*VOICE 0)F THilE Msin a avi, abald- beaded m ian o ! , ;,!aseuoe wo go around tiumplng on iri bfare ehet fla mllon !yo4r fui îJr!lity, otoo, myweibe fliriung witr 1tireudeakbt ec lawisir!u'fl mkn bu iesonthreAxiscoaris r going tefal sarsuJire quicir- 4or we ogel bu1syteaing them sat thre better il Wilbeufer us, EMOTIONLES Te mnany e! us l thce weternk -Woer1d trouig amoton -o! any khad ISa wbtOily u! mIle; e 0do1net hae edo net loewe areno îrfgypatioie su our laug Il- te afrom the lth ontward Ouremttoalranjge 'a pitlaIyI limild; we are au ecoid d path- eleasfirh. We sa ee i a ws mias e are Jdecpily,' sttrred FEW CLOTHES CHANGES Tire Warî'imne FrrasandTrade Boafrd eordeft. reS tr ictlugb,01eure,- fourth ir apfalree! en's monsate sngusbremas ~dcufles :o o swil s l tr but will. net gýeatI1y gpset e,-cu ire Ba brumas& AflrU ail, boule Qnly itg tiretoae ufwere go for was te coC lle:É Strsy, -nd5 ran fr xpstr ENOUGH FOR BOMBER Ibosonrrglsumen lboy, fluiring lu cf aslie our cicte is burQin l tie sand Sixtoca gl- ons? Net s raHetibti migit beauffctet tegel irrd- Aad hen there la tie steno-1 prote te crase sudraee, ppr tiroaasras -StrafordBeacn-Heald. Wia vw ould lJire te2,secpr ~ tie Geman suba.s mtiigl -itraTimles. I1,n The Gacren By GORD~ON L . SMlTHi Oonl't Rush ?iantinci Mauy more fowers udve ga- te ontirsu tee l, aud lu war i suer sae.Tirere arei atrc a fw trnga tiraI are neý,Jtut y --rerduetey vo un-s Cda, luIi sandywl h no manr, etc., amongstirenvagetbea Bî an ulie fleers- cosms,r Tbatlesbtos wepea 9lysaum. A tcîiresesud oe mor wll jtad mde aefrs id tirrongirou moat et Cenaday ta U ewn juat a so a tr 'oleuieor d u tier a groat many, more Lowera su Block Days in the'Bay of Bengol M4assýing of alliedt and- J.-p batie fleets presages one of itr' biggCst -naval enicounters in the Bay (of" Bengal. Map )showý's prospec- tive battei rena and target twsalong i eastern coast of India. A Wveekly Celiumn About This --nè Tkrai hn TheCadànrm Net rry mch ias bren saiid yat ý ýn(î cons-t tl l y t iýtmea abulIePaciie Rnerawer ray cet therN edsoldias wbe rosat ras enttened receny afler in tire L.tqcvar, TUay knewcc a m îserr l inspection o tA ok Wd riiuy ut tire grarid, cyes asefenc'Ans risdaeu ia na îaedl dtcd lac yet meiu"entaide eanR.c. cssmwatsmlrmre But rismuni tacertin. Tira e! ir Irmid ýlividralCtizu's Ar insmiiiarit foriti netir e uy coup. plu) ctien s i (m fonr tW ageet ire led whtieirprwssqetWomod Hangars tne ti,ýiratn literr eratn c:cd ,(ý ýî iirattgruhe he ar pletsi tratitrjg i Rasba ts amv a buouic'i tod Um WLt aadeton teAg hcy- Manyles b tira P banaiasheeils0ewn fles d i-Mtez ttir lue, exsecon em ieuw m suplis casan igsoina, Tirey wre !orE ytie mc lI trautngta ed o iia "utan aîr-raid precaution, Mr. Srnithers !" FEI. warandalierlprinýkllng et caedciienmswohave]Mtat uCh ed triningunf -m ties el ies haret andarmies. Tey have tion, stret fightig, industrial Air Raid Pesinonaun- parts ofIlle Dmniffon, isnte lng wa; workers, And maay a pri- vat slderser1ve-s inathat armyý anyy und, may ar rganzatousail i bas an ouoruntytebbE'o, vailue. 1Be- t'wee(n the ages o 1and C60 they Candin edCrs Society. These insopeýrate ina nub ifo ciisrigýht cro the eounmtry. As a nliattler o! fau tlie man or eiar ad gnrhytakes 7very precaution agaiénstre, is a good private soldcrie; tache ldivîdual 1f sud wentire ay cone's Ota 'oldr w7ho cahndeiis owný dairs la de-nga gMod»ob y leavinWg cfircigolters cear to handie I'm et ure Ifyou wcre towor eut ic ictua perentae o!his you ouldfln tha etier rdinary reicduies t"ake up1moreio! bis Ure irn ic do e tyOra.înt Eatugtaka fir anout o tirt ime fr ic oyl anin Aîîy Sr ieCopwecs te vu tira te C be tttr tan ve av tobe te" t te beaka st, unc ea, dirirïinor tableer h- Rtght! Tiat' ami rre we ceneti longerte proiwolt oaui- mom xcecanefom sllk 1 an liieheet maie moe ba or corite we oa c l ugrt prvdgequtiil k eucr'g fo tir Into Nzi0Hoesan peope, e tewrstdaysle, o Co- enryo Py h or Birringre Rejotre t iear tow,ii ,daae. uto asgratirae donth e pssen, sobe s tWeias cil e. or eyer fogttrae tirelae bomba aredrp sedon an eneny tirt sat ound0 sade t'Ail outhr Germniriory THE WAR - WEEK -- Cor Alies Launch -A lids by Amean bombera on omf a gtheingAlled eoffen- Ive inthe FAr East. ersfemv 2.000 miles from Aus- tra1ia a nt bastd aJvaanesesa .Japan Attacke Aor tte, mrethanfor on tha UnÈitïed tae crie he lw-ar te the heart o! Japan in an aie a- sault oi,nolher major ci ýties, The ex-ý oent o!fthe damage has Onot yet be-n discled ,0 b ( ay th e Unîted Natins utpublic al ?ar n Japa-n app)eased Lte be wdespr-ead. Thp bomb ovr teirmatch-boxcie Effect On Morale The for ctiatt.acký-Cd e Toky , apital o! J a pa ,t ord third Iaget ity 3and a grýeat idsra ete oko- hamna, the seaprtOf, ýToîkyo, ;a great navjal base'id home ol' Japa's arget mtorcar !actory 1o - 0 odtîein V fwa, -veh-icles; Koe inl aad sibidn centre ýýNagaya hr argest city for h aufcueofmItr war,"'dustries and poplaie centes her isno doubt ithaLtbth ing off Armnian assembly hunes and thejir ?weight la heing fiton the býattiefrot. It is ýreasonable to hoeta hywl aincreas- ing tegth andower o(f destruc- tion arry eet(to the Jpns honmlnd, the MFarEnt Ave caused great Alle înavl trategy These serviemaym e were not for svera yea s as been carry- ing' uli rew,7witV' ne'w tan taigteplacesof the reguflars whenon urlogh.it is granlted chant seanmn have also been en- traorînariy wei l aned, The enemy isaparantlyable tocon- ceutateenogh ower at 1thec rgttmeand la the rght place. lacking a dvebmer n Craft, but it mustle rememubercd, la citîsingBritah nvalstrat- cgy, that the Allied navses have not at ay time e mt he Jp- equal terms Ntosis t epRussia at al itokuoîck eutîssia tis zum)- As Blîacýkout Warden dwigira m is ilunated bibi- board aigus automaticaiy juat as soon asatee lgUa retrr, off lu a bisekout wass rported byaCmbig idsrywii -NtMercenkary By fi f -r ceriaI Offèn is s Igt S p o to RussiasQ"î' Russisa representatis es 'aate thalthei prducton's alipoa'as great asuit won before the Gr atc.This aimotatbeas t he Ru-, an osse"s 1l the carly part of tie ar iwereetrml bstedby th, aceigvolcue Gr ea t Britva in andth-e Unýited States The FRussian armries have been trc.adhave proved healvs they are now saoe ees treop. Whnc bass ru ipower. on both ides have becu tremen- doua ilt is çonsidre-d thatResal bhas aI largerrerv of fireah týreopa than 11111cr bas, sud there- eau, beYne dûoubtt hnt Sai soldiers wahrd thewitr campaign much btte(-r thaildid tne p«Ory Ccl oldies of 11111cr The Rus-sians have faldV rsk the Lnigrd rechade and even with the, help o n enr Wïnter !they lhave net Obeen abio te reduces tie Geran strategic strongholds The Genmawrs sidî r-etai.n vital 'poseýitionIs !rem whiich- they eaur, esti4 oscow andtheIr main lateral railway supplyig thea usinfront, Succeas f iie epcced Grme fesiv n aRussill delpead larg-ely o,' air superii-tyt Tire feeling is that it cannot be stop- pe5 -op te its 1940 pako0efii eucy, The cresm o! German air- mencmiuabeen usnd rp aud thogh Ge'nany may- be ab4e tereplace leyst planes , sire cnntrepflce Geyanoffcea, u ir Le a-ir and on land, iras been a siguifkicat feature co! thecapg. TireRedArmýy had tbfcee tIe ta-t of tirews laRuai a huge, well-"trîed airlrmd ten tholusauid srnwhic2h wss interieressed te ihtcea thous- an.At the eund of Ukrr,192 iti la eUýimaIted tr utwef c' kaens totsled 38,000 aimen Conscqueaitly il anwmue chefy y19 te 2-11year old youts, ra ofe!wirom have only adfirom thr c six otr .A.F. Srugthl Thle groviug' mighth ieRoa ArForce is hou atire pwr f-ui an'd cninossw aover have flowu eue thouendmiles inside nen~y eriteryý, indy Seco cntî'Iuus ave been t hý- Royal. Air Force saut on tie continent lately tha hykc euesuda iai!milionGermanz'I oerea irmea anntic ciiin defenýse worker]s ta down TIhusione o!tf a, s the Lead(oniTimeîs, caibe wtr dr-awu for, service on tir1,1eRusa evey avalable man TireIlheUt tie est te mccl the Br'itish, sIud rmain off te CGera camsta l- alead of beag set elaewhce. ThuI-s the "pe-wer o! ýtire Royal Air Force i diverting tire LUS wafe mla ameasureo! EBîtrn' aIid toc Russa. trL by the Lcrie ey 1 ndth box containg the mechanirsM i Pound die"eti t a Screetlight inte"robot ade"cae Sigus or store %wndow s wt hc it 5Sa(connected tobe akee SENE BRE UIT W l t DOu i i