Is UN, ~L E S rty o fats. Gu-is er for 1nly 2 coal for tu on i, ' xln ne osreleottes is teir mîlitary occupation. Fewor pe occupyGuray hown by tir ýe rmnauau is etr esthusasmfo trewa the~ Rues2:l ian runTre e with tira ihavec ,ie Ear Trumpet isý sur:pass trherse e myutitude etof v~ 1 and chant as if tir lu et tham witirtir -We have sematime aenvey a SOMndst o wera dniviug wbicir, Tire, quiet,cofdn -iepaid greatly i ha Ima-e.dne A o0 de drvers Wi irbe a driveroetasix- lu Boston kacwn as Peopie stoped ef- situations, ha king, raiag are moi- ;a word. as ne need et au aarl car Yen, At Army Men cfa raoÇtiv fIeent Cirene, moeeently part of watwas laug-hingly r, e- the- New Rman mpir, je esetting as iriisim u- adane ftrrotigaxis forces liiLibya, are AR Canad.a ard the Unitedý, SttaviLi be gon Da-yight Saving rahe unny thinge to your radio ?isteins: nlfactrather miX it UP foi, you Brefythis je what wiîl happen: Thýoae who are on Dayiight Savig PimsWiihear uultime - but-Ameican Ntý works, such au Charhie McCarthy HOUE EARLIER! Tho.e who leave Standard Time, WWihar Cana-dian neor shw ON HOUE LATER than theyve been net change tm!A !bit confus-. takes ple fr atpresenlt ther 'United Stts iu n Stajdard Tbimeyw9Me nmst'ofCanada'S1 crigiating points lkToronto, ha,-va been ossnl n Dy- light Time! T heeattm chnedate le Mnda,,y, Febrb -uary Mth- SO aftertus Sounday'u pro- changes! God news for neany of the l- caltis f heProvinc' e i te act that the Bandwagon will continue -wagon shows are produced from cal radso sttons - CK.O..'. vers5ion le aired nridaysntK89 DST.CR'S atura-at 7.0 Fundharcevd idpulct oni theelBandwagon shows, and nayof the show's prmotional Another shW polighed on tireproinc jeHoeownby Og-, byDooh WJhyta! ý Dut je a ITH DAVE: selfnsudtie boys at CKOU C rs rtheir Jay lWiiburrecoding vocl rfrans! CKOC's"Hc down by Ogdenýî)" le airod -at,7.00) days. SoeCanadýian shlowsý, partcu encan hows oming inito(canada, Buit kep stang-nuddot tia ola vocasetGeorgia Day-, and BurtAus'tiinsd tr Camp- bel SstesCïomedy, Uaila Van-i c:ty /styvieý, is offe-red byFrka anusersd Joony Wayne), Harb May M,C's t show, and its paca je; keenill t's a CDC Natwerk show ,i! Tiraprogram ,vill cn tlýinua te ire heard at-8,30 pm Krep your diai on 1150 Monday nights at 8.00 D.)ST. ru tire fut- urle -tiefetre"Wa'so MyMd" quiz slhow Witt aae twist, bs ake"n o oma newr triming, su lerenliy bang-u P outrtaamet.Treasan audi- encepartcipaion enturetee 1 Anod spea.kinýg cf ','euath CKOC's1.30 UD,., aily EE QI"--s hiait boni- c f ktua for ail , -sdeourse, nequis round-up is compiets witbout men- ti(mofetV"TUE O FLS, oni-1 duicted b y DrHarry HgnMn daysat 930,,S,T, on CKOC and tions! Sundea- n onCKOC bias TU aa plaatquarter heure ot tins listenling: For instainc, ýJ00etýerý- son, Englislirby opan a 1.4 - Accodianaat4.5-sdtr Old Refrais at 5,15! R;ecord let i ektefaet baconing pplr'Tis Autumm au recorded by Elddy Ducimu!l QUIR RADIO LfOG 14"10NI'e STATFOAS CFRB mokCUL 740k WJZ nan.CBie 7AIk CCUVADIAN STAIONS UmmOU Ilamilton10k cPIMLï lamltIvo00 IJJKL Kt kend Lï 5f0k OKGB Tirmn 40 GKo0 Sudbu4-Y :Oak CK, ;.P Bant Iss158k Ch L",Windsor 800k KK eWgam120:1 %VI$ '1',a11(170k AMRA P, too Mi102k mWBM Chcao 780k NWJR Detroito70k SHORT WAVIV 1SC Engiand GSD EngL; and GSE Egland G8F Englaý,"nd GSGEngan GSIoEnlan 9.51mý 9,58111 1L75me 11.50m 15.14m1 17.70Mt 15.31M1 17.81M 0.48m !0.s6r 960wO J 2.00M, WCAB Ph ila, 15.27m MRTL Boston 15.15M WCiIÏîX X. York 11 -.4 ni A Y O L 0ON LESSON VI. A BUSY SABBATHI IN CAPER- NAUJM. -- Mark 1:21.-4, Lukc 4:-31-41. Printed Text, Mark 1:21-34 GOLDEN TEXT - 1 was ila thea Spirit on the Lord'e Day. Re- velation l1,10. TUEýF LESSON IN ITS SETTïNG TIME MayA.D. 28. PLACE .. The echy ot Caper- na1um, ' at the nortbexnl end of tha Ses of Gaiiiee 21. "And they go into Caper- sraumi; andi straigbthway oni)tira aiatrDay be en1tered into 1tbe'(- synagogue and tauight.2-, A'nd tbywer-e astonisired at liris teacb- iarg: for ha taught rthem as hv îng authLority, and -not as tbil cribes." It would ceam that OUr. Lord regu-larly a'ttcnded tire Se- rves of the synagogue on the Sabt.We 'rbould foilow bis" exampla. At timas the services may jbe%!duliormeaningiase but ouc prasncca there nmay bhea bicssinig to othars as weil as to ourSelIvaes, Our Lord camie to do maythinge, iniciuding the grant workof cachnga privilage Haý hera xercies aidst isowno ampieeof true vworshnip. These peola ad eard teachars ail thair ives, -ýsud, n1 lo doubt,soe of hcmhadgone iup to ýJer-usa- cmand lireard the hsttac:harLs tirat Jrusaieiubd at that dy Bttir-e tahgofJsu wa immediteiy ecognied asbcing omtngdiff"erut;Letto1ier and mnore owrfi hai n nnyothar taasching thelCy dever b, eard. Ila ceLt iry ere utterly astouisi- Ld atthe way Ha taled, suri- pried spcialyat tire antbor'ity' wb ilh thee Scribesnerrveid Whan mciiea lis-tenad to WHim thcy knaw 1e as rigbit. Tireau- thorîtyv of Jacus was, snd ý'stil le, tir lauirerty ot airsolute trutbh. 21, " And strigbtway thora was l irersngoun a with n ccan spiritý asud ho cried e )ut, 24, syig ba hve wto do t Thea, Jesus to azare ne ? Art thou camce ode stroy lus? i 1knoW tirea wbo0thou ert tie ol Oe ofGo. Somye- tbing stranlga maktj'es thiS Spirit sekout, Jesus lanpblicacey ont vhat ire kosaotJcus" May itnotch possibl1e tireýt tr ma himseot, weary ot tira bond- geof an c-vii spir'it, snd learning tint oaawiro couid dlive'r Wasý cityrshid la hoping that ie tomgtbet set frcee sotDhere- had boas, 25. "And Jessrebnked hlm, sayng Jiidthy penCc ad coa eunt of hlm, 26. And tire uncleani wit a eudvoice, camaote hlm.ý" Tira Lord Jssdees rnot argue wimthtie &deon;- - ire doos not deirate Whie Wi do. Tire delverance OU tire mas takes place immcdiatcly. Whlen thre power o! Chrcist is, set against tire pow- or o! A4cvii ei le cmeild ta gie way.ý 27, "And tHuy were ail amazed ineomucir thnt tircy question cd amog irmelvS ay- ing, Witle pstis? a new teaciingi,, aven ltireuclu spirits, and tirey" oire"y hl,8. And tire 1re-port o- hlmin went outl straigbt wavày eva-ry- whera ïýinto faliltire rgo tG ileo round abut".Foi' tire s n tume tuns day ti rpopie o! Cap- crnanun reastoisbe irsnt witb our Lersteachng, chaactee zd nover witnccscd betore, ani w iu fidig His word toeviu] pow- ors iewsciactreeby (tire antiriy eD4s astr 29.' "And straigbtw"ay, wiren tYireywre coma out of tira syna- g7oge, tbÉey cýama istotr ire bous(e o! Simon and Andr WihJamies POP --Co>ming Down paLn ii ta. u honuisenu LUUms t htwo -met sacreci institutionsý given to men, Éthe cucrand tire home. t shouldbue noted tirat Jesus -,vent first,, earyiy leh mor0111ng, in tire house of tr Lord, ad ithenriter la th( daýy,. li tie housae oÈmca. 30. "Now Simon% ife's mothor hgy sik ea£a feveramsu taîgbt- way thoy teloi hl et er. 38L À nd ire came and to)k ber by the biand." Jegus uttered nowor sud iatefctd tho mniracle taking hoer hnnd, a smo of helptuhness ail the vorl oer "And rsised brup." Ne douhtl es lMs band touchad bers, He coimuicaedstrngth te hor, enabing ber to get up. "And the fevr ileft ber. and sire minister- ed nteý l the. ire 1miracle bor le that tire foyer Mef immedi. atel, and sire vns himmdeaeiy 32 And at ave, wbelltho- suin did setî, tirey ruinte hlm ail thatwere sicirmico, andte i wele poýssed c f demlnos. 3 3 And ail, the city wae gatbered' togotirer at the doo-r. 34. Aud 1( ireà bealed maay thlat cr sick with ivarions diseaseýs, snd cast .)Ut man1y dam)on; adH suft- fered inot th e damons to speak, bacause thiey knewHimV"IThe re mnuetbv beeni a mycterlous cy- m!-pnthynug goa1s1a1(i oos and words tbat seemed te been the wtvceýd to Hflm as toi friend,. The bliid cie nut lto- lnMafrni the roadeide, sud tire w'onman oýf Canansfollowed lmï, lu site CEtHie bard words.We 11ee near, venthose po)se. efeutit Hieý divine '-greatuhesa';' and ire spo"katIoaismawr of mry gueste mettakoe îuir poridge wîtirout. Se stAtes onc"eolmn Vg er. 'FOr the rsto! tira day, a mondi!1 cu f e mlklascrv,ýe(ï ith tes, and geaera nLL eue wit COf fec. lven taeparmige lh-s cuffeàe a decleasion. 1 hear ot oaces. tabisiment wircrc, i detarenýce to t1ira Englisirhbiýt fe! etin'g it wvith isugar, it les ctnaily avore scwitrsgarfinsteaid oe safýitnltie pitiy nccepta'bie ! ýte raSct ticir peIte. Ne sgi-cnt don] of cmnh geýes eut ote irahteýlguest, wir ma rnltakenj' pictured as iing on the fat ofet tia iadwie - rerybody eho 1l sevorely rationed, Tiret rth l ti thaitel mnsare ucir atnuated as compmaai wi-tir a ye-ar ago, and,.if tirablaclç msrkcýtoprt, it is o-,ly in tire ieýss reput.0-aiiaestablisirments. Japs Cannot Use Wells For Months Mes18 menOthetereetis Ir tir Mis, Sarawak, O oh w.istire ze- tinig manager of tie weiiWho nowlnaAustralie, said recctly,110 Maidtire wclis tanks, stocks, sud, suraiepipel'ines wee hOwvIi up on De-cember 8. utbeoetir evacuaItion sud adcedire ý'Jap.. anee ould ha nabi tegei, aven atrickbeeo oufor atuiaW sbu moatir. COURT FAV'ýORITE HORIZONTAL Answer te 'Previotus Puzzle 1 ~hr lcourt ifavoritýe O'BAGE ~ LN2î)CGoi) d o! war A Ë I P. 9ABIlGA SP RE 1D 22 Hevaýs Russan sar CLY- ALATIE cIEiAiN cniee 8He was a LPED REP T01 PO'L -fie native of. UA EE C2 oto ltr 13B3itter drug. MN1OW R RE PEËý A T26 Hewnas- 14l Witherod. I ' by an enemyý 16 Writes. PR E T R .28Archway, 17 Abrupt. ,3 oostc 19 Fotbal E R DRAA33 Exploit. 21 And. C oi L A IlBrilliaace T TLau L. r 1EE' MAMA -L38 Stopple. 23 Use! ui. 47 Idant. VERTICAL frarne. 25 AIl right. 418 Bottomless. 1 .un od, 464Black ha '27 Greek etr 54 Plant par.t. 2 Asyîum. 496Intntion 2Wei ght. 56 Towaýrd sea.tnfun ailowance'. 57 Region. 3 rnkr. 50)iîâ.d 1To vnilt,59 FuIl o! oru. 4 Toýpry. 51 Mother, 32 Provided. 61 Ho pos)Eed as a ýî5 Consumrer 52 OP e ra ar 34 To ontangle. hl"y mn or 6 Focrm of be"53 Sprisrg ,36 Varniîsir - (PL"). 7Prcs in f;s7sting eaon substance, 6 e,?U had a-ïr eat rpe- aküng. 55 Sea eagleis, 37 Fie nt deal of or8 Tc;ir-e sp o rid n 6Wsevse 39 Verbaml. author ity z'h ast!riuus. 8 Actýe r n, 40) Festival, tire Tearina, 9 Spain (bb #C Vs 42 Piece o 5'mtcfT bsr6 2South nmeec poetr-y. 66 Moans of! 1il Within.(bb> 43 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý Rem(br) dfes, 1 ie 4 Chmnese. 45 Takes a bath. 67 Ocean. 15 Coin, esuo By J. MIILLAR WATT "'-Y VI by Tiýý