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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Apr 1942, p. 4

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- i c I i ORONO W-EEKLY TEIMES ursay oiniig atte Timies Office vertsingRate's onr1 qes Subseiption,$12 AH Job Printing WriRcieO r rm tAtn i Wal. On the fHoime Front The war bas br-1ghtm-any changs inlue anadian way of 'fe. Tfhe suppiy otneeni l --san ,gaods is dim-1inisbing. War is given les, caMun the resources of the nation. T'here is ne longer bath guns and 'ý,utter. The sacrifces wvhich Canadianis will ho called upon ta anake wil be puogressiîvely greater. Production of atou cars for ciliAn use is being stopped, as well as radios; the output ýof ma-ny houi.seýhold articles and appliances stopp-ed or substantiýaliy reduced. Sugar has been rationed. Gasoline is now being rationed, a-ad further restriictions are Vo f ollow. Many automobiles will have- te be put up wben ires presently being used are worn ont. Ca- anodities whicTh vwere imnported tramn the Far East, sucli as rubu-e, silk, in, kapok, homp and tnngston are controlled by the gavera- nient. The mfiî"ae being elimiinated and variety of output is being lessened. Construction puojects are severely restricted. A sanivage organization is collecing scuap and waste mnaterial ta help f eed the hungry miilîs of war. In the next fiscai year the Damiinili spend the uinprecedent- ed am of $30500 millions, 03,000 mnillionis of whlicb i-wiil l ho for war. The former figure isnabot seven timos normal peneetime gavera- mqnts scots.To mees the Doiion's huge expenditures tAxes have Wn hipl-ed; fiveimes a mnioy pay five timies as mluch, in incarne taxes of al kind-. Taxe on goads and servies Ihave Leen raised nd eaatended -tocaver a aide va-et-y ofcmnoditis. Busiess incme --is su-jeceVo a idnum Vtax of 40 per cent, and 7915 per cent. of CIl "eneess profits" are aken by the government Economie ontris,, impuosed iclud a general ceiling on prices and a stbilizatin of wa-ges and salars The Canadan peqpe will soan Mee the hard- ships ofwr, "dingLuanabe o seare this or thatarticle, ut wenfee sure that te Canadan peole as a wholq, iM beau these inconven- jonc-es with great -fbrtit'ude, Lknowýiiinl the end that by theLse sac- rifices the United Natins weoe able o gain victory. ,ý * e e e Great Men Are Not Godls (Financial Post) -Sonieaof the editorial cormmnnts that are being printed regardîng General Douglas MacArthur suggest that h-eis a conibiration of Alexanader the -Gr-eat, Jullus Caesaq, Napoleon Bonaparte, Hanaibal, -Marshali Foch and Robert E. Lee. - Peraps hé isn let's hope so. We need one gaod E-nglili---peak- -hgengierai in tiia- war. But la IV fair~ to preseat a-py soldier as a surm~fa-n, on the basis even of s0 fine a record as Genierai MucArthur - ixs had ia the fevw short weeks the Unitod States ha-s been ia the v;.awr ? Is it fa-lu ta hlm, we mean. ýGive a ma-n a -reput2tiona as a miale.,%orlker and ho-ha-s -o produce miracles or ýbe cast îaVa the - 'sruter and da-ker corridors of public esteem. Recognize ithe strang <cltis h as aa-d people will expect hlm Vto domonstra-te those er of nig tho fate of Win- ýns hut up Churchil )d. Ho wa-s the great ; the great admiinis- 'tratorthie gi-ot ouatan. îChurchill is same of those thiaga, but noV ail of them. F ila greatest quality la cann-age, wvhichbcho comibines with stubhamn resolu- t' on. Hle expresses the Bitish peaýpie's spirit of -unbuenkabie rosis- tance btter than anWvane else bas been able Vo do i. Churchili hlm- self is reported ta bave remarked in Otta'wa, 'ýMy streagth lies la the fa-ct that I amr.ahi-e Vo put into wards the thinga that a-ue la the ainds of thoe-British -,)eople." A few wecks ag-o Chaý-chili cauld do a-o wuoa. Now-ý certain sec- tions af the Âmeicaa presla particular, but aisa of the B-itish and Cana-dia-n press, ha-vo turned against -Chai-chili. They seaun bis wýau stuategy. Weil, on the recor-d it has noV heen too goad. They dialike bis obstinate Ioyalty ta some of bis mare seond-rate associates. That, Vaa, ha-s been one of Churchill's -weaknesses. Ho is n)oV a very a-hie administrator. He hia-s noV always been a-hie'ta pick ont a-ad-Luse 'VIe best of the -enlus around hlm. Churchill is ane of the great. But Chureliil ha-s bis weaknesses. IV would ha-vo been fairer Vo hlmn if bis weaknesses as 'well as bis stuength.s lad boen ennier recognized. They wavul-dn'V lie arousing ýsuchl violent critiCISmI now:v if they lad been allowed for a fe--w ionths a-go. WVe need moen like Churchill a-ad MacAthur. We should noV destroy them by naking gads of hem, for :su-ch overpraise is boaad Vo have its rýeacti1on in overcuiti'cism la-er. Alfafla, the King of Hay and Pasture Plants Alfalfa- la one of the most papular ha-y a-nd pasture cuops wbeue conditions are fa-vourabe for its growth. IV la noV surpa-ssed by any -other forage crop la nutritive value, a-ad la pi-o-ala-y the ehea-pest 4source o-f puotein for livestoýck rations. IV yields more abuada-tly tha-n most other pereanial g'rasses or egumes. In pasture tests <conduted a-V Ottawa, arala ha-a yielded approx- -imately four times as mach peu a-eue a-s Kentucky bluegrass; three -trnes as mah as timothy, ro-d top or rnadow fescue; two a-ad a ha-If times as mach as reed ca-na-ny <rasa; two turnes as mucil as the lest atrains of white claver, a-ad at boast 50 pou cent. higher than the standard mixture of timothy, red claver a-ad alsike. Bt total yield 'peu acre is not the only argument la favaur of alfalla for pasture. Of equal imponrtance is the fa-ct tha-t alfa-Ifa- romains productive aveu a longea' ps-eaon than any other grass or logo-mo specios iacluded in the tests. Timiothy a-ad other grasses normally ma-kotheir grea est growth duriag eauly spring, -when pastare is plentiful, a-ad thon taper off practicaily ta ao grawth duLiin.--Vte latter part of July, Attgast a-ad September -whecn goad g-f-,izing is scauco. Alf alfa, on Vhe otheir Ihaufd, sta- s off rather slowly and 'puoduces its g-roatest growth dur- ï1arg' lade June, July aad eariy Augngst. During ate Augu-Lst a-ad Sptierit also is very mu ch imare productive than oCher speeies. Hence alfalfa- gives a bigli yield of pa-sture and at the saine timne a inuch mate pfav'oanable distribution af growtb tîroughaut the pas- *iire season than otIter species. -1 -CVhe pr oduction of ha-y, alfalfa bas a-ain led a-h therspco of perenniai grassýes or legumes. IV bas outyielded imathy by almost la la- 1 "Vhe lian it J-lelp Greatly. AppreciatedI Thecolectonof slaeSaturday lats asby lar.thebe s, yet,an uhnedud înat ril weegather- ed foLuue s.TeBoy Scoumts extend heir ,ap ieciaton ,to Mr, Godeto teu 01of)bis tr1Luck s Ton. 1h Àetc a ay i ilo, otmost ofWdnsa ,ttcIeoon pacinIg 1and bailinig -L à Evry pie-ce of avgvsnee ~nd te colectons re inow cm ingu quite large. There is an opr tuity fou somle of ouru men Folk Va stop in ajn! lenid a h-and1C in pa-,I- ing- onceý or twice a mlonth. It miîght b e a goodi idea to sacrifice a-tVIe 1o" our time and pleasure anci do at littie bit of war work on the home fronit. ThinkI it ovr on iand tefl Mr. J. J. Meflloryvon wanmt Vo help hlm n thi, littie bit cf war fforýt for. the ,Boy "Gripe Box" for Soldiers Who Will Grouse. ha pecdecetUýA1 follo if!she s tav giv de 1pr ýie JohnSith" aC(n ppon meshlls weresoldiers imay dps it unsignied 1ttors vaicing .,their Co- plaints. The basic idea soonis Vo ho that imorale wilho i-nproved wbilc at the saine time conditçis that m-aýy orý may noV exist are called Vo the attention (-f thbe authorities. In this cýase th-e -rder of the day would appeau ta o e: guipe as, mu-ch a-s yvon like. Plan To Take Action To Protect Meat Price Ottawa, Marab 23-The Wartime Pices ami Trade board anaounced on Monda-y last tliat iconcrete action will bo taken early this week Vo mneet "ýserions diffloltios" ianprotectîag re- tail ceiling pulces of meat anad a -wide range of graceules. "ReVeiil puice increase or remaoval of the ceiling on ment and graceuy pr-oducts, witbi whieh there are cost difficuiltios, have heen uuged in sanie quartera," the board said. "These suggestions have heen gîven bath caur ,eful coasidouatian, hbut as, in the p-asýt, la otlher fields, tbey have been decislvely uejected. "dlouwever, the factors 'which jeop- ardize ithe retail prico ceiling- fou these food products wili ho overcamo byy other menas which will be an- notinced withini a few da-ys. Proof Must Be Furnished Beg-irniag on Wednesday no maie persan shall accept emjployrnent a-ad no employer ma-y engage aay -maie in any of these restrcted occupation-s except under certain conditions. The applica-atinust prove lie is bass tha-n 17 or more than 45 years oid, have a certificate of dischaz'ge froni the armned services or rejection. on grounds of physical ualitaess, or have a permit for emiploymneat sigftod hy a National Selective Service offi- cor. This other applies oady to mon who take jobs after March 23 ami n-t Vo those alroady emiployed ia these categories. Mu. King gave considoraible atten- tion Vo the farn la-bau prableni. Na- tional Wau Services reg-ulatians were amended Vo exempiit from the cail--up fou compisouy tmaining anad service in Canada farmers, farm-eus' s-oa-,ad agricultural workers, unles iV laos- tablished hey are noV needed on the This ipplies Vo those 'wb-o were whblly ou mainly engagod ini farai work Mareb 23. Those -wb-o ecamne faria workers heueaiteu wil ho sub- je>t o the niormral umachinery for granting postponomnats under the National Wau Services Act. Another erde-t puavides, witb cer- tain exceptions, thbtimale persans "wholly or ma-nlai?' mployed la agri- culture ma-y not enter loto any eau- ploymen-t outside agriculture without wrltten peraisasion fuoin the -National Selective Service offleerî.- This la- an obligation on the prospective emaploy- er a-s 'well as tihe woxikeu. The Editor's Mail fa renwinîghis-,sub1sci-iptioii VoVhj Orono Wekly Tmes, iM. A. W ne y I me paperlt, andWaltOUg ~thehan thre re anyold mes, ho are vuyfaiar b temail Iwish Vo ent-end mY 1good wisbes thuough your paper'. T lef Oron in 1905 for AIIber-ta, lnithve, bee-n engaged in, business i'] CalgaI y 0on mýy aWn ac(ount since 10.Thle Prov' inc 'e of Aibe -rta has, heel n(Aood omard 1Vwond ake aý gr1ea1t delo pull Ile away front Calgariy, eenta the Pac(ific Coas4 whIicbIe visýit four or five times each The latchi key of my home la inGAI- gary laways opn o 01rono0people who imay visit Calganry, anld I hope to have theplasr of se'eing as wmrany frýiends from the EaIsV in the fuuea1 have in the past. Wsigyou an(1 dail my aoid frionds t he vry est of Iucý, jI1a11, Yoirs sneey A. . Mguire. Dujrham uCOunty Clubh SecsMaiieSe s (Cun)Itinu11ed fruni page on- ùe) Tby used Iplanis ,more than300, yars eid in their jo,) he said, but weruie of- aginations; and hiist1oricýal knowledge hadl to bridge. Tho meeting raised $60 for wývar relief, an'd accepted Dr. M'alter Wil- lard'*s invitation to visit Westoni Golf Club dinnper la June. The election of officers resulVed as follows :Past Presideit, Dr. L. B. Wýýilliami-s; president, Dr-. D. D. Mac- Donald; secretary, Wallace Maas; treasurer, Fred Truil; ocr-responding secretar-y, Mus. Herbert Fair; ciby correspondent, D. W. Armstrong; auditors, Ewart Pollard and Dr. O. 0. Worden; executive commiit tee, Dr. end iMus. L. B. Willi.ams, Mrs. R. J. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Jeffeuy, ~Mrs. Wallace Maas', Mr. and Mrs. 0. JT. Hlendierson, -Mus. Loune Trail, Dr. and tMrs« F. Treblcock, D. G. M. Gai- biaith, Mu,. and Mus. D. W. Arm- stronig, 'Herbert Far, Mr. and Mus. A. W. lMeLeod, MNrs. Don Liniden. Don Linden -was appointed director of music. Honorarv pr-esidents are: JTo-eph -E. Atldnson, ýG. W. MeLaughi- lini, Frank Rickard, MT'.; C. G. Mer- cýer, M.P.P. This is tlhe tim-e oS year for sales. W.- E. A-rmstrongl- i having -a cattle sale on Aipril 1OVh; MUiss Raymonde Gravel i8 harvin.g a sale on Thursday, April 16Gth; the late Mrs-. Gobbledick estate sale on Saturday, Apuil 4th7 Letters to the Editor L- Dear Sir, There axe four or five miodern dwelling houses for sale 'n Orono and, The Chainber of Commerce should put advertlisements in the Oro-no Times, -anid the Oshawa, Borwrman-ville and Port Hope papers offering V'o'put prospective buyears in touch with the ow-news of homes ýhere :for sale, Orono is "A good place !to, live' and we dhave Iow taxes, low electric power, 'a paved ýstreet, up-to-date park and almost everything else that adds o humsan coinfot and progress. la f aet, it's the Garden of Eden mord- er-nized. As ever3nbody knows tihere is an aeute ashotage of dwelling houses in aIl manufacturing towns, aný-d people living retired in theni that are having a liard timeni akinig ends -moot on a limited incarne. Living in Orono ans- wevrs !their financial and social prob- IV so lbppens thiat [the several bouse!s foyr sale are among the nicest ,in Orono. Tlhey are ýail mnodemn in oveuy particular and modestly priced froni $2,500.00 -o $4,000 each. Just this woek a iman v'whoofias a, goord position in Toronto wvas telling nie .how foxtunate I ami to be living in Orono-. Fie saîd lie was payýing $75.Ù0 a mionth houýse rent and bc- cause he didn't know ibis neighboýrs tilat bis social life was a wasborut. Orono bias evrythiag that people like anid the Chamiter of Cammecee ahould spend aore advertis-ing -monýiy to keep every ho-use filled up. No other organizaltion. la as weld su-ied for this publie service-, anad they hould advertiise ithese ho-uses for sale NO WýJolisi Arinstro-ng Ciassified CO'MING EVENTS St. S .or' ..A Anrual Es tarj T,,a,;wfll'oube1,eld in the Parý1Il HaýI llo WdnsaAil8b Te willeservedfiom 5 until. Ams or(;o Red Cro(ýSs cTown all[, Orono, on hur sday, April 2nd. Daniicinig from] 8.u0 to 12, -when lunich wýill be served. Gllwa'sOchies- tra ini attendlance. RZound and Square', Danciingý. Admiissioni, 50e. c-12-c. A Silver lVIedal Contest lias been arranigod by the W..T.U. for Friday, Apr«il lth, in Park St. Sunnday SeThool Hall. Ton contestants. Good pro- graimme. Lirr1,ch servedt to ail. Ad- msin20c. nd 10,. b-13-c. TRACTOR FOR SALE ~AJLS OHALMERS 20-:35 Model E, on steel. In first-class condition, $550.0O. Apply to Rowland Smith, 155 Gibbon St., Ohaa -3p FOR SL Seven-roomed Framne IHouse; goçd grarden; good stable and other build- ingeonbindGood well. -Appily 11o John Brown, Kir'Y. -2p Professional Directory MEDICAL A.F. M c K EN Z IE, M. D. P11N0 r1ORONO DENqTAL DRZ. R. 0. DICKSON office Hlotirs la Oroio: IMonday to Friday (inclusive) Fromi 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Elvenings bYý Appoiinent Office Hours in Newcastle - every- Saturday fromi 9 a.mi. Vo 9 p. For appointment phone Orono 18 r 2- VETERINARY Wilfred 'W. Sherwin B. V. Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office: Main St. Orono Phone 56i r 7. Orono, Ont. John J. GiÎlllan FOR SALE SixrooedSei Bungalow, wt ULFE POERS lreSuni Room. ,Al enviieces. Licentiate Of t.he Colliage of Optesu- Nieysitualted, avelookinig Oooetry0of Ont-ior Park. Apply týýO. W. Scott, 0-110. Ofifie lbairs: 10 tVo 12 a.m. a-ad 2 t<* c-12-p. 43 p.m and by appintinent FOR SALE ____________ Ou tw-o-e home in the North- waud is fou sale. Hon bouse fou 150 bir-ds. Nover f ailing w-eh. Rowlan-d Smith, 155 Giblbon St., Oshmaa. C-13-rP. FOR SALE - Black Jersey Cowr, risin'g 3 aid, due Vo freshen April 12 '- ply Vto Fred S. Wood, Phone Guano. - FOR QUICK SAE~> " Twoana-d tihue week-)I > -lh Rocck Cockerels, also cêtuýl a-loets. -Now la the îi im-oney and reduce oi ses -hy ra-sing Clemeas, Phono 24S_ - ml-. FOR SkIf g Baby Chiciks and Hatclian White Legharns a-nd Roca. iloj d tested flocks; R.OI. -sired; fawl; large egg sets. lastoenoil l>ookçing their orders to aoid'- - appoint-ment as wve intend te" hatchiag early thia yeau. AM[gg -ire puaduced an ou farîyi. ' ceived iastuetionlc fro-'i - -the Executors of the Esaý fý; LATE MývRS. ISAAC QJ ta a-ell by puitl c tfatIu late resideaxco MAIN STREET, OROX -SATURDAY, APRIL 4th, 1942 tlie foll'awi-g -Ho-sehaid Effects, etc.: 1 5-piece Parlour Suite. 1 Mohiair Couch. 1 Parlour Table. 1 4Ja-»e Rodklng 'Chair. 2 Linoleum Rugs. - Scatter Raugs. 1 Largo ýRug. 1 Ma- ho-gaay Bedrooni Suite, complote. 1 Bis~ Bed a-ad Dresser. 2 'Beds a-ad 1 Dre&ser. 1 Folding Taible. 1 Ex- tension Table. 1 Large Royal Princess Fat o> Sz,.ki Sewing Ma-chibine. u Largoe ii- ¶~~ ~ Tools. Abont -P ding.Lin Tubs. BaiI!s 1 lMower.1%eaa tons -aýI Li <fWaç)4, Shovels, RH1isl . r J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile aDIR Liability - - Ontaro M4CTIONEERS ,!,n,,wýsAuctsoli S'aIesof au sim (yýnario, or see heClohrk, .4 -kat crono, fordate RICHARDS, ýa acmle -, y' - wieywifl Ieceive ont prompt- -yattention Jý. Fi aUeql - Os on ' --6ww~ianville, Day 480 -- N'ight, 734 and 573 Orono, 2741 iGdest, Largest and Most Complete Fujrniture Store andi Mdodern Funeral Service in Dlurham Our Service-TIIEBEST Our Good-THE NEW EST Our Pricts-THE LOW EST MORRIS & SON J. Hl. Mu A. E.Mi

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