= BITISH HUMOR canadies pavs Oftnnbeau ua nes of Bits uilho.But wbac 0fe Vhs man lookinýg atteosal ofa bobs,ýe siil tnig Js as 1told ouiay onesitigo!n tire maneiptce would have ibea feaso sayig to is servant igirl: "I efta d'~ cefor dsryn h uigt hm br o ts b"le.an Wpes bust, And bs cmmones t iing ae pnedout w-e", eu Asaid: u 'Play you lor an egg," saybi% h golfer; 'aan tewoinan ritin', ber iarya~Vs: "hat lsedidi -,-, do yesterday biesicles haw.vir an agg for subkfst?" --Ottwa Journal. -y-1 Prbsbuit did!Vhs wýiter know ýî.t4 tbieawioff VSies l ado Vl~Saws becuseCfths ebbe inabIedced ilu tbem during yas0 Tira igoad swi men refuise Vot teoit on their.Tbe are mulctib ba- ter for fence pos, as somfe set- tierýs who da,.t like o ses hemý bei uredalonIg t rrgb f wa aiher, w-x. Vs tif --port Arthur News-Clironicle. GETTER FAIR AWAY 'buIIt if it l a 1ohe o try t pronounce bU ahi Vs juer unig pdace nane thut pop up inu Vhs wvar. news? IV aouhd bumucwoe if he figlting wasgoing on iu' places wtb imes that are familar Vo you. -Winsostaru. -o- LULL REPORE THE STORM L's alasgood weýather wheni good fellows geV ogether -- but tbereS Ofteu a storm wltinVe ANSWER TO QUEM1ON At last w hav thse auswer tei tlr oiteu abt OtWb, dos a'a ahieken -,'ross vhroad, eans m'"eeDnemars coffing siter -Kiteiener Record, FIN AUSTRALIA TEWR-WE om~ayo u~n vnssilk Losing Out il j Silk s losing its useses andi tîi Neec-d r AlChsA-Tc- îR.ssia hlu LondOn , nglan di, E le;ticaliu Tha ,!iohjoe lahd othe U. c, ai o utrit 'uu syboieofVh Vesbey 'auVIe woa ie, tishows F t. orde soldiers owliiiu V efend hs cntnetdowa u fder - L- l abso Vhsefrepicure eerVrnmite rom aAustrahia Vo VU. ,S. byý, radio. 1t was rceivsd lu San Franciacotelliotoed Vo NewYok A WeeldJy Column About This and That in The canadian Arvl AhL you old sodirsknwwla caitel! us wlies Vhs0wor camaIi fromun? And doa'tý usit ms- Al Iknow ,7about;i t Vha,"pzzy sy jam ha "pozzy" U1VhsMess oobut wlisne ýýyou coma Vc ýo anlother Ampr asa-o ofde- firison ppie o someone WIo sema Vo Cbe ,asking quita alot îIV remains "mThephae "Wiat do vou wujam On! Ail this iýsn't 8f ar beid(-e is poîint as 4 ïmay seem By hs time a 1mu ny 's "ove Vhsl po(zzyý down lir,"h's a soldier. md you, le dinVgeV o be a oldiarý by lsariuîig Arm-y lungP but by V 1 ima l'uie laa so1dierî ha haleurncd many a neW name for Commouphace eirjects. Ha doe>Wnt know just when h be-comas a sodiridoubt if anyý olof h Féeie oldilHyou al- tier. Buitsoehrudey or gruduahy, VCivUihin i attIs dresa changeas Moa asoldierin uniform. Of courseunltakeas Mfirsat in Vs iecin f eomn ivhsn ipenenesChs vs- -a volunees Vo - -v. From and Vhs rudiments of miitRy trainiin.. Thi tyut VhIlslee, Dpo la !macle as shlort usposbel is relized thult 'aoawovl nessioflenring UVo gltas soon as he Cam. By Vhi',scame Vt oken it tis real- izsd Vintewhen i gVa o a ai Trijning Cetre, Vhs u evecui doesnlý 'vwanV Vo sesm te(")awk- soldierly eoaldmct und bering n At theBsi ranngCnte trainintg bgis uc a h newreuilarssethnV is nro lne a dr.eary rudo sq i rijl without am.;sa'lut- inig; Vhs emmuiaiof rnistai dit! Wih arms; luto n chillP ComLp,ïany dill - nd nfnitsa Ti-erýS la adrili OF course. There - ýýlas V ýohaif enare ýgo)ing to miold a group of mnlV Vsam. B lut drIlila intrpre With intrutIonin Vhs u Lse Cef Vie rifle 'ad ayna, Vs igt a- he work that jmust be dns in.m ae Af Vhfat pacifie sho-s carytAnt there lC no jtent t U ado)ta Cntn ent. O thecntra, its ai depenenceonthUnedSte is reognizil. Een wth the as- sisanc thtVhse Untad Staes ausend4,,(hsAustraliansno (ace a grimLtst Thl eemy ma uýy atiany tim affet ladins on t1he notlieast coat wt eobjectet f ahn AIs threla posiility, that ,hy jil xejn(j thair sea opera- tnstôwnrds te Fiimusas wMi teobject 'of attin cnvy aud rebinrcmelts coming fromi t)eUntdStts The contcin- ueduceso Au1stralian bomb- iag raids on Japnnese bases in NewCuieawill, lioeve, mke the lan oredifficult of accom- -old Aulstralia, Or> those Mps f Lt wrl taei od tt as basefrom hich Vtoreor ba rud j.aot, r Allid Peaain There is aninct aeddemanld for ofensiveaction thistheatre of war , Are aAlies peae Vo auclia ajo ,ofes iv e? L t woul eacsar s e trans- pýortC Vo Asratroop a and equipmrenit and mlore and mr plane. Thedistance is greait- twelve thousan mil's-- and the Austrnlias uitis Vo hold, tVo dafed an Vostendily amas imorle fighling pwrunitil the position of l arn ntosi he Japan is on the efnsve MaCArthur'sObete G erîMacýArth ur il ,bis firat publi t statemen t 'ats Supremle Commander said: "The President of Vhs UaitLed Stateb ordseýd ime Vobrakthou l te Japanlese u-nes and proceed Vo Australia foi, .Vhs purpose, as 1 understund it, ofirganizig au Amerian Offe- sie gainst Japanl. A- prî-mary pur'po-se ef Vhis i la Vhselief of Vhs Philppins.1 came throu)Lgh and Ishah re(ttvur." Arîhur nay emlioy mnust depend' 'o a gr-ea't Pxtent on air'ý power, This wailapr-Ovîng Vhat air powel has s uccessfully milodified sea poe hat u adfrrse r noonerimpregnabis. 'True, tche Jaasegive maximumli attention Vo he airý, but de-fence ,of a vast nubrof island Outposts agaIinat a stongairensmy woulà be exe- tremiely cdifficu1t for Japan beý- c-ause Of the extendsd lhues of comm11iunication be ýýtwv en îJapuil proper und lier newly acquir-ed raybeeiappliad tO Trke ',L is sgbjccted noV only to the- thirea of a frontalataktruh u- giaut of enîclmntsouid theNai succeed in drivung farther into he Caucasus or Vo SuzeihIer b)Y way of iy o via Ehdes, Cprus, mffSyil Eyes n Rusiac ered ou-" strliait is poal that Ahled leaers haveberush - in upp)ort into hes MUidd1e Ea und VoRui. For thre reson Vin .L t is absorbjing frmr of Niazi energies than any otherý front.12.!L t he one placewr the Unite-d INations 31oWenyVh adatge of theofesv.' 1 is the one ,front wvhere ot - ~lrspromIises and miijtarynees sity force Oie Germnans Vo netsv N O ',1.'eed For0fk nsv To) nsure Vhsimpraneo teRussian front one nedà only Vo hinIk what the. picture wouLld ba w tre sNazisfre Vo ueai their power eewhere. suppose Îit eecoicentated o.n 'urkey :and( he Near East, in a new assalt oni Brîtain, or adrvet owardcéý Dakar and South Amnericu!Bu ~it cannoit be 'while hs usa fron exits.Dosa potfthis f net miake it plain that Britain an Ameria should siher furni G te Rsiasim-portant hlpontei frot>r sstablish 'an active frontý slelsewhich wllprevnIt Nz conoentratIion on1 Rulssia? For mnonths we have beenrs vCad- ing confparisons hstween German reversa's inVhsRussian camýnpaig and Napolson's catastrophe rae- treat from MAoseow, L Ma1 h 11,Napoleon's ariies had bceau litrdroutad and drivýen f;rm Russiaýn soui.!n :Mardiý, 1942, Hitlar's forýces Stijl hold more Van thre-ourhsof Vhe Russian tr ri'tOry pgaine.d in hs ùmerand feu o ýf 1941. The Cerm-an armies areafnot yet lu a Napoleonrie r- member, Formosa Is Base For Jap Activities Baya the ,st. TrhomnasTimes. 'apan lias strueit, tha Bitsh Auistralian, Ilktch nd Aei bjasaýs As far as ?,50 O miles from' Tokyo, andi a study of the octoý- pa-iegrasp cf JapanIeseVet acIls shows that ier ghis pIDIlane and3Itr'Oopsý have vatrafi- tions. Se long as 'ýJapan lia-sce- mnand of tlis sea and air la Vhe Soutliwsst Pacifie, ler chips anui men are relatvahy safe, but given, samailmrgin of superiorityth - wl catch these received :)y-vtheudrsge uni the KnaHgwy pu 42Llghay Ne.69,Bas tc FrySoud ud ary1jo00 Hsingi Cuny Eouncary a!nS R. e.209, Gooâer,- 'amt1Wibe-oce.'15000, -4RaSNoe. 08, Minen t', Ejnmunt nd loa-d No- Roari ïNo. 20j6, Haýlibutrtont t4 Redatoe ad RoaS No. 207, fo Luto t s. .38 tod 1Neo40Y port Sever te HoeyHar&our an Por£ ee oG-ot -37 Minden Vo',ùHalibrtonl,.. .22,f01,1 -38Hy. îNo. 69, 1Rayes Cernerr te Sentit eu"ay of PMrrycmndDiu. Md -351 Higway No.17 North3 Jeeký o Rve We afr- nMis.... .......3I,0' E33higbwy N. 6, Suronl lu Ir,'teloFieO , Fieîd unrb .354 Hagart N.werviie; ar Nesibard Diisixl -35 Tiailya Back Roa. 100 -37 llcad Lak" te" uebe Faty.<AltenativeCrute Sone)......... ...2Mm0e -'l8 Englehvartteo.Charltonb ton6 est owardesa El Lake. ..........2, Sebry Divisio -359 SMand1btr-C .ii1aolHo!. .5, TBailaS iver Givii 36'liBay NO 8 Wbt2 -362Iilgway e. 1, Thsien eMcoariy 2me nrt% to3 -34 eltarbm e 2tad........0 -36 Mnltaln".sInS ani -"8YRNES