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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Apr 1942, p. 1

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EE L QIIONO, ONT., TH-U1PSDAY, APR. 3'Oth, 1942. Subscr Durham County Voters Give 8 to i Vote on the Plebisc .Durham County Goes Strongly In Favour 0f 0f Releasing Government CGives 1Výajority of 7386- Percentage 18 90 Per Cent On Moidiay iast Dinrlýan County -voediovr'wheminiy"Yes" on tihe pilbiscite question. This is a nice gesture on the part of the votera Vto glve to <ur local e er Mr. W. F. Riek-ard, MP, to take baek o O0V- ~tw lih him-i. The ~peope are beg-inin-g to be- é-eone war coniscioi:s, mnore so than ,,ver before, ever snetheJpns n1ade th-eir treaoh 'Ilerons attac o'n Pearl Harbour ainsiotiher places. Thie total voltecs cast in Durh,-amn Coui-ty 'vas 8,1dof wlih 81041 -wee "e." asi812 "No," leaving by ub- Durbant No 9 2 4 15 7 il 15 9 8 .4 9 6 3 5 2 2 14 26 a najorlty orf 7386. Foliowing arete resuit's adlvisions truhu counity : Sb-iv. Yes No. 1 .2....... . .... 1 $ 8.......1. No. 4 ..... ~............ 197 .No.5 ................ 124.... INo. 7 .- 15 7 No 8 ............... ..... Nso. 9.-... 89......-. Ne.10, .... .........8 -NSo. l . ...1......-.42.... 'No. 12 ........... 143 Cartwright o .1............ .... :26 N o . .................... .... 4o.,... ........ 90 5 T . .... . . ... ....... 118 Cavait iNo. -No. -No. WO. -N o. ....... . ....8 Clarke 1. ............... 107 .. ... .. 57 .--~ 65 . 64 bA....... .58 .B............... .. 71 . ...... ............. 64 7 . ... ......... 21 .8.- 44 9A ............. 101 RB .. ................ 75 727, o ..... ... .......... 18 jN o .... .......,. ...1.... No.4A .............88 No 4B................... 83 ........ . 14 T o.6GA.--8 No6B ................. NTo. ....... 89ç No. 8 .................... 43 . 7 139 103 H-1op e No. ............1..3...........21 N o. 2......... 189.. ... ......25 No. 3................ ......... 85 14 No.4 ................... 51 10 No5...... ....115 13 No6. .. 3 -7 09 100 MUanvers No. 1. No. 2 No. 3 S55 7 .....-... 1644 S43 17 ...106........14 42 68 N . 2 ............. .....1 Newcastle No. 1 . .........13 5 No. 2............1............. .84 9 31 Port Hope No. lA.. ............ 161 17 No. IB ........... 14....."2 16 'No. 2 ........-... ...2 95-J10 No.3iA ................131 7 No ...... ................436 No.469 6 No. 5 .......................... f00 14 N ,6 ...... . ......1U 74 N . B ................. 1241 8o. ........... ........ 10 17 No.0.........122..2 No. l ........... 17i No., 11B . .... .. 13... 0 9 Total....e...vote ................. 8194 otl"ovote.......81 Or 190 por cent. TEAMlS 0F 1902 While tearing o)uf tise front of M,. W. J. Riddeil's store oin Monday last, a slip of paper was fouind un between tise partitions witb fise folo-wing lineup for a foýot- bail and basebali f eum, wifh te date May l7th, 1902:ý Fred Winters, p)., Fred Dobson, c, M 1loy b, Fred Long-, 2h, Percy Lot,3b, J. E. Rîchard,s, s.s., C. Vin- soif., Ed. Long, rf, and spaines, Fr-ank M\omnent, Delil Harris, Deb. G-soA. Donçaster and Bill Har- In taing to Mx.-i J. E. Riaisards wioh'regard to this Vet, he inform- ed us that this fiuthave been ia picup tat ssm fts iy orsmetioedwere not verv goo)d bai plye,s. Colides With Parked Car' When Trailer Breaks Away (-)ri MOnldaly affern-1oon roodigsoutb on Main trailer fastened o tihe( Ken. Neai, tocante diseoi Started away o11 it's -own Ken, beeomiug aware iialer ýwas -no longer atto ,car, pulledi on tnse entleri jumipedi out andi grubbe< trailer as if was going tiirned if inVo Vise cilri knocked down e t te' ~When lie got te bis feo tisaf bis ýcar lied failied -was Still goilin Soutit,Wh! last whlle llani-y Cbalrk's roýSîdence, wbich- was siteo, is fcing north on tie west side of the lar o?I r. road ansid ediY Mx. Taylor, baker nectedj ansCi at Deunqiis iBakrojy. Very littie dami- ower. gewas suffered by Kon's car, but thaft his Tayleri's car su(ld not cea-ie off so for- cbied Vo ihis tune, as tise front andi buck rlght ncy brake, foniders wvere bout and te rour bumf- 1 for the pei: damiagioi. Ken's car struck Vihe past and front fendei- firsat then bit thse -rear . He was fend or anld ibumiper. ;aml t imeiC. W-hon ho left bis car Vo oukse Vite ho -noticed fi-ailer, be couid acf bave pulied i bis o stoýp ans( ti emrgency ful teck, whicht sf111 lef eh grad-uai- thie car in motion., tisougt tise ucc- i (Il J ren. a t-ol have proved a exeat deal -1 F~T~ ~I Names 0f Business Men BRITisH ARMY AIND AIR FORCE CO-OPERATION The neuesseityfo - perec-r dnationof a,:o btwenair", sea and land forces hais been poe aga in ,aid again during t'he, presenit con- fliot, an e--ample of itssucsfl operý,hin beintg pro'vided by the Brili victorieis in Easýt Afiîc~a and 'li Ieienaea, ee al three services worked ini the eclosest 'unîty. T'le arrivai ýof tibe 'ainsmiu- nlition train"- a Bruitiihl nem baiber seen wh-ile e ingemed readinesçs for afight durihag, Army aud R.A.F. co-operational tactics. 1.Canada's War Effort A wekl eview of dev"edpMenIýS ft more Lthan the levels charged on th-e hoe frýont from April 1 to)nrngJune19. 'Total board out- April23rd 1942 layon sunbsides "o mainItain price 1. Gommons resýumed pril20 af- c oin s-trited at 1betwee. $1,- 2.GoermetBililntoucd in 6 xetby prmi from control- Gommions deine o sote25,00 DereofiSrpdteniDeartmento wa v~tras n anda, siae uiin u S ufpy, no more do- cot f 8,00,0 O f tisamouint met1mtlda ergrtr of ab1out $.34,000,000 il eotrtaniwilill' be 1 made in Caniada graý'nt to enure each S"tetr nafter Apri 30 equiity înin is holdings. 7. Cilri pics n IîÏLk ad dir 3. Air Conf(-renjce representative prd1-, o rg S I.Ianýize. E ff(c ti ve of United Nationis to bhe held in 0fý-Ma 1, milk subsidies dropped; tawa in IMay. mxiuetail priýes for flUidiik 4. To speed imon for active sevcotbi dini specified areas; m-axi- a nme of marcbing and arýma or- mum xvbýolesale prices for buttter; ders vere dtopped frýom iiArmny xi m prices for cheese F.0.B.1 Traiiig, Maniual. f.toyshipping point. 5.Wate Prices and)( Trade 8K New ag-reemcent concded 'with Board nnoune list of over 40 o-Bifish Fo)od Ministry Calling for de- cery ieson wbîch iauac es ivery 4of I125, -0 p o un d S of wl ie entitled to subsicIy payments cheese in current fisuýI year at 20 il necessary to reduce their prices cents a pound, basis ;Montreal. Students During Hoidays 1 Can Take Restricted Jobs Ottawa, April 27-Fjlliott M. Lit- fie, director of national seJetive service, bas announicesi thut permits wiil be issýued to, students for the duration of their scbooi., colege or unlîversify bolildays. If the studenits arýe neodied f or munitions wok, lsowvevr, fbey wil ho direcfed int o thut work, rather fisan be ailoýwed Voý enter a resticted occupationi by permit, it was exiplained. A student who norinally works at an agrieulfural job, as fer inistance a frme's onwould inot b ie pemtif he was needed ountec faruti. lFe woide issued a Permit, hw ever, if reufusai meanthtafihe would be prevenited from gottineploy- ment. Mrc. Little saîd no perm-it od be needed for. those under 21 (long caulwo)rk affesclhclol or on hbou- clays during s:chool sessions, provid- ed they afede ay school during thse time. No periniifis neodlediformni)en- gaging lu a restrictedi occupation if sncbà work is subsldiary Vo tir- re- gillai- job,. provided if is car.riedi on as par-t-t-inteý work. The oxlstinig habor situation woubd bie a considerafion in alapia fions, se taf if a Person wisshed tc0 enter a rosfricted occupation a-id bis services were net tho-n requirod in an ossential industry, a perilî would ho granitedi. Seediinigis nMay bho g-nf ted ou a matre reefertise punpoaoof bas- eigtihelr lwr or frnlting.9 FILM STARS 6O ON AIR FOR RED CROSSI Barbara ýStanwyckç, Walter Pid- ge2on andi Oaudette Colbert, of standing stara f rom Hoilywovod h.ive contrîuted their services te fhe Canadian Red Cross Soclety andc wvill appeýarin a aseries of rdoPinlys wrbythse Canadian Broadcasfing Corporati. Barara Stanwyck wvibl fake part lu "Bomb Vict L'imaý" "on Sunday, MUn, 3 at 10 p.m. E.D.T., wieWaifer, Pidgeonýl wiil appeýar in will ho eh(?narrafor 4nil] uant Orono and District Red Cross Objective $17,0001 Tise Natiosnal ReC i Cross campillaig!l for $q_000,000 hegins Uay lfk.The objective for Oronlo a rid Districýt Baaot sset af$It 0.Ths umount, [na, seoeit arge, but every cent l neededi for local work in purcbasing materials fm or ntfng and sewing j omorts and for fSe national work ove-rseas in, m-aintainlng-g medical isup- plies, iositihixts, boddonox cTinic-s, ani-i for tise peace tintle wori iii pioneer areas brugou lanada. Aiso tisat very necesary work, the boxes cf f od Vtu he pisoners of wa r. GIVE! CIVE! CIVE! 0f Forty Years A Found On MANY TIIANKS H1aving .urged the people of Dur- humi County to vote "Yes" on the Pldbiscitt, 1 want to express m1c ap- prcainfor the way 'fbey turneý-d out andi for the overwheiming "yes" voe that we reeived. It shows thiat the peopl1e are de- te-rinied on a f u1l-out war effort and that thqy are wiliiug Vo auccept aysacrifice, rno lmitter hw tr g-ent, to attain that end]. I alsG oc!e as your representative that 1I wili feei free to avneyu xpeso of oiin if and when the miatter cornes u.p for discussion. I assure you that 1 will do my- best for a total war effort. W. F. R-ICKAi-RD, M.P, DurhamiCounty DURHIAM COUNTY music FESTIVAL CANCELLED Wýe hajve boeen, requested iby Presi- det .iR. Vilt-gin f0 announce that t'ie Durhami Counf y M usic FestivalI sla-ted te be hld i iinBowmnanviile on Majy 12 to 14I has been canicelled for tii yeur. TI-is bas been decid1o, due, to smnaii enItry list, lack of aduli conesansand t1he difficulties be- ing1 enontrd i transýportation dIue tog a rtioning. If la hoped, hioweverý, Itat muale sLipierviseras wiîl hoI 'ltheir. local conteafs, as in pOt-t yearîs, Vo mitnthe festival inter-, est until if is resumed. Contesýtants- wholhave sntin thirfes il have Cie moeyefuInded in(due courIse. Kiomount Loses 20 Buildingsý le vMilage KiIImount, 'were dstroy- edI ty ireu, .wlile 40lot)resientsfouh furiolisly Vo saxo wh,-taf-er tey ccul1d. Thie village bsno fire pro- teection and a fire buchek(t brigade .was forjm-ed Vo figlit thse ragimg de- 'The iire sart c laaswiiiiiown-- ed by John Atini, andi the fiantles, fîanned ljy a ),sîtong wlnd, soon leap- ed to otber woodlen structures. Feno1lon Fallîs ire -epartnment re- sponded Vo the cali, and theirengn- was also dstoe in Vise fixe, thee boss ailountlng Vo$80. Thrivi Wben yo etart to t abuildi-ng d n'i, you jmst what yon are goii abi' the years gflue On Monldaiy avJhen tii ing te front of W. J. dwo e oî tie board infrmaionof the bu, the village on IMay 17 Tl'citenies xoere ali just as ii l Vey ha", bec at week ago, anid tey by- JýI. J. E. lea y ears ugoone shop whlch ow beil Many of the busines ornme have passed On, ~t'la few wý,,ho arey Look o-ver thîe namIl see how mnaiy you Mn J. E. Richards, 'burt filUlan druggist; Jas. L Ri(beilt Foster, ava L. -Rowe just sodilis A NWm. Davey; John biotel; Levi Mo)rris& soewith F. Peate Knrox and lAnîdrew Knou, N. F.,INAIland Son E sunep;R.3Montndn offie; Joscph il en my Henry, hardware st Smith' insurance; Fu ~ceernay;John Mili ArluS truong, g eorai as',ror lshioe sbiop1); Hry soe shlop; Ri Ch arid Beu smnith; Edl. Pindeýr, 1- David Wnlsh iardware; T soni, busmes and ex-press; ishl and son George, bke Camipbell, tinisiit; 1 Sa proprietor Orono News; and "COL Staples -gnts Vinisonl, rmillinoery,; 3M1-m. Ca-ster, milunery; Meifu jiewelery; AM. L. Travel Jas.' ute on, edici' iNeil ColIville, -edlcal oc Tucker, iuredlical d4ocitor ai 1-ministor; Rex. C. Cragg- Tise estlntuted drdonsage cnedi'y J urch mlnste-, tex.-T rte ire is placed at aro-ans $200,0 00. (Confinued on. pa.- Under 3 Per Cent Red Cri Goods Lost By Enemy] Ini two anda a haîf yearls (of inten-hed sive su'blari - -aiae less th-an i alLeae x Jhreeper ent f Vbq.isn6s f tons tnew m oshvebe nfgoo'ds ýsenit oeseaýs !)y tie Cna-forthýe darbrîn dian edCra Oia s bu en 1b- b trops i -a*ton. o t enlemly acton. Tis ois aning one 1ýweekc elt,-,S beve achivernnt as pointed (out ymad th ria fa Co m 1imisin Oveiseis of the Cana- Fiedi rnt d dàian r,'ed Cross Socie-ty, w Io is cludling 'one, forivin homîe for a bief visit a teir3 mon- p n sp les, invaiid t'hs' duty in the Bitishlaes a 1,tmlent, ccomfort's depý "If Britain we(re to be invidd to- the epartrnient -hc miorrow," said Ca1),tain 'ea ,"T he whereabouts of rlIS0ent Red Cross ils c.omple1tely organizied a missingsodirsal to ca)ry on wlthout a hltih. Irn the relatives byaek 1ho0me event of our bondon headiquarters fuimtion inufthe Can)adiai going up in amk -w e ave fixe oDversea2,s. oliher de 3- artinents whc cn lunc- Ebeven rhusspia f ion ifiin-ediafte, eit>her independ- tegie i ns buflicB eniy or together. Oýur staff would bouse th~e s~pti~coly be dispersedi to areas, the virtues of Cani-da. Thecotetso wihich have been w veil-led well in adi- hnuse Iniiaa~~nec ý 1

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