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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Feb 1942, p. 5

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THE ORONO WEERLY TI lMs èbr S&twh ikvisiting with her moh la oron to, who is on the 'Clarke union Ilomie and school CIlub will mieet at the schooi room ,on TPhur*sdaIy, Febr-uarIy 19th. Mlr. IMilford Sherwin is conivener. -Mr, E. A. SupImer1s, Agr-icultul epresen - tative for, Durhamo County, will be gueat sekr The Secondf Victor y Loan cam- pati,'n will openi on M,,onda-y next and rua Vo Mai!dh 7th. IHelp defeat Hit- ler by buyin)g as manly ictor-y Bonds as possible. WE CAN'T RATION TANKS You canniot ration a tan~k, if You wanýt Vo win the war. Nor can iyoju ration a battelship, a machinegun, a piece of artillery or- a soIdier!sý rifle. Sonb will saty that this i- a silly statemeýnt. ýNot at ali Every citi- zen who buys fewe*r Vitory Bondsý than his resources permit is actually ratî*oing his share af the amiont of ammiunition -whiïch taniks, gruns and planes may hurl1 at Germanis, Italians and Japs. I n Orono It's Mac Smith'sI Special Bargains Boys' Brushed Wool JPullovers, each .... $1.09 Child's 3-buckle Cashimerette Goloshes size 6 to 10!½-, REG. $1.59, FOR . ......... . 2 Misses' 3-buckle Cashmerette Goloshes, tA sizes il to 2V2. REG. $1.79, FOR ....... $1.45U Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insuarance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MAC. SMITH RED&WIIITE S-TORES We are putting on a sale of Sunkist Oranges to last one week. Four sizes priced at 29c, 23c, 19c and 15c or buy a good supply, 2 doz 29c Libby's PQrk and Beans, 20 oz. in, 3 for 25c Mincemeat, 2 IL tin 25c Pitted Dates,IL.'18C Kellogg Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. with glass tumbler, ail for Fresh Prunes, 2 lbs. Porterhouse Steak, lb. Small Link Sausage, lb. Cottage Roll, lb. Pork Liver, lb, Choice Pumpkin, 2 large tins Peanut Butter, lb. White Fish, lb. Lima Beans, 2 lbs. Salnmon Fishe sliced, lb. Chaniber of Commerce Drive For Membership The Orono Chamber of C9mmericce met in] the -Kumnrite Aprmnson Monday eeiglast wenten 1mcm- bers wrepreseýnt. T'he treasuireri was uthor-ized Vo pucaea smnall book Vo kc a re- cord of tefinjances of thie Chamber, of Commierýe. A drive 0will bemade V o see n-e lew m1emubers, also renewals, for the OronloChm r of Commerce. IV is the exýpressed wishi of the memibers that rn mebers wîll join Vu help carry on the 'wor!k that is of benefit to the conmmnity as a whole. The Chamber of Commnerce works for the bettermeont of the,commnunity, and it would lice Vo have new memibers wvho wouid bing lai differecnt suggestions rhat igh-1t materialize inVo somte ;")4)(1for. th(,comm-unity. Onle of the ma-inqusos discuss- ,ýd at thie meetinig was thiat of peo- plJe carry ing passengers Vo and fromi work in wan planits of the district, and what would happen, if. any of fhem were in) an accident, aIso if these people who are driviag the cars wcould lie required o securre a taxi license. The goveramient is askinig the mnotorists who go Vo workla cars to Vake a- long- as many people as possible,- thus conservîng gasoline and tires. A letter has belen sent to the Miisten of Highways; on hs question. IV wý,as mioved by C. T. Miller that a letter bep sent Vo Mr. G. R. Cottrelle, 011 Controller, regardiing the, hard- ships placed on persons iin small communities such as ours, \-whieh has neiVhier train or 'bus facilities, and that we T(,be placed in the samne caVe- gory as farmiers who) are allowed a great deail more mnileage than others ia the village. An in-vitation has ýGeen sent Vo the Sicinner Huant Club in Toronto, ex- endling themn a hearty invitation Vo hold a hunt mieet in Orono district somne tîme in the near future. Oshawa Presbyteriai W.M.S. to Le lleld at Newcastle The executive'of the Oshawa. Pres- byterial of the W.M.ïS. of the United Church of Canada met la KinI& St. Cburch, Osbawa >on Febnuary 6Vh. The m,-eeting opened with a worsh;ip servicec ýon-ducel by Mrs, Littlewood of Orono, ýbasedi on the theine "God Gares.", The following- new groupa have formed : Blackstoclk, Mission Band; Brougbam, affliated C.G.I.T. group; St. Aad(rew's, Oshawa, Mission Band and Baby Bauid; Burke on and En- lleld, affl la te d societies;Bwmn ville Trinity, eveniag Atxiliariy. 1281 mernbers of the W.M.S., Vo- ge-ther with eight mission circles, '20 C.G..T. groupa, 29 missionbad and 595 meinbers of the baby bandl raised a total o_4 $10,111.56 for 1941. Mrs. Carscallen, Mrs. Park, Mrs. G. L. Wagar, wereappoiated Vo the Pre&tbytejial Library Committee. Mrs. G. Honey, Mrs. Gee, Mrs. 1. .Munday, Mrs. N. Allia, IMrs. W. P. Rogers and Mrs. -G. L. Wagar. were nam-ed as a comimittee Vo mak-e plans for the fourteenth meeting of the Oshawa Presibytenial which is Vo he held lai Newcastle on May 15Vh. The ladies of the ig St. Evening Auxiliary served tua. O.C.S. Literary Meeting Another interesting Literary meet- ing vas held last Thursday evening at Onono Continuation School. Carol Staples opened the mneeting with the singing of "O Canada" in uni- son, followed by the reading of the minutes rby Anna Staples. A -well pnepared achool paper, "Th-e OaCiS," waa given 'by the cdi- toca, Donald Staples. He read a splen- did editonial on Spning, -which we hope isn'V su very fan away. The .meeting was then tunned over Vo Manjonie McLaren, who waa tbe group leader. She opened hen pro- gramme -with an enjoyabie play, en- titledt "Buddy Buys an Orchid. The par ts la this play were ail well acted, those taking ýpart were Carm--an Cora.- isb, the 16-year-old son, as Buddy; Jeanne'Forvester, as Alida, the sister of SBuddy; June Goode, as the, m-oth-~ er; Laver.ie Boyd, as Bill, the 'boyi friend of Alida; Pauline Rdbbins, as the coloured mnaid. Dawn iMoffatV played a fe'w piano selections, wbiile the stage was made in rea,,dinesa for the group song-s, -which were sung wth tne group ar- nanged Vo represlent a aiglit club. Audrey Bililags acted as pianist for the evening. Those takýiag solo parts were Margaret McKinaoa, Ruth Goode aad Gwen Tennant. At the close of the meeting the stu- dents held a skatng party on the school -rink. Fabrkùs oan aow be miade frein oows Mxnlk.,1 Local News Born4n BwmanilleHospital, to r.and Mýrs. Colin Smîith, a d1augh- ter. Pte,. Sid.Hghs of the 'Midland Reg"imen1t, la apending a four days' lenve il 0Orono0anldvcity Don't besupse if ration cards are is.stued forz theuhse of sugar in the ne2ar future. Mrs. A. A. Drummnond entertained thie staff of Park S, Sunday School at lier home on T'uesday evening. T.he Orono Hrticýultural Soiety -will hold a social evening in the OrneHall on Wednlesday, February 18th.' Col. J. C. Ga.mey, of Camip Niagara, spent Saturday and Sunday at the homne here, with MVrs. Gamney and daughter. Thie -worst snow stormi of the win ter hit this section on Satur-day anid Suinday last -when most of the roa-ds in this seetion were bloeked. iMiss Dinkson, dlaughter )f Dr. and Mrs. Diekson, -who bas been eonfined Vo hier b)ed fOr the past two mlonthas, is able to be up and around again. ThIlii eve s are beginning to raid lothes lUnes in this v1cinity, as one night last week clothes are reported Vo have been stolen from, three linies just nourth of Orono. !Messrs. J. J. ifMýellor, C. T. Miller, Mac. Smnith and W. E. Davey attend- ed the banquet la Port Hope on Wed- nesday evening last iia coaneetion with the Victory Loan Campaig-n. Two policemren fromn Cobourg pai'd a visit Vo 'Orono arouad four a-..0on Thur.sday mloring cl' f last week, in an' endea,.our Vo meet up with the gang of thieves that are working ia this part of the county. No. 9 Homne and iScliol Club are holding their annual dance at the 0Commii-uity Hall, Newcastle, on Fni- day evening, February l3Vh. Douglas Olliffe's orcýhestra -will provide the music for the eeig On Saturday of lnst week Dr. -Me- Kenzie had his car side-swiped on No. 2 li-,hwaly, resulting ini a ladly 'da- aged fender. No one was hurinh arcident. Four o five soldiers -were in the the car that side-swiped hlm. On Friday vennFebrua'?Ty 2th a, sportsig ht Will ibe beld lat Orono rink, whih will consist of' fancy skiating 7, nacing, stunt eventsanda other items. Watch for, bills for comiplete list of prizes. Messrs. Madison Hll and W. E. Armstrong attended a wolf hbint held at Or illia one day last week. It ik reported that woives were 'very scarce in thiat neighiborhood. The hunt was held under'the auspices of the Skiai- net- Sportinig Goods Co. of Toronto. The school chldren of Orono Con- tinuation s(hool spent a very pleas- atevening Wednesday la the for- of a skatia g party om the sehool rink when a good numriber were present. Later on they adjourned Vo the as- sýem'bly roomn were they were served with hot dogs and coffee. Mondaiy, February 2 was tradition- al groundhog Day, and according Vot this tradition, if the animal can see his shadow he returna ,to hibernation for another six weeks, kno-,;,ing cold weather will last that Iong,. Monday b)eing a sunny day we oaa expect six weeks more winter, or can -we? Mnf. J. J. Mellor took the miorniag aad evening services at St. PaIuI's Churcl, Bowmniville, on SundayI Isat. After the evening service lie waa ebairnian at a socialevening ten- dered to th e guards at the interameat camp-i)la that own. Owiing Vo the sRow storm liho dVo spend the nightin l that towni. SAt tendance aV Park St. United Churcli services lasV Suniday were amaller than usual, owing Vo the se- vere winter weather. Ia the moraiag Rev. Littlewç%ood ook for bis subject Ir- the Comning -of the King." The choir at the morning service sang the antbemn, "More Love Vo Thee?" Iii the evening Rev. Littlewood spoke key words cf the fbible-,Lift. A selection was rcndered by the choirl. Mn. andic Mrs. J. D. Rrowýn, Mr. and MNrs. Fred Tainblyn, Mn1. and Mrs. J. T. Brown, and Mr. A. J. Taniblyn at- tended the annual convention of thie Holstein Fniesin Association whicýh was hield ýat thIe Ro-yalI York Hotel on1 WenedaFebruary dth. Thie bani- quet hall could niot aecomimodate the large crowd at nigbt. Stanley St. JohnI's Orchestra put oit the progr1amn for the banquet and also played for the (lance whvich followed. Mr. A. J,. Tamblyn -was re-elected as a director for Vihe present year. eofan3 n ; .JUNU b, CCUT GRANTSI Possible ireiaIlin: of grJ'an11ts ad ythe Gount1ieýs Gcý(, il a mootedl at its session in C o bou) i-g whnthe finanie mite a asi- ed Vo bingilLin a eprtat th-e -June Sessiýonof ah g-ranIts withia the ji- îsýdictionI of the council so a fuilI dis- cuission of thieir merîts maýy be car, ried on the floor, of the bouse. Durirg thie se Ssion Reeve C. G Mor ris, o f Bomanî adDep- ulty Reeve WV. J. Challis broughla a'] r esoýlution caing iÏ.for ail grantI1 wblich iare noV statutory and vialV - Canada's war effort bVofbe discoaitinl- uied for the durvtion of the war. Reeve Calve-r, of CnpeMtd voieced the opinion it would be, pos- sibl o shift out the non essential gr-ants' and su- save mioney. Ina pre- senting the resolution Reeve Morrs said it was not proper Vo criticizeý the g'oývernmIent and at fihe samieftie -ake no action Vo put the local body ia order. Ree-ve HI. Sîrett, of iCramahe, ur-,,- ed caution la dealing- with sucb a matter. He felt somne bodies ireceiv- mng granta were Iînlced indirectly with the war effort and should not be eut off. -As an example lie cited the hos- pitals in the twvo couies %vho help maintain the health of the civilian population. FARM W'ORK ALONE EXEMPTS STIJDENT1S Ontarzio oecondary schaol ;truents mulst confine their work Vo farmiag- and Allied industrýies this year if thecy are Vo gain credit on their examina - i o ns. Students ma-y be released from sehool by, April 1 if there lsaa farm- job) available, and will be re- quired Vo serve a minnimum of 13 weelcs. They mnay lie released oaly witb the permission of the fariner. This aninouincemeint was made by Alex. MeLaren, head off the farmn ser-vice, force, during a discussion on farmi labor problems, at the Ontario I'Iowmnen's association conyenition ia the Kiag- Edward hotel Tizesday. No Survi'val Withoui Victory Bonds. OronôTi First PILUMJ HEAT and And ail kind Repairs R. E. LOGJA PROPRIETOR Centre st Orono Ph PAKS.oNT0C Rev. S. Littlewo( pastor SUNDAY, FE-B. Lî The Powers oÎ Vhe Kmn 2.30,I)pni.-Sunday Schoü 7.00 p.m. - Keywords Bible-'A Wy 'Tut the word of th( endlureth forever." AR MSTRD I IT PAYS TO PMY Phionçs 21 r 1 and 70 r: Specials, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Kellogg's Corn Flakes with tumbler Large 2 for .... 25c. Smiall 3 for ... 23c. Fresh Side Pork lb. 25Ce Shoulder Pork lb. 2r4e. Round Steak lb. Oranges dozen 25e 35C Libby's Evaporated MiIk ORONO atIeFFC Apply TIMEOFC Orono - - Ontario1 PHONE ir 2 - - ORONO Sirloin Steak lb. 27ce Fresh Fiflets 20c. .McCormick's Butter Wafers 2 lb. Loini Pork Chiops trimnied Ilb. 30c 25c 29c 29c 22c 30C 14c 25c' 25c 17c 33c 20c New Carrots, Spinnach, New Cab- bage, Head Lettuce, ripe TomatoeE J. J. CORNISH

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