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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1942, p. 4

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THE ORONO WVEEKLY TIMES To you, Vance, we need no intr'o- ds spent ducttion. As you have griown to man- ay nig-ht, hood in our midist, we have watched ýe of Mrll. yon step 'by step, until yotn have ar- )flO, te o Irived at that tuii-e of life when you nce Allen have f ound it necessaruy Vo share your e r-ecent- responsibilities -with a help mate. You eý pre(lsent have always had a very generous dis- wa mo-vsition, pleasant and obligin. Though sometimencs your business bas wer-e pr-e- exaicted long hours of toil and str-ain, and m- yet -we have always found you -willing st wîsh,,es Vo go on and dIo somiething more to t'le Satisfactionl of somleore else. was Spe'P hese attributes we hope you will al- r dancing, ways carry with you. ýnng was And of yen, Jean, you are no erving of stranger to w4. We remember you as a sr-holar attending our sehool. We s xread: learn of your activities in your- own toinimunity, which m-eited the -inds and high esteemn whiich has been bestow- re to ex- ed on yen fby your friends and ne- od wishes1 quaintances. rWe -welcomne you to our ___________________________ conminfty. As together you establish your homejj, may yo)u remiember that " niation is no stronrger than itshoe. That the true hiome life la the foun- dation of Our citizeniship. If you- will exercise the sanie sincerity of pur- pose, earnlestneuss and zeal the saine efficiency you have miade thus f ar, sueccesaxill surely be yours in the happy years to eorn1e. We ask you at this time to accep)t this gift, nlot for01 its value, nor for its beauty, 'but rath-ier as a bond of friendlship, a token of good -wishes for your happiness and comifort. May you enijoy it miany years. May God's richeat bl.sing abide with you and miay He guide and' direct your daily walk of 1f e. -4Signed on behaif of your friends and relatives: Valeta Jeffrey. W. J. Jibh Passes W. J. Jibb, ef C-amborne, Victory Loan canva.sesr, in the Cobourg dis- trict, died on Saturday, Fe'bruary 21, froni a heart attacc, believed to have been ecaused in attremilting- to push his car to a ser-vice station xWhen it rail out of gasoline, and he 1passed awýay almjost irrmnediately. On ThuriLsday of last weeCk he re- ported by îelephone to ViTctory Loani headquarter's at Cobourg that he had to travel by foot through slush two feet deep to ar-easý in the county whichl eold fot be r--e'ced even by horse and cutter, The late Mr. Jibb, ln his 64th year, lived in Hlamilton township ail bis lif e and was well-icnown throug-hout thie courity. He -was an active -worlker in 'Camiborne United Chuirch, having- been a miemaber of the choirý for 45 yeairs. He wa~s also secretary-treas- urer of the cburch board and secre- tary of the cemetery board. He was a mniber of j'H-amilton township couincil for eight years and set lu the Northum-berland and DuVham on- ties cýouncil for six years. The de ceased was also president of the Har- Wood Co- Operative Greanieryfrsv J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE ]Fire,- Casualty, Automo- bile and Liability AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conjduets Auetion Sa1eýi of alse andi at reasonable ratesl. Comniunicate wit~h hua at Pet Perry, Ontario, or sees hIs Olerk, ýL E. Morton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS P-raethca1 'Watchnbaker Ail Repaira to Watches, Clocha, arnâ JeelrwiIl receive our prompt Jewolery, attention TH-E MENACE of a hateful way of life casts its shadow across ou' homes. Victory Bonds will raise up a shield against it. So buy Victory Bonds to the limit. We cannot be half-hearted while this danger threatens our very shores. Let us go full out now and give such vigor to our country' s effort as~ to speed the day of victory. MINACI This is the least we can do - to lend our money for our country's defence. Buy a share in victory today-buy Victory Bonds. HOW TO BUY-Give your order to the Victory Loan salesman who calls on you. Or place it in the hand8 of any branch of any bank, or give it to any trust company. Or send it te ybur local Victory Loan Headquarters. Or you can authorize your employer to start a regular payroll savings plan for you. Bonds may b. bought in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000, and larger. Salesmnan, bank, trust company or your local Victory Loan Headquarters will be glad to give yon every assistance in making out your order for". A42, F. F. Morris& Son Funeral Directorsf Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Odest, Largest ani Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funerat Service in Durham OLr Service-THE BEST Our God-THE N~EWLý,T Our Prices-THE LOWEST I MORRIS & SON sBOWMANVILLE - ORONO PORT HOPE Firiday & Saturday "A Yank In the R.A.F. With Tyrone Power anid Betty Grable Mlonday and Tuesday "éSUSPICIOuN" With Cary GCran-t and Jo9an Fc>ntaine Wednesday and Thursday "RAGE IN HEAVEN" "Go West, Young Lady"' THIS Ontario - ý 1 Orono - ý PARK StREET ,ORONO

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