C. Draper,Che into, was coittad rsdy of 1,ast waeek j hearing, h w1' tial .at or Febr-ualrY9t.Bi s-& Cempanýy, and *** e-~Presie 0ofth, erryBa.-nk elyv, o onytpool, 1an, i4edl, are known tS the potato "ig of manl- ~ihhimý on this vers townshi!p, is' reported to have nt VieCa a.sold his farmraiecently for $10,O0 Mi. Tudhope were to a nan who is panu ing to convert ricecharman re-s us( to tdýbacc-o production. We Ontario Executive neFstadMu. Blakely 'willrear 1941 Vi ýtory Loan oon the 200 acre farm as foreinan. his Prov,ýince coni- i ts db1jective foi. ueour lias beniadid- îngs CertiLficates Cam1p)a igný . tee as JoinIt Vice- The 'Committee have established] served since its be- their Provincial aipain eadquar-ý ian (f the Ontario ers at 48ý King Sýtreet WesFt and ha-ve anadian 'War- Sav- begun their, prepar-atory ok TUIE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES IMR. ANý,%D 3RS, R. H.. ALLEN Ujnited Church Service CE BRT 58th ANNIVERSARY M.ai Mrs. R. Il. Alleni, Cburcîi The serivies- at Park Sý,treetCurhStree, Orono, celebrated their fifty- astSunday wreboth inter1esting ihtwdingaivrry tte and full of inspq-iration fou those whofBragg, Bowmanrai.le. Intt eed. The imm diate me bers of ,the( la he ornng he iteof aptsaifamiîly werý e resnt a , all enjoyed wais adaiteedteBaby Dawes byafoldrnradahapyeuin Rev. M.Littlewood. In ,place of a M a lrds , and acngratulatory se m n, J r. L iu o s p o f o th e, m ess age, s wre 2 rce(ive dl by the bride charcterand utis reuire ofthe lld rom.They xP.vere deepIly appre- nnivdalmmbercs of the difeent tieofte euiflfiwrssn bodies whicb govern the Chur-ch1, f el- othn, -to add cheer and bs eati. loiwiiq 2,wicb the newly eleced 1i- iii caso by thle members of St.i er, tewa1rdjs.ad. rutee(wreof- Svo~sChurch. fieially in'stalled. The- choir sýang May tls wvorthy couple be giv(en '¶low beautifull unpon bemouta1"; hat een1 oeceejai und(er, the dircetien of Ms. R. H. Ivthe wsh of theirin any friends. B row\n. Inlate eeg Mr. iÀttlew\ood. CARD 0F THIANKS who isginsres of ser mns o n Mr.1 .ow and family wish ponntwords la tBl besok t o 'es t teir fiainds land on theý word "ok"wihwsn's egbustheir sincere appreciationi Proftabl.An invitto seteddo h miyat f kn', sexted te eVarPY Oeateorne (-and hear thae 1d te teidui their rac(!en't suddan evenîng sermons..,)mv('1 amet. By Order of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board YoIu Must Have a LUicense by M1arch 31, 192 or Firm is Required to Have a License 1. if engaged in the business of buying for resale or selling any co>mmodity; or 2. if engaged in the business of supplYi ng any of the following services:. the supplying of electricity, gas, steani or water; telegraph, wireless or teIèphone services; the transportation of goods or persons; the provision of dock, harbour, or pier faciliies; warehousing or storage; undertaldng or embalming; lauindering, cleaning, tailoring, or dressmaking; hairdressing, barbering, or beauty parleur services; plumbing, heatiug, painting, decorating. cleaninug, or renovating; repairing of any kind; the supplying of meals, refreshments or beverages; the exhtibiting of motion pictures; process manufacturing on a custom or commission basis. IF YOIJ RAVE ALRFADY APPLIED FOR OR OBTAINED A WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD LICENSE UNDER A PREVIOUS LICENSING ORDER, YOU IJ SOIJLD NOT APPLY AGAIN 'Why License Applications Should Be Made At Oeýnce .part froin the legal requirements, licensing- of The name of every person who has been grauted a yonr business wiIl enable the Boardi to advise you license or wvho has already applied for a license is quickly and fully of the price ceiling regulations being placed on the Board's mailing list. Your name that affect your business. will be ndded when your application is received To Get Your License et an application form at your nearest post 1e application and mail it, postage e s no license f ee. eeive by -mail a Licence Identification Lg yeur license number. 3Do Not Need a License trdeners, livestock or PoultrY Producers, [n, unless buying goods for resale. or 'fin whichih la itself boarding houses. 'e already applied for Or rices and Trade Bo>ard WHAT THE LAW REQUIRES YOU TO DO After Nlarch 31, 1942, any official, representative, or investigator of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board may require yon to produce your License Identifica- tion Card if you are subi ect te this licensing order. After March 31, 1942, you mmust notify the Director of Licensiug of the Wartime Price and Trade Board, Ottawýa, in writing, quoting your license number, of any change in the anme, address, or character of your business within 10 days of such change. Yumust retain your License Identification Card ais it will reniain in effeet, unless suspeuded or cancelled, as long as the Maximum Prices Regulations continue. If you are afready licensed, a License Identification Card, valid for the duration of these Reguiations, will be autonmtically mailed te you before March 31, 1942. You nleed not apply for a renewal and there i8 no license fee. DIRECTOR 0F LICENSING, WVARTIME PRICES -AND [NG CITIES : VANCOUVER, EDMONTON, REGINA, JOHIN OR CHARLOTT'ETOWN M.D. NOTICE Pursuant to the Redel centained in By-Law 1W nîicipal Corporation of of Clarke, the said -M poration berelby givel Dcbentures listcd belov issued unde(r the said Orono H) Iydre oElectricý wil h redaemed by Pl ilay et xiarcn, n1'2, a n l'n"ý offlice of the Cnadiaîn Banl of Cor" mnerce ini the Village of 0-110o0on th salid ist dayv of Mardi, and that fror and after the said date, whîchi herelb1y set for RedeniptiOni, Interes on tha- Principal of the said DebeT tres hereinafter listed shall ceàs o aiccrue.F Debetures No. 7, 1947, and No. 1948. Jos. J. M ei lor, sudden death of George A. Stutt,4 the Brookaide district at the age, 70, remov'es oeeOf -the best knom anteng the ipromineflt fariersaia liveshck ,men- ofthe pro-vince. H iiterest and assecintioii in agricu tuaai and livestock organizatioi'i5 the west made hlmi an eutstardîr figure, and Ils efforts in the develi ment of a higher, standard of livest and ibtter ftrmnig m iebhods -w recognized when lie was awarded master farmler's certificate in 1930. Mr. iStutt was boem in Bru eceunty, and in 1892 hie camle 'v iocating on a homestead int Breokside district, which later1 caine one of the fine f amunis of SO katchewan. In 1897 he niarried Agi Burke, and they estahlishad a hçi Where [the truc pioneer spirit -, al'waqys te bie feiund. Both Mr- Mrs. Stutt tokl proininent parts the social and business activities the district, and is lorss te the c0 miunlty ill ha liard te estisuate. Fer several Years Mr. Stutt a n-liinber, of the ceouncil of R. 'M.S verwood, chai rtuan of the hoard trustees of Breokside schoola president or the Fairmede Agric tural society. H-e toe-k a leading pî in ýpr-omlotin'Ig and assisting -the 10, ,boys, and girs' agricultural lubsa org1ai7at«iens. Early in the century Mm. t e-btained pureJhred 'livestocýk,C desdale horses and Sherthorn catl and beaineene of the neted ~breed, of these animais in the Dominion.1 eixhibits at the varieus fairs brouý hlm ,hundreds Of trophi'esý, ned and other awards, ut the RoyalW ter, Fair, Toront, the Inenatio att Chicago, and ail the larger fa in the 'west. ~He took, a keen interest in fraterual affliations, and was ap master o! the L.L.U, this yeai junior warden of the Wapelua aud AM. aud held ciice in the Ori ehapter lodge a.t Moesemiin. He is survived byhbis-wxife, th1 daugliters and three sons. daugliters are Mrs. J. L. Potr Gladstone, Man,, Mrs. G. A. D aid, Winnipeg, and Mrs. Desm( Patridzle, Tdord; the sous. Johni Nra.A. eM.. .R.. St. Lotu are nine gýr owingsav 1 nuliaerousf the love ai ,le f friendts RED CE 10. -lusive) venings br le - everr 09 P.m. -no 18 rI- Plaint ô, ont, 'OMETRIST ofO- iand 2 et~ ýntmen4 >1rUf Stoi* - ontaTîr TED JACKSON Aucticmeer and Valuator Conduet8 -Auotion Sales of ail gsilo at erý ,es, Clocks, and ve Our Prompt STREET - C R(' F. Morris & Sonf uneral DirectorsI urniture Dealers MBULANCE SERVICE ,ownavi11e - Orono ries: Bowmnanville, Day 480f Night. 734 and 57Z ani Most Store and -THE BEST -THE NEWEST -THE LOW EST IS &SON AE - ORONO VERT lHOPE SFriday & Saturday Bergen McCarthy Cee & MloIIy te Together, ini 0 >s Laughing", a~nd Tuesday BOARD, Ottawa, CANADA Fire, ( "E pan.