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Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1942, p. 1

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E Vol. 6. No. 18. 0OPR0N0, 0NT., TF- -1 U i,> , M AY 9-1l-t, 1942. SmalI Turnout Attends Meeting To HeIp Make Prepai Plans Are Underway To - Form A Civilian Defence Committee In Oronoi s'yChief Friend and Mr. Affleck' of Oshawa Tell How To Formn Unit Only about eig'hLeiI or twenty- -tu'rned eut te h eto on Tues- day evening last for the purpose cf listening te A.R.P. 'woilkers friomi- -saawhe gav,,e of their tume te ,show% the people et Oreno how (his -woik is carried on. These p)resentý -were very entiusiastie about the wwerk and there wîII seen lie an or- ~anzatonin Orone, if it dors net ial threugýh, se as ta be readyj in caýPse our village is ever attacked. Chief Friend, cf Oshawa, strrssed ~this peint, "that wvhile Oreoi is net classed as a vuinerable area, .our' village i'ght rot lie struck, but te lbe on the safe side, it isý better te Je prepare'd for an ' tta c!k -which iniglt not materialize, than net te lie prepared anid be aHakd"fe said ýOshawa district was classed as a vuflnerable area, an'd planes on their 'w.ay ýte Oshawa, travelling- in the ý--arsk, mig-ht 'drop a f ew fire bomfbs or a high explosive on our village. P'ilots lionibia'g at niight are net sure( just exactly where their targ1et is, an'd(t meous times boins ludp miles away froi the target area. Chef Friend to'id cf their set-up) in Oshawa. Thiere are five services, iade rap of the police service2, fire ,service, miedical, public utilities anid cthe transpert service. This set-up ýia een approved by the Domini nd Provincýial gov-ernm-en'tý. HIl vaid a lot cf werk is needed ta formi Sthiese services te have themi working- -efficintly. tlThe Slartal ms tadI'e the basic traininýg, then they 'aformed into their owai groups. Chief Friend adv'ised the follow- mgset-u-p fer Oi;oio: As yeu'hv avolint'ary fire i'adeof trwelve -neeibers, add twelve or mnore aux- îiiary firemien and have a couple o>f the rrnen visit the Oshawa fire ehcief 'where they would lie given in- structions and they wýouid be able te each thse others ail that is re- .quired for, the fire fliglters. ThrPee or four auxiliary 'police ,ýwoulbd have te ie aveora ln as con- stables, -which would give the ýmea mi-ore power ýte art, a s thse pelice force needs g-reat authority in a bomhling raid. lun the miedical service, you would have- your doctors, and alon'g with th ei you woied need more men for- flrst aid work, These maen, aftert t-hey have been cleseu,nust lie raedin first aid work se as te be Jhighly efficieut. The public utilities vell consist ef n-en for telephone and hydre repair- ing, carpenters, 'bricklayers, etc. 'The tanpontin u Oronio wouid be ver-y sinmle, but is verv nec essa1ry. Hlave people -with trucks and cars te move people fromn place ta place. M\esseng1erýs are aise very nleces- sary ta have, and asý you have a bjoy scouts organizatji, these boys xith wheeis couid 'be used te ru-n miessag-es fromn one part of the Vil- lag1e Vo anot1her pa rt. 'Chief Friend said that the air radwardCern is the eyes and ears et the org.aizationi, anid for this pas1- tienl you must 'ave a good mnan, fo", if lie were teý falcwn, the whole organization would. faîl thriough, foir he is the mian who puts the whole or- g)anization in nmotion lb case 2a raid is approaching. In Orenoeonly twe areas would be needed, one in the neorth ward and one in the seuth ward. iMr. Affieck, aise an air raid war- den, demenstrated the work cf areas (Ccntiaued on page four) JOHN F. MeMILLAN There passed away la Cobourg an Saturday, May l6th, la bis S6th yeari a muIch res.pected Citizen la the pei- son of Jchn FallisMMianwo lias liera for- tie past ti-yfu y ears the efficient superintendent et tise Countie re a ýt ur.Be- fore meroving te'Goburg lieva sucrs'lfariner in Clarkrýc Towia-51 ship, where for man11Y yearIs lhe tok- an active iatret a muicipal ai- 'fairs, srrvh i1-- on the Township Council adrersntn is To'wn- slp as Dçpuity Ree(ve and Reeve ln thle Gounit{rs Counctil. Mrs. iMcXMililan, who 'before heri m11a rr iae wa S jeaie "Patterson, predecrased heri huslband t reve yea:'rs, and thry leave surviving' two sons anîd foui- daughters, Mi s. Lulu Multtteni, et Colliorne; Foec n Carl rM\,cMillani, of Toronito; _Mrs. Renia Thenapsen, tise preseat capable paton et the Home at Cobourg; Clarenrce ofilae Cobourg, but at preseat with thie'Caniadian Active Amry la England, andi JMrs, Beraice Maiser of rCobourg; he is aise sur- vived by twrive grandchildren. At tise funeral service on Monday vere preseat friends from ail parts cf tise Uniterd KCounirs c-f Northui- berland and Durlsam. The floral cf- ferin'gs wvere miany andi beautiful, and interasent teok place in Orono Cemtery where a lange number of bala&e Towrship friends had gaths ererd. Owing te tise 24th cf Mayfain oni a runda tisi yens', the day velu le ecelebratperd on _Monday. Hoistein-Friesian Breeders Toý Donate Hoistein Caif H'olsteii-Fiesianï breeders of Dur- type but Is backed byv some(- f the liami, Northumnberland and Prince brieedls m'st otstanding ajnimais. IEdward Counties are co-eper ating Shie is sired by a son of Montvic te donate a higl I cass purebred R1oi- Bonhieur Petje B., the ail-Amieican ùti aft esl aewrE- four year oidcl f 1941 and wvinner o)f fort Calf Aibtion wrhc~h is ¶l3ing held two Superior Production cer-tificates. in conjunition with the National Rer 'dam, a daug-hter eof'Man-O-War Rocistein Sale at Brainpton, Ont., on Dictator, is a two year aild now on M'ay 27th. Last year tVhr-orghi the test an.d her dam m iade 538 'Ib. fat as sale cf 'calves and donations, Cana- a fou~r year old and is a 4an'ghter of ian Rolstein breeders raised $11,- the amUs ie i1PnySgs '986.G6, wlich was sent te Eng-land ýC. D. Graham,ý Chiei, Ontario Hl- and used chiefly for shipwrecked stein Extension Service and Secre- inariners' relief dsnds. TLhe gross tary of the War Effort Caif Auction receipts frin the sale of tihe fifteen Coism-ittee, states tihut ail ffteen ,ca'ves being ýdonated by the 'ounty heifers donated for sale of similar I-oistein Clubls in 'Ontario this year hîgh quality. Neot cniy dees M-,e -g-171 lie used for the saine punlpose. sale off er an unusually fine oppor- '~The calf to represent the breeders tunity te liuy the ehoicest of Hol- of this district was seiectud in 'the stein heifers but at the samne timie herd cf J. D. Brown, Orono, Ont., take active pant in a imost wvorthy aIid is not eiy a hifer of aplendid patriotic project. A BRITISH1 R.A.F. WING INRUSA MEN AND MACHINES Ononein of the, task ofas4 t n the î,ussians anree a German drive agaýinsft 3Lur ,ans'k, aind of deinonstiating "Hiuricane figierair'- cr-aft ta societ Air Forceý pelssonnel, Noj. 151 Wing of the R..F ecent- ly rturnd[ot Britaýin, as agreVI h the Sorviet 'Govern'n.Bfr leaving Russia they hne over th ir iair jcaft aind eq mn to the ,SovietAir oiesinlce-s leetd ylrg eivre ram Brîtain cf"uriae" Pitue hosA"urcn"fg e in iusdesalbaýy at tlhe air- fleld in Northerni Russ-ia useud by thO. RP.A.F. Canada's War Effort A mweekly reviçew raf (drveiorpments on the home fr-ont, rom May 7 te M),ay 14, 1942. 1. As squlte 6-4 plýeret"e" vote 0on plebsitPrime Miister. 'Maýckeaizie Kngintrodu-ces Govrrn- mlentmesuesi te usof Com1- nionîes dele2ting cauý tiee frw-in a Under this casicaraldup lfor auo be sent overses. Resigationannonceriet Hn. P. J.-A Carclin, Maitr cf Pui)c Wors 1ad Transport. 2Twoshp sunkls y enerny suib- mnarine lan St. Lavrenc Rier. our teen unofficially reyo0!t e d dead or 3Thousaads of reinfocmet for aaas landc and air fares ar- rive la Great Britain. 4. By end et the pre--sent fiscal year Canda epect te ave a lnavy et 500 ships and strrngth of about 44,000 men. 'Personnel wililbe la- creased ba the saine period by 131000 officers and men. -Nearly 100 s'hips yul lie added. Naval atrength % wbea war began was personnel, 1,774; ships, 15. 5. Air Farce Points :i 'Strength of R.C.A.F. over 115,000 exclsiveet omiei an'd attachbed Australian, Newe Zealaaid and British personnel.i Al $4$2M 00MO programme cof balding hme deene airdromes on1 Eat and West wcasis under veay. Ml4ore- spcecliard traialng .to- beI givrai in traiing plan sehioals. Air ranizgplan graduates fly- igand iflhting weev R.A.F. (Ce squadron of Canadians aper- ainla Far Easýt; twýo squ'adren.s la Near EaSt. 6. GafineI( ration fer Un ited" Stetes and otiser teurists la Cunada ta be datclyredurced )an May 15. New regulations velu mean rer'otig and rescheduliag of mnaay bus srr- vices -with abolitien cf dupiicating ruas. Wartime centrais ever taxi services tigl'tenied. 7. Can'ada's doeti xperts, ex- clusive et'giold, valurd atl, 8,4, 708 la April ceipared with $175,- 481,759 in the prervieus m.enth ar $11G,932ý,S57 in correspending month last year. 8. Pierre Dupiiy, Canadlian envoy te, Vichy, in Ottawea for consultations wit>i the Prine Minitsen. Orono Red Cross District { Scouts And Cuide )ai Needs $800 By June 1ist 'On îSatulrday, -May 5h !Scouts Jam-iboree wil ber heid o. Wr al like te believe tisatve'eFi Grounds anad Scouts CIl ichly cadoeyd vith the "Quality cf1 prescint frein Beiman ville, Mery", . . den't we'? If ver hap- Prrry and Oronlo. peared on a niian, flouandering bya At 12.30U .tise Scouts will Lis depthin a a river wed try a-ad semble, and at 1.30 theyvelf helrp hlm eut; if a rhild cause ru- i eviras follow-ed hy a car Mil aing te us ith a 'eut han'd, ve'd silence la honor et Frerborar luost certainlly a"pply first aid. Ansd-vle a Scouiter kilird 0on acLtivr if semeone appraird ta uls Lor foed lvi Ce". Wod u e kuy u myfo The programme fer the aftr The answer is ebvious. It is bu-n-I yul cansist af [the falleving:1 mnassnature teavant to eiep cut! ighth re-cýornered tug cf 'Tite Red Cross is an organizatien ,sack rc kitesaqtr oudcedatd to the answerig oet rveryin firaýt aid deronstration, cry for help. And as tie vear grows, pace, lnat rlay, message reix: and spreads uin initen'sity, se thase ap- yac and sigaaliing. peams dease. Yet they imuist bc, is ae Gr uieel answrrerd, al cf tliseri.Te ilGds wl a bey ? A mMin and a bau vol- thieir spor-ts la tise atterneco untar work ainCnada, arr liter- the Fair Grounds., and xveili untaryll veorkeiis al-y veeiking night and day tutefra sart:.ba gaeilatiseevin eut bandages, flrst aid supplies.prk veannirlethiag an'd countless otisr Ervrryoise 'vise man arr ushi necessitrs, tu lie reariy, wenhrtiee cpreset fer tise sports in t nerd arises. ternoon. Prizes wili ber giveni Todayver coerte you vitis an aportin,- events. mugnt appral for $P,000,000. Out cf siseer gratitude for env itise ioat yen rais trerdoin, our, safety, let us give viti Tise objective for, Oreno an( tremiendosis geaersitîy. Let us shiow trict is $1,000. Se tairver our seldiers aad aimasen that themr raiserd $200.00, and ver have to sacrifice . . . . yers . . . . and their lst te compirte tise canyass, survival . . . . cormes flrst, vitis racl wr do bis ? Yes vwercau, but as-d every o-ar cf us, They are pre- if rvrryonr ývel give somiethin pared te die. Let us be preparerd te miatter hoy aial, and t'h14 Give! rail for tis wotisy cause vell 'Give veisat -yeu can, ht let it ber ber realizerd, ây ,tise on tise ,il b e ~POPt .1as- hioli ai lnute's Col- vr arr,- ernoonl Piliow 'IVaru ligbit- Scouts ay, re- io held n1 l1s d a y Li un tise sd te the af- in the Mrs. T. C. Young, T Guest Speaker Gives. Lteresting Talk 0 India and Other Places..Iâ%FL;y In The East Tse two German Frýederjrk Oeser, a The fourtueenh atnnual mi-eeting of er,-ndLieut,. E Oshavea Pre2shLyterial et the W-o- mutch %%Ilo esca1pe< man's Misýsionary Seciety cf thema nemntc United Church cf Canada ýveas heldf ville en Wednesday ini Neweastle Unterd Chlitl, 1\Ma 1y 15, with ain ecellent a tte ndaniice. weure recapturied on Mrs. Gea. HeneyK, President, presided ai futile attenipt te at beth sesisens. Coulitry. The noering sssio.oned with Orser-as captui anl organ reentai b Mrs. E. C. Fish- and tisis veas bis th er, hyinns and praycr led by Miss 1. dm Le1a u LanNevtanville. Mrs. Grifin, cf box ranùitaining'war: Port Perry, Mrs. Raticliffe, et Col- C.N.R. y'ards ut Be umibus, and Mi 'ss Ma1y Browna, Green- wao, ere nanird for the courtesy wa'ýs noticed by Lar ýommi'ittee. MsM.IR. Stples, f lEiath, whe wor Orono, 'and Mrs. C. Burley, Ne,,wtcn- The.se twe men beý ville, verre appointed te the reselu- of hlmi and asked1 tiens cemrm'iittr'e. tratien card, xLich Worsisip service was la charge cf producýe. They ther Maple Grove Auxiiiary. The themne te an office -\ehere h( "Hanids," chalieaged these present to tified ýby the provi ,greater activity la Gad's kingdomi. wa Veli -equiped fý Mrs. N. Allia veelconird the ladies1 had ýwith hlmi 15 te Newcastle United Church. A somle bologna, a miessage freIn Miss E. Dunoon, Bay jà<kiepir of Quinte Branch veas read. jackkiv',rieitoa s ai The report of the Preslbyteriai oniyida e sai LrryCimittee which coaitaineri0 te Cerany. H1e s'ai _uls regarding circulatinn, _acbdi- de-w-abv a Seitfire i Standing ý coin" Mrs. W. W. Ger J-res1en te d thse "P nd Wind-or cit' "Stery a oftise Ya, ceigthe ax year'l-s work et Oshaw Pesytrîl. Gatemlan Ga We can see, thr outward visibleu Par1-t lhe eas an uneaiplo. but ve canl m11euas-ýur1e thile ininer sa ýlilor1. Billings tOok -j spiritual inspirations ,anr-dedc-pictu'es etf'the escýa tiolis. Twenty-flve aftrnoon auxil- wer-e given te Mm ar ii iaries, four affilhaterd soc(ieties 'and Wlemtu was ti sevra rveing auxiliaries have a fie was taken tetlise total inemhership et 1281. Wr ea r e office in the sain .'lad te veelcome la o this society tise ielpnd sttina, fellowin- nrw erg-anizatienis :Blrar'k- Det.-Sergt. Joùh NIi s tnk Misin and; Br-otgha'mi-, C.G.I.T. grcup, veiinisaffiated veithwaetis opnn W.M.S.; St. Andre-w's, iOshawa, M i s- mutch wanted te be sica Banc! anr iBby BranIid; Bnniskil- -These tisse Gensian ira, Baby Band; Triniity, Beveman- freani the camp ýby bi( 'ville, D, eninb Auxiiiarly; 1B!rketen in a p1ciîg box. I a-ad E n fid, Affiliatecd Societies;. ,trll boxes werr beiag CioNer co-operatien i s show-a n b r- tisecamp wes an e- tween tise parent auxiliarira andi the youn-Lrgi-opsadded vith tise tveo ( youaer eps. nraeintemn-making elerven cases t Thee i a inreae a tse un- avay, veiics serins 'ber cf affiliaterd C. G..T.g r o upa). isew aslxrs Elevea cf tise 29 -Mission Bands re- hrews1xe o ýcnived tise Certifieate et Recognition. sonseene in ch-eckiing There was-an inciea;e 'et 102 is the Et l'a reportrd that - moiber-shiip et Baby Bands and an sonaers are being, rein increase ila gvinrgs etf$13.60. Therel n l*Noisr are eigit AMission Circeýs wt 134i their chances ofetraa (Coentinurd on page eigist) iikely. Oroino W.C.T.UU. Elect Oîff icers For Tise Womian's Chriistiani Temiper-'1 ir(e Unio n imeetinig waa held on, uesday, Ma- 1l9tis, a h oe [r-s. R. Rainey, vwitns t1isepiresýident, lms Wacsepsraidis-s-. Tise devotionai peried s-sas ýtakea y irse Littewood, w-ho gave a sort u red nrtitierd "Lite is a Gar- en". Sise then foioverd xvetis tise empture reading ad commuentatise semier ibeiaig "wisatsoeever a iaia oweth that shall he aisc ea. 'be rsoul cal was aasweed y clip- ings on tise rHquer prablein or ver- hreld at Oshav a en MaLy 27th, thie drî,gatýe venition i's Mrs. b!Rew LT gt isean-uail niual rprsvregivenI tferent ofcesand supew Tise election et affiner' 'Presýident - Mrs. H. lst Vice-Pres. -Mrsý 211dlVice-pres. -Mis Ren. Secý. - Mrs. R. B Subscri

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