Deporig ha tnîesand slow- owsiu n dustý r, a mr eau workmu, poritigCo taBuf f- Se o r ïm y ioautrythnbcm a slave to the cnurr"H a nid sme bng thre tat ail free eople 1miJgt îwel aketuelhe,-rt, No, one ba1s 1bet!terexrsdth onthe bornefronts of ýa-il thede- UJnder a WVar Production Bloard rning at ahntnclohn inay longr be sed fr inow enveopesthekiudtatioce an1d buis conu But we eau assure Une peuple of the United States tbat there is nu cueto cther wrr or reJoice. C-ellophane, or no cllophanie, the buswill still cm u TH,-E USE 0F1TRE fayshows that the pretg of wear on umte-rars hus a vani- ,tion1, dpuetupun howthey' are sed, froin 12 Lto 88per cent, The mtoist wbo IGstrives fr12 par ent. will be ridj'g hau theî fellwVwho lits Lth 38',perScent, bc, hawalking., -SCat'harinasStndrd ANODTHERPROLF 1t is obios hateetnly Cie ban on ties will put au.enA tomoorng And the rturuof the h-aud-b, era mnay not be as Paefe 5a somue peoplethn, WhVîat are cwe goiug to do, foru in- tnci te stealcotoerss Dobi anthaeano'ther s etbof BAD TIMES AHE-AD B3ad tim-es f heyong a1so, ai bead, Ouna andem biycle4 airl. rides a ardor so, iiu front1 ef bier nmaie scotand expri mons sow tatfrom tafposi get er eadou is shoulder, -Sudbnry Star. HEROES 0F THE SEA whbo la ratehro ta h man lu heenuerorfr tht atter, ou thie deck of a tanker carryig e hnnudbtous- aýnd baýrrels of gaso1line tridoh --Saturday Evening Post. LOVE 'EM TO DEATH Allis ar wagng awar o ae Whereas teJaps ýýjust watto A coMar buiton pas benfund i thre stomach of a jate 0kn-. Doma eow. I firMs uhewisoi, ae suppose, of lt eL ttng caRtU0 graze un11der th drese A WARNING 'Itve a great Mie if yor tiresy So- IGNORANCE 15 BLISS Ites*a good thing bens dou't knoQw kn.muh asons get or !ayngbrcs mînni nmokn tl~e n et fh I tbirtyý ri un -WHEREC JAPANESE "SUJRPRIïSE" 8A CKFIRED Geat swarms of Japnese planesattempted toaamk Colomo, apita.ani main seaport of Ceylon. Itsimprtnt arbr s shouaove, Jap raodwa s smashaidnoien Bisu defpenders cvut onat Mest32 panesand rdld25 more.TheJaans a etythn g hycu!d catch thledeeer aa"a nkleud aew-ies with bomabs but imet wvith "utterfaure" froM a miliary point of view, bpokesmen ,saudCelon as mousfor itter, is nly 60mils south of liancoulMd serveau a sprig- boardfor a Unite Nations off esive aglana te en emy or b-e nedbyth Jpaes to inv-ade jIndia aIndl cut of splistoCin nd ussýia. Ruled Byu rne Whole 0f IncM DceNo If s gnerll thngh luth lsd bsy teCntanSiec one-ithid tluJUScuin quartai- u the popul tio ,ba mentic aespopowe al-liîiaace soeimsiaeorrect ly decid ,as nde the thoiUbuoaf is Resideuf". Exeefiluhecs of a 0w-koryouthtu'l ince, t The relatons between Fe; statas and t% he Bîsh Goverameat ar basd pýou itntaud varying rste.The ubtnc f taa allyr te prin e s ara indende and svriurir but thir eýxternïal icis vstd y ugrace- mient luthe Bntish ovaruenýt. 2Most et tha pjrincesare ry je oufu hi ngf. Thecy Tha srula etan soianprnc is. auor tie. Y iindalu bast suis te mental,), mora an reiglouýs Condition eof da. en as dlistinct from idsndidas ara sf111 paramount te thie major- MiT Ever im youuseCalumet Doubic -Actinig Bakin Pode yu av. oupay Iess-yu seIss. acio, irtinth mxigbowl, tou cnsoftiybub- blsreeaedby mioisuesa ' o ike your btter or idough lighT aud fluffy.c-l.ihen l heovnrl e as;Zd byhast, tbousandôs morceof these cflue bbbîesliftyou caý ke oýr biscuits h ighand eel.Rmme-ihClmt -Yupay fes-aluetispicad surpris- begy momprhbly W=owertan je bAkig powdecr you are aow using. REG'LAR FELLERS-A Bad Break it, ohanuas K, Gandhi menus mie ta ii, tbouh auocraieis rarei"y n ty- rant Kinsbilu Idinis bedged religon prhapsmorebiuding thntoaOF some cnfttoa monrches. A mlermight beý incapble o a soundrqel but upnhmor upon is suesors Ituers of te majr Inn tates marýeIy do any'ýthiuIg diil'y dis- plaing te their subjeefs. tThey are more inulned te wish t epthem cotauted. Some of them hbave mada conspienous efforts te imnprova the condiflous oA ther peole. Tose Mth hav beau bath tegive theirsuIbjeets democraIe stitutÈionJs can umu- ailly say the'ýre is neoynldemaad for. thiem, The average Indian lu the Staes prafers a "respen- Th'era are mauy backýward areas' lu hKIndas àixhndred o otaas Quite a numnbar are mare estes and aepr'obably oun herway ouf. There e Lsomne sepoverty- stnIIckeu thaIt it wonid sceemmore irculte fimd these prinices othr jobs. Býut the major states, sncb as MjsÉ a,7 raaucraKashmiir, Ba.- rodaHyderbad re ou t'he whole focafor good, Thiey mnake their conribtot te al-bi ofu 11(Inia.If Idi~a canno:t bha auni- fay outy ir nga lif ear. Bofno the- princes have been poncity hir;e beau manoutcultuire aidl'! dmThe Lat fahr ot")f od wa h-%a u sac±r of ne mean repue; and the Cal of lNawauagar, of crike fuma bal a igh 1reputation1 as Th I&am utwHyderaadlaIa dia Habasdoueý a lot for., bis M Awunation ot the Osmuai thýe citmaduim of instruction- wîl l o uch 'f0 unitae varions casts sd credsiunttal "te. Evntha etist CenLgress Prf b tsf0admit ïcthat thaLersof Mysur-e andl of Triaaucre are muet braadthanud vision, ToyAma"rai, 27, t oson dacied ha wonld rathe deliver reigued lis job in au amumuni-. tien acor and joinedc theuay ï.hleI asmakîng bllets.," haý, saiLd "t goýt the feeling 1I'wauf- Ad te daiver them te the Japs sud Husi," THE WAR- WEEK Co At Th, Aid ToRusaM Sir Stffr1d Crppj n hofolï- goal for India: "Th'e coject is tue ceaio o anew I"naunionwhîdh saa constiutea dmnnasociat- adother dmnon ya coin- spci îo wysbin tea any ie t Itidsicand b rIa() the bassof a onasti- tutin upn wicb il roups inl nd smy find a grceemen-it; (2?) Bl- tish defese 0f Inda Irom apa contittio aie bingworked ontrý IdaDivied The plnwent pur OWard eet ln te deands *' f the India'n laes, sys the Neýw York ime Utwsbckdb h publlic opinioni e7- t'ne Uited Ntinsw icfr- the garnteditssiceit.1,i Staford was known toa be indiais the ubcotinet'sindepenuice. utli the eleained may ifil*j'r- 0fies. Idia ît'vas 1raci1"1allyad rlg 1ru lOe orcnuis0 uo domintionby thIe British cried people, lu more than 2,000 years of thoir h)istory the people of inýdia hliad seel the neand fauilt0f my dynasties, ad feuf repeated waves of immigration ý and ivaioBudd- ïjs, indulte , Mosble and iner- osother ib adforedthi reiin reeds, Strict sseso csedivide'd the peopie-; thje suc cs.sions f co uet)b atv princes klft deep-seaýted anio ties lW the masses, Man1y DifficuitieG The plan ropoeby Si Staf- foild Cripps lanew ,îYTDeltii waB- faîai'l nswer tbtC, tIde cf natîioualsismwhich grew lu ludia undertbe Em i r me. Stafford's plan met wifh no immeiat aceptnceby tIo ndiýan le rsThe piciaîojcto ,p- pere t be Brtain's reýtenrtion 0f hereposiiltyforiudi'sde- fense; it was Uontended by th;; couutry's leaders tha tis dufy shoumIdbe ilu Indi's baudns. Qni other points the parties differed. wideiyý the HRilnlumajority i- manded immediafe seigovTemu- mmnt; the Meslems, comug oae-fourfh ot the suibýonitiels atioin lua se1lpfddoiin O-ther miinorites turued dowa t, heý plan. For example, the Sks h m:aire the greate-st contribution f BiausIndian armiies, voiced the fear thaf they would be opprýess.ed by thae IWlSlem maority of 13,50,- 00 in thelr natuive Pun1jabsý H-opes For CoùmPromisj:e' To) soILve ese dflute-ta soý-ilion w'ere psil-i tf ford h1eld reent edoconiltnances P wth idian lea.ders, aud Siu ru bld W\'avell, twabodtiaa comprmise olution Of tue àdefens problem mj1-ngbf bu evo1led.TPe CnyScot Gt Dnniug the v,î io lus mlarch- -agaîn te tainlu i,h cor.nandng efice ofa Scottus unit was coucemuad.because bis mien were ]n ot CaptUrini, as an $ctlud e onfered a ewad9t as 6d a ndrad (jfor ail thawpri- o)ners breugbt ia, Nctmom-ning, one etf tha-Scot-. fiesý praseuPte'd himelt !with eighti buadred piseners, aud, surprnd.. Gat-L-es 0 ni veltitight leud bis, effiorts t pas if Sir Stafford iie l bis mission Althngb apanhad souudffedth cr'y of "India for thÉle Idashr snelee!Dlitidnbt ha Jpaa coqetof fthe cor trywold ea invde,ia The1c- imm"nin en Ce0f tbe d anger was cleany evident in the advauce of Japanee frops on tbe Burùa front uand a Streng n'aval u i attiir :iou the Ila o fCyouTb attacýin luCy ion vwas replsedwit ceavy losses to the Japanese but had if succeeded tbe Allid ue oc tcommu nicýationm f0 C alcu-týa wo)u11ld havebeu avrdLfr the JapaInesamde u atac o the East coaL»Stt jInidia G600 mîlus The Iofndia edesapert have ýbeen sfînred Iby tleheinstincts ofsafpeevio and have up- IP"teald t he UitdStafes te I induceBnin teu yied more g on utbe question ofcoro of WuiaS defene. Br-ifaini s makbnýg An hns f foritaf0give ndAc a tain deal. There wou'-ld be nodau iuly veýrt problami if thýe peuple w,'ereuitd Bt ludifa is nof one counfrIy; it i18 seeks if wnadataeTeprb lem is grave and flîna preses- the eniemy is araya b ae Russia And Japanl sidar if wbelyiprbal ta JaIpan w'ïI i[ sittiliwleRusi is heaviiy engog2d lu the yWest. A coliionbetween Russa ani Japn apears te ha InaviIable, The Tjaawse are ready te tnk They h Jave prob)ab!y notnedmr con 500,000of Auexr4 to i5 millio fr"osluer Sontb Pacioeir- afios ad fwc0 thse a-ve ba 0if thIýr best. Tbheî'irinesisodir if is belie-vedl,are mobtlizcd il Mancuirn aadare eadyforan mosf powerFlfotiictin L h Aid Te ue TheJpnafre s ii pMan- chnkno are probably greater and bafrequipped than m usa Sibenian army. WRussiIa bas beený .(o(Cd fo transte cat roopýs and mafterial rmtire Sibenýian frontý for use lu the winter campaigui agaïhist HitIer. If is danIhere- for, fat aid to Ruillssia iýs 0f parac- miiayexperts bielleve tÏhatth war eau be wý70)on.uthe w fusa frnson, would JafL*ord a base-- wheeII e lincould b bd thre othier simuiar bjase for ie b"mbg ut Tope-o Caýn th uifeti Nations, îespýc- ially tiraUuLtedStteelîver sufcet suppIhes f0Russa au twe fronts y way uoftbe Pacic auid Aatc hi by aut thle sama t imamkigdeiera fruhPa.rsia a in lutbe Mdd East, as Iwueas te A"s M u %ndia? OnUntheauswar tethis q»es- STVlEEP FOR t3U lUTA LIJCK! NOT A ~AiBLâ ANYWJHERE! è' 1',VB USiTE7D! j- tN0, AAMe,, MS' OF PrY - AH DIDW'4SEE 711EM ANYWHERE W14EN AHi SETr DAT TABLE' WAtS Ir A LARG4E Bo-TIkE. WITI4 THESE OLIVES IN rTIME FOR Up R -k- I s and deligbted the ooe pî 1 man1)age CIto capýtuilre., siule-hand-. 4,1 didn'Vt," pidteSote 111 boughlt thejým fro',ýi manAsi at a bob a huWdedS" Forthetirt tmesince the"" was used for a seular purpose when a Minfistry of idnfation meceting\wes heldSores The dean said hle feit the huh"must play its part ilu thliswr" By GENE BYRNES AÉ