ing af casailfn lie, t, angmea e wihat tht e il uie ta beat the lGer- ~Id," SaidJohnT. merican nespaper- [nsure Weilbeat arm ha cer ee bincg tousaem u ad LA Yet jrticipate douebecase he isiaed and non- its ýin cin înftrW la dog Thief that ouîy a IVtupwt Ilanson. 'TING Growth of Spirit 26. -And lie siSaIs th kingdom ai God asuif anmati shouhd cast seed tapon the erh 27,. and shoýuld sleep and rise night und day, and theý seed shoad sprong up and grow, lie knowethl otf how. 28, Thec earth beret fruit oai herself; irtthe bae then the s-ar, . nthe full grain lateear, 29. B'ut when the fruit l ipe, struiltwyhept teýth ïforthi the icklec, becauase theb bav st Corne." FirýsftLte ar abcetejus ta tas ~a as tery toutMe gowing of that wic iia sa H.1ow true t s.isWith auil of Doua vast nowedeic htany there la crne thing that mana dues not ]anow, eandthat is hocw a plant really gow. eod lyv, there is anm, paispae onthe graduai gowthvuf te seen and lthis, also, is true nAilnr isý a lharre7st- Th jeji an 'nd f grawiag; a nturty ardainedà Ai GQ& Lufe isof Gué. GrOwt A aiofGodTho harrýst as ai God We c(an c-opelDrt ihGd n useaIl those iaswicC1 a mlal growth la aur spiriîtýuallrs Grain lof MsadSe-d 80. 'And lie said MW shah we liken the kingdanofm(aIGodf or Ce what pamabe shuelun set IA RADIO -1 RI9Ï' uigcetoT10ommylo, efsbroacat a ba hu r show o 1ý 1îiu th Ni onal twork for Uthictryon;o w~ LIV~ IN QIJE-ER liMES! - '-'- s'- iuuTrd sed, which, whezn it h Ones tan h hnsed hat re putteth Out great branches; s thed hheave ar lod(ge udrtesaa hro. Théis ammbe niay be iwmepreted asnilusratîng the p'hnomeaial growth cf the Christian Churcb. The growth aofthemus-ardseed, the snaallest ,,îal!ahseeds, is an ah-. normal growtb, shoting oUt great brances and becoming, as Luke says, a las tC" tuat Cohtiniy didseagrorbu it ýshould 'ha noticed ,ht ur Lard speaks aof owls lodging in the branchesOf théislare tMe.Fws eveywhre r Ser-ipture hbave aný uncea sgaifIcau, ýc e. They Pl. lute a tree. They do not belong tastrea itselsuf.This ,iseatl what hlappenied in thbesoale ;"conqîuestf" of the Roman Epir byCbristýianIity- . It ecame S"o paerutatthe aions, insýteadI of pposiuIg it, touk seai t anýd, t he-ýr, lefe brougbitpoltn jua he ýChurchf, worh lLeýss n th thng ha ertain ta seclar gorer-nment. y henat iona of One rearth idagaete nChris- tianity,, and giving it their super- licial approval and cutnne the-Y did not oelevatetesevsa t0he high 70eel0aa s epar ad an sanctifid peop, but teybouh lerel of1carlnality Iandseuaiy is iunto a treasurebdeni the fkld; xwhich a nimnfo)undand hi;,din bis Joy i ot n eth tat field(.,' One hc ral understands he Gospel esag wih ered t[mk ayposbe- find's in the Gosp'el afChrit the tiling ichsatisfies bhis ol I p ing a Stck, t's a seiie n 's Talmmy's wneilmsea ai sing"daily at 1,1[rom- CKO, 150 ulyour dii! Perhaps 5ane fai h otitr is heàr esailtylTae naMun- one ofthto p acta sse, aMdWhn for a IUone ith the %vind,' or saineathec utsaung chaac- teriatin, he chl oesonit ta 'gTw'ao eisI)e bas built ulp a -reatchracerjuaa great olloing. And, lu ver- 'atileprts, ragng faom lip- Oua unson eonstraýtes - her eraiity in theSuudauy _at 6.15 from CKOC i RamiltoT the lsersCvlibe cautining for, anothr 3V Week! I1B0 Làuste g Tes;: The "ýGoo Nwscpogrim sahuting the woeklies af the Provice, s no brodcas ut9.30 Monday ngt ru C. Thursd, Jays aiÉt 83 ..itnr uip a part aitf etetaumn bein praidedforHetoos Twa CKOC boys ererone gets? a kick oýut of-os Cyysdalead Len Si thduring thear 8.15 ta Swing Wrh, Thaat Did it Marie by Ben;yGomu YES - __ AgLn h. khg! oof hea- ven tesWlké unta a73antha't iS à 46, end having found one peari af 'ret pice hewecnt and soleý arH chat he had, and bougjht 10., We tuly elive taatthepei Coi gratpic s the Churciliaf Christ, ýýa'nd tkutt is found in the midt f 'humnrca ge iýs gt ero ut of it, exalLed, and lae t'he miedim throughi whichl the in- finte rut ofGod'S gr'ace and 47. Again, the kingdom i' hevn slke un-to a net, thtwas- cart juta the sea, and gathered af evey ind: 48, hihwhien it 'was fiIelchy drew Up on th(-eah and thiey sat dlown, aud gathered( tegood jjuta vessels bu he bad the.cSt away. 49, S9 shalilit be in the end of the îworld: T[he1 anrgels shaih coneforth, and seVer thje wikdfrom amnilg the rgt eous1,150. a n shahcast thiein lta the furnie of fnus tereshah be theaff wepn badte ga ofn a eeh" Tis praladdressed tede ohortthm tth nemco- djuct requîred of those who would be Mis folowers; andimpresses, theneesstyof 1m-oral p urity as the ndipensblech,racteri,ýtiec; o-f ttUne chiildrera of the king- Lookng bck over iiscIlaterï wveae'suk with Mie amlazing hopefulnes and confidence of Jes.s.11eislookiing tal the ulti- mat itur, nd trying t 'o warnl men that hat 'ihey o10W will etrriehow the.y will be judged1 when the day af judgment shail 0%_Ïf Conscription hIt t be hopedUtatMte fol- lowng onfsedbit of conversa- tionis flot au xaipl eoaithe tinkding being done on the SUb- froeeto conscrption in Canada at the reset tîne.This conversa- tio weledforth a rfew days ag frmaidy wh1o ucomplaýined thjal her brother was wounded in the -It wras consciption that caused- it," ,esaid. "Mýy brother was woujnded in oebro 97 You sehe wenit upin athe a= hute nisookl DYm ora deer. Thze Book AÎ.Sheli DRAGON SEED By PeariS.Buel The grea-t mases Ellte Chia ese pepl re paatfres liin)n the landis that have beerl passed ot theml by counLeiss geeron"s of honord ancestors. Thyare conteun_ ta lirean tohl upo thselansta chc(rish theml and ta o fdld te,in uturn for tbei sos. Of su-1h was Ling Tnwho ired wthhis faily ,out a race ,ufalim a NnkngWhen Thebetaubiealsaag ery o thle Jpn rulttra- go!y ndheartak ta the pmece- fi home ýof Linig Tanýý. Aithoughi his sosgo wa ta theLh! iUls ta joh'i',in guerilia afr 1gîSt borly nthe ýland fhelvs Dowagn Sed is a tule of mai, fifour long years of warIn China. i 't is a stor-y tod ith Ling Tans of ai greae ceoin country remainnoe lands inig aund rfui ta e cnurd clnigsteadfastly ta('their mway an on hilosophy thatI "it see the reate'st thjing a mar c (ouljd do ini thslays wsta livýe and11 ee Ouir ~ hisowu." Dragon Seed ., by Pearl SA Buck , , . Thle Macm1ilan 1Com.- pany oA Canada , , Price $3.00 SESSIOL lNç. ~ pL.AtJ'rs n NAVE .JJ.J\/ENILE I..1A~V~S -fi Ol~' ~ £HAP~, AND ADUL.1' LE&VCFANOTR~/ ~p AN ~ THE storks ;of Baýghdad build hiress n the, damenýs and ininrts o! masques. Since the roofs aequite slop, g hey han th nst famthe three halls on itopý , and here the gluinous saliva s usd ta cause the netotastick Wtv lzd us 'NEXi: Why v" ~ 'f ~' rFOO0%D FI SH 1 Pink ýfa)Od fish. li Ussize, beautY D IE and- or diïgi t. Lb E '16 O-Pposed to S E stoss 17 Tro Jlay a street.A 19 Turninig point. 20Back Of neck. 21 To care for, 12 T. 23 Emerald. 43F 24 Graýnted facts.144 i 25 P rdsna ppers. 47V 27 Sprî te.g 29 Pertaanring ta 48 A setab. 19S. 30 You and me. f< 32 Wan.,ders. 51 s 35 Lump. 55A 37 Nrthast 57 It 38 Possesses. 58 i T 39 Rubibed in dirt e, 41 Fathecr. A r Amnerica C D E E A 2(br) cOO01 T - - sic" terni. P.N ~A Ni' ii A woinrs Tr- AF:CC)OAT' iý wvijer, -bO ffr I ý! PP 26hee! hub. E S U Fthe leg. PA 3Nlotfresh. Ai7 1 j [ ýV, 4 oosei ree- VEFRTICAL 36 Off ered. uss I reefluid. 38 Far'm tooL. uby spinal, 2 Winged. 40 ont Vork of 3 Maks aven. a bbr.). enius., 4 A]1-eged- force. -41 To pramote. ,ncient. 5 Fotbi te 44,'Broughit ip, toaeplace 6 Ponates 45 Cuckýoo ri gunis 7 PartJ1-ice 46Softens crt. 8D(-oor rug. leather oaf edges. 9 E!1. 48 Away %dult insect. 10 Sniappiag 49 Farewell1! t is a sait peetla. 5f)Ta tick up, - fish. IlICalrx leaf. 52 Dower- ggs înirs 15 Siiiy laugh. rater 18T ornme in. 54l Form cf "" 56 Africanibe By J MILARWÀTT- The PO-o lset Not Living