THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Thuriisdaiy mornin1g at the Times Office Orono1, 'naj ites on reqiiest Subscription, $1.25 tions to the UniCéd States, $2.00 ig Wil Receive Our Prom-pt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publishier w, or should we udtoi. We hear a gooud de(al of talk with regaiid to the war, Somne (f the people are t ele gGvermunent should loosen nup and -ive us iga that aregin on in our- own co'utry byv alien re of the opinion that if this was dloue, the people ealize a' the more that there is a -%ar on, asudc ling to give greater 'help; -while other people are the less we know about things the lietter we are. î Canning oncerued it fa feit that encourv- coîan-unitlea to be, lu so f ar as es,' the Agricuitural Supplies Id aid mnaterially la limiting un- iconserving family purchasinig ncreased nuuniber of ity vege- ffort in the ýcities la at present einou4g~h vegetable aeed for 1942 mll for somle ereps, and it seeins rves against -possible seeci crop 1 sprays are madle froem mater- )rt andi it s la u-Potant to avoid '.On the other hand, it is net e, un the past, successfully ipe- garden. Iu fact, tlhey shlod lie should ipmn-ent , how- 3s gars 11'flW, SP is att Pl-lent is avai1able. As the supply of , only those -who already posseas pues- in the ipast bave suclessfully used tLhe hot position te eau vegetables this year. Lu atoes, 'whieh canrlie suceýessfuhIy canueci se will be released by the Board, if -ne- o take care of auy anti'cipated suplus lu expeted r-eduction lu the availtabe tin- recaae in availaîbie supplies. not Pay For Blood price on blood and thec Domiinion goveru- ur armed forcees oulty attempts Vo give who are prepareci to die for dernocra'cy, ýision for their dependeuts. Inloth re- s miost favorably with auy of the united esa of the Canadian figqtiirg forces is more ,ae iu the Uiteci States sud of ail our Canada. married and with two 'hildren, reeives ýces cf $3.?5 peu- day whenci living in quar- gý at hcmle or eut cf quartera. On a. ,ae of $1,182.50 and $1,547.50 respeetively. othiug, mledical and othier perquisites, ka up Vo an ordlinary sergeant, as thous- ýportuuity cf coiug, bis yearly remunera- rates, and do not li r, a second lieutenant, at $2,400 per year weheni qg eut. A colonel wvith 3,0.0respectivel'y. Al Special allowan(ea for rnis are not nig-gardly. For mnany of t.hose men in dquarters dùuties lun'Cantada and wli,-,o are noV suJect sk than 6ordînary civiliansý, tlhe reniuneration plus ier,- her than -what thcey actually earneci prlor to j'oininig the ,lers, tihose 'going on active service; there is no attempt for the risk. That is scomethiug that cannot lie mca- s sud1 cents. It ilaaan outigh-t sacrifice offered to de- Y. Ai h Tht any government (eau hope te, do la Vo offer Àle depcnidets of its defend(ersï and, , afteri the warý, lelp to adjuat iVhem.ilse(-,ves Vo civilian if e. -iaca ot *j * * * A New T'empo-Coming y bie roomi for argument about the dist-ane uowsep- [a from anu ail-out wnrc effort. But we know that the udition 0.f war niaterials has grown Vto enormous 'pro- htthe coat of mlaiutai-ning- our armied forces la in- ,tro ftt I'ytlog o silb ter of f t, iventhouh soe citizena may tl i Vh theeimeasur-emlents of Cauada's wacffotft, the at- t Ganadianismust have been sharply seiýzed wheu iney, General Chairnan of Vise National WarFiac ated recently: "Fioul now on, Ganadians, lu order to iirments of the Governmiient, -wil ueed to double, or nble, thse amelunt of current savings at present being ctor), Bondsl, WaMr Savings Certifleates sud War Sar- taeCauadianls will ith dutring hL comning rr 'effort, oranythîn'g the amount of nmey the amount of money l'. o that, we face a Pro- eau chi'h caîls for a igned 1& give citizens v i lumting the cos rut cf wa finance, tise Jrtuduiag tIse fiscal1 ur rntenlsity accrus ilu eýh a cQu ledojetv o al-eut lu prodlciing essauy to deliver those inion WHi llikly find iV geuluity te hclp Cana- d te finance thut ahl- Plans Are Underway to Form a Civilian lDe- f ence Unit Ir, Orono (Conitinue for pae ue bmasthlat hebhd ith him. Eal he'araidI is goinig onl. Their woirk is to cec ipol-n, uybusto scif tercelri, suitiAbI.'l ori a shlter. Whenila ibnib rops in"n part of the ýcity, thewadnire- iately eusil]wrdto th, post 'a111 theneear people are sen't to) that aIrea to what work is "ecessr .Mr AffiecIk saIid thatt1ehe ldie tke anl impýor-tant par-t in ThI( are tindto hnde ire ;bomIIbs give first idl, andf alsýo te look after any wmnthat needa taking care c' also the 'children. They are also used for any clerical work. He told thalt the concuission from iia 1000 pound bouTh weouid level every building in a bloek, and shatter glass in buiildiigs ifor five 'blocksa. 11e th'rotigbt that the 'biggest danger in Canada would be from fire bom)b,. and that 2a'ch plane could carry 2,00 of these, which would cause as niiiuch darmage or even mrore than a high explosive boilli. At the end of themetn it was miloved by R. E. Logan and secon'ded hy Chiarles 'Tyrrel, that -Messrs. G. M. Linton, C. S. MoILar-en, J. J. Mel- lor, 0. Cooper and O. W. Rolph, lie a central conm'iiiittee to appoint a cetral def once cemlittee, that Wil1 lie responsible for laying, the ground woorktefoorm this organizatiori. MNr. J. J. Mellor ex-tended a vote aï thank.s to Chief Friend and -Mr. Affieclk for comring to Oreno to ex- plain ail about the A.R.P. work. Mr. andc Mrs. G. E. Sweanlor, o'f Port Hope, receiveti word that fromk their soni, Pilot Office-r George J. Sweauor, that he had arived safely in Euglîand. Befor-e enlisting in the flying corps he -was enrployed by the Royal Bank. Try us with your printing order. The Port il pe e team of the I....attended Orono Lodgu on Wednad'a,eVeninig lst ad Con1- ferrd th secnd dgree on four Paik Street Sunlday Schll arel, hligtheuir ninar nSunl- Ver secalservies ('f interest to aP,f, the (2YOualg Us tto the (oldest , are An-eprtin h de venling9 srceRe.\. Grifithi, a foiýrraso heeand now of 'Fiity Cl.rurch, [Bomavi-l, ill ýbe the guest qpeaker. A hecarty invitation is ex- tenided to everyone. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F SUSANNAHj COBBLEDICK, late of 'the Village of Orono, in the County of Dur- ham, Widow, deceased: Ail persona havilug daimis againat the Estate of the saic S'usannah Cobbledick, who dieci on or about the 2nd day; cf Feýbruairy, 1942, are h'ereby uotified te 'senc te tIseunuder- sigueci Soliitor ou or ýbefere the First day -of June, 1942, their naines suid addresýses aud full particulars of their clainis aud the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, diuly verified by statutory declara- tien. Immed-i-(iately after the First day cf June, 1942, the assets of the said deceased i will be distributedam g the p)arties entitled thereto, haviug re2gard only te the dlaims of wiCh the Execeutors or the umdersigued Solicitor s-hahl Uhen have notice. Dateci at Orono this 12Vh day of May, 1942. JOHN H. MORRIS, Orono, Ont. W. NEWTON COBRLEDICK Orono, Ont. Executors. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont. qolicito)r f or the Executers WANTED) TO BUY SmaIll bousýe, four or five ros in Oronio. Apply ait Timei(s offiece LO0ST- Broýwn Terrier, sothair, goesý by.ý ile namec of "Gip." Reward. Mrs,. Dawes, Oronlo.a-8p COMING EVENTS The -annual StrnwbvlerrY Festival ùf Park ,Str. United OChurch will be heid on Wed,(nesday, June 17th. FOR SALE OR REN$P Framie lYwelling.,, cenitrally locatedl in Orono, m'odern conrveniences. Ap- ply Kathleen ýStaples, Port Hope. c-20-c. FOR SALE Six flsundred feet of Copper Light- ning Rod Wire, ,vith five Lightning Arrester Posts. in «ood condition. Apply at the Timies office. c-W9-p. DANCE Under the aus<pices of the Board 0,f Management of Newcastle Comi- m-unîity Hall, -vill 'be heild in the Comnmunity HaI, Newcastle, on ýthe efvening of Friday, May 29th, cora- mueing at 9.00 p.m. Rusa Creighi- ton and his Variety Band in attend-, ance. Admission, 50c. per personi. FOR SALE Baby Chieks and Hatehing Eggs, White Leghorns and Rocks; blood- tested flocks; R.O.P. sired; large fowl; large egg sets. Customers are booking their orderas to avoid dis- appointmnent as wve intend to stop hatching early thi-s year. Ail eggs are produced on our farmn. ALVIN CLEMENS Phonie 2433, Bowrnanville. Farma near Hampton. tU CUPIGARD GUIULI G! MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYICANand SUR GEON PHIONE 47r1 ORONO DENTAL DR. R. O. DICKSON Dentist' Office -our!s: Mûlnday to Saturday (inclusive>, 9.00 am to 5.00 ýP.m. 'Wednesday: 9.00 a.m-i. Vo 12.00 parn.. For apipointmnent telephone 18 r 1 VETERINARY Wiffred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office : Main St. Orono Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John J. Gilfillan, Phm. B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRSI L-centiate of the Collkgeo f Opton.. etry of Ontario office b-Iurc: 10) to 12 a.M. sand 2 to 4.30 p.m sund by appoinitn Office -in 0. B. Tyrrel',e,- Drug Store Phone 68r2 J. C. GIAMEY INSURAINCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile aird Liability Oron - - Ontario AUCTIGNEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Ooaductas Auction Siales of aUI imw and at reazonable rates. Comxunicate wit.h hini at 1>ot 'N Porry, On tario, or ses lis Olsk, A. E. Morton, at Orono, for dat.. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker Ail Re'paira to Watchea, cloche, end Jewellery, wiIl receive Our Prompt attention F. F. Morris & Son Funeral DirectorsI Furnitur-e Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Oronio Phones: Bowmianville. Day 480 Nighit, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oidest, Largest andi Most Complete Furniture Store andi Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Service-THE BEST Our Goods-TFIE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOW EST IBOWMAVILLE -&SINO Couinty and District G. L. Brackenbury, principal of" Port HopIe high sehiool for Llie past eight years, wîill leave at the end of thle presen1t te.lie will be suc.- cdd by W. S. Bakprincipli of the Liglh icos at Porcuipine anld Co)uj1cillor DeLlnty, of Cobou-rg-, was f udnot. guiiltLy on urda afternoon, AMay 7, xvhen AMagistr-ate R. B. Raixter preseutpd hisjumet on the 'charge of leaving srcnn in a place -Where it was accessible 'Go animnals. The dhar-ge was laid by police after a numiber of doga in that town were alleged to havre been poi.. son'ed at Janluary. Mr. Delanty said tLhat poison 'was bougbt for r3ata that 'were atealing imeat in his back shed. k- -Cuphoard Quislirigs"! Is that toa hard a narne for people who selfishly lay ini uannecessary stocks cf clothes or food, or other goods for fear cf shortages? No! The namne is riot toc hard, everi though it mray be earried through thoughtlessrLess. For ini reality they are doing, ini a petty, mreari way, what the Quis- linig does ini the openi. Anycrie who buys more thari is riecessary for currerit needs- Is breaking his country's law for porsoncal adyantage. Is botrayirLg his layal neighbaurs anLd thase who are not sa weil off as ho. Is, in ef foot, depriving aur fighting men of the munitions and supplies thoy rmust have ta defend us. Is hindering aur war ef fart and helping aur enemaies, Loyal citizeris avoid putting urirecessary anid abnorrnal strairis crn ur factories. Ini time of war, loyal citizens do riot sperid one dollar more crn civiliari goods thar, is absolutely riecessary for currerit reeds. The law provÎdes for finies up to $5 ,000 and irnprison- ment up to two years for hoardirig; and hoarding is just ariother word for unnecessary self ish buying. Iu cc-ses wh-)ere îtit la avisable for you to buy lunctdvance of your immrediate requiremneuts - such as your uoxt seasou's Cocil supply - you wifl l e eucouraged to do so by direct statemnent from, respousible officials. OTTAWA, CNADA IE Oreno ORONC) [ PARK STREET