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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Apr 1942, p. 3

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King's Household SStrictly Ratio-ned' King, Queen aif Staff Have tCoupoii% Like Ansyone Else Bcsethe King iks frudito brsafasi hi hoa luthe cou-ntry oranigea whidh hdtaken hlm th, 01c beat part o! the week Ao procure. He b-_e tiunPhnWty. King George looked at thiefruit effd waVCed if nwny.ý Aswtvranfges:, switliai Mter rationed or controlled ai'- roi; the Ring _-and Qenlive abouywithn the ordiarýy like anyone euse, Framed at Buckingham Palce are te ma ratonrda issýued in adQuen Mary., bine it, thýe Qeliuere 'sAt""copons a week ago, Wiil bu'y !n10more cohsuntil June.ýq As'nfice' n ail fliSer- secs the Khing a enttld tu buyý undeciotes, hirt,socks, et'c., iofso! is civilian cuossince nraning caenl, bcase ike Qusen El1 izabeth), he "lredte war with a weli-stockcd arroe Food Rule Obsýerved AtV1Buckinghiam Palace, food uisare pnn3ctiilously observed. Neyr mreth.an.orle main course, qvhaws or cheese, is s'erved if anMY meal at the King's tbe àlu theRoehl diu'ing ,rcoon Ibr fficiiLs eut, or in Ê the ser saute' hall. MVeatla servedony tiea scesk but the King and (Queeu, liotheoms able to do so,supe met the rtion witb hicn ga e fisb, aIlof which are also waya ke ti h vat store cap- oado!thce Palace, effects o! ~ cnprationing wiOiau eVh oylFa-ily n r o onhbunt fie Qucenbaodrd no watage;onlythe sadr eekiy cotatilo wilsbe isued t endli pereon otriiy rat nsd a fl liqs oprsa a pr b a Fol apr Great Britain Tweny-e A o! An miAirto ivomeýý ndpilota re on onter wayt fonmti be Unie atesufe Engnn unecontracs t oif-ly for th)-ecBitsh i rnpr fuilre i na ofimdi mctuaiiy lu servie inngland hor un -ruenhnglu nadat is not The goup nae rscuted by that he Amricn Armny Air cf oen.uD wdetRW Qý lime wnare to err b Speakiug from bis o' xei euýes o!five ,-,,dnys withont foodi ,rvn'ater lu nWestern Anstralia, a nfUch airma aa"the Japls wviil net like your Aus,,tralian 11e n'as oens o! tivo f-lyeýrS n'bo survvedlieng hot down lu a Japanesattaclinear hsen'est Th'Ie 'tivo airsýiren nIlndered ab'jjoujt frfiedays nilotfoodII orwtr. Thntlsy ecounit-. erei sme borgins nho dug!, fvor wtrgave tbei aeln su *hen cnried lem to a Ctoi missin on Beage Bay, Foresta , ver mors ~ £n'edeu. o! I( pi~adcedar co- ýtn lhaîf f iýe ae of * LAST WEFEK: Ken lias Lit%,s future aPlanne. She wiIl go to his homre tow,-n, amng ,re* s Umeic-her i-real n1ame, ýAn il Mla r shaII. The society flk o Fe m injgtoi1 wil me her', acýcept her- His other wIIwelcome c:her Bt if Ken married #a cdancO erir.ndtOok her home, his mother woeul neyer "eea L Lia s loM a sil y won oiver. Seknowý's se oud lo like Ken's ther. ShietelKe to keep his p!Cture, 'She 1csn't like it, Jerry Finds Out CRAPTER IV- Days sedl!lto weeks nd i!taý looied at rry odrn fi lmadthat ie dziid lv e th sudedte prmctl Ofictbeî lve, ooi a te jing'a, te biefad hrmgwuni auntue, te ls les vy t"Intas o a ouoro, n thei trf.Se]see o the roa o! tue tmfiwtd t e rigb lgtsand thouli of ird igu ad0' theligt o t strs EeI dut lin w." 1bii Ieacbieaetledf e Je-1ýn-yia omci ato e get ( 1 affav;rs ar Vansged ý , f0 go1toC.eo ia, the' i' thouli !e uit ie mad pger mmd. mmur As as adaeryce "ihto the- Founded in 1888 by one cfe, eoar!lyWest'sý most outstamdingC f'iguros, the lateW, R. Huill,the Pille Couk beRanchwas IoCated ulear Nanton, Aibeýrta. Th& brand is st in us e by 1h. ever camp Rnh BRANHD 0F TH4E OLD PINE COULEE RANCH- ISSUE 16-'42 because ls csd 80 wondel Shec could give Jery evrytbiug tînt auy mancouti ant Jerr'y ifîrenoff ic oat nt l'ted a cigaret, aoudieidov n fie daent,"Spilif, "I've ben fh11inkiug aln ie inaut dvorce" "A divorce"1he satuight. 'A divrce Lia, oumuet bs ruli ohnr ylis niigabu? Suqlis iauieda harsWbruntie laugi. Hemecisamf napeouudig d wlit sici a ivorce."a ;ý "Bt you ca'f. Wy, Lta- 1 hem bi ara a'ound er asbi fiat g ei agînt i. Ili îsn't a fi ,iy'Lv ,11E 1onc'or havci' oe JeryOut lu ttit%."n' cm anyýý m ore Al-fetri sgn Quailty You'1 Ejo hoke trd ad 3ld RsVoe wvas t!lk likig "Yo ont elyo ovehlm 'lone m nfaaed bcause iAï muclirie loves y o u uci "adl - oernt Ia.I e sn ,gou knd H yus teou Iio ', whoMlos to Ih dintlio bt a hemte more. Ycu don ui Miero u and to I C , leentlv'y ngli îIb e d ano ndItwo' dli-.l stan, sd se oilie swiftiy, an- lie does und ersa dybesnlesf mboe, he igaIVre alays dwanted. word, ile youetnd i. He hasn' cË oefrm ne otingnlikeue"Bave 11e wa1nt- ws t ivmgteba grn, secuity,lioethingto tiie to, afiot lm1eswntst aesyuit w as on bi's etbiuvic jlar MsdlMe flung u wrda atler. "Bu veneer cracksan L ieit does-, couhlcabe wantng te brglililit aga in. s!cuiwting mbe and nie, rl'il corne.i g Wenyo gtaic,üllman biser and mannger u e andlisatfii ides ad bs ncee Pll, yoà ani uydanug eetai iL'lcr, because I d ~o veyoi ndc,' I -I 11licrn )uyt te saie. "Oh Jery! an'toube ane ove? a't ive eta ivoceaL "r,"£ cane, senible, il umn aud dntepc me te play at dowatvr o anid yored Ken wýanIt tu, adlet mekïuow wb~ I epecedo!me adlI ",Jerry!" 1erdd lo aserle as ie C'nd7t thAe bg-edO an si)(- ng , he han't tliuR hto! i lie hi, pfntbî the end.SocI and looed omtons ae nghte elty els ancd ra, ilsanror S!),om Ised 1 The bdomdo pnd h did notturn H uer dooropen Ad aB cossd, eef %sa tuned s! yhm"Oh, erryu-e id je' cazerry? Mybe ou'recw The elopone ad tr ouglie ies"he, iKen," Rer1voice wa irdA, tod L. esI'ngo lookif ti nud Next aeek) T-jýjajig A0 etteMr vî As BossOrdere Boss o- - - bee,-I -re- -ire girs fr rvmngmyDetErs, ce Tfo eicos hng. AlBrnMufnsuedn nny one eau gather that these deicius breakfast gei recpe gous ikedhis AIl-Bran CanMeuffin M Ie r ncusloreigani Augar Vns!ouhlycapw» eg about 30 miufec. Yield(î:16mfis( uceludate)o ýn P S pS. , PQlut , A n NOoesaluble Job Now . ta tie henm good food. good health îýs more ipotat h n;er ELLGG'S AIL-BR'tAN fils Ëa dual role. As adeios breakfast food, ît helps srupply .ýthe , roper inourIihment to thnou,,sands of' Canadianïs. ht-lps kee-p them ri Iee of the common -iitype o f constipation caused by lack cf proper "bulk"ý in the dietm. Eaàt ALL-B]RAN as a cceeal orý in tas-y r-nufflins everj ay. rkpet of water...ý and discover this e"better way" to kl'eep regular without using harsh cathartics that cnly offer tempvorary relief.ý ALL-BRAN gets at the cause * 1 . n corrects it. But remember, ALBA oen't work ]ike a purgative. It takstme,. A-L-ÀBRAN-C is made by Kello-gg's in Locndoni, Canada, and sold in 2 conveniently sized packages at ail grocers' in ind-ividual se.-v.ing pa*-ciký,-ý;ag ,a rest-aurants. Eat it every daPy as cereal or in mufin,îand drink p'lenty%, of wat-'1er,, ALL-BRAN hMUFFIM$" 54cup rnilk 1 cuip flour Yteaspoon zasît 2 tcaspoons bak- ing powder ,,VU§W, .1s no -Mo, -Y 1)eýr iod, ogî whý-1afýe ve tje gamMar la. WVhee n'as I? Panigrpb. Yeur -soap n"'aSn't 'hatyo id --( lol saay f 'anît-T, huma tried fa ptevya lot o te painjt yer -fa-es up jjfor lPues lu- dians on the ivarafli We're senti Mng Wnciyonrcestshipmnt tmor nuw.Surewe'reDm»nasenti-.t bac, I'd liesofw ed if fate m wn't wasfed enougl ore on flm crooli's, fie t if p aniign mynme %chat do You sayive puOUont'te lunch? canadian tea anai oes drinK- ers eed baive ne er fthi favorite beverages unngn A nation inal o"soo te" s a sýad ur, butwoi. sal0era dimtînt evenf noe or Ve'a were týo appeavr ouVhs Canaý ian orzotimers n'vonld aVili beý enough on bund te0 last ,atlet competel , teaupyisne As for cfentog mot from fie Par fiEnat elowl on Brazilmn earges arebeinlg con- ro od f ie danger o! Coffes ioads bn ink agetl ii mi'ed. Thlereoe nncm uyn ,C'dugaenedss Tedo g 4r of shoage aolicesd by sudden ï'jýrse nsoe *v SERIAL STORY BYDOi-NNA A ýSHWOfRTîH Creani aihorteniing anidsuath- oUgLly;- add egg and beat lntil creany. Aedd Ai-Bran .and ill;h'e Soak unticeVie mtue s taken1P, Sift four ivith sait and baking pow- der; add toafirst mixture and stir ouly until flour edisappears. F11 gease muffin pans whrs fil and bake in modterate.,oven <4000 F.) abou»Lt 30 Yield:--8 large muqiffins (3 ludia- mete;r) or 12 sinal< j l iniee "SýerVe lby7 &Vin-g! uyWar Savin,Žs Certifica tes" KMme,' LLBAN.K >é Sucý" AXO SALT

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