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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Nov 1941, p. 2

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of U.S. Britairi of .ast week Congress gave noevai teaboisspsactically remalned Of tChe Neuiltra'lity a urmlng ef mercbantmeTl wproced rapidiy; guns neticrw rijeluireadïinesýs. mch.,aut abiipa uryu 0wa - supplies miay noss' t nto tMseport si cfreat shîpils wihl ne'ongerave (eu oftbe combat zones uades- the ieternis o!--the l1939 Wy Actprevnted Amen- pu frm gettng Winteth apruhste ithe Brtishý Ys james B.eston l inse onlly ibave thse o av taqgo of 'a g'reat number o urs ;p ) ut tbeir ewn cenvey aystem Winl b Mucb mor eefiient, Utiltis week, autiaco de Pneaiteut's siseoten-sight Deoisy, Amlercan vasiahave ben.u cr.o.nyuBr- fiaI mechanmeute tise Wters off tise Ceast ofIoauwb1ere Bn ias warsips bave pichted thema »p and prectet them tde reat of tise say inito ts etr rts This system As been wuficent b inse u h frtpLawce se on- voeys went eut e! their way te go Ill te Aercu abse ut ice- land, aud l he second place "a great dei f tm was lest utA 1kelaud(,nwere Itwas difiicoît fer tise Brnth anti Anean sbip tec kee'p thenedzvous lu W inry etIsrwitbodt tIse luse cf rdo maries adedangereus usLed its own sipca te thenbt VLadi- ~atgbulu tniI)efuture tiller- ob1ant anti navaluipp gofth! ýVturc great3powevrS ani Nolwaty %011 wbtoerlamot efcin l ar- ryiug eut tIse was-aimo! ofthe Itwo Ceutnes, That Imoire srcatveseis, prtce.by maole wur-ships, w-ill betroulto the Batt(ý ie cf1t1G Atiantie by' betil la obviens. ThLat lu tise to Ata tic svill iseenbl the Pacifie la ase certain. Tiseisaf-wy envoy S'ystens wa were nt perm ttei ego te Hall!- fa, the- Nova Scotian port frein urbiphis m t convoya starteti east- urard cras hoAtIntl.e nienjt s Brjiibilshahadt etiae 1,00G0 miles e'ut o! t1his-way ct, go te Amer1iCa1n ports te pick upti ibe hease-lenti materis, whbi cau nour be, shiàppet_ i u Amerîicanaip etraight ýfrein Uniteti Sta1tes ports tmtIe dock-ades in Greeat rioi. Changes Shippinjg Strategy mIe actio oengrsa in Mris- lxi th NetraityAcýt uril change tise lhiei sipp)ing stratcg-y 11 ovs ieworli., Tlise B13itïiis 1W cents-el 16ý,, ME8 tons o! sbipping (shipa oves- 200 tens)and tiseUnitd States, IUC9O000tons. T"Ile Amenricasi destroyers 'May hp Ilu tseWestern aîpproaches te' Great irital, Mmeeperus UtIss lu ay otier eail thse vwor-d,IT kluon seret 1that thse British Pro- teetIen ü! convoysaugainat botis subiasineg and longrange beib- ens luntdis vital arca ha becis lesathanadoqateforSomle tue but these defensivececodons as-e likeh--y t9ý be streugthiened chbei thse redistribion of t'ise twe navies lu put lutoefeet. Tise redistributtion ha likely te ac- eonmplish fouri.nga: (ý 1) rdc tie ffectivenesa of tise-beats lu teAtiautie; (?) ilues-case tiehives-- enle's o senisupplies 'te Brit- Bttri as The averge licttle man iu the str eet Ao London bas neyer f ully Undertod hexent MOf Ameria ïnaenil ad e itan.lIe lias reud in tbae paprstat It was ar- rivingand he may even hae seen one or two of aur guns or destoyes. But n u f tis hua lmrpressed bmas wçould tbe arrivai Of an Anmerl Anhp flyin te Stars and Strpo or aue atul lgetor sounI, of au Americn seuman. There laý scarcly a town of any size lu the, whle Britis IsintM hlamore than sMxy miles frin the ses. Tie pemeef! tese Ansmeicn ships mmllbe tiblme evid nceate a'get mnny people o aruvedltn tien te help defeat the Graa Ti, ,SeÈ_shipm on't covînice ned thut i8 e wr bas been son, 1but tbey will conivinecea lot 0f-obil peopehtit eau be won and will be wen Natonal Unty Tîiserpeo f neut1raity, ,enyS thýe New, Yorýk Times, wvas just, cossetandîti wie: just becaluse wve laali now vsk Ieur owu abhips lIc trswhere W( xcptothies- nations, enguged lu thle saile taso, te s-bkouheirsuia; conéssent bue cause otheirwlse tselase-lei pel- lcy wouild b'ecome a m1ockery; xise because It enables up te eepthe' war at a distance, it 7aiauact o! naitional uity, and ooght te ,ho uuderstood as sueh, bth witbntis!0e couutry andi oýutslde, bthamoug aur mfriendsa a,an amongthose whom w _ýeceau newivithout hyposcisIleauvs ýe1isemes. UtwaS 8a frsch omt mnet t"0e a nevagpurpose, atnoethe lens se beca2use of tise circustancs wlscut the vote teaseemlngly denges-ous mni- Let neoroe, andi especahly ne one_ lu Be,_rlin, bJe misled by the 0£z o!the Hoise vo0te agiare- peil. Takon at itS face alue, thés moely large Congseslonal smennnt lu favýor 0f the ctteatirn Hiterani-lkeitpelicies se igr ouýsty ativoaeti by aiuority ilu Congreas. But our enemies wili mnakea istake If they se lutepret Othe 194 votses ut uatuat repeal. A large thetigisindetinnate mn- ber of toevotes wr at e agninat rpel bt a utaGv erment hubm pohicy wbih pear- cd euecouirage ýstnikLs ilu defciens ind(ustries. Wby, it wuscneuei cudaingw ships andi ercws te de- iver 2gooýisnluwas- urcua ifthere wecno asuacihat týie geeds welibe protiuced? Týhere a re ie-hamrdslu mecn ln( tusts-y iand plita wo ili fight ote elatgantcollective tsar- gainug.Ther vtes, Ir.ecýt and. Indirect wou(d et1havebu)lhd large suatChe Ieuse lisat memnoir able day. Thiey mweirýeJiufor-ed .by the, votes of cmenwh know that labor unilons are bere te s'tny, Whnoptc ýhat tlime wvIlgI ve themn a sense of responibility om - sas-te withi thelr rngband. whe bivetiat the vast snajority of tbhi en e- wish thetnste lic boncstly, democ'atically and pa- trietcahly manageds Tboseimen, eUt. the unquestebtbackitIg o a, large Section cfpubicopinion, demaude un asurancet hbence- feti ne private group of any kid sutibe able te blackmuall tise uation lu iits hotsr of nced. Boiniour poitical, luidustrial> antid brIedrbpstand the great, canelesa mnass'of lAmes- I~ne Cô~ heur larvar s, Dur- flii. -' ~J...,-, *0 s firat env eam niandréwomnen. We belileve they have acweeped te two great decisions of the past week: Xrst, that weshialitake our eargoes, under Owu own gune, wherever they aenee;seýond, thlat tire gdstat nmake tlei ge s sall be Dproduce i hutinterruptfion. Owd Harry Lauder Gi'es A Biraw Spiel cams 00t'WI- is Plaicie, Hi,; Kilt, Stick and Sangs A stubýby mîan wt a thick body and ga, inextinguiasale g]lam in his eyes, hiis doughty legs t- fu lng luto a 'vietory V, imoves to the front ofthe stage,and wh a ix- ture q3f imerrimntt, isebef and s~rius urpseralles his Usýteur- ers: MWe on 5thi ad of Britain arce beleeguered. Jyye understund wha)t thant meanus? Beleaguered! No- body can, leave w'ithout aul escort of Ijoats or flyingmchnsTik of that! "Are we going to stand for that You bet we aren't.chat are WC gotrng te do abotnth? WeIve gïg to dig downinte Our jeans and hand over monre mney, that'swnat we're gongto (do. Mght tas well do itin- w If we dut the mlouey mIIght fl ot b anJgod-t us later on. Now h,)'s g)ing te be tce firat te coutribut?" - Tbrus ndesSir Hary auder, uow 7.1, agaiu serve, iLs cutriy greater aaeesof B'ritish nieed, anid once m cielrtiiu h troopa w ite FI sonaadao long letfi, l an-y 1,n11,.with bus namne. At a, time 0 f l i Jwich he ad expected teo enjoy ubsolutle repose, Sir Harry taeshis powerýs Iheavýily la this ca'use. Whe w,ýar broke eut Sîr 1Harry forsook tL rnuilye is new bone, bander Ha, te beguile the suones asdheur va!" fonds. He bas been on thie go evr ince. Ji, r-ecent mothie hzua giveni as mnauy as four concerts a week, besides othler -personail apaa es. Rt isnear, as oeewatchez cthes- spossse te issomahltt there still la maigic i elu tene ';f Harry adr Lauder FHa lauder Ha, thse "bail" or "big bouse' into wich sir Harry moved nearly fise ye»augo, isthse realz- atien of 1th1 home he started tu. buld ln hio dreass 25 er ag(oe Teday it is a lndarkFPw per- sons visitIle region witheut Ihear- iing of the handsoe aton;Iee bouse wlth-I its spaiolis roomai, tastefiIJ furlsius, persoua L museuM, painting and istaturtary, mutsicala- meospher'e, and Cenvi -iecea of thle ewuerýi's inventi Venles s. Frem, the tiicat -gadget dealgu,;etI selection of a site, 700(fetabevee sýea level, elnnebhed by- proud and] histoie cvistas, Laudesr -1,a la, ln sots by arne, wxvulcu were pýuolssuc lu bondon ut a coat o! a thensanti doll aecis. That urus a century ugo. Four ycarls ugo through tise marvel ùf maodem itherabytIe ueil lan Comipuly of Cndpubishleti a perfect reprodauton e!thmseart ls;t's lii! 'a s ok fori . , i No,-vw Msrs. Mcmillufer the identical hbok wich was sç" oiti (for $1500 four, years agoý for the, still more amazIngy emali aum of $5,955 this haviug blicou made possible by tise teveoepusenit e! tise four-colos- lithographie preces urwiei c ealEt tise plates t plt e t et asingle rua insea o hviuig t e li sun txice thriouigh a twe-colon preas. Tise qoality e! these reproductions of Autiube's eolor-ds-awving l Wdesitica'l uitis that of the 193l,' i tien. Thîs new edîtion aise oun talus the textatchn te thse pro. viens euole by Williamn Vogt, admit- tetly tise greateat living uuthiosity u b)is-is, WhosVrote it ,specia)l"- for thse fisst repredujceti sýet. Tise paintinga urich i t effers res-set 6yenssoeftrDe"ant exporaionaleng Amierica's fron- ticseo! a centur'y ant ilmore ugo by tise great natnulatWho pideti imcfon haviug takenoresntel- egy 1 eo o!itho mus eumn'sglass sheweuses (ho refuseti tepaint stueti boîdsy anti svithbavin matie UIt iing antidynunsie. Hi palatig a ao hav'e an histea value, mse-a(10 a beyd some spuelea ourextinet, sueisas tie Cuolina parais-et, svisch ueti te sange nerti as rs as Lakte Ou- tas-le LIFE'S LIKE THAT =77-À~< t , 0 uLi l( Thie De: afewv skelpton dlvi tuai its. rly tie mehrs-i ,tons. Thi t ju, el ludetis nig, saig excesa sisl eee [mes ofïnete ave ieft. Tho moa-ý,Ct dlC' t slection et benosa u- LCLtObCU .1 thase te stif y lu. ssps, Lis- r depea- Best Armor Plate Made Ini Can-,:a Steel Ç. onrolier F. B, KilIor la thie best lu the wrlc Ts,- ri a istutioie- it on i cse ee uise of steel forcviinpso- os, 1M,1.KiIur ut hjuge quantities (o seel) o are going iste a-mo- pate hîi la being matleienu uauforth acknowlv edetcasïa pnetuct s ie- io nr euyotheu te ont te i CudIuu tcucas at percent of otnUcqieetia estinria-tetdu" By FredNer 't' 't', s-1' I I h "AI] the meniwith i - ~ the white ai LiSO w~th~ your enemies- Bv GE r7'7 'l S2t e lot F. 7w, 7L> mon iREG'LAR FELLERS--Trapped ,ps, or

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