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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1942, p. 2

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MORE AD BGGYLOVE Looldnjg back over the yearsý, 0an slee tathithe hread buggy days making love in dte Moon"Ijîght was ar wand -away ba-I ter, more hoes Mmoe scrd ceemnilthan ýaaythng the th osan girl of thJis geniera- tinTruap, Old ïDobbà,n neyer rmn ofaigsnyemuffel"ed 'a fut tire! BUt suoh artifces wara un- wit'h thesedeigt of whicjj'h weý are mpakng tey would nýot ha Mogan the p sbepsigo h pleaur~carGetiag ackto Id ways w0uled ha pro'spect alto- gethr peasng.Wehave ut onýe a~ge8ioptemakTa t ý iit is justý au easy to pick je wraag gor!l a buggy as-j anî utmoble .-Brandon Sun WM EXPORT FIELD Lion. of aBean Goes ion shuld open tha way W, proftabe nmarke fo Ontaro farmars Pise are acting promptly on eSaio-n of 3,n.7J. G. Ga- prepara taShip dried ýian rovu; which bas, i'qetfor thisfom f itiins. plendid posi-, uuply.Itadds ta tha of tha goads which we ta Britan, and the naw Ml, ha, omf benefît bt t ors and ta th Old Land -Wind"soSa Montreal "St,. Mary )le 5 bard ha ha .bnnýdagadf. Evenl kategaod aid --Win)dsor ýStar -inic 0and tha 'ecop-Hr1l LITTLE DARLINGS (?) Thse cbild psychologiÉss ha 4tter get busy inaiLandau, lýOnt, wliahre soie of thi-e ittle alig aprpear ta(- ha ,1dang ";e -roýs you)nu lag gar-ýs . At le7ast, tbat's theim,ýi- pr.esision wýe get froinitis,: bit of precautîonary wisdom la teaFree Preýýsa "Neye2r speak -unikindly ta az cild. Achds nerves arevr sestv.Besides, t may ,sby a NOSCREAMING Ofiesof th(- Cainadiani Wo- meni's Aj.my Corps are ai tauiglrt ta issuecmmns ih eutscramig. beyreailly don'e mec n tesfyt hat thae moat coi- pellig comandstlie.y averher ývpee la bokw, honaeyed tanýes annd etarted (Joff, Drladon't you1 think ,yau'd better . ."Y -illdisor Star THE FAMILY CAR Accordng taeinformation gatb- ereed b- h ntraMotor Lau Uich average distance travelled ji 9, yr fý-or nmotarists lati te-a[id part of Ontaio is15,500 ildes aud tha averageonsumnption ;of gasobine is 854 gallons a ycaar -Fort X71imTne-ora ms Of Singaport Dutch East Inc Fou1r yýaars ago Grat rita!ia's nghty naval base at Siaguaore wa fficially opened, At thatt àieitwas doclarad bexperts, to) be n mpregnable ýbastion of Britsh power and pestige in IN, Far East. Today the power awnd the prestige ara lost. Japan be"ýcamc the aster o Snareoaaneekafteýýr the i kaasforeces began ta s tormi tha islad, ad ine weekýs afta'er thay began their drive for basas in Thailnnd aindo-C inao dw the Mlay penasua t thir goal at Singapore. k was, rieanl plannted anld eaue api No ince Ithe faî f France bas tha Alieod cas fferad su1ch a severa bb-,ow. ,Thbasof the Giý- ratrof te f t luctsto plie tabcthe Uited Nations and a inAmeareablegai tar, theJap- anese The land, sea and air freper-haps 20,000 menI, Used fIitecue of thesrag lilaaenow freed tAconcea- rate on umatra ndJath last barrierso-- ayt um ancdW ,dail e É u Peril In Burma TeAllielainamiesinBna hfavle been foced t AretrdatJ bàt ren oremntsar arriv g. Th Ainercan Vlneer rop or Burn Rndear pa in nim- th-eatrýe at laast theJanaehv not, won air sup)eriarýity, La'rge Chiaýese fores cMPosed cfseasoned figiters w iith fo-ur years' experience of war hamt re- cetyarvdfrom thenot tal bstrImperiafldfecslth Bwa AllidqareaIti fae thî,at Ja Paile s e reînifa lce tki i wil hasent ta tha fr,,rntnrho amal Jpanese ïamy iss advanicing tcadthe vita& parta anon m so the dock-s a annta -~UppIjes are tunloadat for Fre Ch, jina. Tha genearl oujtlookji ignifiance. This rich British Crowa Colony is a b. rîier Of la- diînd a gtwyta hia.Te imporanceof the cobonjy is ci dent, nat 01nly lafi inCceaý ,ipJapa. nasepemssue and' AIlid rein- foceensbut lan tihe rteporary ±rsnaat thie front, of u3i ural SrArchibald Wvl, geeralis- suaec of the United Nations iniý the Par East. Batie Iii Dover Strait Thre Gernan ighingShips, 62,00(p tans of srligfre klave escaped from th haborof Brýest under cuver a ogg wa ther nda beay amke cen Witb a powerful eor of destry- ars, mneweprsmtr orpdO boatis anrid air sqiuaýdros, they eaded at tap speed far the Strait of Dover -and tÉal ore Se îITey dedM the sea power ofBrti ir its homle wates andafra liars adeti escaeta ar man waersF. Britin'swarposition basbeeln ~ipiidby the rnovlo£f.1the Gemnwarships tram B'rest. He gives the follovin2g rea:sOn)s: (1) A threat tartisbcanvy routes bas been removed, and the cnewy lias been) forced ta eava anl advantageouls position. (2) lhie diversion of Britlin's air -bomibing effort fraiGrmn tota 1b)port of Brest, wicto-ugli nlecessar, basbeen -sae as, f 18 lO ededi, and a beaiarse of atc on GCelrmany fra i the aéi 18now p sible. (8) Tishcbanortand the Gîneisenau reeived damage dur- i--g the rua fTrai BraeStwbcwi eIncreases Peril idies and Burma1 keepS"( themoutof cton or om tinie tab axea. f)i Nv (4) ~e~oe tosa arsis 1can wlll~~~ t berifre yvarlu i- potn nits of h igetqua'!- aty an imilarstnghng process 1% going forýward :-1the Navy of the. United States. PiteuFor tUnity recat ronat wns -'n thi-eas- se!ntial 'ýpoints an apeal tathe nation nMdParlament ta stand furm and gîve thu gvernment a solid foundaion for iA work. Wlabiesreydtpio Cwer 'of the Unlitad Statts and it's rst cas ii an aî hat they wer'enw "la iwit-h thaBriisComimon- wealthà, ail togetiser, h(,weverý long it latuntil dea. orvicto:,"ý Mr, Cucilsaid ha ths Ywns the fistad graatast avent ht hadt re orttatho Britîsh peopie. "Tht s hat lIhava dreamad,ý àf, aimied at and wirked fr and newi bscm tapsMr Chrhlsaid. But at the same tUme y ebal- ane,,ed tegood eftis hç estwar teiling ha peope throu'out th word that he spoke "under the shadýow ofaheavy aa Z114 ach jing m tr defeati", the - as of ýSinga4pore-Mr. hrcii eton toe caIl fo'r a spiit of unit y anid ,,rew aetosl hisz dark horur Adveenews"o?00 man mfo- turices and gnawinig axeta lay ~ efre s, r. Curcilis-aid but from that very fact le invoked a, nwspirit of tuhesfram the peoplo who March agaiin the Axis ,Abhis ldethe mot he con- cluded "to isplay th%, ealm anîd poiwa, comhnawih th rm der- minaïution Ywhiefh not so lonjg ago broug'ht uot of thevery jaws af dah Here is nha occa- sion to show,>s's ftnin Oau" long history, Othatewaan meet reversswiVth dgaity and ith renewed accessions of strength. GERMAN GERMS "TeGermian rdoba's begun ta r-efer to the Bitshas Brits, because w-e caol the Japs japs. Now whbat could be morjý'e £ittir.g thfan toe ýallthe Germ:nanýsGrm" With aoloiesto bceragener- asi, ws presume. --Toronto saturdsy Night Bllfl.mfr1m Cern Ihitar Raeot Ihif -m 1918, thse rCanada Food Bardpri Ottawa,," published aL bo-oklet-which satd in part--"C-1ucoýs eand whiit1 'Orns syrup are perbhapa thse zoet satisfactory and lea5t enpen- sCe slugar a8ubtitutl-eaaweilable', . . "tlse board rcmad ihe eOf gIlucs hrvpsil. (Bee iieH rp e9 Z gluCcS.> therefore the natural food Savojru ri re perý&itftdto do-mznate rer rlceabiDcly. * wet en yourcereal, fresis fruit and porridge with Bee 1Rive! *Use Elec 1live Sýyrup, whzn rnaking apple sauce, stewzd risuaris steed pric-ots, etc.!ý * Ue Be* Hhe Sy 0,pa s ssce on rice, bread, cottage and oýther favourite puddings! *Sweeten 5your cofitee I.xndcocoa viith Bec Rivr'! *, UseBec Rive Syrup in pre- erving! *Use Bee RHive Syrup for cake icirge 4 Use Bec Rive Syrup onic 9k Use ,Bee Rive syrup La frit jaicel *Use Bec Rive Syrup iLa qiLg candiesi *Use Bec 1Hive Syrup a a milk modifier ini baby fc'!.din y Try ec Wve S'yrTup in Yrcea for cake,-Ibuckcwbent coolnes. caconanht pudding, chocolate- cake, fruit cak, jeily roUa * junket, msrmalade, o0- ea drop cookies, oatea! -scone,, poaodrop cokie,white ccokiesF, etc.! ST. L.AWRENCE STARCH MO LMITED, Put Gd.it Ont. Sweetên with Bee Hive Syrtup m 1ADL F1ROM CORN REG'LAR FELLERS-A Real Surprise t%àU 'ITECUI ~boy !L'm A EU C4., PELLO, PINi-EAý R.IDDNI.4AD .IAL~ By GENE BRNE VJJ-EEN tTf-éNR -OFA!.' Tf-fAT B T '< 3LO i i: I ivw Y 1) ~ - 'r ied tie balance &iin week/y or mon/i/ payeiu we '/ neer pmiss, ,-e au ias &'/lew easy it is" "Wa sthat vou say? Can we cafford b? My dec a May, e just cap, ".affoùfd Zuit fto. id beoewe feel aney real ! dh~ /a, the men nd wo ewo."7ae ak tth Measc rific ùes."ýwk ~~ EVERYONE can buy a Vctv od Donated By 'i payme

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