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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Feb 1942, p. 3

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i will ficul- than of f Irish Iond the isb a you 1 ~ 1+ firon mnen ion Tif ou Lost aippetites areo found, auJ lo T ley- esters ýpeed-l)p, ,when £emnpting- 01f- Chiristie's Plrem;iumit Soda Craqckxer ar falce servi-di l hat'5 hecause ChristWe'sgiyie lace mostpeople mûre of ithe things ihey te liLe ina scracker - renpting flavor, r'l, tender fa ie epedabl!e freshaess. v- Ir- -Serve Christie's Premiuim Soýtda why Crackers with souips, salads, sreas- .llioa he're uaas sre to pLeatse. 1s doWni to r onitav l's uinifo.rm. ýtïe or Dunl- newere to orl an agU ,ond xe But I1 lout of the ýsinkiug of aC riil ýLbtleship. Said theld'ne- peper:ý ".His frien)ds wil!l le glad toýý uow that lie is alivun aceII ingiacident. Train In Canie(a Flag o!four AlIied Ntin Fly Over Traiffni gCamzpsiin I ui Otaio (;and-Qebcthe fgaof Norway, th-e Nteln~ Beilgiumii, and Poland fyoe traiuing campas lireyoungmn from thase couintries are A.1riv- big daily to train for the bettie againt th Nazi conqu-iierors u-f, thcirhomelands. FrmMthe cou- quered coutries themselvas aud ,1ro1 ail par-ts of the xToid th ý tendIs are coping by dlevicusway to the camps. Pouand Poland, tmtbe ceuntry ta trt e riigcamp in Canadaý , i N.,ouduiider G«an,1 iErqn ialaw Duclih, chiief of ail PoiiiliIforjcems è in Canada. Recruits coma large. ly ;from the Polih; ete41n he - Ijnited Stateas, lat utWindCso, and then are sant to the carip ti)e Oweu Sotrd. Polish iorau aimnaealracady iii action w'vitli B3ritiasa ,-,ils and < aýimel ninvr ou-Ls parts of the wol.Polisli air oreofficera, dlis tiniguishbbl nlfrmBriishofcrsbth ?olaud badge ou, theiruifra have also been seen in Canada, look.iug intoth.le psiiiiso triîgairmren in thjeDoion Norway watha firat country ét begin traing operatioc ns u th Domiiin, and on the wtmru At Torouto maintais a camp for the maiingof pilota, hmes grouu cres for' the Royal or- weinAir. Force. Both N'orwg-,,ý an ary and na v y fir r tr,,aining ait Toronto, and maucy aen have already beau sentov arsees to teke their place vëih fBritiali air sudos NetheAands Netbierlauds slieaa>re ra iuat aul oidfuntue]ato ,,t Stratf'ord. Tbey are feunl iitdby PicasJEan b now li vea nt Ottawa. and after whom )nlthe camip le nmed. eter -auds soldies, USai s nd ai.- enhave beaui on active dutin a-~ Grýeet Bitain since the faîl of hair unry, auqa fstasCol, G. J, Sass trinslis men utiJu- liane arraksthy are sent1,oV- eresto talke thefirplaece ut 1some NatherlanaIerrison in Erituin o in the Nethalapds colonies. Col onel Sass was formerly Miltary atachje t fthcHolkld 1legatioýn lu apokente mae the mer feel moreý au borne.ModA faBelgians in ,raining ý:cmafrorn Canadia, luit moe aIetý hair way frornote oat f the woxrld. Under yOUth- ulCommandant G. VnDr- UMEerSCb bey are e priae i~wwi0i Bit~lforeces At yourGocr, in ehis eooia 2-pound package Chriie' LOssoRs lu Love by JERRY BRONIDFIELD Last Week: Barbariaiap- 0ologizer to Dugan ,forqus tioning hi-, judgment in tha, - busiines deal. They goe for a ride with Larry,Braa' steadiiest suitor, and after Dugan leaves tbem, Lýarry telîs Bar'bara i that he remem' bers wher-e heý has seen Du- gan before -- as a fobl bero *inevnawsaperpites -He ais rmebesthat Du.- gan sperentagecof Indian blood ie veýrY slig ht. abr ;s surprisedi, andbeforere tiring, she osdr th charm more fully uon 00-g"e t'a brinlg Larry ar-ounè, PLANNING A CMAG CHAPTER VI Btabera was f1awaký ,ýened the folwigrorniung Lby aioln pouudiug on beh dor "JIit the ek"a ufe voice said, Yur aigm It waa Du anad sha eme baed then lits selfextendad iW. Corne ba ncIlutliradys," ""l be lad lu trea iue wvith a PMll of wate," lie thraetC euad, She got dresae-d. Aldit was, an appreciative eye which uga cat over lierFrom the tip o her huec-and (pink lipestýo t conof ber rýoyal lepîtr îlýat heW-"s h e mostraan th;-iug I liad scen in Neiw Yorký, Or aywhere, lie decided. "l'i probably spaud my time lookiugetA you, rathar tban the Jhigh spots of NewYok "lie said bluntly as ýtbey started ou.t lu bar ai his, yolrfad? "Sure, . Larry «oe odm to mention, So yu'eaï n Indin, curdling Idinwlowe gig to mae me hanfl for ail th-rsa 'Du1ýgqan stu-died i er rfiea tbiey drove. There wes e grin o blis ow fae as lereplied. ,fCookbeautniful, î don't diýs- agr,ýee wîh myboss. It was your UncleHankS idenaned leUnà- sised u y co-operat10in." "Duthtink for a minute,i Mie the iden of providing yur 4ocndl pictur,,e tha change of bef~ehndthat I p1ùrobubly wouldi find you an intolrly spoiled but uncommnly b enautifu I1 wenfch. She gasped. grunted, "but I'm incbned to agree," "And ftif you" us! no,"le wveut on11euly)I, "' ifo vafaud, Ther?- IS Indiani bloodlf inmy vaisan lum roua of it, AA gret-genfete~of m n mar- ied the daugliter of a Pawnee- chef. ,S'nce then we' e sýtuc1,tw ~'hnwbere do you get, this "rityon the lgt îue spel1amOst of 1my -lifîe wih In..yï (dtîna. I1w, practieally rie nezt deoor to arsevto clgethey inducted mieinto theii trse as an hionorary chief. Now Start hoin e the worfdern of"- thG odem rncliff delr. Then hours later thIley were on ManhauttaII n l thedistance. "Some ý isn, e musedi. "Nýot bad o 2 anid a srn ofbas"she wobserved. "Tht's for it, you knoxv." "I kow.Typical, îC, ' t Thie LpalefivceS starý-itedtilM"ming tenthen, and yd stili be as it dlown in Okahoma andes- whers if the governmest hd' step-ped in to protýeet ther irlo Theýy wee uiet f, or a few Me- mnts!i wihonly the ýpurr Vof the oowet-ftL motor lutheabcirThe Barbra rokethesilence. "Wlif w'eexhausted th indiarn subjeet, hwabout sm golf tomcorow?" "aeto be iat, yourunl' off i Ce t; ooro o-ý lrninfig, but okay about 2 iM theafternoos," hbe, saidmcaalîAd theni. -'in aiul isdtue Oyou puay golf?" mjfation, I'veveyerplayed wi'th a' ýman I cuin'caut, ÀAlso for -oLIrhinformIationt, Ihooîint, higli 70' MndVit bet you a cgood ducking in the qpool thatI, beatý "I've onlyflayeýd twice this,, year tand I'm ia littlerst, butý I may b lleto make - ài inter. estingITAs a date and a bet, She shlot abauiul7 , bt lie wenoit her one better with a- 7 . ý She knew shewas llck edý wiken Wher eyc olowd is qopen ingdrv which cevdthie fair.t wayin two, 275,' yardsdn.But ýwhn-,t raafly got herwas te Mau nIer ln whid- ch ha rely sie patroizin-y evey ftima she rmde a g--ood hot 1ýýustAd ofcmpi mentiug ber, he gave hep a su- shot withhia ",Teli e,"she said smwa petlatlyasthay walked off thai 'Sth g-reen, "le the-re !no udto your talnts? ith w hat arnm to be surprIsad mext?"' Haguided lier toa-tabl n juat aou ehestd hm," le fid 1with asock siuse, guarantea, 'mthe cdean,woi. Fo"r Instance,Ivenyrlda taetwitb oe. "Notbfiilng youcoiutdvop 'at eltteoïf lie propar ýen- courgemntmayo."Thora -wasý n g innlis ,ýface as le said it, but bhis oye looîed stailitct ber, ad she was theý fimailtot lower lier gaza. 'Som-ry,7" sha sald, racovering teailtmeasýure of composure she1,,,le sbt, "orbut I don't ,v0 ny frth(omnýin uthe neer amnigthe glas ofe ond lie beld uiis-bIaud. "'!Iidn't really expqect -any, iii feet, I wasut sehin au etpresent. 'You flatter yusl, Sh tfeeHa' la'd l ierj. tanatlitle trap, aud lshe lad tumbled riglit àin So ha didn't went enicourage- mentrd did la?' Well, Mister- Du- gan EBiele, .slo didni't think acting wsouae of bis talients, and tluat bol le lad givei-tber indficated Sir Airchibald Clark Kerr, ab o ve2,formýer British amoba:ssador to Chlina, hias been iined to suc- ceed Sir Stafford Crippa., retiring camasdr Ato Russia he wantquite telling the truth. And theî.iin e wondered how she should describe the tîgle wich the suddjen luttle obsevatýion hiad given. herl. At-. anya± mtw Rmld he fuii bigeniobis Devine a blekutlglit," sgudto give enougi illumination ta per.. mit ordry movmMent duriug eriodaof emrgencyblcos witbout b -eiisil aeen S. Cottongim, auitAt1alnta, Geomg., Liglting egnes aeba closely waeiug te'sts with threec ai Pnitutiry -a pacewhero bleckouts would present an1 unl- usaly diffculpoblem, They se li nvnion holda1 mu, _cli promise foirorlieviug conditions derîeas n idubtialplants aund c omlerand as diractional i Éndars on city street, lu reelity tha "hlacýkout ligit", isý 10ot a lgut t ail, lut a soft, gzlow achieved by iatnacoh bacrou witli a secret-selfý- illulminetn lopou paintan itig it ito a ligît afa eor Tbisphoalior ï mxtunrele acti- vite y aniali special lcti ljulî.Thesa lulîs ill hum ri more tie, 14000 burs, uccwoig to Mr. Cîoui, la- the Mnd agin ed siAMtein its af- Whila thS al luiba go out heoftier lgbswluth utrrt ta 12bu . A sixbly,18-incli "bluclkoutli ýglit"Uillgive off, enlougli glw ta aIe ajects Iin an ordiuurpromndistingushale, wibot ing visible fom tb Tie liglit celnad ntI ape ofEDMows sud plucd along, Ceadstmet ta po'nt teCe ct u t air-aidaheter, rplacadnlu in- dustria piartata poit te on the outaie, witout beig sean frmth ir ,,tbey wil iveeoughi fet r sodcarsM, otn wod. SeueWorld Peace If wll ie uite easy to gîva rýein taaurpassions for a 'nwbulc audimpose a vindictivo pouacce. t v7ill hoe.feirly easyta leindoent ly genrous, iuîing into a mood ofslisb relaxation whiulc e wataîl piosl abutforgiving thLose' wlioinjue us The ,ourse ta whicl wawcara callod is feir barder, fI tc tacarry ltahe ren"f se- curing 1,tha r ;estored peaýe oaf remaiung arrnad ourseivea, uud effleting a t miIitery occ'(upationu ofu astkloy poiints in em y Ixtta do1,this Iwithaut eXploitiugý tha ituationtaOur own advant- ugo, sud steadjiy lunding ovar ta anl interniationial authaity the equ1trai whicli we shah hLave won suýd exemcised. That, as I thinî, is flic Cbistîuu li A oaction. On the question liether we ore strffîieuItlyCliristian ta folbow it, the welfare of the world lu fhe nx centuýry mahang. - Archbisbap of York. ON VAKMING OIT DETTER TABLETALKS Some Tempting Che-eeDîshee Aitar teliurg CyouI somatlàing tiigchemea Drteaponcsi Cayenuee n teuspoos butte ig egg lplches;teuad h nl Wb",en cýheesou is eited si l ent. Sre ,utos r ou sný ait >dain in a cheea loh ndla bra with a woou spo S noeson ,,thsatand amix t we pesti ilielttecea, Ml Cheae Suffer $fl telspoojusalutteredbUkq rQhutesponsi i cup 1 cup b, s 1 ta ~ee Mix milI, I lutter end a craamy, Fol leaten nutil u tered hekiug minutas lu m The compc one-thfrd pr and one-third aleese use e tenso lest r e d difficu t soda added usod in coohi dem the chaos I WNh IOAu

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