late of the. Village of Ojrono, ini the County of IDurham, Retired Baker, the Estate of the said William Ccvr- nisb, ,who died on or aibout the lst day of July, 1941, are hercby nofifiedi to sensi ýte the underhlgned Executors or their solicitors, on or before the 6th day of Deeniber, 1941, theilr naines andi addresses andi fulli parti- culais of their clain-s andi the nature cf the securities (if aiiy) h'eld by theun, duiy verified hiy atatutory de- c1araition. Imnmediately after the 6th day cf Dedenmher, 1941, the assets of the said deceasesi will be distributedl among tlhe parties entitiesi ther-eto, having regard only to fhec daimis of wbich the Exceetors orý the undý-r- signosi Soliitor ~sffafl then have n'otice. Dated at Orono thia 5th day of Novemtber, 1941. Mlinnie M. Cornish, Orono, Ont.[ Roy H. Cornish, Port Perry, Ont. Executors. RI. R. 'Waddell, Orono, Ont, solliitor for tihe Executors I'rofessional Uirectory ,1:,,. John J. Gilfillan QUALIFIED OPTOMfETRIST- Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Ontario Office HIours - 10 teo 12 a.m.ý and 2 *o 4.80 p.m and by appointment Office in C. B. Tyrrell',s Drug Sto», Phone 68r,2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Caualty, Autornou bile and Liabilîty Oron - - Ontario AUCTIGNEERS ATED JACKSON Auctioneer and VaIuator~ Conduet..A.ution SaleB of ail uie andi at reasonable rates. Comnniate with hini at Pet~ Prry, Ontrio, or see bfr., A. E. Moirton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Ail Rpirs to W2tkbe§, clccks, ilnrd Jewlery, wdil receive our prempt attention BoYs vvveve known sInce babies 0 We see them board the train after must provkle the money so rnuch needeci their Iast leave borne . . . boys weeve known since they were babies. We say to Win the war ... and one way to do thýat is to buy more War Savings "Good Luck . .. we're ail pulling For Ceruiicates. you', as we bid them Good Bye. But are we? Are we 'pulling" .. . ail we can? Wbat are we doing to help thern? Are 2 w. giving tbem the things they neeci so badly . .. sbips and tanks and1 guns and planes and ammunition? Are we giving thern ail they need? That's one thing we con do ... we whio stay at bore... one thing we must do. We The help of every Ceadian is needed for Victory. in these daya of war the thoughtleSa, se1fsh apender is a traitor to our war ef fort. A reduction In personôl spending lu now a vital necessity to reIie've the pressure for goods, to enobl, more and more labour and materiala ta be d.iverted to winnîng the war. The alil-ouf effort, which Canada must moke, dmands tht.c seif-derdal of each of us. F. F. Morris&son~ Funeral DirectorsI Fu.rniture Dealers j AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville -- Orono Phones: Bowmnanville, Day 480, Night, 734 and 573 The Oldest, Lai Complete Fur Modern Funer Puiri Our Service-' Our CGoods-TI Our Prices-TI MORRI5 BOWMANVILLI rgest and M-ost iture Store and mal Service in ham T'HE BEST 'E NlWEST MFE l'OWEST. S &SON - ORONO PORT HOPE Friday and", Saturday HERK'E &COMES MR. JORDAN" The -Most Orig-inal Com-iedy lEver Filmi-ed Sec it at .30 or 9.30 Monday and Tuesday "Man Hunt" :With Walter Piieoni and Joýan Bencft TIUL Published by' dae Jar SUPPORT THE WAR WEAPONS DRIVE IN YOUR COMMUNITY SKIID LES- a MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSIIAN nd SUPGEON 2.00 to 4.00 pn;6.30 to 8.00 p.m. PIIONE 471l RONO DENTAL DR. R. O. DICKSON Office Hours in Orono: 'Monday to Friday (inclusive) Fromn 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Eveiings bT Appointment Office H ours in Newcastle - ev-rT- Saturday from 9 am. to 9 p.m. For appoitiment phone Orono 18 r 1- VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.N. Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Oflice : Main St. Oio Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. lu PARK STREET Ot;atw l

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