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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Apr 1942, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMEn mhr.Mvm. Mili Il Mr, nt ss.Bill F2ee anti Ken. BIneym adMis. Norman Fe'e. e are pluasecl o see M.Fed Il nt Etith lhome f l!ter spenti- theý winter witi eatvs Pe cyiluac jou rardMrs. Corl' v hIIave iretu-I- o their home here a e pnin winter in Toronto.. CoryAIl and i rmi bve iloyve(L fQro ollto te Mrs,. Spmy's homehe. ite is wit theamnetifrcs es'rs 1Chalie Sa hton Gr- Martin, RobrtCatsJk ,antià Kimem F owler, atetit e in Pete moon Mna vn ant Roa t, of Toronto,Mm îMrs. BruceTnpoBap spenmt Sunday at t1lhir sme Shere-. r. aniMslCa Crndnt île, Mmr. W. LukTrno anti Mrs. Alf. Bre-tt and Rota.- STARK VILLE rMis4 Elleen Todlcl with ~r n Mrs. Hugh Kelly, Bwavle Mrc. amd'Il!-. Waù ite limipson, of Cat , with MiV. and *Ms. sert igCamnp, ithl" Mr. ant iMr.s. Mike Ma nd Ms H ~hStapleton, of Osawwith Mr. and Mrs. W. A. M.and Mrs. Ros Hallowell with Mr.an Ms.J.E. WieElizal- Mru'. G. 5i1lve., o Pîckerin.gandi Miýsa elnMoore, of Oshawa, sei Shduyat mine. ~Miss Alice HallowelI, o, Toronto, wvithl her. parnts, M r. an~d -Mr1 S. i-laroltiMCul ùh f thie R.C.1 A.F., St. Tom s pent the week- endi ith MrJt. nd Ms Hèrb. Gil- ni,. of pcrt Hope, spenit Suniday helti blast Frtiayý,, evein-g. Procceets went- iifoi wa, wor ain montedt t aoui twntyInedolars. Aquilt -Mr. CL lie Mr i s -auctionieeur. Thie quýlîtlioglfour dollars aýnti the towel one, dollar anti a haif. )'ras. Honey nidu tr are wxit'h lirterý, s .Jackson. ~Mr. ant i MS. larv'eysBrys3 nanti sons, o Gafon4vsiet is father, ý Mr. Sarn. BrYso)n, on Suniday. Miss Pearl Hoy, who lias been spenti(ing a couple cf wesat -Miii- brook, returnet iime ,vith Mrs . Jas. Hqyý antiArche onSudy Theu young f olks ha,-ve been getting9 up a play entitîcti"Eiyes of' Love," unier the direction of Ms.R. Mr cer anti àrs WiUéknson. They are p4esenting it in the Orange Hall on Friday, 3May lat. Kendal is losing another o:f its links wt the past. Mr. Sam-r Bry- son is pulling down Vie west part ,cf wliat usedti to le Kendnl's hotel. Thel prpryis nwtlie aummeilr homne cf Mýr. and -Mas. Geo. Clarýk. 3Mr.IR.Alexander, of Toironto, Mr. Bill alngtn of Pickering, Mrs. Neva Little and son, M. antiMs Geo. Clarýk, of' Toio-;toý, Mi,. Victo)r Wilson anti friemi, cf Pickýer'ig, were- at theirrspciv ornes here. The heartfei1t synrathyali, of the Lcommiunity' is extentieti te thle f an- ily; cpf the laVe ýMrs. Geo. Quantril, wvho 1passeti awýay nat ber oltihomie home on Saturday, April l8thl, ini lier 8'7t)h yeamq. The service w a s 1heti Monday,. Apr-il 20th, in -Kendal Unit- eiChunoli b Ïy RvMLain HitilerslaSis -, spech w as very ini comparison tu tSe ones he useti to gVve before Grcat Br'itain \ventL irîto the war. Hie sees n(t hv his hatsfuil wthRsusia. On a chage 'of failig to maintai their infant daughter, Mr. anti Mas. Chiarles Robert 1Horsburgh of M1ur- may townshipavece found nut guilty at Cobourg Police Court on Mý,ondayr ia'st, after an ail-day hearing. Judge L. V. O'Connnrfounti Mas Hors- buiýgh lat suplied the infant with food to the best Offlier albility. Dr. ASb of Toronto, wvho held a post mortem examinatioîr, confirmeti ce 0pnins! Drs. 1H. Clark andi H. C. (un ieof Brîgtitoni, who contendeti that tiechilti dieti ofmantio. M ___________________________________________ Y UR SCRPukâ 4nous a vtaina-,a'a Enexny action in the Far Eat has cauused suchi an acute shortage of rub'ber that Our whole war effort is in serious danger. Canada and her Allies must have rubber, quickly, for the armed forces, for factories, for'ships. The japanese contrai our source of crude rubber imports-the only other quickly available supply is old scrap rubber, wh-,ich can be- reclaimed. Every citizen in Canada must do his part ini collecting a)Il the scrap ru'bber in thec country a-id turning it over to the Govertament for war purposes., Here is how to do it. THES 15 AN URGENT APPEAL FOR TOUR HELP' : Is the rubber situation really The shortage of rubber les s grave citizen hoarding rubber or using it ily la committing ant act of disloyalty. Ilegal to destroy anty rubber article. - 0f what use is reclaimnet rubber? Olti rubbcr la proçesseti so that the ntent la reclainmet. This reclaimreti taci li the manufaLi',cture of essential raur war effort, thus replacins cude r ubber la needeti? antis. This is a be fouii.d. Everyl l, ne maatter how QuestiQa. ShculdI ctar in amy uaaerubr articles as well as worm eout c-nes ? AnsWer:Absolutl net 1 By neo en discard amy-,thing tint is stili useful andi that: nilgit have ýte be paet.on tic other hant, rubber tires uedAs boaqt bunapers, swings, etc.; IN mMy SCtRAP RUBBEER? nada are 1. Give it ta the chiltirca for their school school collection. ollctr~ 2. Give it to your local Nýational Salvage Cern- ~ret ~oU 3. Leave it wth any Service Station or Tire n Depot. Dealer wiere you sec the ign; "Voluntary Srubber Scrap Rubier Receiving Depot." Lir ways: 4. SelI it ta, a junk collector. serap rubber and digpose of it by one of these 4e Governmnnt fobr Canada's War Effort. Do it NOWI Supply K BUILDING, TORONTO NE WTON VILLE Sorry to eprtMr.Sain. Smithi s iii. M i sAi îe Nestt liaýs reurnced fluom Toronto. Mr. aini Mrs.A. eihatl, bave 7eturnied fromTornto 'misis Oive LWhitnjey ,is visiting friends in Oshawa Vi ek Congraitulations to Mi a'nt i Ms& Ronald Gibbs uLpoithle birth Of a soni. msJ, Stark andi children visited lier parents, Mr. and Airs. Mo 0e1c Castieton. M.George Petllick visited hisz fheMr. John Pethick, at Hamil- toit on Monday. Mr.wmn. Smiith hbas returned frm <pndng the wntrat Mr. MILt. Km 'ball'.Mr St Miss sybil 1Rond and ýM. Sani. Payae, of PeterbHoro, spent Sunday at Mr, eue Payne-'. MisM. iilis Jontes attendeti the fu- nerl f' Mrs. He'nry Garlaw, at Wa'rkwortih, on .Saturdlay. Miss Fjeliia Galloni, of Peiterbomro, andi Jac.k AMLachlan, R.C.A.F. were week-end guests at the parsonage. Mi-s. J. T. Pearce eniterjtaiintiat a birthday dr ýinner on Sun1da-y tin honor of lier ssteMrs. Frank (ail- Floyd 31HIlin, cf Torontoliandi Miî,of Ptmbrandi Pte. Rd- gýar Milis-on were horne for, the week-end. YMrs. Amiie Kerr anti AMm. anidMirs. Harry Hkypper,(ofRichmond HHii, were get of Re',v. and M1,s. J. M- Lachian on Surday. Mis Pysls Gilmer, Starkville, anti Mr. Lennox Vaisey,ý Port MJc- Nicliol, wer-e recent guests at Aïr. Wan. StapLeton'ýs. 3Mn.-and Mdrs. Bruce Whitney anti Gladys spent Sunday et Mr.NW. A. Ada-nis, Lake Shome, ani attendeti the aînniversary services. Rev. and Mrs. J. ïvcLadhilan at- tendeti the conference of Christian Stewardsi in King St. Unitet Churcli, Oshawa, on April 20th. Misses Gwen Gilmner anti Betty Stpleton attendeti the Drarnatic Fýestival in Mh1ept St. Unitedi Churcli, Os1hawa, Monday evexring, Ajp.ril 2Otli. Mrs. Fred Smithi has receiveti wordI thai hier au(nt, Mrs. John Pa- mer, cf Torcato (formerly cf N ew- entebas suffere i astruke. Reýr daulitr, as.Williams (Gladys), cf Niagar. allsia, l hiViler. Mrs.1 mths sister, rMrjs. Fred rMallry, cfTorno wh-o was bUnju~d so bad- -ý l'y inmotor cdetsornetinie ago, is jusýt aibe Zto be euot on cruitches niow. The ladiseso Newtonville *Sewing Cicliuilteti two nmore quilts in the' basenen ofthe churcà â anjti tis now makesthiry-eight uilts. 1-t la six monta sice tey ognzt.It was cicideti to withliold theirreua weekly gathering until the first Thm-sday in June, but ail the ladies aýre euett to have their blocksý- ready y the hast week in lVIay. The treasurerireliorted $1L.64 on handi. Coilecticns, doniations and the sale of two, quilts amuounted to $52.94. The ladies lave rione other sewing, anti al! this wonk lias beeni given te the !Red 'Cross andi the Saîvatiort Ammy. W. I. 3Meeting The Wosnen's Institute helti their, wnual meeîing in t!he basement of the church i wih the following ofli cers being elecoted for the comuing terni: President, Mrs. Gorýdon -Mar- tin; lst vieirsd ,Mrs. J. Pearce; 2rid vice-iresitlint, Mrs. F. Gilmrer; secreVary, Mrs. R. M'orton; treasurer, Ms W. Jonies; dlistriet dlirector, Mrs. A.Redlinapp; brandia dietrMus. Lovekin, Mrs. Morris, M4issz J. Thonipson and 'Mrs. W. Far- rouw; or-ganist, Mrs. F. Gilner; coir- fot omi ttee, Mrs. Sais, Mrs. Maritin, MJrs. Ho)lmes, Ms S. Burley anjd, Mvrs. ilenderson; auditors, Mrs. Rcd(-'knappanti Miss ..Thomn-ps-on. 'Warwokero, 58 pair of sox; 40 cames, 21 sweaters, 13 of these weeturtle necks, anid 5-)helsmets. Th-e nex, metin is at Mi.s. Gordon Matnson hi 2t of MNay. Thei, Theconene fr this mneetilug i s KIRBY Ma-s. Forbes lias lef t te spendth te sumimer in Tùronto. MAiss Jean anti Christine Mach1,in- non spenit Suin-ay at 'home. We are pleaseti to welcome Mr. Bradce Hancock anti family teoOur m. anti TVr. Br-odîe Thenmpson, of, Port Hýope, v-îsitLed the Bryson fan- iyon S U dai M.Lomne Wannian, cf St. 'Cath- aines, visited iiarontg bis friends and nieigihbouma on Saturtiay. A nrerrry clivarri party aitietitlie v.illage on Tuesday evenisag to dlo honor te Mr. John Thorapsoni anti bis rd. AfVer imacuh wioopee, the buse crowd was entertaineti by the ýI TlO-DAY!e And for thie remnainder of the week CANADA'S GREATEST DRZUG -SALE THE REXALL ONEAC ENT SALE Buy atny one of the miany standard articles at the regular price and get another oneiïjust lik-e it for only ONE CENT TUE STORE WILL BE OPEN EYERY EVENING DURING THE ISALE SPECIAL Gents Toilet Set, con- taining Jasmine Shav- ing Cream, After Shave and Talc, imdi- vidually boxed, $1.50 valuie, for ....... 89C. Chiocolate Bars, 12 varieties, eaeh .... 5c. 3for .. .........10ec. Four-Square Lemon Polishing Oit, large 12- ounce bottie, 2 for 36C. SPECIAL Puretest Cod Liver Oil, plain or mint fia- vouir, 16 ounce bottie, 2 for ......... $1.25 Prescriptions .,al Sý,pecialty PLEASE SHOP EARLY! 'Charles Tyrreli Agent f or Phone 68 Jacknm.un Floweirs Orono RealValues IN SPRING GOODS Features for Thursday, Friday and Saturday April 3Oth, May lst, 2nd See the Feature Value5 in the large Sale Bis, make a list of the items that interest you an-d Éthen see them on dlisplay this week-end. Boys' Slip-On Braces, sizes 28 to\ 32, pair....25c. Men's Overalîs, red back for longwer triple sewn, full quota of pockets, including button on bib pocket, sizes 34 to 44, paîir...... ý. .$1.69 Oilcloth Rugs, J1½ý yds x 2 yds, new patterns, ea, 98c Brass Linoleumn Biniicing, 3 feet............ 5c. Gold Paint to trim up those picture fr-amnes, etc. per tin................ ........ 15C. Towel Bars, Chromne Plated, 241 inches long »... 25c. 15 inches long............ ..... ...... 15c. Liquid Solder in tubes, each......... .1 Tinasitine, sticks everything, wood, paper, lea- ther, chi-na, glass, bone, etc., tube ......... 15c. Screen Door Hinges, pair......... ...._. 20c. Whitewvash .Brushes, good weight.........3ô5c. Perennial Plants, including GyTpsaphlias, Canter- berry Belîs, Delphiniums, Oriental Poppy, Sw'eet Williamn, Iris, Phlox, Persian Daisy, etc., etc., etc., each........ ...... ........_15c. Kiddies' Celanese Dr-esses, beautiful celanese material, in colors of pink, blue and miaize, dainty puffed sleeves with shirring at neck, sizes 1, 2 and 3 years, each.......... _.... 55e. Neilson's Chocolate Buds, a high quality Mlilk Chocolate, 1-2 lb............. .. 15C. YOURLTP POPULAR SHOPPING CNR URONO 5C. TO $1.00 STORE _________ 4 Private Ambulance Mater Equipment Northcutt and Smith Funerai Directors and Fumiture Dealers KINDNESS CO1JRTESY SERVICE Equîpped to take care of the modest fiïnerai at the psost reasoiiable charge as weIl as the largest and most exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 I Telephone Collect gýenial host and hostess. Ani Bomnville, Ont. J The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Aniniipterýnalionaf Daiiy Newslpaper is Tuhu~CntutV nisdFe f raniSensatiorial- isi- Eioi Are Tïmely an-d Instructive, and Its Daily Features, Together witb thse Weekly Magazine Section, Malte the Monitor an Ifdeal Newspaper foi. the Homie. The Christtan Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachiusetts Price $1200 'Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturclav Issue, in,ýcfitg Magaztne S-ction, $260 a Yýear, 1rntroducîorv Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. N ane -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Address.-------------------------------------------- SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST Question:t What kinti of scrap rubber la needed? Answer - Every all-rubber or part-%7ubbcý article must be salvageti. Here are a few of the articles you. must turn in: Old Tires of every kinti Rubbers 014 Inner Tubes Overshoes Rubber Boots, Hats, Conta, Aprons, Pants, Gloves, Tubing, Matting, Toys Sport Shoes (crepe soles are especially goodi> Garden Hose Hot Water Botties S tair Treads Bathing Caps andi many other articles Question: What happenýs ta the serap rubber collecteti? An5wer: Tic scmap 15 sorteti, baled anti as- sembieti into carloati lots anti is then purchaseti by the Gevemment at fixeti prices throughout Canada. The Goverrment pays ferwarding transportation charges on these carloati lots, anti la responsible for their allocation. You may be sure that every pounti will be useti tirectly or indirectly la the war effort. Question:- How do 1 go about saving scrap rubber,? Answer. Start humtîng for it TODAY. Cîcan out ycur cellars, attics, garages anti shedis right away. Yeu will finti more rubbcr articles than you expect. Start thsema-al on ticir way to tic battlefronit. Private Ambulance bést « good --- 1 - -- l ï

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