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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jan 1942, p. 1

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O1'40N0,ONT.,1TuI Un filAN 9t,192 Leavinz balanci 2 5c. To Fair Meeting ecd Church on rt 8 p-M] lewoodpee thoe mfinue throuigh the g'lv ofý t'he It -was sugigested for the fu-tur,,e 01iat i real effort b-e rmade te have ail nmeniesý in'y the end of the al-j endar yenr. This wouid save the treasurer much ebrasetand woïild be 'better in every way. The miinister, was giveni a hearty invit- tien te continue'as pastor. A vote of than'ksý was tendered te ýail wlie tlireugh the year had se ioyall'y ce- ope-rate& in ail the eliurcý(h's endea- v'ours. The fMlowing offiers were elected. Session - Wy. T. Little, Jehn-atlhan reible, Fred Truil, F. Brimame) sndl S. L. Berry. Stewar-ds - Stanley, Chamoian.i lunch. o cluded witi sing1 and the NationaIl h the ladies ser- ['o Cost, Driver $1 .001 1 M-otorists -wiII have te purcliase gaseline ration books and tlhey will be distributed lan Ontario throuLgh ar- rangements now heingorganized on behaff of the Doiniion authoritie-s by the Ontarie ds-partment of hig- ways, accrding te Hon. T. B. Me- Questen. * The rninisqter said the fee wouid go into federal revenue fundIs. It was ýsuggested distribution weuid i start some time ini Mari. 'Mr. MecQuesten said he couldn't tell what the basic rations weuld be. - "That is a matLteir for Ottawa or for, 1the oil motroler-," lie said. Dominion iOil Controlier G. R. Gotrelle was absent from the city anmi the deputy corytroller, Johrn L. Ste-wart, said hie *wa.s net autherized to mnake a state- ment. *Society onthly Meetingrs Tedi Coatli sang "Oh It's a Lovely LWýar." To b ring the audlience inte the pragrammine, a quizz contest was he'IL, ad if question an'sw,,ered un- c (orrectl.y, a f orfeit hail te be paid. -Those cýalled u-Lp were Gilbert Dent, iMr. Staples, NeIlie Wrighlt, Paulinie Rd!bbins andl Shirle-y Flintof After this the ever ipopular radfie play was 1 stnged, "'Th'e Diary of Sweet Six- Stecn," with the foluwi.ng characters, as Mvaxine ;election, was uorrester. A ivn behind a w' Dr. Kildare s. Last but ,t in t- 1->ITAiN'fINN 1;Rm y FormedyLopertd!).v 'he RylNv,'U wunder th con'andof theý Brtish Amv tis oilaof fstarmcod iohotor4boats patrols the tnetwerojk of 'lnan vaeas known as;the "rdT"-nrrtins eenýe area, prearig srprsesfor. any ,-Ger-man s'e4p1te lght atmp to land. Canada's War Effort A weekly revie-w of de-veiopmnents on the hom-e front fromi January 15 te' January 22, 1942. 1. Sco-nd session of Canada's Niaeteenth Parlianiept prorogued on f January 21. Tt opeaed Noveniber 7,1 1940, wvaslnei ses'siQn since Con-1 federatien. New sessicon opened1 by i theGororGeea on Jan'uary 22. 1 2. nohe lrge contingenit ofJ Canmadian soidiers and irm len reacli- Lmd for the samne period of 1940.d New re.guintions require expert' its for shipmi--eints of table pota- a te ceuntries other than New-f, c1lagd, Bermludaà andI the British t' idie-s. ion prices staiized at her thnthe hig'liest g duving the week E 10, 1942. mi-ntaiin existingprc e-d Britain safeiy. iln etail price of shees, suIIsidieS Will 3. Draftagreements reached be- be0( Id by Ceimmodiy Prics StabHll tween Donion and po ialgv ato Corporation (whielh uperates ermeYs uner which prvce r dq a4 rne iceýs and Tiade 'gm caepesna nom nd,td tao friipoo f jIsidt , and 'G coporation tax field during the car mn.raties and for one year aftewards Ap- 9. 'Canadian Red Cross Society es- proximiately $10'0,H00,000 will he ie- tbih~brauin RomI 04, 18[Ri-' qurd nwal f-om Doin iondeauStreet, Ottawai, to answer, en- treasory te pay compensation. oiiris regardling meinhers of Cara- 4. Value of Canada%'s nuomecex- dia, Iperial or Allied forces takcei prorts duaing the calendar year 1941 prisoners of war. aggregated $1,021A008,000 an in- 1J. on(-e h'undred tp-ad men crease of $442M049,000 over 194.%frm Canada's aircraftindusbt At This was the greatest eyport trade take three-menths course at a Les' ia Canadas commercial his'tory. An'igeles 'airraft nstitute at joint 5. During flut eleven months of expense of1their employers and Labor 1241, the Canadian National Tacome Departmient's War Eiiegency Train- as compled lby the Doinion Bureau ing Programmcte. Ia addition, sanie o)f Statîstics 'was $4,777,751,000, re- instituts. wîll provide home-study presenting a gain of 9A4 per cent. eurses in airmealt c'enstrucion' for over the incomie of $4,365,340,000 re- 1,000 Canadian aircraft workers. MRS. JOHN STEPHIENSON 'Many friends heard with regret of the death of 'Mrs'. John Stephensen, wh-o passed away at the hom-e of lier daugiter, 'M rs Charlels Harris, Oron-o, on Wedliesday, January Zlst. Mrs. Steplienson lad be-en a resideat ef 'Columibus for ten years, prier te whicli she Lîved at Sicuzgg slind, MVyitle and Pcern.Slie had been ia iii healtli fer the qpast three mon- ths. Sarali Ann Plattea. dauglter of Saniel and AMy Platten, was bora on Socog Iland 86 years age. She martri John Steplienson at Scug'og lsand la 1872. ulse Stephenson was a mebe f the United Chîr-1h ar wsprei"ent oA thepoickea Lde'Aid d lig ierreinc Four sons ausuvp, James Steph- enon TomsE. t, enoSamîi- uei John teheso nd El>nest A Stpeno;tblro dugIhter'Mrs. Henry Wiiso, Mrs. Charles -iand Mrs. R',anidail llicott. The fanerai asheld fremn th e homne of lier son,.ame J. Johason, 16,4 Br.uce Stree't, Oshawa, at three o'oec. aturday afternoen. Rev. Mr. 'Wiley.'of Colý]-mbus, asi Rev. ManselllinIrin at the(evie To Vote On P1beiscite Ottn\aaJan. 23.-As ia every otherpleib(q1iscite r rfeendm verI lield ia the Dominion,.'fhe g-rnd to-tai of votes atcr-os Canada wili, la the- (,tcmîg on, cri-t ion0nIDeli- iscvite, de ide wheth"r lie neerle have ans-wered thp oeues-tiiiainthe affirma- tive or the 11e-Qative. Saturday, January 31 st Scouts Salvage Day Next Satur-day the Scoýuts ai-e te miake a colleýction of paper, rýags, old iren, and old tires. The Orýone Ceai & Lunshier, Company have kin)dly boan- ed their- truck for- a short while cdur- ing the after-noon and the Scouts have arranged ail tle names lan-re- gular order of these who have asked te 'be called on, se tint no tîiewili be bs-t. If you have net sent your nanme la or are in doubt 'please phione 10 r, 10 adyeu will lie puit on the list. W\ýe are asking foi- the fullest co-oeraienon the parft of the citi- zen11s Of 0Qrono, neot 'enly te take the titroble te get togeýtheri any salvage, but aise t e hep eut by hiavinig 1ready for a qunick pick uip. Tie neý'wspaper)-s in 'bundies. 'put rags in a separate bag ad ry e ak a ea's ly for fie ateesas possib)le. After. it lias been delivered at the Scout HAll their is sCHl a lot of work te be done and the Scoutsý will appreciate any ielp effered. This is a patrîotic d'uty in which ail can tale part.Ail kinds of sal- vage is urgently needed nid the gev- eramený1t is ;pleadling ah tihe timne fer mateial te be put la itheir hbands. Let Or-ono and the suronding countr'y sho(-w it reaIlly m-eans business. MUaay people have phoned froni fanais and have offered te brIng' the stul7lu i a. Pleave leave if at the Preiý bytenian Clirci, ONono, and bli sure to let J. J. Mellor know it is ther-e. Rev. l.H Presenrted By Church and Lions Club OU Of Port Perry Before Leaivîingl For Blenheim MWiidey At thIle annulta1 :o ngregationa1l ' l meetinig of 'he Por t Perry Unied o. 42, v Chmrch o Thusda, Jauay tU e Re.W. J. FI. sluyth waus pe td dr' withi thiefololwîagadresan awýe'dec hadom pholstered har he ig Po erry, Jn.14, 194. odinate Legi-ee To e.W.J. H. Smiyth: Orowno Dear Fin: It is neo easy mlatter îl-tpi ussr te give expression 'te the tho'ughts of "-lie rc iied regrvet bhecausýe of yeur na g-'ven ýand have sc 's with an i Lpatheti e e been cheejý- Syen have ivy ef a Clii tl has evr id the ide beer. Mo s lost a you!ug folk s, your times your srmons have be-en pouadms î eY on sound Mprcpls, and insmi-rfd o-f hy the Heavenly rLigit. Bre, lodc 'As a citizen of Port Pctry, youfie sanie have ma1<de many friends. Yu fair' deali -peeh and abity te rise te the oc- his 1 ianly ciohave offen given usa ene f he Fo pride and pleasure. AMnny c itizeas in banque net connected with our Churcli have chalpe, ý expressed since eregreot 40 lern that caerngj yeic are leavepg us. J. Riddell Now ýthe tiie lias comie for, us te a pleasur part. You go te a ae'w, field. We say membero God biess yen, an'd guide yen, and in- Be'wmanv spire yen. We cannot ask anything especially hîgiet- finr you. . las trav We shal carry on, prefiting by ever-y'whe your 'counsel and your years of ser- iand atter vice; and the lessons we have learned ing incis( as we have worked together here. Ipitaýli y. WVe tiank y&u for ail that yen nition bel have 'done for us. gave aw This address carried a host of sig- trieks cf natures, renresenting every depart- Other S mnent of the Church's wor4k Grands c On Thursday, January 22nd, Rev. mainviie, W. J. H. Smpti,wo is a meniher Dywer o of the Port Perry Liens CIlubi, was dhe emrbl maade the guest ef honour Mer the every dp e'vening-: and wa-, presented with a d'ates ail 'ine 'bief rcose by the miembers. The being nma aiddress r-end (Iex-ýpressed sinvere regret live up t( at MA& Sniyh'a remowval and a thor-!~ A vote ougli apereciation of bils aclive werk ' by thev as a nienzber of the Lons Club. j heers ai la recsponse M'r. *Syti ade a Nat i onal1 feu euos ackn'ewed'ment of the fuli ofc epressin of good-will, and then pro- of O ceeuddAtesgve bis tin ng ae dd'rss -"As tne PIit ees the Pew.'-This b)rPIiit 'n oi'd pcuewill not sooII VemIy ihuc be forgotten. Tt shewel wit. ood late com( and sympatheti'cunesndg of the gn listi Sons 0f England Instal Il94 Officers and Me upton Lodge No nd, held their - ii ;ults by constitue vwll bcho nuted cd. In this way riding and o-f eaý tot-al vote en s.ýueofreaSn rnation'. for or ae'ain4 f frt'niits "ne ovp the outeenie, tlie ne- j coin ument, will The " -2,rer re, jaiaking 'mcr'oP CO ail'ce of tbat wvear. --i 'ha s mss Mr. and I 2da letter ýe'ngland.1 eventful 'voý verýy calm. The first 1 &entinuatier xas lie .January 221 taiied te ordi Staples, and nient M'as 0o Caniada." 'T Fles. rdti ,, 1-,ý

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