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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1941, p. 6

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PLOWMEN WIN TRIP Intention cef lu ting Anoth- e,' Dunikirk Lord oyne sald lu tle HouSe cf Lords irdýeentiy tha R ouh;li 'Iiaduese-" for BrUaînto ,ttuPL QPet I) ý'a. ,scei fron'-l ,lei a54 Ru ssia atitlscrlJbei la s "folyiý" any sujov-e wîl o e pude nglnd of!unan rmite resia Il Vas ion, Spealcing fer îl Georain vutter wdespread d7 a i or a 'ýeoon(d front, Meyne sa-" l BritaInu ýackeI taniks n srlley fr an itompted invasion ef titecontint- on.Ho szai tbe GCmme e- apite amateur stratogits, soap box uratrs, and. campaigna la the p ress lad neointentmon o! initing inother PuiriIiik. WoulciSuit Potur "Ic an neu imile 0yt È whkh liwouWd.suit HAMAer' e %etter tMan if we aePted tne Chia iseLmetod efl' mnltigsuicide un yourenomy's ioosep," hle He lmaiethe Gvîmn' ei IUclear af top demanda ,,fer an in- haao ad bee aiebyLor-d trb who ~teloe"that yMlxeln th(ise areet eruiC f il01timie lad pesnet ielrt la IIwas unialeote stikinthle w esoause of iaclzOfe qipet trbl clammned tatGemmany lsa.tionly 25 Seconti-îte division lu ail of! Wetern Erpandi tn they lad las than 100 tanks te Oupport tIent, But 1Moyne ersistedi' n the Gover-nmonet'aý refusai to aid R-assia, by inivaiingthcoint Pia :a manoeuvrýe dosined e 4m eýprman troops out 0f usia Net Enough Equipment MoynIe ilieti that oquipineýnt, iSpecially tanks, lnow la-_, ritial. anewas net sufficienýt te mualte leoponing of a frontPintle wost ýioSsible. .Hoesali tlataWesternj fumu toperaton Wood seerely fitmaon British shppn ùat wouid -à ae Bitain etofan nrmnood ed-l teurelAi possibe Germaus ivasin, "it wouflidbo ades for uis te Pumrovise an exPedition o! that aiMoyule sai. "Yen cannot ýan.dl a weiieqip army wt$ Mlt a Vast anTiount o' ! shppiflg. t b('dho olly te ilenudýe this ceun- try of au army we aiEl need i l base of invasion, "You annlot land afrewil $ueeyrifles ani. aI s efo ýil tl artillery ailtans valaî lu Francs." tS.Woa Knits 600 Sox E'rs ose bLainc, poreofo .batysalon at 7S5Fft Ave., VOP ek, l'as 1Iraiti atometLian 0paire o! seab')oot stc' ngsf ~ut1sfor, Britaîn, acri t JrLidtur'ne out topiso these sooine acI e.Tle ip'e knce-elng 1, atiar11seiby ý"ritiSli spaimen. In A Me Or ICK C. CLAME GeMMed stSilver Medalist Elmer rc rn Marshall Dcaxrs The Slada Tea Champonshp (Dan at the International lowinMatch ectl eld near Ptroog rub eehrleadinq plolwinen rowý a'l 0overOnare.Comipeition wasken. Winners of trips wer'e E e Aurmstronq ofSt Pauls and Mars! h wll Dans Paris. If restrictions do no.t forbid SaLada -will give t'chem Tasninna lTour to point of agricul tarai nterest in the Unite asc> zard Canada. The next telewimner- in th? -et ecciveýdpresro $50te5.. Canladian Firemfen Will Go To Britain Wvar Srie iits hro anonoiofficially tcheappoint.- moent of Fire Chie! Donad A, Boultien o!Wnipgas ofcs coniantdiig the Cana1-diaÀn Fir'. Fîghiters' corps whcb a t b sont teo theUntdKgdm Mr. Bouden AiH go te Oîtawa imml-eiately teorganiTïze Uihe cop.Th-rou-ghfthe Dprmn e! Natienial War Ser-vice.,s nc wil be sent eut fer 40H fl aniithis umbor wîllbho pregres- sively inicreaseti, T1-e, Fi;refiglhters will bemeveti i2 groupa te Britain se there CilHo eas Ulte delyau nsposible iii putting the forcee'acieor vice. The mon wi-il go eesa as a civilhan force anti will ho i- traeiwitb thse Bitsifre fighting servces. The corps will hoognieio senmiitary unes. Other o!- ficers--allIo pb expren ifire frightrs-wil b ppiteiafe Chie! Bouîden takos er. Sure of Weather Flying Over O à-ean A Uoyalî Air, Foce ocrsl roeuLy ua !breict lsa wea- the epershave loiletelgy o! Atani flg. AMiai napoga n Whiou "inestng poe" aren l ter'viewei theofcrslintc we-aler preditions: "Tley wviJl l tl you iitco- tnlinty tiatu( o! s( t01, you will nîLeet riglit f hlwayacrýoseat n sUdien Clinge wil h bu lsst to you." £Y ROBERTA LEE By Roherta Lee, 1. UIf the fathor of thvbie gives her away, whch arc shoul hoe offer lier whenpîeeig p the,, chruîrchaisie? 2. Can porter service ho seur ed At any timè in a intel, anci wlit le the îcustoniary tip? 3Is it a womnan's placetoak the hat and coat of a man. frend wxho has cailed to see ber hue- band ? 4. What type of etranin may the hostess plan for ber- gujestsafter 'anlinformai dinner? y. h it good forite speak o! one'a, employer as "thobos? 6. hn a wedding procession do, the ushere precede the brides- iauis down the amle ANS WERS L.His riglt arno. 2. Yes a pworercan ho Secured te do ah- kintis or Carrying. Th ip is ex.- pected andi depondz 3upon wýýhat service the porter bas donce S. No;thAis laetbduty of herbhas- band. -à ITis depentis upon the John 0. .LNO. 6. Yos, I HAVE- ;YOUHEARD? An ol ladylivinig in thecuty to-wn shie saw a s-ailor. Treming wîitlt excietient slie as';-,Itel13dm if lie ltew ler by.She tInodh "Wlwlat ship is hlina"' askedý "Wlatsli?"exclaimed Li- the o "No hlildren, cin anyonc gile ME a definition of a nict.e, such ais a niche in a cuc? Little Jackie: "Well, its just ilke an itch in any other place but you can't scrFtch it there." "Absn-inoisu't 'lie wlienïLie got hiom1e lie 1knew thu7ere assomontliing lie -wanted te do, vas unitil h li ba sat tup over ean beuringtetlin. " A d, diiij lie finally re e - ber it?'d ii wate o -go te, bedeay. Prize for the best (or worSt) plun oDf'1941 to date should go to The Scotsmani, which, cn Pientîng on the news that grass, hias been llstedi as an excellent food. chimes n m:"Green grow. the rations 0.,* A dcto ad a dentiatshae the srvies)i a typist anc ý lioti feU li2love wtlilier. and ssii,"J'litgoinlg Ito be)away fil, - e,Àtdan1 and fui ten "Iwrote toL the pa-per to find out io ong cow,%s shoculd b,3 "Ani the-y slid?" "Just lik<e short cows." "Yes, lie's îeaily ue ai! ilt bu wen tlie doctor came sixm Wees ao tclýie sui Fed mut'i' geIt Up jJ on nyacounit until lie ai lie coulIvud -we tlijIulMie ioCfer bis ave go iibu he amy," ' Teacer-"amethrce coi- Tommnny-"Fly-paper waste- paper, and vacuumi cleaner." Whaet About The 0W Foks? Whieiithey1re no' se active anym-,ore end speils of constipatioi anney tileno with dizzir.ess, heartburn, headaches, or terturiag gas pains, get ADLERIKA. W. have many letters frem thaakfl UseCrS who are far past middleý-fge. lour dritggist bas ADLERX'.KÀ, M, yeýu're cross, sestless, EWtS sgUeer hot flashes. 4 bthi8 srod IsWn an~ l ýI - t_,a". VI' ab soe.Hundrejsorf thonsantds re- olbebl dlirec. aes. M M a a By Anne Ashley Q.How cao I de 1 an uwsal A. Cleniu with a fanlclotli tînrtlac boen soaked ini0 mik, rubbed on a bar o!fsoap. ated china so as to protect the A. Wnsh in lkwam water continin sop flkesin nmoder- atin. Noe rub sonp iretl onje go!tias ih willdul th gold nnd eventually cause it te Q. How c(ao 1 test the purity, A, Put a littie of tihe butter lu)i asonanti hQid airer the gas flm.If it dissolves without spuntteriurg, it la pure. Howwever, LÉin t ontains sonie other sub- sacit wilsputter. Q.How can I rei11ove eceloredl cadetaiow stains fîom table A, Plaýce a b-Io-tter over anti a botrunder the stairi. Press wihbot iron. Repent this pro- cesy, shifting the blotter eacb tuuntil the tallow disappears. Q.Houa can 1I dean a fgriiddle thatbasbecomie crusteti? A. Place it oer a very bot fire anti cver t.ickly with sait. Af- tm the saît bas turneti brown, terutai sait wiil bruisb off tgteleaving the grititle like ne.Atter w-,ashing the gritdile, grose eilanti heat before put- ting away. hIdia Has Armny 0f 1,000,000 Men M ove Ite Caucasus Seen if Red Armiy Loses ina's ay of aearly 1,000,000 -mn, growing At therate M0550,1 re-cruits a m11ntI0, standfs ready foi aý prec-ipitto move into tlie Osu- cass ucase o! an immninent Gier- man treat to tliat ridli cil ares. Aater a tie in mua one begins teppreciaie the tlent power ef tie BitiSb Empire, slow to gailier mometunibut nwapproaching-, hiegliger. The N,î1Ortlihwest Frontier prevudes at raiprot(ection wilh ils gra,t rneof 1mount1ainis, srid ieserts, anihgiplateaus stretc(gcl iain like fohemiChina tetlib, e Perian TînawinA udinliositjabIle monan cuitr[Y virtually le wltlio.rut roais anti auy loatilitbos- la tle cureut iuation woui i esv e Ase aggressor operating far froii ilis onbasels. wl(ireas the ua A1nsy antiAir Force wouhtd i fun- AEROMATICMUTER FORAUTO- mobile, truf ; tractor., bus snd -'rn-njne.Mor e Po%,er1! Agnt wite, 'of te'ttnr, ept. 9.Oo 13,Vencouver. Cais.c!t M111AK1E PMORE MONEY priutei, , o l oxedA J-or1 lents l-'nct avuablein vluýe, wor- dylor etals. apeson a Ofoval Britih CandIin, Rood 4'. 24 :, g Wcs,,ITorono B. C.vPLOPUK o ocen eve ixi ciclesý, ai e r;J 30 J o n St3N , a il t o , f 1intnd o ity prVopý,ort, rite 'I . A .T LEtbrtIlt 111d., anEover CEAHRS.ONH11AND U COPAN 1890: 14 Kltingùd WestIf)nnto EnoletnI nfomatofon meti- io n.fri -G-,ltJieýi r o wn ure a r b The isss re lukdb",a inet>- work fexcellnt Briimadls anti are!u)Yrtt lilge DpIo olso foedsuifs ant icrw matelals évia to ampdl-ianngwa a Tie ïnaturýal routes mb o dla frei tle nortli by sway of BaRd chistan are over fece derte r esoLlble b est froin iran, friný Afglianistan hiy way of Cye Paso or frm C 'ia Russa. At the sumit o! Kliyler Paso Sae Lundi Moai fort ferme a tongli batimn. Tat spoarloat of tie Khyber defense Ais racheti by a breati gangs rsilw ay bulîtespoc. lally to give a mia-xinumn o' pro- tection1fro11 enemy ,ýair anti artil- lery f ire. An e:.cllAt motor roatibas been blasted i fom Élie mounitain, aidciesz to enale rpiticommuiiinica- tin)- vItliefamous eoutdpost. Men (Ca1 Enlisit iMuch Easier Nos)wV Easng o!fntla rqieet for recuts for Cariada's active armly will permit re-examinstion o! mcawli o lave proviouesly been rojecteti, interpretation )f, oriels issuet iroi-o Ottawa reveals. WSeas fornserly thoreas mnl 011(3category e! A, it lias inow been, diviet into AI anti A2. Men class- oti as A2 areeîlle for ail brnheof ftî armny with the,- ex- ception ef front lino infanmtry. The ondlers stat that hose re- joctet nitir boh etadrs for de- fe!,j7ctivo vi i ad-il mastoiti, or. dry ýperforation o! Oaa r um are, onc-ourag.-eti te peetteele &Worreeaiminatin. Mon e!f sither A categorcy imuet li g ste "sge e Dshioot or drive, aiorgegosevere strain anti lave orly miner, nion-progrýessi*ve tisa- bWltios. Applicants to malte BD. categery muet sÉbE able to mardli five miles ani itlstald "ostirbeerer- tion," Recruts clown to Ci category are hle forservice overseas. Those of CI anti lowr oaaserve flu(,Can- ada only.1 MLCRUlOTOES Voit sALE FARM bTS' -ELEC2TWI MTOS (unre ,ofiose froi. oe ed, 86 deladeVest, Toronto. J tdio, pressue co-1ot water nytibto, gond su,bsh dicarcsimrgg, hry.ieRa IiAUM LANDS WANTEDDODGE12 - VOLiT CN SaeModeL. Cha. reMat- FUR 8ALfl wt er, othorothidîg, w m1iles oast onI Monltrose. Fred Uberig, WestMoto. MtolTheare Building, St.Thomas. Olntarlo. SeilOprmn o 2 î'ERI E LA RGE ENT el0opod or 10 repints "ailfor 115e. Photographie L1a boUra t ories, U.3 FRSALE EUIT10-20MCOMCl-ER ing Tractor. Saine gurnteas nl e W,. nentoa avse Dealer, J. M. BC*,iarrie, Ont. MIAKE SOE 12(; W1A81110 MAI c r MO(EEï ýY. BoCokiçt of 120 pages, s e6 P . P'rice $1.110i. M îkgas, 4 ISSUE 45--'41 loan at this time of the year the tatos, But epers wsr that wh il conr.e -theil .mush7room-z uuay be a! tasty ,7dish, th-e ohr tbe toadsto-s the causeaeA stomachaches, dolntsi1lnes even death, ilow to tîtei aparte c th To -porisons whv gomusroo hnlnting, IspctrW. [1, Brump.. tonî of WindSor Plcwhokns hisnohrosly don olic biard and fs and safe rule: «IU in douht, throw 'en ont. It'S 1muehboternt o ae a chance," says 1inspectr ru - ton. "01 course niushrooms arc pretty good bc)ea e but, if yce areW' absoluely certaîn wliat à is you have pikd. you'llfind ii, saf or to dîscard A. A toadstee mýay taste afl ri-ght.? but itote lias terrible aftes'efet, Another ruletheinpcela ilF this:"I they'r-e pale ,andwo' pool they're fmotmsho s" "I uig thinby the10color e!z the underneath parts," ho says. "If they are pnkorblckuner neath, to iuete r Mre Map and Ifnfoma on Roquent A. E. DAWS ON & CO., 347 BAY ST. -TCRON-TTO Sooting.ooln bringeq.,ir3x1 reifoqs% nP MED1)1 tA 1 DON','T 'WAýIT-EVESFF- si Lu 1sdLry ios eey MENIVWANU!V53D Il,',YOU ARE 1:lOORIýKN( FR rl"" on', [er- fuioruhig LIsily icne netgt u -rit 1-"day. Famiex, 50st ClementE, MTre MUSCALI2~t ALftt;,î e 1aee gitry O Wit A Dennwis . 1 Comtpsy, ..81t ai Avenue, woinj. S 1ý ý PliyS of Irend onsud Fuli in Tor m-aet -I1n vent free. Ibe tIant:'-o.b 12 tegitre. N iL-1te- Attr eý,s,1 PIs oriaNeurio tissold tr 1 .ASSIFIED ADVERTISEMlENTS..,

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