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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1942, p. 7

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jack soirn lounustuons, asYS ence Servie, Back of th iseod inle,"lRed Me thenigf, aihrs'deigbt; red i the mornixsg, sailors taise worn- sets usually c~edrn eid of seffied meafber, Mile a red- dened sua (at any tMa Of day) Indicafes tise pre-sciCce ofmosu- laden particLines a teaita mIay literreiptaerai or Sno](W, Even at aunseta ary, reden s3Un (as distingujihed fromr red- tlnted clouds). may warn Ofa A rising columa ofM!anoke from-k a hiney liaoterfairly re- fjable "sign," f fior ciaearing weitise, If menas tathe air la dry, weeeaoethaf ýtgQes up :and then cones down again, Mô3iSture whcb te oke pr ices gather unt o hemacîvs MnIl they are so bavy tha ey slnk. A ring around th ismon, or fo be acadenically precise, a halo, la anotiser fairly depentIable wea- tiser aia" u ,sa fuzzy eor blury apearnceof oon oQr stars. Thiee appearanices are dlue o tise intercpt.fion of lsghf ýby tibm Cloud runnIfng aedof a cappronaciing gen-era so aes Tisr hwver, -,nue rt whate.ver a i eief fIxaI fthe rescent m-noun "oda an fis heras are pouaed upWard, "poufs" Thojae pheoan reprely "aS- trunen IoilCa.al, and -bave aothg' fo doe wth' Conitions o cath.Th ffarne hoi4ýS.truc for fxe osiio: o)f tho bwl o Ixe "Grantip per" as seen eary la the evenng., NAMED ENVOY l'O RIUSSIA Adririal W-ilI iamH.Stn dley, abovue, rtrdfrmrCifof ]Naval Oeain, aoae y Fresident Roiosevei-t tf0 be U.' S. Ambssdor f Rsaa.Adirai Stanidley, 70, asa em e fthe Amer>ican missijon wbcbonfer- red ilaMsco st faîil with Brit- LaIs anId Soviet re>pr-esenta-tiveaon aid f0 Russia. Convert Sea Water mb riningWate)r equipmenit t t isalehin hre being builf -ýfor neianEpr AirIlnes ila asfi11 foriovetn ses ae ntodikigwtr UsyaBusinessa ee Th1cee tl the pianes, colpil ifeboats. Thse sfI pertesOn! aolidifiedî fuel laJnsecboef hh wili hurilfor fwO hbour, tim Tise ondener laa fleil ub se Maa ools he aemnMd thu ovets ifint o dinkin!g w r he flican be Used ftr COokng toe, and fIx wser conltainer he- consapressure cooser. To b)e able f0 carry teignosde- vice, Aneicn xporf Airlines Lad ttaiske ouft glR 10W eW york Stafedstlers ience Haulers of Wood Mapwrha,, býeIcmesusca'c and Mrlboruýugh Townsipa, of zre enagd11iaulfing wý,-od frumi thse bush. Refurnlxs]g t hi homles to do fiseir chorea ray ttr o tise îhuai l is'e, nlnrg fer a second Io-nd. '4< Dan'iel 'Stean , Coniis u1- Genaeralý for N'orway in Cantýada ince 19q3, bans beeni appointed Envoy Eta ordin ami ndMinisterPeiptn iarytoCaadLbuteNorwegian GovermentinLodn HW C AN l1? Q. fow (can i keepbon Sugarfrm etngum ? A. eep the broxvn ugar in any openl jar o ýr ca istrinthe îeç- frigerýator, an"?d it iibcm n remiain soýft uand fieefrmlps Q, How can i keep my anda smooth and white? A.UeÀeal a solution consistinig ofrqalprt fgly- cerin and lemon ucewelme aef\e' droCpS ofalooan a littie raaaarca e dddfor Q. Ho cav un Imaka use o f Hn ntatshe hsegylslf for which tee i n ime)iat u-sel. 1B y boiing hcm ardthe yQIlks wil kae , nd thcy can b gratcýd -over a audcraaed sal mion, oc akdfih clo'udylook ingasatathv bean usi for mIk inUld ate beforce wsin n o wtr A., lake a Strong uds of white catie oa. isole teapoofulof boaxIn 1-ý'/pi.nt hiot wvater nd adhiet quart of c thqsds eanCold, put gloves on hands and wash ganty in the snme mannes as washni tha ana ilinse i th'e same"f way. Wan r, u btae h bnatosftn Fil th I1columists aepcotanitially more maacinýg than air'ipianesad tasaid RbrtGfinoted Belgian lw amnditer, wen Francaise atutheCateuLaurier flot long ago. Spaakinig on fIxe tp, Thle Fifth Colum a ind itlcr 'Cks," Mr, Goffin', w fe from Lel- gium- juat bafora ifscaiuton toldi his a'ud'ience of somre of the drmatice entrs wh-jich led fo the3 faîl Of his native cou Iry. tH r-elated how ifh oumisshad( estblîhedsecretrafiton inî bis couintry aýnd had been transmiffing sce nfrainto th!("e enmy long before Germany decided to nvd BliuTie Gerimns erein-,possession îof plans of the m-,ain fortificationî, uine and of e very airport to aUMch an extent thaf; resistance to in- vasion could nof hold out any legfh ofptime, RECTAL SORENE-SS AND) QULICKP YRELEV pilesci et alhe1rp ne1 s,, L oct dela teimetaniru-ie ie fUetn fua contio eoecrna n B-Ro-J rman rugstat tesy to tkt ab*fýlet il uc re'lskieve tiefic1igu an1 , oenee au t tis-enh eisi f fr ano neute rids asafl cany lcroni ple duy e lad a uci a elco ifyu ty em id aic are not lour money persid w i is eran c e r o u ie - (wttcis . adei C o)vreefv 1 lots a tie eseC lfll r som h T'AsTE1 ladly careess au Should sait an pepper. shkes ate1h eacb oher? h laIUahrigmttu hav nc nmn and wife cin goodue ea fuit a',tfine table? 6. la",it ail right fo ia uct Who winaa bridge prizy, ta Open. it~ ~~~i an iplyi f Ie xe guesa i Tecourtesy of tbanking pjossible to) be tolbealwit thi eresio. Tbanirik youx crs nd iatrs.Thank the ,vait- rassawo scerves you, the sales- the aleva)tOr boy, the asttanige? for any informaton, the doctor, the Wuyer. 2. Yes, if the smal ila dividuai hakrsare used u.bey must ma.tch eachl other, 8. NQ, 4 fis sent wît wedd(in-g pre- etwitb floweýrs vf0 a-x funeraci,t WWIb gifftef0bigbaool r , l lege gr'aduat-s, orI' witb 41nYohe o'jff that comecs from bo tb.Ifis, of course, used also for formai visita, 5 bdthe futin your1 band( and peel if witb the kife, or ;f if, is puîcy fruit, such as a peach, you m1ay hold if on th:? fork. 6) Sacchariewbich is '300 fimes, as sweet as sugar, was diacovered accidnfaiy by an Amerian acien- tiat lu1878. iem n y cause, E' Scald2, Ath- ln Kms p.ep a tin handy . foimeegefloas f Achàes and Païns cf anydr, gat'fbnebotieo u meybas"le.ue bottie willson- rince you. Britis-h - U.S. War Council la Formed of-staf f board bas been estaý-b1lah- ed ici the UntifedNations -war capfi- tai af Wasbïington to direct al Bi'iisbAmercanjo)"int action b land, sea aand air and( on factory assembý,vlyUnes. In ifis announcemen)t of tise move the wvar deparfment said the, new ,fboa1rd aout to a eom- bbined commaad post for the con- def tof ail joifnt perations ofth two govweraments in the(,r. Besides drcting military v erationa iftw'Il bX',ave juiadictiorn -)ver prýoductioni and, distributiosn of~ ~ ~~I wa sppis.ItwlI ork i;n HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention -- Consi1t yof)urnpareast Harneesa bo aboutSaoFlarrnes Supplies. We seli our g Pooda ony tbrough your local Staco Leathier Goods dealer. Tbe goaare rigblt, kand sù are oulr priLces, We ,manlufacture li ur Lic- tories -- Harness, Hlorse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, .HoraeBii kefa, aadi Leather Traveill Gouda, IsiatonStaco£an Trade arked oods, and you get stsacin Aldeuonly by: SAMVUEL TREES CO, LTD, W%-RITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Weilin.gton S5t. E, 1Toronto 1FOrai kiîs, it will td wilh ýbenoat inembersarae Tbe irafe parent stoirmcd up aný ddown the room bcforc thle nevouesookng younr mn. Wht"ha butd you have fIxe ner-ve t-, cornîe f0çy office f0 ask, fo'r umy be' baud? I migbt a xen e u you thaf you coud biave svadyour- self fie journey." The sitor ighýled wear-ily. "WeI, tsaf's au i ibt," he sa id.L "You sea, Ibad nother message f0 eiver la the anm Whtis a.debtor?"ý "Amais whlo owes mnoney." "Andi what is a credilïtr" "Aman Who think hu'e fgoi;n g toge it bc. Joues had goef0 fIxecinemai but theinae eatter of tmvo f-onltof liimiat hastibacama more ta becoufld stand. H tape oaa of the women on the sole and said: hear." Th-e ma snortecd. "You'ru not supposad fo this i a rivaIe Ra Rs:"oy, wisUt would Yo o ie'n ou aciail d, m"oey in ewrdrgh now r" recleon .Ah,'d pay it onmai nusiie Prson (Uestioning n miember of the parachute be a prcuejma.N oh yu'ahadsoetrilepr- T'araclsutst: "-eh, terile Wvhy, once I cama dSompn were thele was a sign 'Kaep Off Ixe Grass'. LittieGil"Ikwso- Bacelo - Nz.eerminci, ehlld. Youll get c'ver ta when you'ro a jittiù ode, or Money bock. Alo for hafig utsani tubes, lic. AS UOICLASSIFIED ~DVERTISEME )31G ROCK "PfAY DAY" CHICKS biger-troger ar sl Ëo Med p-aet. Whieorprices agd Mill Rohes Ont, Bx C Le re SIXlou coco, onC. CAPON. gerwigulesDecitvca Monkton, pntrowW, POULTRI(EEBS',EUGS ARE P, tisefrot ue. ritin aM.P fo JonN,,damelton Ont. mý EGUS 1e FERCoE IEE 178 (lIen oa.!ooto. FA E U OIl S 'E 80 arefam;ideal lcaito mixcdfarmig, $2.iJ0anlare 314,000 ca.sh. Fr futher priu ar ritelJhn avidson,' 'wo Creekau mStanbu1,. f cin oueymodem ithal gravty ipe spingwater bnl bam, rvercrosesCorn;er pa"Sture gmoveil L e ,Th1usand, Box1 >, rad ValleyOnario VA pelIlz EUiPS 111E N T LFE1 UAEY SPECIÂLYSS- Cha1e' a (few reman'i xg b harg ain)s inme lte CeasisSepa'ratorsdmn trtradreb'uiltmodela s ustb and 1 E.P, Marsall nd LDeutz Engies, sterSurf Pral Miikig Mahines; Myers mp Engies;a fw Lster Tineant Linltkiarowý.s ; us ediBas'ins at bagin pics;Mel3ottýe, Iiag'lnet sock; Lets', Ms and Pa'rtsan moner Purcasemotwhile hs bagansist. yWrý ýite. metoda y. S. ALiserSteartSt-ret, To- 1. a ~ e PEtS GROWN IN

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