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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Feb 1942, p. 5

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The haulii in lil mwh We were Walter out lilln'ess of t] Mr. Georý Sundayimo) walks after Gr'ace ]Hu on for a#p hospital, ha home i-here, IMrs. Joh: sýpent fthe fc Mvrs. Ge-orgE Arthur Saui Mrs. A.:1 Sbeen takenl for nmedical a slight stri f the armiled forces is aiid is now laid up )at ýcarier fver-. On' re- reored'ck wýith a, ,lf Satur-day Mfter somne diffiouilty bing exper- ienced ia securiing- wire for the imanu- factuire of snow fence, the industmy aS opera>Zted l js nowV in full swing-, withi three mnen o0wmýanllel beia'g employed. ied to her Mmr. a'n'd 'Mrs. Fr-oste r~io a let- tel, from their -son Wilfred' in Eg f Thorold, land(, who in'formns thein ii thatie spent week 'with a few- daysý visitîng with 1L'e Roy with Mrs. Myles, who is stationed in Eniglaad. No. 9 Hiomei and Sehool Club )will treet, has hol their tiniual cdance aitNecse va hospital Community Hall on Friday evening., ;he suffered Frciiuariy 13thi, with D)oulas 01- Week-end. liffe's orchestra inateace Branch in the dlay evenimg,- o'cock. mm)id the regulI mieeting of ti geHall on Thur uary 5th, at 8À A qui'ling bc -waýýs held at St. Saviour's chur'ch on Wednesday af- ternoon, after which a h ot aneat sup- will bu shipped' to the CndinNorthi West. On behiaif of the f'ormner Relief Group, the convenor, Mrs.J. Eagle - s'o, wishes to tank Miss El. Epps, and aiy others who assisted in the making of four quilts that were do- nated to the Oronýo Red Ciross on Jan. 29th, 1941. The Durham iCounty Fedceration of Agriculture is hioldingz a meeting in Orono town hall on Wednesdlay, Feh. I.lth, at 8.00 p.mi. Hon. George Hoad- fey, of Toronto, wîll give ar, address onrI MuniicipailHealth. M e. Roy D)ickle, Cobourg, fil ie present as soloist. moeesrcgîst9e't aroiind 0I&J ýoiw eary Mnda '4ioningwhile T ues - day the the mjj-oirtees di'pped again to a new low levei of 14 below. WedI- nesday the weatheri had greatly rnod- Theicannual nleeting ,of the 0Or1oo Lbay Boarvd was held in the hý i- bryon Januar.y 20th), -when repor-ts were given by the diffèr-entofce. ')0 Iooks were taken out during the ye'ar, of rwhich 2430 wýverýe aduits. The »officerýs of ls't year were re-elected as foll'ows: President, Mrs. A. Heniry; librarian, Mrs. J. R. Coo)per; treas- urer, 'Miss F. M. 'Coblbedich-; ee tary, Mrs. James Dî'ekson; mienbers, M rs. Tl. Cowan, 'Mrs. N. F. Portere M~rs. Chas. Knox, -Mrs. F. B. Whyte anid Mrs. S. Payne. 03 Newnmderm test equipinent en- ables one to make fas't, dependable repairs to any makec of radio. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. tf. The Purchase of Sugar Is Now Regulated by Law AS a prudent precaution, the quantity of sugar which may lawfufly be con- sumed in any household is now restrictedt by law to an. amount of three- quarters of one pound per person per week, and it is now unlawful to purchase more than two weeks' supply at any one ti'me or to make any purchase if present supplies are sufficient for more than two weeks. This step has been taken to conserve the satisfactory reserve stock of sugar in Canada and is an assurance to the consumier that there is no reason for, heavy buying of sugar. Ration coupons will not be used to enforce the sugar limitations in Can- ada. The supply of sugar in our country has been under conitrol for more than two and a haîf years an-d the hoinekeeper has always been able to satisfy her needs; she will continue to be able to do so and the price ceiling law pro- tects hier against any incerease in price. The maintenance of the new regulation govel[ning the ptLrchase of sugar rests, as the success of ail laws in a demiocratic country niust rest, upon the loyal support of the people. Any consumption of sugar in excess of the quan- tity stipulated by t1his regulation is 'not only an offence against the law, but is also a betrayal of the war effort and co nsequeritly an off ence against decency. Reports received from retailers indicate that in somne districts there has been misunderstanding of the requirements of the jaw. In some cases, people are under the impression that they sho uld at once lay in a sufficient supply f or two weeks; this of course is not necessary because a continuedl supply of sugar is assured. In other cases it has been assumed that a greatly restrict- ed ration is to be made effective in the near future. This is incorrect be- cause The Wartime Prices an-ic Trade Board has already stated that the sugar supply situation is sucli that requirements of the consumer at the rate of three-quarters of a pound per -week can readily be supplied. As a means of protecting consume rs from unknowinigly breaking the law, it is suggested to retailers that, for the present, they limit sales to any one customer to an amount of not more than five pounds. S ummary of Sugar Rationing Regulations' 1. The raion is 3/ pounds per person, per week, incuding aduits, children and infants,. members of the family, boarders, sevrants, and guests who remain for four days or more, 2. Purchase your sugar in the ordinary way, but not mtore than two weeh-s' supply at a timne. No coupons, ýtamps or tickets are required. 1. Do flot purchase any sugar if you have two weeks' or more supply on hand. 4. Persons in remote areas who are not able to buty every week or two weeks miay continue to boy more than two weeks' supply at a time, but-should measure their consuimption at the ration ate, namely 3¾ pounds per person per week.- 5. Lumnber éamps and other flrmis providing board for théir employees must see that consumiption is restricted to % pounds per week per person, effective îmmediately. Vigorous steps wîll be taken to punish wilful infractions of the law. The penalties provided are imprisonment for as long as two year and'a fine uv to $5,000. Issued under the authority of THE WARTIE PRIC ES AND TRADE BIOARD, Ottawa, Canada 3150 LBS. ýGE SAITURDAI hast SaturýdIay the O-on'o Bo y Scouts collected '3150 pounds of sal- vatge, cnsioin f papers, 'maga- zincs,,,, rag.s, ru'iierad iron. The Sc-outs -wish to take thiisoprtny Of thaniingý the Orono Coal and humn- ber Co. forý the use of their truck for, the collection, also to --r. Mhrn as driver. The Scouts are p]( ised with the co-operýation g-îven them by the citizens of Or-ono, which inade the 'collectioni a gre(:at cdeal casier'. Thu next collection will be on Saturda-,y. FcIbruary 28th. FORMER ORONO0 BOY ON CHAMýPIONSHIP TEAM Allison 'Cowan, Toronto, son of Mr. 'and liVrs. Thos. Cowan, Orýono, was a member of Harry Howard',- cur-ling rink -hciwon the 'Canadas hife GoId 'Oup, en0blemat 'ic o'f the city rinlk curling ehampionýship", Tor- onto. IHrry Hloward's teani was in the finals withi Ken. Miles teain, the firsi poinlts miade for* the Howa-rd îtean was in the fourth w%,hen AIlison pla'ced two stones for counters, niaking the score 5 to 2 for Miles' teami. Not un- til the seventh did H-vvoard's teau take the lead, then 'wenit on to win the charapionship. Allison played s2c- ond place. Allison is following ia the foot- steps of his father for cham-pionships. Mr. Cowan, 'wahen he 'was in the horse business,, captured around twelvE cbýam-pioishijys at the Ganadian N',a- tional Exhibition for his show horses, an'd carried off miany other prizes be- sides. BIRTHS titre St. ILT.The 2.30 p.m. '700 BOWMAN - In Os'hawva Hospital, Bib on1 Wednlesday, January 2l'st,' 194I2, A Me to Mlr. and Mrs. iWilfrid BO,'rnan¶ i Cheecai (nee Ella Taniblyn), a son, Bruce Taiiýblyn,. A'RMSTR(G iT PAYS TO PiA Phones 21 yr1- and 71 Specials, Thursday, Frida.,y, Sati Fresh Ground Coffee per '/zi lb. 224e Brunswick Sardines 4 tins :21c. Shoulder Pork Round Steak lb. Lexia Raisins 2 lbs. Laundry Soap 3 bars Sirloin Steak 27c.on a Fresh Fillets 20c. Choice Quality Tomatoes 15 oz, tin 2 tins 19e Loin Pork Chops 30c. Pirik Seat Salmon "' lh. tins 6. Economize on sugar in every way you Can ; soute people can get along on Less than the ration. Persons dining in- hotels, restaurants, etc,, are expected to restriet heir sugar consamptioXL. 7. Additional supplies of sugar will be made available for homte preserving and canning-. S. The restriction applies only to cane and beet sugars of all kinds, granulated sugar, icing sugar, fruit suigar, brown sugar, raw sugar, etc. 9. Industrial users of', sugar, hospîtals and other institutions, hotels and restaurants, will be advised by the Sugar Administrator how the sugar restrictions will affect them. 10. Retailers are entitled tu refuse sale or tu limit sales to any person they have reason to believe is attempting to disregard this laW.

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