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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Apr 1942, p. 1

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E0 E OnONO, ONT- . THURPSDAY, APR, l6th,1 Silver Medal Contest, Park S)t. Sunday School, Friday, "Du rham Federation 0f Agriculture Show a Balance 0f $329.90 _ -,,Organization Now Receiv- ing a bettêr Hearing At Ottawa Thie first ainual meeting of Dur- Iham Fedelration of Agriculture wns -hel1in NewesleCrnu iHall ~on Tuldy Apr"il 2nd, with n goodi representaiion fLrom tihie county beý- lxvg p'resent. Mr. J. F. ileylnnd, prLeiet ofi the orlgan-izatioii, gave a rpr on, ,the progress of the organIizat"ýinaf- ter which _Mr. Ml. ýM. Robinso,(n, Bur- linto gdener and o >ivasit,nl Directer of the Fool Distibution- 'Council, made n speech wýhleh Iiwas ful cf informiation. mVr. Heyland expressed n feelingi ýaf pride Viat thie County F(,(eeration1 had survived aad expandfed and o- ~day forr'ned an importanit uniit lu the zircle of sone '0 ounty goýou.ps thnat forrned thie Ontario Federation. Thie purpose %was imprevenent of thie so- cil and econonie condition of the yeople who foirm the tuai hackbone ,f the cou1ntry a(] tere is increas- ing evidenee thait the CanadiinaFel- evation is not euiy firnly establislh- ~ed but las wiehfing an influence at 'Ottawa whicb corininus net jonly respedot but definite action. The steVte shoul seek and listen te th-e copinion of agr-iculture just as ,t dbes of inst>y andllabor. Mr. ieyadconmnended tLeeutv inleneof For-ums andsuesd ihat weglh bepinced behlindth noeetof the tie Feýdernitioni ýset up a biognmarketiing echemue In closing he tha nkdcriail thiose Wiho had so abl'îy joýinei inefcig saucccess during VLýivefisyetar. '.-~. Waier Rynold, S hretny- ~Treasurer of thle o Lniaion,!ro nent edr the f ollo\ iing statement' Receipts for- the yeair we-re $29 witb e'n(penses of $19505, lenvlng a ~blance of $329.90. DntoswerIe as :olwatDurýhnm Central Firý, ~, i15GJunior _Farmi-ers $10,00, Millk 'Shippers (2 ynr)$10.00, 'West D)ur- hýami- Worrnenis Inslititiuite $32.15, Enst 1juxham Brnnch $2. 00, Obw Wiik Pnoducers $l0.00, How-%ard Creamery $2500, Hoisti Associa- 'tioln $25.00, Fruit Growers- $10."(, tand ountes Cuncil $300.00 (haif the $600.00 votel for hhe Unit~ed iCounties). The $-'5.O4 deived at <)rcno ab!out nmcdo up the total. Expenes, oIits;i!e~ misc.elinneous ,were, rentais $9.50, literatune $6.12, ý.3adverthsing $8.0,0, statioiiery $10.80, ldues to the OtroFodevation $150. The electl¶on of officers was not fiilI at ts meeting. Mr. ýRebinison, the guest speaker, deait on the subject of food produc- ition, -the pice eeilinig, ad othei isuilljects relating o agriculture. Ile Iauded fie governmeut 1for takiug the promipt step, of price control Vo preveit infifatlon. The speakýer ve- List Sent lu For Flowers and Plants About thirty ffive membI'ers Of the OoIo iorti(ciltura1 ýlSoiety attend- ,il the im-eting 1hld iat the homne ef JI.. and Ms. w. E. Dav-ey on -Mon- da1-y of this week._ Many irestLing d ius s ions trees andl planîts Vo( beautify, our vil- lage. A mnotion iwas made, to (p.lanit a tree in frontýi of the town hall, suit- able for ïa peimanent Christmas tree, also a commiiiittee was nam-ed to approacil the execeutive of the( Durhqnm Central Agridultural So - iciety, ia regards o nmaking improvec- me1nýi t o the gr oundUs in front of the Agricultural bildinýg. The Secretary, IMrs, C. Knox, was kept hnsy tnking odesfrom ithe members, for tihe spring distribution of flowers,shub and plants. Mrs. Dickson, treasure'r, rend a banký bal- aniee 'of $c6.96. After Mrs. E. J. Ut amm11, 'Pnesiderit, had comnpieted the business part of the meeting, it was followed by a f ew sociable iou rs. Mrs. Everett Brown ýat the piano, Led in comimu-nity singing. Whiile ILunchf was being prepared a gessg ontntwas held. Cards mdi Chirne(se eheckers coneludOed a mlost end'oyalble eeig ferried to anoiF nd mishowed how the farersgeVroohed and the tra'de gt he gr1avyr. leshwdthat thel 0os,"f VhIlfarmrers bel Vo buyi xverce a.avncing -ail the timne and al alngthe ine. M.Robilison salId that we are shlort of tuet and other t4hings and erte long we s'all lie shoft (of so nny things we s1hahli e dizzy. Coisumption is up to an nrnazmng dlegree, so, up 'will g-o the price un- lese ýbonuses are reaorted Vto in in- cradgamiounVa Vs o keep fo lpun'ctulýting, the ceilînig. Eiglty il- lionis in býOnuSes laest yearai wiil flnd tihe future doubling- that. There wil have Vo lie gren-t Sacrfices. In the pasIt lt has been the ilttie people who hiave f ong.ht cour wars and the lit'tlei peoaple who have paid for hem; if there îs Vo be a sacrÀfice, then let there be pee equality of sac- rifice Wilfrid .Bowles rioved a vote of thanica Vo tihe weekly pres's that bas Jolie so muceh Vo further the inter- ests of the Oounmty Federation. Announceinent of the next general miieefiing was subject to the decision of the Board of Directors which nmet aýfter conclusion of the main mîeet- Ti'o Plant Permanent Snow Fence On Leskard-Road A ne.w oiojjercrk sb ~u -I iw i plantel nthe two cuts detknby thofamesinth Ls liard district,.aa teptt e cure a permanent snomv fonce c Scotch pJ-inres o tLeskad nl thec Sixth Concesszion.i For--mnny yearsý this rond eme onoarbound Vooo r mfewith the result that Vthe peoqple cno rv their cars te Orono un ilthe rond is either dug eut or the clouu y s plow has clearel the rond, wilith ee taxpayers hein-g cailel upon Vo(-.pay the cunViy fer having ti e rend openel. OitWednesda Mee the f ailsy staited on this pies wesTe soci ta-y station at1 Ithe read for enah l5def th, en c 1V le expued that in five 0or six years thve pines will havie gro-wn Vo a heiht tat m i ako the rca&d paýssable drig the wintei% The hires ýwill ho allowel Vto grow te a heigbýzt cf sovon foot, cul after, thatl thywill bho kopV trmmmev llich wil à-aise a a sceniic belt t tohspr icular -otretcýh of rond. The peopleocf Leskard distiict arei te be cenmmenlel in taking- up this work, whilh copl very esiliy ho ap- pliel te otlber pauts cf fthe Vevnship. Tbere wiii ho ne cost in this uder- Vking, as the treosae given aw-ay froce, and the labor in plantîng le ho- iimg sipilfree gratis Fby the POO.- pie of thbe conimunity, se tb&t tbey 1amy, in a fe-w yeanrs, have 'q rond fit fer. motor traffie lu winter Viane. durin'g the vy~ Information Service Canadian lhouseives, biggest A)my unit oni the HomYne Front, are nsking, "How can we best serLve?" The conisumer brannKh of the -W'r- limie Prices aul TradeHurd ad- vices: Buiy as care-fi3ily and intelligently a's you knOw how. Don't be a hoarder, or ctart rul-i meurs about impeuîing shortag-es. Youý cen create shotages litn way. Don% -wastLe anythinig. Salvage anything you cnn. Get as miuch eut of your posses-] siens as P'ossible. if yen cannomt us cmeling yoit hlave, Or mae t oegre it V comueonle mec'Ini use i Bu1y <s ray wrcvnscetifi- enates anl stampsens possile A quiet wedding wvas soleminizel on Thuriýsdaiy utmnoApil !9th, at the- United Churých Parsoiange. when Mrs. Anioia BradIeyv,' Orono, Ontairio, \was united la inarriage Vo John Thorinpson, aLise cd Oroo 1The bride wore a petal blue cent wit lage at Vo nmatcýh and -white lcesnes. Rev. S. Littlewood of- jiciate(l. Alter the cerernon-y, c nec-eptioný wsbell qt the bomne cf the bride ou ~Par-k stre(et The baLppyýý couple left no- honoymoon Vto W estern Ou- 4tario. On. their aetuii tney -will rne- ille ini their now homle at Krby Patr-onize yaur homne merehants Canada's War Effort Ch amber of Cc Endeavoui BY YOTINC "YES" MEAN OUR SA A De] --0 The -voýte on the PlebiFscite is less thanl two wveeks awavy andbecause of the urgency of the matter 1 have de(cîed that 1S II suldaahi 1mw it to the attenton of the poopeof 1 kmow Thiat you are ail concernel about hbis war and will use your bes jIgmntin regard Vo your vote on Apiil 27th, but 1 feel Se kenly iniths musier and ara se anxious that good old Durbami rol 1-q a bDig "yos*" vote that I am ap- pealing Vo yoa again through thet press. Dry Ten miemii ber ofcm lar anleeting ila the Kuln It was in, R. Waddeli thlat W. J. to get in t hydraVion i lishel la iit If ýa pla'n h iere, vgt storeL. or s I have alr-ealy visitecl s'oli-e parts Vubure use- Of tie ceunky andl bitendci pendîng Iried and ail tihe ine 1 havelat uMy disposai yea whOll before guing back Vto Ottawa, ,-et- proi2lein w7] ting lna contact perseaally with as to-daey. miany of the e!ectors as possible. A colimLil I Wouild ike to appeai to ail local poahOrc organization and servie clubs Vto do rangernents wbat tliey can towards gettinig eut VIle band p the vote. This wllbe a good op- throughouý,Lt pomiulity for those ,ohaecasJuîy andl A andl tîne, at their disposai, Vo do a Mr. H. reai service and make a contribu tion intOi'stfig Vo thle mar effort.wok M. A "yes" vote ,,il! sowthe bo1y mginet ea fo th I, it til coi A weekly review of developrnients ucceptel. drin on the Home Front freini April2u 7. Incomne ax cletos drn Vo April 9Vh1, 1942. fiscal yenr endel March 31 teitailel - 1. Prime Minister cnl memnbers $65ý2,344,8ft1, an increase of $8. of theGoevet urge electors te 492,114 over collections la 1940-41. vote for *"yes » lu Apt'il 27tb plebîs- 8. Fîve cents a bushel maximnumn cite. incrense la pnlces of ,potatees Vo !bce Question bof ore electors : "Are prlt l n eh ef the hree imon- yen lun faver ocf releasing the gev- hs of April, May anl June. la- L ermnint frein any obligaien arisiag crease la te cover waste la storage t eiut Iàf any ýpast ccmsumitments re- frin sproutiag, rotting nul shink- stricting the niethols cf raising mca a.2ge.f for mnillVtary service?" 9. J. R. Nicholson, Doputiy Cen- 2, Headquarters eXf Canadian. triler of Supplies, wýiii m-analge Poiy- Amny in ýGreat Britain form-el ander mier Corporation Limitel, Vthe newlyt Lt. Gen. Meaghton, Officer Cen- formiel governîment compnny char-t nîanding. Anmy consists cof tac gel witb production e)f sintbetI'c corps. Acting Lt. Gen. Crerar, for- rubber lu Canada. mner ch-bef of General Staff, coin- 10« George S. Gray appointel miands one cf thee corps. Officer Transit Cor-llier lan uccssoiV commnnaaliug other corps net yet ap- W. J. Lyncbi, esig-nel. M i. Gray pintol. was foirmerily deputy T"afflc- Control- 3. Maj. Gen. B. W. Broane ap- 1er. Jules _Arcýhamb-iauît, _Montreal, pointel Director-General cf Reserve appointel Assoeiate Transit Contr'ol- Ami-y ln Canada. Reserve Army er. ýwill have rmost modem qupi Il 1. Al erders onibockýs cfCa- and meapons, with 1l brigades lina t rdcr tDecQ. l1,,1941, across thýe cuntrv, euvln te stili unfillel, have been c-aucý!ecle and appxiaflyfour. divisionsý. pniust hbeat a-, new oirssui This yonir, Reerve Amy tiv willIjoc(t Vo upproval cf Steel Contrl.(- traiin -40 dinys,1over wek-onî'sand Abou11t 500,00q Ions afctlby Caui- alt m1i]itary camips dur-ing thle suai- colain m-e, -w ith 55 Inys fTorvofficers, N. 12. To esuomanenne fes- C.O0.,s nul pecialists. 1I l trinsll ta omuitosinwronr mon 119 te ,5 ilu melicual categor1,ies gency.-', lphoe erics iaelu lowe uIhn '"B": mon ifrom n19 te 35 (le!, stringeul't iotyaigs gatel or enititiel Vo postponOemonpt To cons-erve Caian su-i ippesof cîf coploy ynl!a' ervice, esnilmtras vr30aii suhas famniers and key mn in os- Vonaýl cmoiispae n e x- soniai idu 1res;mo fom35 te port cout11ol rgltos 5(), anImo nfronu 30 te 3 lunio 1oura f Statisties index cf c2al categýories "A", or "B"; youngobsiaivolante cf bsnesfor. first 'nen blltbe, enlistinent cage fer' two mnths eX 0"194l2 ei at 1,717.7 the reuarnmy. represeuting- a gaitc 7.2 per cent. 4. Forty guenille units organizel o)Vorisarno ontivs caonr year ago. among mon uegthe Eacific oat. 14. Further slighlt lecline la emn- 5. Canadian soldiers 'te ýroceive la- ploymvient of f).3 per ('fut. on Feb. 1. tensive training in commiiando auldasag-n-inst Jan. 1, Crile index ,On anti-paratroep tacties. Feb. 1, boweverý, 22 per cent higber 6.Fiucilail up Vo apprexi- thun c-ar cgea1. l niately $300 a year per rstalent te lie 15. Dmno Bueuofr ttitc given science, engineering cul mneli- ceet oeX living indfex increasect fýnr, cal stbudonts luinhe' universities 115.7 ou, Foi). 2, te 115.9 on March h ugli planl workcd eut by Train- 2. W nrtiie increase: 15) p,-r-cent. ing Brauich FeeriDepar-tiient of 1.6. Opemting lreven!tes cfCna Labor), Thie Provincial Gevennent dian railwa.ys lfor- 1941 ami-ountottel al the Defence Deqatment. Off or $533.:,32,774; the second langen1st ve- 1te participate ln plan mrode tVo ailvenue, oarnerilain i year na l]i Priovinces. Se far. Q-tebec alone bas 4.63 per cent 1belew preak cf 1928. or. us thait we arec solidly behi1 thm and it-Tmili aise show other1 colintliLs , w arc, figlhtiug with. ps that Cnd is netlvlbt fWsap- porting,- thein whcilly, as one ceunlry nI thiis terriblestuge In pr-oporýtion to our population indabas perbnaps donce more than nyw other outr but we rmuLst ecn- lue Vo do thiis adland, inte do ýis e wemusit presCerve thle Untjy cf ur country, forlu inunity there le The ,pntrlotisrn ef Canadians has beeon dernensVrated by tLheir effor Lts n this war. To-day Canada is con- trîbutlng &'Ver 40 per Cent Of our inationai incoome te war and bas ýýlven as a free gift te Bnitain en(, billien dollars ln munitions aul food ln assisttitnu winniug this war. We want Vo icoep the batties wbere they are being fought et the pros- ent hime and prevent thve Hunandu thre Jaips frein coeuiing Vo our sbonýes, forý if tbey do we will suifer as car Allies bavye liEurope anu our free- dnorn that wo honýtst 50mach about wil be goe. Let us thon unite regardless cf ay petty differou-ces amie" on 'At,1he d fiffere(t b asi, dican'lt r aul suchi like tl Mr. Johin Ai tiesub)jeot of h village, aise e liden tHat the i laýnveuir in seru bi-iness tote questionis, ne a,ý The meeting imotion iV .Ir. C. on April 27tb inul v wben thebe ballots are bain Cotnty wil h) havi-ug an overwbieli Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris.9, Celebrate 25th AnnivE A veiy py eengwns seV W oîeavs at thie home o 'Mrnd Mis. Abr finshv -athe-re ilarris, Orono, on *ues vn, Apr-il ovenling to u-celeýibra 'Ite( 1 4th, fwheC Il t 1 r Iends i and 1el - cry aeoin occain ive(s gav-e theuma suprisup [y in wddngnnver ily elbtonof thil5h lvrwe-tehpe tit we rnaý dignnisr. Those presýent golýd en nnn1i verIsarywitý were from Oshawa, Whltbyigli Nodoulit you ha,, lannd Creek, Liiid s a y, Pon1ty.p o o 1 l, ulesns ý li as Thorn toni'c Corneis andl Clarke remlember thant lt is til 1t part cf tV carIs, e ed. e conclusion .H1-anris were 'Vol. 6.

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