THE ORONO WEEKLY tf Haeou renlewE ORGNO TIMIES OFFICE JOrono - - Ontario The tilvrMdl(monet are- tisef!rFniday, April lothe has been postpoid n rtil (his)Friday, April 17th Wve vweme to Irby Mr. and "Ils. John Tomp.on(neeoMirs. AmIilel ia Bvdly> wo wr ar clati vistesi i~h r. ad M'-3. F. Briac moi ededylast. The warmest day su f ar this year was (yester-day) 'WoýdnesdIay. ilt was o Warm that ilbbrou'g'htth mlosquitos hc to is. The onle shwvin Ëthe aftronfaiied to tatke the warmtIIh out off the,, air. 1A surprise parjty ýof somne near re- kativeis gatherefd ait ihe hoime off'Mr, Dean Carseasiden on Saturciay eve- mng, April ilth, Vo lhelp ceIebrat' MIr. Canscadden's bâ-thdlay, an(i also Mvr. Jas. Eagleson's birýbday off April 12th. Many nice gifts and congratulaibiionls were ,eeivedl and an enjoy able everling spen'It in speeches, gamies and refreshments. IIn Orono It's Mac Smith'sI Work B3oots, pair ...... .......$3.95 We 'stili have Walker's Pioneer Black Overalis (cloth niow cancelled by gov't. ... - $2.5 Men's Guaranteed fast color, zero shrunk Blue Work Pants ..... ...... .... .....$250 Car Owners, talk to us about the special rates for cars in gaso1ine ration Categories A and B Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gunady Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MAC. SMITH PHONE 61r 2 - - ORONO RED &WRITE STORES Steele Briggs and Rennie's Seeds, Prince Edward Certified Seed Potatoes, Dutch Sets and Potato Oni'ons BIJY EARLY BUY NOW Neilson's Cocoa, IL tin 27c Wheat Flakes, 5 IL bag 22c Robin Hood Qats, pan dried 5 Ibs. 30c 50 lb. bag Fine Sait Grapefruit Juice, unsweetened 48 oz. tin Grapefruit Juice, 2 20-oz. tins Good bard Cookirig Onions 5 lb Grapefruit, 6 for Head Lettuce, 2 for Green Celery, 2 bunehes Ripe Tomatoes, IL New garrots, 2 large bunches Small Link Sausages, IL Bologna Sausage, IL Sweet Pickled Pienie Shoulders IL Beef, IL 2 Ibs. 45c 29c 25c 25c 25c 19C 19C 19C 19C 22c 22c 25c 25c 27c 22c 29c 25c ILocal News ýMsad cMrs. Toa oa tVWednes'day inTro, o Mi. Jas. DickSoný spent a) ffew E tIre~ ~ ~ ~~~ý Etewekviin laToronto Mils Tureyoff Peterboruo, spenrt Baster Sunrday ih ermote- Mils. Jas. DickLson. Mr-. and Is,. C. T. Mliller returnres home on Tuesay lat aümbe spenldirg about six weeks in Florida. 1 Mr. Ulifl'ord P. Jonies, off Stirling Madio Range, 1s holidaying at Ham- Mlon and Parry Sound Ahs week. lM.Chas. Krrox is thre new Cale- baker off Otrono sachool arid has al- ieady commikenced his ne-w dutiea,. lire %&cWor Hancock andi ebUjdn leanor andi Gary, apeet the Easter weelk ini Toronto with friends andi relativ\es. M r. aindi l!s. Boychuck, who) have been livig in Mhe Stocker Estate house on Parkc street, ai-e noving to Oshawa. Mi.J. L. Il, Bown, off Osbawa, sert Tue sday last in town, visitinig with cirse C.G. Ansr n ncl other frsiendis. Maqjor H- arny Lycett, of ýtie Mid- larrd Regimtent, andI now sta pon: nt Edmiontonf,, is home on a two weeirs' vacation. clies Mildred Picriarde ýs returnesi homne on Saturday lest after visitinrg witih friensis in Toronto dui-ring th e Enster vacation. Mr. George Cooper lias r re hom1-ie aftier spending the EOaster weck with his daug1-ter, Mirs. Mar- shall, in Toronito. îMrs. Mahood aend son Allen Ma- booff ra'ilandi daugiter Miss Marion Mahioosi, off Belleville Gollege, visitesi reoently with Mr'. andi Mis. Jas. Eaglesoln. More Germ-an Prisoitners Arrive at Bowianville Ai On Thursday off lasi woe, a oud 24 ui., German off-w RropeanS cntic r no saiy Bowmil ýanv il, weethiLril Threncars car1e to a sop o ther first sîderoad ,et offte an vers ýh ighway on tlie C.P.R. tr1ackIs, off the V(ýeIerans C"uard offner en Cap No. 30 -whîich wur ablaze withi ili ghtsL just a quaiter miile away. The prisoners were fo.rme.d un - der quiet mn a, ni n ar1ced off dfown the springtime higthiway to a gate, where, in fufil uniform of blute, their superioi- officer, a gener- el, awaited thesa to ak their salute un.der the stern vigilance off khaki clnd Canadiaqnsý. Female Commandos The g-irls w.ho walked bli-ssi a on urs' sowcoee ie on Frilay 'off last -vecek, weaý In Car Accident snfferdasfosbe M. Coiii nand iie aughster we cidet hapend. Th,"aron was voly slppavy at thre time, owing tlathe ed jupt enet off Oslrawa, at Tulley': h. MVr. Cama was talcer tAa bhopsia wheva an ' IliX-ray ve led tt tirea orU fer ones were cule i his baek. A cnet was made f oi. -is balic adit will bb Vrpee orfour mionthis bhefore t (cn be remve. e was broaught hiome on Mvoniday. - . - - ankle socirs and b a re cal ves an( beaing l-the brunit oýff tie -wintrý br-eeze, sure can stanld the ýold Mere -laies who glancesi at thre bar( liimbe, lhudi'dled their faces deepwr ii their turnesi up coat colare an 'shiverasi alilthe more. Given Sentence Fred Coloff Oshawa, ple guilty b-Y nine -changes off brea) andi entering~ in Cobour.g police i on Friday, Aptil lOtir, ani was tenies to concurrent tersas rasý [fro'm six months to a year ir, reformatfory. Six other Osil yatihs were sentenced lu]st -%v Cowmle being ia member off thre gn Co'wle was one of thre prisoi ecauglit in Oirono. DEATHS Ms'. Johln Lower-y, off Oshawa, hasIU<~-~.Caie~ mretei IMr. A. J. Kniox's homi-e on LXN-IICaleT 3Main street nortir, andi tairas Pos- session on May l5Vh.- We welcomeý( Mr. andi Mrs. Losves'y to towni. OrioneOrnge daree team inivtesi Vo attend Grand Ldeoff Ontario East held at Cobourg on- WVedlnesclay iiiht ibst,ItO give a demilons t>ation off tirir degr-lee work. Mfiss Taylor, off Guelpir npesn tative off the Sailorit Mission andi sent by thre Up~per Canadâ Tvact So- ciety, is in !town tis week doing the work formeiily carriesi on by Mliss Owerl, off Toronto. There 'passed away in Orono on Monday, April 1l8ih, M.George Whiltte, 'ieoff Mr. Greorg..e White. Ms'. and lMrs. 'Whlite muoved1 to Or.ono a couple off years ago, eCom-ing fions Crooked Creek. The funeraI was held 'in Toiotto on Wednesday. Ms' W. Jacks, off Newcastle, was in itown on Tuesdaty last, it be- ng Iis bir'thday. Mr. Jacksonir as inow passed hIis 83rd biruhday ansiî wanted to spensi the day in tihe vil- lage. He is sbilil in the ýbestt off health, andi we 'wisIr for hlm maniy molle 'happy birtbdays. Ail piioes south-east aniwesWt off tire town hall in Orono, ýand in the coun.try will ire eut off on Saturday afternoon for three or four houirs. A new ealle is being~ installed at tire Central office, causing tire sirut off. rire repairs wiIl not ho made unles& the weablher is favouraible. Miss MableMBidoff Vice Roy, Sask., andsisdter Mrs. Ella Thonip- son off Kendal], were visitors ait tire home off Mva. J. Ealgloson this ýweek. Lt.-'Col. J. ýC. (Gamecy, off the 'Mid- 1ansi Regt., Edmonton, avrivesi home on Wedniesday lest for a two weeks' vaoati on. Hie reports that ire lires Ptie Westernt climiate. Easter exainations off Orono ontinuation sehool -will comminence e beginnling off next 'week ai iii finishli ay 1, aftes' whdohh itime liunmer off thue students who are uceeseffoul wlrn receive Vleir pass ces'- fieates ansi will ire alllwed to stop chool foer wosik on faris n athre smavaifty os' in the Niagazra penin- 'ý- 'a ednesduy, Apil 8thO194, L b'k , ,-u W. Luxon, in his 59tlh year. The funeral from- his late residenrce, at Rnaon Friday, Aipril lOtbh. Serviée at 2.30 p.rn. Coiteg1e to leave for Orono Cemeterýy. POWEIRS - InTo 'Pornto, on Sunday, ApriI 12th, 1942, Anna Grae Powers, bel'oved wiffe of Mr. G. N. Pcwers off 164 Kijnýg Street South, Toronto. Funeral service at Walsh Funeral Vfime, Watterlio, oýn Tmes- daIry evening at 8 ~.. and inter- ment at Orono Cemetc-iy on Wedî- nesday at 2.30 Ipm. Ourono Tin"&shp, If you need New V-11 Now is the time to order it R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Pbye, PARK ST. UNITED CHUR£ 1 Bey. S. Littlewood SUNDAY, APRmiL lth Il a.n.--Rev. R. H. Wylie,< Golum--bus, Ont. 2.30 p.mi.-.undaiy Seýhool. 7.00 p.m.-CGan the Leopa, chairge his spotst "There la notunbeief Wiroeves' plants a seesi benea ,the, Sos And waits to see it psiraw is idns of i .,eywere ni Mhsl aters ine nsttaci cultr. LAI s aMr.s Ïi ( tic support ,ay Man Ileads gramll Briti East Black Chapter hasorMamr _____ber off neti he Provincial Blaek Chapter f und. irio East, 01range lodge meet- The coup datCobourg on Tue2sday Dring drb-T dne.edacy off tihis ýweek, W. Il. maires ýtrýip off Lîndsay, waa elected buying cj âl a Ster. daughters offleers elece ae:inmne- T-r 10 T- Th e Batl ranch ,at Colboi oi. saine forty , -cm 18 to 40 Y£ hat hetween 25 . Reel 'sures', 11 'YS TO0 PA Y Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Sp)ecial, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Porterhouse Steak lb. 30c. Su-ýlnhrite Javal Water bottie 4)c Large Grapefruit each Iiarry Ilorne's Cocoa large can Rouind Steak lb. Fresh Ham Rose Bakin'- Powdler lb. tin Steak lb. 27c Champion Dog Food 2 cans 19e