REPORTER I 'IG WITH D3AVE. 1 todaykoss~t continues t igh *t (1 fury in effort ito ibngý as possPble th L-w'ar rpias cod Dreier, .BCcor- last reporter to leavo- re a wils, decLared.i e uuetrck nGr lAce wbln the bbtz vs lssia, whfch lfirhadf ictorýy rator, )i hazI heir lin CIODn. 1 1 hà jzj ï nra.fy ren i , 'ont Comp- bel,, dis- oved d15 posi or ta-a tio minidethse wWt ve ly tise enth-. your experieuce! AndICl t is lejust I'Vh aii r.adia o tnr a ouw eýach Thursday rdgt atton ùo'clack 'n tho CC 0 uetwor! Listonfor Penny'a Diary - 2nd1s thsni nouncer shtrt t rend the en- tr-ies for the day aud the wvee-k past, we rver tothe ata sicenes, off>ecively ramaized Penniy's D)iary-- heardTurdy et tn onl.m -CBC A Crainfryufrom ar e swetey cauiunew programi serle - dsîgu ta ppeal to tie wmau lu the home, lu the let of nthe mîn'srou-u cf w'ork li te om! Cailedi "C-Carjnation Buut"enchi pro 'gram p jluche a muýsical foe from a large Bouquet, ndgOves 1V' to yuin temsclvoiceos of Baiiey Atn eotheCna phlspyof Peer D- on stid! Lis- ton- to 1150'o12yo'un dianl eacýh 10.45 -- for a melodic bouquet! Amoug the popular scgig personalities ilu Cana-dieinuradio today, 1a gorgeous Georgin Dey, LESSON CHRIST ýAND SLiFE -A VT ER OAH (EASTER) - arvk C12:24-27; ICrntas15:50-58. GOLDEN TEXT-Thank- Le ta, Gode, wýho ivthus the victar'y through our Lord Jesus Christ. I Corinthlian*s 15:57 TH-E LESSON UN ITS SE-TN fro Mak'cGoselwere spake Oy ur Lord on Tuoeay of Pas. cnirWeC!eAn4, A, 'l 30. Th, FrtEpistie 0f Paui to tie Cýor- fvom lon)e ol ourLrd iscur tret Epttatie0orConinhias wm God aItheLiving t ho power oÊ God! 25. For W:o thAlcaîî iseo from ie d fead(, they nitie arnn r i nl 26,, tat hyae asd;hv 'EN and MORTIMER SNERD timr cèdcountry coisin o ýf Charffl'ic- )fI od Wlin ot n Mimerlebi backing ýthe cemrmîcs prjee tat produiced amous cdumxmies. Th-ere-'s heon tdte oa few, ton, recent bnoadc.aste of the Chi-uie Mc- idiay ights at'u00o'clck (on CBL, OBO, BC National Network! hear lathe Blendod Rhythm sho .w each Tesaynght at 80 o)n the OBONational netýWrk. 'Tws ay back iAIberta, th'at, GeOr'gia fire:tgot hber- stant, il noua theIr thanri Mîa - Konneyr and thie orchI-estra, Erie Wi directs the mueic on. Blea-rdecd Rhtm- MHerb May lich M~ tor of Cnemoniend m n h othoer stars on theý show ar'e FrauI Me Shu- I- stzer 1 nd John indBwu Austin,, pop-ulaýr vocaiet of Luigi Roman'eili's baud! A Il lu ait, ifs -a tojpflite variety ep -.Tuesday 8.0pm SadJatck Benly, wheu1,Pro- dimuer -"Fi'mcuh ihm Bng C,'7 rosby is buck at KMHs - eachThursdy nigb at to v'clok n àthe CBC.t "Vics f it ory," le aij might fasinatn sriescof plant, dedîgIcat e to asiouin Record of the Weei< SammIjýy Kaye's revival of "Let's. Have nthrcup ' Coffee",> featured On CKOC' sSunday Ser- eade, 3.30 p.m. ye nLot iread n lu ie book of Mosos, lu tie pnc concerninig ti'e Bush4, hwGod epake untobhlm, ayug God of cas ansd lie God aI Jacob? 27lHle Wnot the God of tie deAd, but ou tieliving: ye do geatly orre" Josus attrbutes tisse prond Mon witurrorw, Md houet- trihtesther erorta th0e i inor- WVord d faît i aGod's pwn maise the cdead, aud tbat iluh delve. ur ometic relatbon scis vwilno longer oexiet.Bcus threleno ;more dea24,tiý, there le n moeneed 0f arrigebu't the neemdarela chi rspect, a cayig tit tey o(Adanid err.ed gral.Il. f oeWordwic tol o is poworî, and if wo doc n!ot jIOw the ono wo cshahnot beifee lutie olior tio." iosansd hlooddescî'bee (bie mn bedyasit essesàlu ibi Wif, u1-1tufss laIe li bdycaco nter h e a v e n.Corruption e foundla ou fl ila(! blood ho- oCaujSe aI Sir. only whea sîn ta I gother with its. efftecte l comiete ,51, "BeboO, Itoilyoua nys- toPry: We hal otcep ut we mailA ho changeds 52, fnuaimow- mentli, in the twugiig ian eye, et teettrump forthetrumpeifýt shn11,soune4 and mthe dead shh h raised Inorpil nd we shahl be ehnged,' Thoso livinig whon christ copies wîUll not lait sep tbat is,' dic. hbefore teyarecagit up to bu witihlm. We , shah hoe in n au. ay aye iQr WH!l ho changod, Our mds cwiil ho enlar-ged. Otur very Jwactors res eltefd sptcie Ss boforo t Throie 0f GraLce. 53. "For his corrptibile ms put on i icorruptidonî, nd bf c mortel mauet put on immortaity." Th, bodis tu which we uwlivo are- mortaL.Tie bes f0wchhwo, deatitforever. 54. "BuLtwentfcrrpbe SIEliîlhanve puit onincruti n Tbismntishha ave put on î- motafyten sa on ops the syigthaut is wfttuDeot leswalwdup fuvi tor-y.55, 0 e a b , b e e f lt s t g " e t hahd, ad hafugdoneitstom roeurreýictfisosladwt t uprernl itryrvresalo that which ceemed avictoryfor 5,."ýTho sýiting of eathlrc; and thse power ofm sh tho law.," fin the law le s eeyitheexpressioil Of rthe will Of God. 57. "BoîIut thank hi o t a, b vt s thoe, tory tjwg!on odJecus i ll h ietoryover et adts grave, Christ bhy hic dentJi lhathe eestroyed bjithat had th"e poworý of doath, that is, the devil, and de-? Ilerdthmwho trui a iý jeet o bdao . hitdeprives death oa, ail poortoinjreHi this vicltry btH rae the col it er tho ae 'f God auld repaitres ai.-tse il wich deati had infliced, o stores us te, tha1t stat frm wichcluha cact s dwn Hlescesoul, hodies1:1.0111th gav au ch- ions thm ike utoHiody, eovon by that poe hreyh e l to ubde al ting uto 1Hlm. sel (hi. 321. ad it not I He race; ibutlC, it as gvnu i vfctor-y; sco !'tintli bieerma oven niowsa Odetwree thly stUOgae ir st Courk ije usedlute anfc teof linolu, mts pnhld suply l bongdiverc towal Mnustries, aunwasthecenter W ouï tldilr ystern, aiidt haýt theppar- ent irmQtjon of the stars a wad 4 to oiur own rOtaion u0w'axiu. Today"wknow this tor i e, arýiday by da'y w o'et elz j WINTER SPORTI HiOIZONTiAL JIUSwer tçePn 1IGame played 8lU -iDDHA - 7PIlayers move MGelTt onu- 13 SmelL i A 16 org potee ER 17 Minute objeet. A- 11 Fler. PDR E 1,9 Its players SN N m score onT U Opponentst H O 20 To seIL, -22 Coin, 45 Its playerls luse 23 Buttr klup a CUrVedor 24 To hookzed 25 Female. sheep. 47 Brother. 27 F'aLsehodd., 50 Its players2 ?9 Deieyfrom push a ise or injury. - (pi.) 32 To sting 52 Three 33, U-nit. 53 Vulture. 34 ,Merriment 55 To charge 3,5 Sailors. wHh01gas. 38 You. ý57 Thwýarhs. S9 Senior (abbl 59 Weight 40 Femnale deer allowance. 7 4-1 Sorrowful. 60 id, 42 Fuel. 61 To aIot. reyioUS Puzzle 21 To relyý, -2U ~R23 Gazed. ffl ~pronou.'l 0 I L T~1U ackbitrd F T 32 public auato. A 36OnT h 1T - ý lIJ ci rus NV1AL1 dwn 1 Third-rato 4 ,* ç eau4 actor. 44satîrical 2Pointed ace kth 3Shrewd. - 46 I1rîsh (abbr.'). 4 Sharp, 47 iPoil1t et 5 To yelp. sParting. 6 Slloe bottone.48rik 7 Roste. 4 To in)sti gaàte. 83 Seaweed. 50 To ta-p, 9 To honk. 51 Soýuth Africaý Ci Ages. (br> 14 To vex,. 5Thr 15 Pothole in aî, PlmLy glacier. 58 Pojint ab. POPClenedUp -THE ITr'& By £ MI-ïLLAR WAT T ÀAND CLAN EP,ý" TRMUP eWîiTI4 MISVALLMN c LE IER Knows Bb At is Afrid