c2apa'cîty orfU cent to ,meel that iu one ce to Mlanil a rbor siof Wake.Thug. oe nlook likea l'ne of ils defence; leitbe, frac the ses wb l,,oe area is cvr h ck growth ofulices îfuly ;by Arrnuy engi- eas, there iaewlnt maithtatfoliage as f'ive tons cof boues Sat(lria, by the dmea cf Ambera thle loca; l-prsa frARP or gvoup rehili xvaa iig, nl adgea- , the ripptiig wcekly lat ofT fias aýcew, tilos 1ý"2r tât illeu &rc ù l1,ý gited ý 0f Uraer ýýî seîv -L-ý Cù-r u1o 0_11cý. o ný e ,v e tilu I-uiýd tie h'-"d 'a W eý ve . î is , ' st!i 'ý - st fr 111 ýý? isCo e- 4, "nd aen h Imdlnd llo 'Jua- put )ut utethe i Na Your forst And tro 1ýv lile ýýïg a7 --,f ý00k c1Oirî11 ý bit aý wo ý at tslie huugeru t ha te ruh Teere man gifed men toayl whoe must hae a church iiig can rth.BtSoeWo ld nyr thin insu aMayper inahosptal, orto sordier Y cmp. Jeseus w l rca rnedou ro havn t ee Chrst ý had aïyofcrnadig bout whtvrcmay ei o J,-u',Cosuu 4.n "ud weu h jhadiefti spçekiu, he oaid untoSimon Puouthinto the dep, ud eit "Mste, wetoildalngt, sud:ý IRADIOI anld aprala about 'untéid tl-4 Butfro t h rank1cf tb'un star oftornr7o. AId OKO la Iamiton 110 o youýr di 8.0p.AMATEUR HOUR!J what ma well b indictiveofth unique on Ot an jo racsig Major BwsUnfits -undet hisbet snd a natural fir for p)ensonsl ehowmaship part sd purcslo his being, Leu' ooing frwar th iho ridays a ,0pm DST.andifyo1 u havetalnt aaremurin tndrop d to KiugWiliamsudJohv ncSreet fore th0 adiiosonTuda nights! naga1lwysuses onle ! tamo Monday oui ghtiTJr ue or Flse show? Whyrottw woes tearns -- or two of nmenflrik? Wel1, answErsheDoto-that'dC 1 befineo, olit7d lbe 'one-sou of Aa OPUS-811j, BL 740 WtEAF .1C Bd00 WJZ NJ.I., mue 7ý70k U> NC11.,> 80 WOU <M.Cb.S.) 71 UhOC Hangsihlun 11P5k Saul St . NI. 1230k teilthings. Be gave the probablytAtday, after s niht ofcmpeefailure, he g,,Setst caeof fish thbey Lad eersueen 8. "ButSîmon eter-,whue -saw Î5it, feu dowu aL eu'kcs sayin, Dpatt f o% me; for taun a sinful m nian, O Lord. . Fr he was amazedmsudail thlat vi ,ib bhlm, at thiedrugh'1fth fishes wich they ha tke."Th exclmaton f Sirnon Peter wa wruuig from a banttouched wt al sensýe cf huniit ! sd iswrd did not express bis thoughts. They,, wee he cry of agonlized lhnuibityý aad olye0 paizd i onute un worliness. 10. ý"And 5 eeas ae were partuer-s wtSimcan. And.é Jesu idu nlo Simàon, ernt ro n eeefoth thou shat ctchi m en. 11, And Mwhen theyba brojught their boats to -a1,11theyý left aIl, asud followed biim," ChrList said, in effet tat b sialarpeteof, aho l-dsu bis preseuce our service. !Beea dlo vithl sinfultrnen woare cou ýscicua cf ýtheJj ir siership N'ýo sin la In ivteae u thrat hl eau Cope(,'itn it. Saywitlm aadi ho wl- lean.seý fheýalandsaeyu suýd îmake you ftheintueto saviu-gtosad cfsnesik yoref Camouflged A n C eey Jaan, eew br1oug to 4ueen's ospý1)italý, oF Unolu,m alete eeme atck a paiuted gren ron hed to fonot loptlattendantsguseIe had cmoflge bmacît seh ScouldbideM u he foiage sud aid atlackiug Japs. N' GSO England osai, 13 En ian .d .U-45 li 10 qEgland1 ' ' 31m EAq Sopin 9.SO 14IN iwusiaz 60 RNERia,ý*i1. IIVO Rss ic1518 CandaBacks PNew Pro.zcemSs FoDr Foodsch Largesae epnretlwr sud adaptaton of commercia plant lw te production o -fdhy sent te the Uonited Kiagdorn lu Two jplanits ilu Nova ,Scot'ia,tw lu O)ntarl suad cone ilu Brîtîsb Coubawee ud ustod e prpr l o inistal thýe rcquI'red S.,, Amerî--canr.St7ýreet W idest hin o Buenos Aires, wbicb basth.- wideust streetlte wold - thec Aeda9de Jull, wiuh a widt of 150 yards - sla prriga treasury biu! isue of 56 milion pe os oe teu he cntuto cf the avenue, asy Pn-rela Magaine-. Th'jeueavnwic bsthioee lnes iliueh drco for diffes eut speeds cF automo- bilsluadeiion te sidewalk undergroun aring ac'ite nomlways uudevrand what the ro, Aler Some delay heyp planaicu,"1 tougbb ypou sa'ida over guerssyour right, EDr. Hageul hour later 0ouWednesdiayights- at~ ~~0 Mu0DS,.F r hepast mo th orii .0iIwslute 8.00) perliod.; Sho 1 clle l"wet ad ndw -an rellyhiglites9the fiies For te lda c ai-te1r,-,jUand linto Frdas a 1.00, p.m, and Root peranen , of the: Few Canadian shows strve to reah he'Vaiey'pinuacleof so mayofth big-irne U.ý.show --but "lue Ryhn"Tues- dasat 880D.S.T. (CKOýC and CBjedes a very, commeudaàWlble- job atre str'ictly ou1the van er. thme euih a good comuedc cct Frankie ShsteraidJohuniy L~ricWiId' bau, nd isolo stunts byGogaDey-, Burt Austin "'11d theCambel Sstes.With Çau- ,Herbsmay at the nueshowc moreas aloug at a uàee pacS goodlauhsgood rnusic udgoodl JFF5, ilHllth- e0 c f ti OT' Rlw ix Bu-rof ious , EXTk io didl the fani Sons and.n tret laotten o~ e I WISE OLD BIRD UORIZONTAL iPictured birdl of prey. 4 Pleasuire 'boat. .12 Rust on imataI. 14 Gave up. 16 Kaolin 17 Wingedi, 19 Wilid chçrry. 21lLeather flask, 22 l'o pot agaîin. 23Shaft pat. 24 Imritated, 26 At this time. 29 To say aga.in. 33 Three. 3,1 HiýÀdde-n. 35 To soak flax. 3ý7 Frigcht, 38 S--if coliar. 40 GrouLnd, 44 'Since, 45 Play. 49 Blaýck haw, 50 Slatted box. 52 Verbail. Answer to F#È 53 Caîl foruel at sea. 54 Greaser. 57 To be siek. 56 Il ba, soft -- pumage, 57 Il eats smraii VERTICAL 3Tg jum'p. Irevions Puzzle 15 To run out, scAp N C-IG 1E_16 Species of it v~ FORare found in P. N18 Armanudillo, ST E D20It as- or nighithais ý tWKAF 25 To rly cfI(rE fM Z 7 Ný,atie et. I UItItE N28 luui iT FG53To makea RAP.I S 2 Bustle. 4Bushel ,1(abbrj 37 Toward, 5 Sawed.39 Clan syrnbob, Cpart r a 1 Too, cïrana. 4-2 Tuber. TTo imipede ,-,y ,- amEl alion, estoppel. 44 Djry- 8Parnt 46 Te wmauder Helnce. -'47 DMeiodiy, 1U To ogl, 48 Shacldc wl il Land, right, 50 Mine shaft butý 13 Cemeal grass. 51Age. By JL MILIAR WATT OUR ADIOLOG (MAC ilntal 70k (cKL hutkawlL. 560k LA, )Sndbur 71>0 Clm Windor 8&MA ChNX Im% -h 1230k U.S35 7TI N POP-A TItie That Couints -Cri -lES OTA fITLýý ('OT TOD 1 W T SiIT a-