Sug'ar r-atioingiI is now in effect I 'Canadu and it is ileft to the pu-b- 1(i to setl a-,tb uy rio imore Aurtg r hnte slutely ineed. R-- ý'I*o- cards wili o{ e used as yet, the -[bi irg p t ýon hieir hnor te cosreal the sUg ari tbey possibly -an II e"exonev!] ýomoply tth is new rntliing there 'ou b ne shortapze, wifl mt advanoýe. Tbree-quarters of aiun is allowed for, eaeb person por week. Foju een tables of -500 and one of rche wIre played at he Wue' isitecard party heîd iii the Orangu Lojtg roI- on Friday eveni- ing of last weela. After ninec tafibes bad beei played the scoe os were add- d up with the followîng resuts : 50() - prise fs»i ladies, Mrs. J. J. Cornish; muan, Mr. Roibert Glantville. Eoebhe- Mrs. 1. Winiter. The lucky chair prize went to Mrs. Hles'peî Dean, A deightful lunch of sand- wiches, cake and coffee was served. Lend FFreely -te seve Fedm i ýqLI W-->-at your service Anniversary Sale Prices Slashed inspite of the Scarcity of gooda DOZENS 0F ARTICLES AT RIDICLJLOIJSLY LOW PRICES Corne ini and see them. You'll be amazed how rnuch you can save by buying NOW Fire,C Agent ialty and Automobile Insuirance Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Df fice at Rear of Store MIAC.O.SMUTH 61 r2 - - ORN wv 13w on the sale of sugar, we appre- aperation received f rom the public. confusion as yet regwlarding quantities ade. We assure our customers we are gar, 2 weelks' supply at Se. lb. g. 21c try Flour, 24 lb. bag 69c :ry Flour, 7 Ibs 23e Ibs. 21c, ,s 2 lbs. 25c 2pkgs., cahad 23c 29c ies, lb. 20c dor white 2 pkgs 13e 8 21c Lrs 10e 29c b. 18C ef, lb. 1 7c b 22c The Mse Tourje, of Tor-ontoj ,pent Sunday ivwitrh MissePeon rMrs. R. H1. BonSPent afw days last week w ithhrinother !in Tor- l'te. TmLeof C'impll)Borden,. peta few dy the past week withi Lt. Col. J. C. Giamey, of Campl Nigrspenýt te ee-ed ih Mr. aieyan a111 erMrs. IH. Quit a uinbrfroll) heue attend- ,1 Brown's School dance, held at Newcastle Commuity Hazll on Friday e-vening. *Mrs. Wml. Cowan returned borne onm rs~ of iast weOkA froni Tor'- onto after pndn a couple of w'eeks with ber dau.ghter, -Mrs. Deoley. The West Durham OCounty Orange Lodge wjll hold tbeir annual meeting in Orono Grange Lodge room on Taesday, February 3rd, at 2 p.m. The ice that is ibeing cut this year at the miii 'pond is of fine quality, being soiid ice from top to bottom. The cakes are around fourteen inches thick. Oui' Orono contestants on,' the Aika 'Setzer programm--e at tbe Red Cross Bagzaarý, were beard by a few oiver the radio on -Monday eveninrg in their re broadcast. 0rono Women's Institute received a letterý from a Socdýety i Eagland, tbanking therm for the jamý that was sent over hby our local Institute. Jam is a luxrury ini that country and tbe letter said :that they were already usilng it. as a landiord 1 1 ýl 1 - 1 1 - > as a tenant A S a' part of the general plan to hait further increases ia the Cost of Living, the Goverumnent on December 1, 1941, extended the poiicy of the Price Ceiiiing to rentais for ail commercial and housing accommodation in Canada. Geaerally speaking the new rentai laws provide that : (1) No oral or written lease for an>' commrercial or housing accommodation (furnished or unfurnish- ed) ma>' legally be made after October 11, 1941, at a rentai higher than the rentai lawfuiily payable under the lease ini effert on that date unless an applicatioa fer increased rentai bas beein made te, and approved b> a local Rentais Committee of the Wartime ~Prices and Trade Board. Such an appli- cation must ho based on specified circumstances arising since October 11, 1941. NOTE: Land and premises used soiely for farm purposes are flot suibjet to ent control. (2) A tenant is entitled to a renewai of his lease unless the landiord requires the premises for certain reasons naruèd in the Beard's RentaI (kders anid has given the tenant a written notice to vacate within the time and in the manner prescribed therein. If this noctice to vacate is contested by the tenant, the landiord must secure a Court Order f or possession. (3) Copies of ail Rentai Orders and Regulations of the Board and application forms for rentai var- iations are availabie front an>' of the regional or euh-offices of the Wartime Fritefs and Trade Board, and, in areas >sjere such offices are not yet estab- iished, front the Clerk of any Count>' or District Court or loc-al Rentais Committee. VIOLATIONS of these orders are punlishable by iaw and should be reportedl in writiag to the Prices and Suppiy Representative Regionai Office, Wartime Prices and Trade Board, at the nlearest of aniy of the follo-wing cities : Vancouver, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg-, North Bay, London, Toronto, Brockviile, Montreai, Quebec, Saint John, Halifax or Chariottetown. Cyril DeMara Owen Lobley AdnsrtrWousing Rentels AdtninistrIor Commercial Rentais Get a stake in victory. BuIy Vie! tor y Bonds. i M.and -Mis, Ed. Mor-ton celebrat - ed thejir 52nd wedding ann1iVe1ýrar at' their hocme on Thiursdlay ofiai lo'el buqetof fio'esfoini th( wee(.k a nuibero', our iesto ~jnt'o h e ebyonrl nS(a~~ of jki rabWits. M, . Madir son Hal s'hot a red îfoix (onIthe fa1rý lney mr1l-imar îinthe qarty. Foxeý replentiful this year1 in this vicia 4 ity. The regular mieetýing of the Wo' Mnan's Missionary Seciety will be he](', on Tuesday, February 3rd, at 2.4,5 ij the Sunday Serboo1 roem. Miss MVIc Kenzie, a rýeturnýied teachier frunîi China, %',îll gi-se an interesting tal on some of ber experýienel-s in hej, workl there. A special invitation i, extended to ail women of thbe cû-n){ greg-ation to join -with us. After an absence of four years, Mi, Da've Gathcart, of 'Gladstone, Mani, tüoba, is r-enew,ý,ing old acquaintance- is this district. RIe is a brother ofl Allan Catheart, and an uncle of 'Gar- land. _,On Wednesday iast he speni a few ýpleasant hours in Oronce visit. ing with Mr. and Mrs. lEd. ýMorton Mrs. IMorgan, and bis oid friend Mr Georg-e Cowan. He informied us tha lie bas been in Manitoba for flfty-oni years, an lihe is bale and hearty. He reports tha't conditions havemro ed in the West during thne past four years. New, modern test equiprnent en- ables one to make fasit, dependabie repairs to any miake of radio. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. tf. 'T R. CARD 0F T17ANKS 'The farnily of the late IsabelIa Chapman wish', thro'ugh this mredliumy, to trhankc the friendsai-id neighbours for their many acta of kindness dur- ing the jflness and death of a loving2 wrifçe and inoVher; aiso for the auany ibeautifui floral tributes and mes- sages of syrnpathiy received. Has your subseription been renewed ? Next week, we correct our list. PARK ST. UNITED Rev. -S, LuItiE SUNDAY, FE] Il a.m.,-The IPropa theKigd. 2.30 p.m. '0ur Sunday Sch sig-neid Vo meet th( every ifldividtual. in the eoinmunity, ready served by chi-nh or schbeol.' 7 p.i-.-4Keywords of Lif e. ARMS1 IT PAYS TO Pi Plones 21 r 1 and Specials, Thursday, Fiiday,. Sati RoIled Oats 4 lb. 2!c.m w - - New Cheese b. ,Sc. Fresh- Shoulder Pork lb. 24e Round Steak Mixed Candy lb. 15e. Huron Toilet Roils 3 for Steak 217e Fresh Fillets Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 tins 119ce Loin Pork Chops IL Issued under the authorit>' of THE WARTME PRICES -AND TRADE BOARD Ottawa, Canada R How Reut Control Affects You- i.4