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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Feb 1942, p. 1

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o Vol. 6. No. 6. ORONO, ONT., THUnSDAY, FEB. I9th, 1942. Subscri T-wo Thieves Caught In Orono After Stealing Car In Zi£ar Skids Into Ditch At Turn In Road At Lyal Lowery's Farmn Quich wok and fasit thinking on the part of >Mr. HLarry Mercer, 01rono, ~on W7ednesday afteraoon laat, >rouight to a lose for somectimne at 2east, the explits of two youths, Who are wvanted for the theft of a car in Toronto, ant i aso, t ila believeti, are two Inemblers of the gang wvho have been conrnecteti with the rolhberies ia Bowmianiville, Oshawa, Orono, Brig-h- ton andi ether places. The Car, a 1941 Chrysier, in whch hey were riding-, was stolen la Tor'- ,onto. The police have beery -searchun'g for a 'Chev. auto -with liceiise No. ~127C5 for sonie tîrne, Early Wed'nes- -day a1ternoon Traffic Officer Thomp- son, 'wîio waa- off duty, and accompari- Jed bv )bis wife, were psaing through ,ewcastle -,when the Chrysier p-asseti thean with the license plate 127C5. Hie chaseti the car to Port Hlope, thea lbaik to Newýtonville, 'but 'heing un- ;able to overtaike the fle(ej[ng car, tele- *hone-d to Orono andi Bowmanvilie to 4J-â resi lage beit Mrs. F. $lhe iE io ir e be tien Vob in- thre seconds ier eai eezeti 1f' -f- a shot d ~~idquilte a ti -tery tura, but tcar, aMthie c c7arne tte Sba ,eys farua. H, ed te negotiae tIe titch, cr0s dewn a. smail yeaI iup agains, prein 'boreet aiandon the cý ielts. Nels on ;slowly, while:F bmak te Orono -were corneroc f aun andt Vo Vilen up. The ,straw stacks o Sam, t]Ihen tu- were rountieti old Mlten fa Mr. Fredl Tan' soutili wlen thc Ste the ear anc Sopposite the st Mr'. 'hmara's1 a aiot gun. gun -bhey soon Taiblyn was the Vwo were ber-e-f the ciiz with rifles, reý TIe police '~W C.] Thenmec tiare Tene FebruaSy H. wal'sI Walsh, pL The de, bv it. Sec The Armament Display TPhe -Motorizeti Cavalcade which is touring through the country, can bu seen eit B'owmaiiýn-%ille on F'riday, Feli- ruary 20th, from 5.00 p.m. andi on. The Cav'alcade will romain iin that town duiring the night. On Saturdlay., Felbruar-V 21st, the following day, thie Armiy Train will aio)e on ti.ýIslay 'atBomnie fromn 12.45 to 2.45 p.mn. 0n this train there will 'be sliralong wt-ha Valentine Tank, Universtii Carrier (Famoyus Bren Gun Crir,25- poundler gin, Signallinig, Lig't n Meavy Matchine Guns, variousi types oE S-niall Anmns, Tratie Training Dis- pylays, Field [Hospital anti Dental Ek1uipmienit, -Army Service Corps, Ortinance Corps, Decontamiination Equipmnent, andi many miore things are on display. The public are cordially inviteti to inspect this equipnient of tlie fig-ht- ing forces which will give yeu sonie idea h'ow your money is being- spent. Mrs. Isaac Cobbledick gthe telephone caUl Oroino and vicinity were shecked 1, citizens in the vil- anid sacidened îby the pass"ing of Mrs. oave. Central ph)oned 'Ssannah Conbledicýk, 'beloved wýife of ýr the license nuiriher. the lnte Isiaaýc C<bbledick, at Bowv- d Woodyard who was mn'iville Hospital, on Monlday, Feh- op at the- time. Ted ruary 2ndl. iecr-h ar. Afe'w Altliouigih she had been in poor î o (hs ar.A fývhealthi for some time, she was rlot ýcar- was sighted on1 oisidered seion,)s until about two )eeeding noirth at a moinths previous to her deathi. 'eed. Ha'rry- pulled M ,s pUtip an'd headed Mi* .CoLbledick was borr in En- wheiI near th(- land seventy-six years ago but- has I ovr towar a ib uen living- a great nunwber of vears,- rowd it to thie curb. in Canada, form-erly with her unile, ed ver~oise o a~un Anglican muinister. She was mar- ýedovr cos toan i-edin1915 to Rober,,it Hooey, who 'Iwa S ai'lkel Anld rae0 gh, tho'ugh Ilairry died tiuee or- four yaslater. Ln 191she narried Isaac Cohbledikl, i a olliion whopredce elhe in 1936. Mr. en car, h'ad pass-ed Coihbiedick was of a kîundly disposi- car around and miiilion andci helpful to ail who (acam for- ý)vier to acrlal die and in al church work.She ;e whbich was fruriotus wlbe, greatly missed I)y a larg-e cir- ;ance. Th e thieves cie of frienids whio respceteti and ýe nýiaking- the cene- loved her. -laniageti Vo right the The, fanerai was, heiti fromi- Park se endeti when th'ey St. Unitedi Ohurcýh, Rev. Mi,. Lirtte- p tara aat LyailLo-%- wood conduei(tinig the srie at the >e the stolen cal- fail- 01hurchIl and grave. he turn, plunged i ito -Thec palbearers were, Messrs. John d the iawn, dropPed IMoirris, Newton Cobbledick, 'W. S. ýerrace ai-i carne to Cobbiedick. llarry Clarke, W. Riddel a wire fence.aniel re. two thleves had to and__________!Porter.__ gav îe Ved h tw1 0 ise after tihe arrest andi took the two~ to rd Bowmaainville, whiie the ýcar was to- h-, et awayfreais One of the two y's thieves caught was wearing a sol- ini diers uniforn. while the'other ',as in wo civvliian clotihes. No firearmis were 'n)a f ounti on the prisoners. ey It b, heflievedti here are four ibe- the longing'in the g-ang. Two are now to in safe keeping-, but two nmore have led to be rountiet up. The fast work, of in- Nelson anti Larry preventeti these a-i two fronm escaping. 'Giving chamse so to soon made the two drive recllessly eti on the sliippery roads, aiso rnan 11it ie, imipossible to niaie tihe tur i auc los a hi'gh rate of speeti. The polie en have 'heen after this gan.rg for airnoa trn- a montb, travelling 'arouncl the coun- se try a't al hours iii. the moriniing-, hop- un. ing tocorn across theni on s'orne urofE the roads. liContest H-eId April i Oth bers offerillg tir home for tle SeP. t wasa >zise decitioti te ini- Misa Duf, W.C.T.Ul. ecrýetary t ou'Union la tIe noar future. te Mol(dal (ontest -was discus-et tle date sel for April ltli, mitlI emmiiiittees being aLppeinteti for' ter fromn Il aniswer, W.C.T.U. sas very wasalaso for e g-et- 1nlember Ailier bey tl a letter namecof al lymu-i ýuy Objective For Newcastle And Clarke $175,0001 Tihe objective in the Victory Loan Drive for Glarlke Townsliip anti New- castie is set at $175,000, anin icrease over the last drive helti in June of l'ast year ofE $51,000. The objective in tlihe Junie, 1941 drive, wnýs $121,000. By the timec the drive was over tlie residenita of 'Clarke antid wcsl naiseti a total sum iofE $196,300, which was $75,300 over the, objective sought. The total amoi(,unt asked for Dnrlaia County in the preseat Victory Luan Dr-ive is placeti at '$1,100,000. The canivassers for Clar.ke Town- ship anti Newicastle are Mes'srs. W. E. Davey, 'Mac. Smnith, Russell Os- borne anti Saxon Grahamn, with Mr. J. J. Mellor acting in the role of 'chair-inan anti canvassers captai. On â1onday of this week the eanrvassers wvent i nto action anti are now busy at their task in an endeavour to readl thir Objective anti pass it. In 'ail things pertaîning tO a gooti cause the resitients of Clarke Townish-ip anti Newoastle have aiways put their wholehearted support behindtihe mnovemnent anti matie it a great suc- cess. ýanti we f eel sure that tILs very wordih-while cause wiil not !ail. Everv person in this district knows_ how urgent the governrnent nee4cls mnoaoy to carry on iis linge prolgramn for Vhe -war effort. 'Large sum-s are needeti Vo supply the wants of lEng- landi, the support Of our- owiia army, air force ant i navy, ais,) of s'uppiying the inmplemoents of war, andt te elp s4treiigthen our dlefeacesý on our- t-0 Coat lUnes *,l fan ecadeavo-nr te g-uari- against aniinvasion. We sboulti feel it a privilege to have tihis opportunity et 'bing- l trustoti with the raising of thlis amlounit. These, dollars of ours will go te figlht the Gormans, Italians anti the jnps. We needt1i i'san'ds ofE itemis foi, war in thiage There i s ani Urgent need for. planes,.obr antxii fil-htLe rs, thousands ofE tanks, gýuns anti rifles of ahl kintis, munitions .and slhips ofE al kintis. There nolver car be4oo inany Of these items. They are a nces'sity to our ar-meti forces. A p0oorly equi*ppeti armly can do inotl- ing in a war like the promut on me. Plhese dollars wvhichi are lent Vo the zoverani-rt will be returneti with in- terest, just a gooti sounti investnent witoh the Dominion ocf Canada stnd inig back of it. The cal gees Out to every rosident in Newcastle anti Clarke Township to neot fail in their objective. Boat the Objective, for Our rnOney wilf be no good if Hitler is sceauso lenti it niow in order that it will lie Of use wîen 1the war is over anti won. Wiein te Drive la cornpleted in the irait week in Marcli, we feel confident that this tdistrict will bhave passeti their objectiive of $175,000), anti show the governeat that we are ont to defeait- Hitler 1"0 pet, cent. Let,% go, Clarke andi Newcastle. c)- Orono 5C. to $1.00 Store Broken Into Saturday Early Saturday mioingil, Februarly l4th, either one or miore hive broke initotie Ve rono 5c. to $1.00 Store anti departeti witiharounti $15 in casýh and sone morclidise. Enrnewas matie te the store by 'terear deor on the south aide of the biilding wlieretVile outer storni tioor -was foriceti' open with a lieavy jimmiy. The inside do>or, which is a Ieavy one, was lodkded anti aise secureti by two 'ýbots afiich catereti the flaire for. a srnal 'ay This door xvasaaLso prieti open. There was; about two dollars ises- ilig in coppers from one tilI, $1.50 in silver in another, alongi with thre flashlights, twenty, pair ofE socks, safety ra.sors anibiades, the total amenit stoiemn ar-nounting to arounti The rebbery -waa nlot discovereti un- il elig,bt ociock in the norning when IMr. Froste openedti he store for the day's business. Upon enteringi the store he noticedti tat so)me of the coverings were partly renoveti fromn sonme of the ceunters. The poAiýe were seon on the scene anti il ia believedth le thi2ves were lolcing for rneney insteati OfEmer- chaxidise. Vc'tory B Fast Work By Oro no Citizens Round Up Thieves Juat North 0f Towný WilI Have To H'elp The Says W. F. RicL From Narvick to I Somewhere In Clarke On a day, in April, 1940, a very happy weddinr scene was enIacted in a chureh at Naiivik, Norwayv. The bride anud groom ire2Étn'et to the h ome, of the br-ide, a loveiy fim hom )ne for, the wedding Ueception. A brothïer 'of the 'bride wýas asketi by his inother to go to the villagýe store ab)out two. ie away. WhiLst in the store the customners reelveti orders not to leavebse the Ger- mans wereaprchng They heard a 'boinb drop, and atthe Germna had left the vicinity the cu.stiners were. toldt tey could go home. The brother, within a half a mile fromn htoane, saw fire anti concluieti it was his ather's barn. 'On reaching home 'lie barn -%vas ablaze, the -homie de- stroyeti, and the weddiag 1pa-rty of fiftyý peoplie had been ' bown to pieces. The brother who had 'been sent to the store -was tle sole sur- vivor of th'e famnily of eigbat. The1 brother put out ofE pain their muti- Iated dog-. Relaction to this awful event founti the 'brother cr-yin-g. Priendtis happeniet along but lie did not -wish to leave the home spot. Later th'e police carne and took the 'brother to the 'hospital, where he renaineti for fourteen days recover- ing fr'omr the sh'ock. On leaving the liospitai he spenit five days in a hotel at the expensýe o)f the Norwegian Government. With t.wo other companions somneoiie at the hiotel was ask hbow the three of 'hein'coulti.gePt to ThIland. The re- Ply was a t midniglfit. ýSo 4Ihe brothier o)f the story anti the twocopnon went s;talitily down lo the pier. Gema oldierîs were 'there but did ,ec thien,-i. Lanter, at dark w uhen He Germran soldiers -went away frorn the1 pierfi thre c Norwgian'scoma-' driiei a speed boat andi speti out Vo se-a in fihie direction of Egat.Af- 'ter tbree tinys th'ey foundc thcmn- sePlves- without g-asoline and without footi. Thiev lad no food i or drinkli for four daysý,. On the ifth day they saýw smuoke on the sky, line anti a ship vee(1IeId towar t tem. Twýo hourslbe- fore, a German plane bldpnssed qver themn andi machine gnunnecl themi, but no one was hi't. On account ofE the plane they thought the'boat wonlId be a 'Germian ship. But as it hove to thIe British flag was haulet up, Wheh broghlt a. great relief to V'heb,,' hearts. They were taken on board anti piaceti in the ship's sick rýonm anti careti for. The s'hip even- tuallv arrivetini Londion, There was consierabie difllculty on tihe ship, anti also oyn their arrival at London. be- cause orf no iaguiage interpreter. Finailiy, contaet vwas mie with tlie Nowginconsul la London anti n attera bej2an to straig-hten out. They w\ere piaceti in a cncýentration camp for Vhfree tiays, while arrange- mePnts werc atefor aaiiimg Vo ýCanl- ada to join the Nor-wegian air force. Ia the air -fo c(e the 'broether in our story, woii' lis -winigs anti becýame_ sergeant pilot, but later, on a ner- vous-ondition tioveicipetianti lere- ceiv'ed' his tischar'gi-e irorn tIe air forpe, ant i comîing oriinIaily from the' fimr founi bis wav back Vo a farm.- stil in he 'Ir effort but in a losQ "ectaclar way. Horticultural Social Evening The Best Yet The Oroon Horticuitural Society helti their anîiualýiIaeveninglaýi the 'Orange- Lotige roomis on Wcýeno- day eveiagi, last, wbich turneti out Vo be a giranti success. Thiere wpire ton tables of 500, two tables of er'okinole, anti one tabl)e of Cinese (bclcers. The prise, winners were :lat prise for 500, lady, _Mrsý. HudI(son, gent, Robert Glanville; for crokinole, lady, Mrs. I. W'tegent, Mr'. E. J. Hacnmiiii. Mr-. J. D. BirowNn was the winner at Ciniese chieckersý. Theý prises for thie ladies werc cups andi saucers, andT or thie gents a deck ofE ~paying carda. Mrs. Hani thanketi ail those prea- ent for their co-operation in heiping- to mnake the evening so s'ûccessful. I.fh ý,nnoiecl that the menmbership The folewing speech was d'eli'ered must now leave ouI thein tIc flouse of Commonrs on Tueýs- et-poe conscriptiol day, February 101th, 19-42, !by Mlr. W. scaýs servie withouLthte F. Riekard1, M.P. for D'urlami, la re- t1Ic people or wil'hout thL ply to the Governor General's speeh: ng' consýulted.i.lle didt It is rattheri a colaciticace that two Hiamlilton speech, in lis farmaers, particulariy from tIc gov- speech, but now, of cours eramient side, shouiti speak intVIls nothing out 'conscr'ip.lionf bouse on the on1e evening. Fres evc.' oiEf course, are flot gifted as speech- Ganscription lias been i mlakers like nnofE somne other cail- tical football, as if it wei ings. issue in connection witî The Minister of Agriculture (Mr. fort. The Prine AMiniste. Gardineri gave us a short suyvey of tain pletige s anti promises the agricýultural situation in Oaa- pie, ant ieh intentis Vo lkee ada, anti I hiope for a few miinuteýs Vo sonally I matie no promi speal of ýco-nditions as I know thierny against conscription, but in Ontario anti more especially per- every hion. momifer rnuat, laps in the riding -%which 1 have tIe to what party lie belonga,t honour Lo represent. Before doingi accepteti the policy cf lis that, however, I 'wia;h to discuas two are practicably ail in tIe or, thrce ollier miattors in regard to we cannot take a different our war effort. day. The fact that mon in Living as 1 do some fifty m-iles tiens anti entrusteti witht from the citv cf Toronto wlere ths ment ofE certain counitriesî coaimittee for total war lied ils birth, word, reg-ardeti theirp anti where the 'Globe anti Mail las 'met-e slraps ofE paper is quite a large circulation-a-,lthoughi1 reasens why we are at-% must say noV nearly as large as il Someone mlay say we are o)nce was , which condition 1I helieve have ne timete take a plot is claractoristic net onfly cf oui' part our war effort wiil go 0 of th(e country lut of aIl the province samne. oI 'Ontaro-in speaking of the Globe Then it is saiti that the1 at,1 ýMail I elndorse everyýthingthe isýter is ovading reson hion. mieiber for Simacoe East (Mr,. my mnd, ais lias beeýn said McLean) said the, othor ovoningi. To is ask1ing for' resPonsib my mid toce Globe anti Mail not only evading ilf.H If.te timiec las triedt t discredit the P'rimeo Min- that in my voiniion wý%e neo ister ('1r. KîlnseRng) andi the tioa ofile mn for over"sase goverument of Canada, bout lias, Vo 1 shahll e for it. But 1 say thelel'ast, Clone' ne gooti to Oa- srpinof everythiligie] ada's war offert. nan-power, -womlan-poweri We have in the constituoncy ofE labour, w%ýeaith antial D'iiam iznifour wely nwpaesantisources, tb win ths war". one daily, ail of whic'I carry fuLI-paige interesteti in politius; I ari o)r hafpgiaietsonnsaiviecat- estet I n amy perýsonl g ain iimg, a total war effort, anti urging the corne Vo me; my soie ami veters le write their menaber akn is that ýoi eVery Ion. nl i'or total war. 1 'have receivedt hirty- every one in Canada for tl six cliippings frorn newspapers, repro- Vo-Win this ri' That is sentingi about fifty naines, andti tn nouaI concorin, oui'in letters frornindlividuals anti ergani- ItV la m-v intention te doo sations, some il, sup)por.t ofIE n ail-oI),, I cante puiths'piebiscii war effort, somre abDsoiutely opposed an ing b asl the people te conscrniption, others telling mie te ml"g te vote fer thle plebis use rny own jutgient anti do wha an sure tlioy wll. I hiope 1 thiaik rizhlt. 1 was gladtiot gel bers Vo "Y loeft uwili do lil«e these commiunications because 1 ai- very glati. te heai' the ho ways like te bear frorn the people of fer Dainforth (-Mi'. Harris) rny censtiluency on any suiibjecýt inI nigît say thet if this pliu whicl they are interesteti. I believe te lIe people, hoe is goin- . the people wlio wrole ime were s3incere it. That is the trUe spiri anti 1 an alays glati te gel their iliht rem-ark tihat the ho opinions. for Daïnforth nmay bleic Before 1 camie te OtIawa It was ask- ofE the GonservaVive party. eti 'lv the press te state miy position. 1 t is not ny intention tc tiLeliniedt do se until 1l lad lad anl wa'r effort at greal length. opportunity of becemiing acquainteti boom dedne by mianry Ion. mIl îlhe facts as fer as il 'mas pes- mucilibotter than 1 cou]c ailble Vo get them, andti tinlking,, of -experct te do iV. But as 1I course, that parliameat is the prop- ntia's war offert is diivitieti er place la which Vto express ny pin- -the arny, munitions ef ions on sud a&n importnt matter. foot. Monl are requiretiffc Befere coatinuing what 1 have Vo tIe navy andthVe air force sy, 1Iw<,a-t te atiti rn wor.d of co- var pr ogrammie.Tequ gratulalien te the mover andtile am is oiy (one part ef sewonder ocf the atidres.a in rýeply P)te te le: ýHow shahl we raise the speech frorn the tîrone. iBotI httPart OfE Vhe war effc hion. mnernbers titi adnirabijy; 1 only tiens to-dIay are reachur wishl1 Il at my comrmanti the elo- vihere it wil Vax tIe cafipr quence to do as , ell. 1 is a n,'o toteceuntry' in noney, moen fc cong-ratulate Vthe Prime Mnstrupon ati fof rom îleh-f arma1ý. ha onefui clear expian1laticon of force, ofEcure the sl'yi Canada's war effort. That sec will as1 far as enfisistrnnt's are gotown in history as ueof VtI,-,1 same1-w is ýtruc of '1taI( grieatest ho ever mti.More(,thain Ubath t1hese forc-es we have that, w!ien lis career is writteai the meealtouad nnon Prlimle Mnso wil l e ClassetasoneilsI. Bult in lIe.armuy, as oiE tle greatat staten n latho eassrieiscoene, wrid. Iol is vr Canadi-ae ho1alinit, if we.are go'. - miî av'e an opportunity o>i reati- lmunlitionis cf war in1 in in-i that speech. Canjada is net produnction froni the fea1 iorluna--te that we hýave, a mon ike Thisý war is different fr( ou'PieIinister at the heatiofiE is one, in tlat wc haveanl g-overamnent to-day. Nolmitîstanding I hatine sud hirginfil( ail the criticisnis that have bon We lad ne taiks or tan huried ti I hîm-rimail sites, flot only aInY Edesof>f aller fO inside tle bouse but frorn outsitie, by 'mec(hanizeti equi-ment 'w moin who mant te vent Vîcir personal this war. feelings oven in war time, _notýiVt- A 'suivey ofE ma-peae0Vý

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