TIMYR, te wýelcom)e tbe new F. Girtlalam 0on1Sat- exceptie aiiy Quomnen frM Our disict at- os, thie pro- t'ndd .emy' cttie saIle on Sat- mlay etratuda. goxne and the Mmr. Win. Ruthoerford lbas been busy eekly Prize. hbauling herpe n'ext winitei s supply, Y moibu vtcf Wood, Big Anpual MissMild ed Alle, oswu)mokg -elvi in PicIkering, -Wa S borne this pasý-t S...foi, te Mm. and Mmrs. W.Wna visited sy out M.aued Mrjs. Fred (1Brimiacoibe on etbng realLy Wednlesday evenling. g. M. ad Mmis. JohnLweyOsaa tS, arc ays,, pnt Saday wib is paruents,3M. he editers cf a'Mms. Hrt oh.Lowery. tion feelthat Mme IWM. VWannan has rot mnod homnueaftem spending va week tending esigned te hem- mohe , wbo bas beeun sick. 'proft.They M. and tMrs.tWml. Diiheand son 5 0 stren (S il Billie výisited witb ber parents, Mi. s a necmsamy ad Mis John mown onSuay well bianced Mv. nd AMms. JolnBieowmcer reF(ason be- ('d a leter fmom I'ntheir son Phiip), sy 1f:n1et1n- mg t'hat botbhotand !bis brlother are udois adcnfineli. 'prvies or Mr. and Mm. as Rtherfordand and M1es41. R. Hligwr nSn puzzingandday. pirice in tb u tberford attended the duec $2000)this Brown's Schoelnt Newcaeon Fi- tstis one day igbt ]Ineas semste bave inlvadeud our lifle oucenxunity witb a vengeance thi wnte, but we(r glad te report a Il are now irmprovîng. 'ýOTES 'Phe conuity wisýhes te exten.d thir deepest symrpajtby te the fýamj iy c f ftbIe t 's. Wm. Chiapm-an in R ed C ross their mecnt bemecavem-lent. S beeln arous- We are glad te bear. of the im- ipments from pr-ovem1ent in th e healtb cof our1 s O eýrseas of neîzgbhour, A. A. Mrm w o is ussiA for use spondin'g thie wintor with lis dlaugh-1 the Criimea. 1t ter, lr's. Roy Bryson, in Hail on. 'f tho Cie, The ladies of orYi. la. are husy 1Nibtingale qouiltling and knitting for ovorseas. ;ty cf imemCY Tlie East Goup bias met at the ms-- aurvce homes cf Mur m. Rutherbfodand md developed Met1s. Wmn. Wannan te miake, quilts. garment- to clothe 250 babies. Bloodï Donior Cliniie le Red Cross, of Red Cm'ss is a 1enlefi' the front More 'thn 16,00 peopl in Tot ci tmeq a last yoar gave a part of thehi ie's c l'Aling.1;( lofor. their contry. Th-eir blood ~ada lAve ya; given withoutchao,,,under ox- rgent aid potr edical attention, nt the lied =s Over- Cioss lood Donons Clinic on Sher- atosý, co - boumrîe Street, Trno It haýs 1been ls.n 7"9 Stred away, in a dried powdered mests for Iom. for any uergcecy, whPeoa 4.790 gwar- rnfinis imperativo; 01n land or mne agSsa. on wa1rshipsý, a a-ports, "at army mdl 3,3W00 campjs, oi on11thoeldof battie. ONTARIO M MACINERY 10W! VICTORY MEANS LESS STEEL FOR AGRICULTURE ak-downs and loss of time and labour during vest.' Check your machinery for necessary s. Do it at once while pàrts are available. RDER FOR REPAIR PARTS IMMEDIATELY .RWITH MACHINERY ere Exchange work and iniplements with your neighbours. for Plan your crop programme to ip- extend the. period of haying and harvest. itative and your County AgriculturaJ will co-operate with you. ElLE USE 0F WHAT YOU HAVE 0F AGRICULTURE W. R. REEK, epuy Minster NE WTON VILLE, Mrs, Robert Burley Sm. isseisl M.R. J. Rowe is iprlov7ing sai;s- Mi.'an'd Mrs. RuLssel McNeiL, Osh- awavistedMr.and Mus. Willis Farl- rwon Sunlday; Pt. dgrMilisýon spenit the1 weeku-enld Vwith blis palets Mr . a1zýd Mrs. L. E. Milîson. Jacu MLahlnof the R.C.A. F.. spet te wok nd ithbisparents, Rev. anm Mrs. J. Mcac(hlan. 'Cngatlaios te MAr. Thes. BrwPort Gran'by, f orier post- mateho \was ,90 veai-,old Tueis - 4abas been beýlping to care 'fer'hem motbe, Mrs. Thos. Stapletonl, -wbo- is under the doto's car'e. Congregational Meetig of United Church Followin1gLa bounitiful suippor, of whicb 85 partocik, tbe businless; of tbeu annl '1congregationl meelt'inlg cf Nowtonville UitdCburch was pr)o- ceedd wih and diScuLlssed. h vr ibýus rep 1)o 1t s pimeseted by r1eptrueiln- tatives cf tbe uo'gÏai zaýtiOn ee o. inteden ~theS.S.,-"Mr. SId! Lanl te scIholaIs wbo bd bind the m-c quire pecenagefor- atten'ildanice, throghot te yam.M 1. Georg Kimaliwaselotedte the Boarld cf Ste'wards. takÉýingth plc of L. Saer,hwbonow reisin Osbiawa. Otherffers weer-lce.Itwa decideýd te senld letteris te members who weie conf1,ined lte their homes through illness.ý A vote cf a ppre- ia.tiOn -'vas expmet'ssed te a memnber cf the uonigregation, who kind1lyý pro- sented the church it a lovely large siUnion Jack. A pia service is te ho beld n Sunday, February lst, at vic this flag will be dedi- eated. The seiSsion report, \vhile slinlg seventeýen imembers eecived on Profession of Faith and four by cerificaeindicated the trend, at p_resent, in i-ual centres, by ýthe numi- bor cf non- resîdents and ethers mýe- moved' bylter The Missionary an'd 'ane c Fund report marked econsider{ble acvance over last ya.Ini vîevowrfinrasdcost of livingad car operating, it was decided te giveo tbe paistor -a bonus. Rev. Mrý. Mc-1 Lachanwhp resdedover tbe meet- mg, expro-ssed bis tlan'ks anld ape ciaton or hisaddled kindn'less, and fer- the co-opration cf the officiýais, mebrsad adherenlts trubu the yar. Ho :1uthonave 'a blir i pa- toral miessage on1 "The Ciurch, the piayand mcst fuindamentail pub>- lic inistitution in the land.U' The moetiing closed with the singing ýofý the National Antbem. Ther-oan ization meeýýting cf tbe lUnited Cuc in Newtonville, iesultod ;in the fol- lowinlg lctýion1s :Wvm. ancir manl; A. Rdnp secetary. A wel- cone lw's extendlied to tbe lnove mem- STAR KVILLE 'Mr. Jack-J Be-nson, Glaiýke, with ibis brothIer Wesley. Ms. Lone Paedon has returnedI hobmo from iToroýnto. Mr. and -Mrs. Ormne Falls with Mm, atnd Mrs. Russel Savery. ~Mr. and Mrs. Russel 'Savery withi Mr. and MHrs. Lew. 'Hnllowefl. Ms'i-. HallowePl and Heleni, mith Mr. and Mrs. H. Rusk, Port Hope. Mr. and Mr-s. Ress Hallowell with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White, Eliza'betb- ville. Mmvi. Lew. Hallowell and Maurice- wplihber sister, rs Harold Little, Clarke. Mrs eroSm1-ith witb her miother, Mrsi Thos. Stapietonl,who has been 'qulite iii. Misss Gwn ~lmerandAudroyv Burey o. Cartewithi Mr. and Mis Heilh. Gilmem. Glad to vepoit NMrs. Ida Stark feel- inig mhbetter fronhem recent ili- ness, aise M-\L, Vitor Farrow Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, UOmne and -Mm'. L'avemnIe Stone, of Brvonte,i with M--r. and MVrs. Frank Stone. A very sucecessful quilting in) aid of Red,([Cross was beld1 at the homre of Mrs. Ros's Hall'well on Thum-sday aftonnoon last, itwo quilts being. quilted and hound. Pwenty ladies took supper. Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Halioweli, Mm. anid Mrs. Ross 1Hallowel and Wes.;, Mmr. Jaeck iassard and si-ster, Miss Molly were dinner guests of Miss NQr-ma Hallowell on Wednesdlay evning Iast. Men of 30,409,50 PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnoruxal? Wiant normal pep, ri, .vigor,. vltallty? Try Ostrez Tonie Tablets. Contains IN THIS NATURAL WAY! 300 teiblets. 1.39 750 teiblets. 2.79 Start the N'ew Year RJGHT! 1 0's............. ..._29c. for............... 39c., 69c> Çhas's yru ofLieed ïand Large ..... ...................... 6(9c, Petsi.......... ..59c.,.4 ............ ....... . ....... ........... . etîedBronchial Syrup, 8 ounces for..... . ......... 50De. flýuckley's Mixture, small .....40e!. Large .................... ............7,,c. P>assmilore's Cough Mixture 49e, FACELLE FOR MEN New Improved l'issues, large in size, 12- inches by 12 iiiehes, tough, 3 ply tissue, box of 200 25C Velvetta Cleansing lTissues, 200 for . ........................e.. û . 500 for ........................ ......29c. Kleenex l'issues, 1,50 for....10e. 200 for .......... -. ............. 13C.: -500 for. ............. . ............. 29C. ENTERPRISE Ms.Wm. Malley and Oren v-isited fensin Bowrianville on Satumday. Mis. K't enesnand Evelyn, cfSubr, visited friendcs homre m- Mmundj Mrs. Lloyd Raaisbermy and ,aiyspnt Suýnday evening at Mr. M.and Mr-s. Gordon Moffabttwr Sundayýi guests cf hem sisteýr, Mrs. Carl Portous, cf Cavan. Pte. Tom -iLewis, cf Camp Bemdeni, ibs fami-ily, 'visited beýr parent's, Mr-. and MUrs. Jas. Ransbermy. MWm. and Miýrs. Roy 'Cochrane and faiiy visïted ",'r. and Mrs. Win- Miller, New Paek, on Sunday. Mm . and ýMms. L. Alldread. andi faiiy viisted ber parents, Mm,. and Mmrs. J. 7Meffatt, ever the week-end. M. and Mrs. Cbarles Taylor, Resu 'and Eaml 'visited Mm. and Mms. Lloyd Taylor, Bowmanville, last 'Saturday. A former esident of thits section passed a'way at 'bis borne in Manvers in the person of John Wazny. The funeraI was larg-eiy attended at Mc- Crea,»'s on Saturdiay. COWANVILLE Somry ,- to repot that Miss Addie Mlisen is in poor heaith. Mm,. Jack Bamnes, of Toronto, was at hoeine ver the week-end. Mm. and 'Ms Wes. Stmaiger visited at Mmr. and Mmrs. Clarence Burley's on Suilday. Mm.- and Mrs-. H. .Hancock, cf Nw -scas, M.anid AMrs. Mac. Stapbeton visited at Mms. B3. Aillsoni's on Sun- A n hocf ladies gathueedat Mis s. s' rnemson' Saturday af- tUoooniaad cquîlted for. the RoRd Mîiss Dorotbiy Hollinghiwomtb,M. an'd Mms. Jim Ru1therford 'an'd Diciui, vijsited at Mm. and Mrs. R. Hlollin-gs- womtb1 on Sunlday. A numiber of young poopie fromi bore atne the dance at Newcas. tie on Fiday ni.ght that was put on býy Brcwn*s' Home and Schoo)l Club, adreport a good timie. Mýentioned in Despatches MidIsbipmiýan Donald Mackenzie Waters, of Ottawa and Cobýoumg, one cf 66 young Onnadians training with the Royal Navy bas been nientioned in desPatches for his part i the Battiecof Crete. Navy Minister Mac- donald has announced. The 20..year- old miemibeof the Ganadian Navals Service has been 'twice torpedoed L since the wam beogan, botb times in thet BuCIaley ,îiCanad1l Cogh ..........-p.................. . loik ds, box . ................25,. Sucrets, Antiseptie Throat Lo - zenoges .,........... ..................... 25,. Lin-seed, Licorice and Oioro- dyne Lozeniges, pkg. -.......... 5c. Hiorton's Mieuthol Cough Drops, pkg.... ................................10e). STOP thiat cold a-, quickly as possible. Commonms and throat irrita- tions o (ften (developp int(o more ser- ius coni-ditionis later. HEREAR ýLow Cah Pi es3 on roearemeiÈdies that reieve the distress of odnr cough and Smnall box T or Rheumatic 0c Pain-. Large Econiomy 1 .00 Prescriptions a Speci ICharles Agent for Jaekman Flowers for 49c% VIJCK'S Vapo-Rub ,......43c. Vatronol Nose Drops .......43c. Coudgh Drops ............... 15c. Certified 5lustard Rubi, jar 25c CtiedChest Rub., jar.39e Mutrljar . ..................ý35c. AagicBalmii......;.25c., 39t. Regular 75e size sun -6 sample, bottle, both for 9c ialty Tyrreill PhIlone 68 Orono Noxeina 7Medi cated Skîn Creamn For Cbapped hands, "fel it h-eal." SpeCial, 25e. jar for .......... ..... ........... '19C. Don Juan Lipstick, Rouge and Face Powder, new stock, each ....................... 17c. Cuticura Soap and Cutiç-ura Ointmenit, new stock, eachi........... ......... ....... 10c. Molle Brushless Shaving Cream, new, tube .... 18c. Save 25c. on Blue Gillette Blades, reg. $1.25 pack for ...... ................... $1.00 Plastie 6-incli Rules ........... .......... 20c. Broom ilolders, new, eaeh ..... .. ......... 10c. ,Jig' Sam- Puzzles for long evenings,, 480 pieces. .39c. Fresh Salted Peanuts, direct from ovej'is, lb. .. 15c. Dairy Cream Sodas, 2 lb. box ... ý...... ..... 29c. White Serviettes (70 in pkg.), per pkg. --.....15c. Luxor IVatches, 3 boxes to ipkg. Week-end Spe- cial., pkg ............ .......... ...,,... 25C. Sultana Raisins, mediu.m size, bulk, 2lbs...... 25c. Ripe Green Peas, 1 lb. tins ....... ..........1loc. Royal York Cream Cheesè, 1-2 lb. pkg.....19C. Neilson's Cocoa, 1 lb. tins.......... .... .... 29c. Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. for . ............. 25c. Fresh Cream- Sandwich, Jam Sandwich, LJhoeo- late Cocoanut- Fingers, Dundee Shortbread. Week-end Special, 2 Lbs. .... .............. 35C. I YOUR POPIULAR SHOPI I RONO 5c. TO $1.( IMotor Equipment Northceutt anid Funeral Directors and F'urnitur I KIN'ýDNESS COURTESY j Equipped to take care of the modest fi reasonable charge as welI as the xnost exaeting ITelephone: Office 668 - Resider CENTFRE Pri Ambulance ose- ýbell ' ots, erm'i feu, ~ for top 15 id C int s 0 dbc N.