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Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1942, p. 8

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OONO WEEKLY TIME%, page ~Presî pôrtul TO JO~ ~ on 3 omer 1941.EIfClaýsussni home nursin'gnd first' t 1942 rrmab in aid udutrition are trcaining theus- of 191 the ai- ancis etfwen, m iauy oet wom eau hob met. use tibeir n>lew-found nolege to nimendeci the , alvantage in wr ctviIe. uthe "Opprtunties 4 Rd Cross eutpest bospitals 42,'- iuxliris my 36patients were treated hst yeai forinrese nsd anotiier 42,012 patients were éatu e of the treateci in trunv bi i g clinics. Thle atu o theSeapm tNursery a5V Haifax aided Lwork hetweeun over 1,800 aduits sud chilciren who Lern Scos arrived lu Canada lu 1941 wvhile the te the mneeting Ju'nior PRed Cross Cr'ipplled Chu.- coen asheciOte dre's Fmud 'provideci medical care tivos preparo foi-1,544 handlcaped ehlîdren. n-, thc answers These, a, few of thc peace-tim-e ne pages iu the tivities of tihe Red Cr-oss, mnust be esatrn sudof ontinucd eceu lu tim-e (0f war. In Wstern, the a ýsking the Caniadian people te give on eit'er sicie $9A000,000 tllat its wý\ork msay hi sja oultstau- arieci on dmCig the uext year, th hed before the Redi Crozss blas made provisien f or aiment 100 per conirasinof AtSotl homne ser vices as 'wel as the services ýýarisiuj son. BoLiwmnanil- I ut etthewar. Se ss ion WaýlS cond-uctec Od, 0!ro1o, duriug" Dru'manond sang- 1Rege(rs iutrodluced theý r, Ms. T. 'C. Young, of ) Irals for'merily prinlci- dem-1- Sehool for girls inl seting VIe Pehtr fU.S. MlIrs. Young saici Kenneth Willhins, of BIomnsffild, waIineýd $50 and costs or 60( days imprisoniment by aisrt Smoke in Counrg , polie court on Friday last on1 aChangerous diirgcount. T7he charge was laid 'againsýt Wil- liamsu as o'wier (fi a car dlriven by MrIjs. Lcui'se Johns, of Treniton, who was killed in the accident. Mrs. Johns had fbacked the car out onto the highway fromi a servie stationu when it -was stru'c¶k by ia transport, which had no chance at 'ail Voaod the- crash.r. Johns died of in- juries after the accident. ,Newcastle. Election ocf officers resulted as fol- President - Mrs. Geo.1 Newcastle. let - Mus. S. Littlewoo, ie is k st vice4'-resident -MISs. C. G. wol.Park, WliVhby. hecther . 211,!vice-Presideut -Mus. L, W. ed by Tre-asur.er -NMis. G. Gay, Osb- A s Secretarýies- Chrî- Rcoring--Mrs. S. W. MKon siei,., w')r1; only secý's aI; Mir live's. i)o have gi Corrspodiu - rs.W. WV. Ge ne Mrs. J.v.Mely19 n 'St. E.,Osa . MisionCirles - Miss May C.GI.. -Mis I FeemnBow- mnivihhe R.R. 3. B'ab)y PBaudlfs - Ms onMK Elles- lMms. W. P Vrs. N. J. White, eti ett, 5'2 Sirncoe St. S., Osh- ture - Mrs. C. R. Car'scail- -- Mrs. J. Ward, Whl-itby. esaulflC e sud Christisu Citi- Mr.W. N. Afflecle, OsIýb- wcas-1 ele) Gr'ia:t asiree diniands of war, Caadan tiIlineeci0the services ýo'f ho Caadian iRed 'Cross on the homte nlities teont. 'Ouposýt bospitals across %- of1 rend- Cndas ortb1ern lfrontier mua-stt-be heaf o atied anCI travelling nmedical (nddenal clîniies must stii -viit wponce t os ond ,cfsett'lers zli s saresely and bls etiiregio)ns. Thie 'Goodi Citizen- idNew-shp pogram 0f ,ýteu nior Red 192on- Crss ith its 90ý0,00f0 mibeslu ired trom i îgb schýeoolsand strondaiy achools ý),natMUstgo 0on. ofeen an While emphas-2isnlaRýc CCross ýworký of. sTudy a.t tîtinte is ou ser1vice to e he mo oMissionl- of, Cana a'samed forces and the te World l,ietf 0f civilianis and refugees lu distress oversoas, the peacetime ac- are Chingivmtues 0f the organisation are so eUtoti at vital t1at tbeýy imust ho contidnued. )PtA of 271 There are, for- examipie, tIc increas- Pu seial 1ingp ube of First A-id posts aVong lu 4eVen tCe main-travelled hîghways ef 'On- Cas nws British'ouii which are ssving they have h Oýýce let- V. uombl ccdns .0011moTb.eearen c tho oasaucis 0f visits e BMa n ade and ser'vices reuder.cd te tIc 113127 oea oclisc rs nsd the lasV liiwar, whvo aire confinec te iltary A -very pleasant eveiug -\as speutj last Fridsy lu VIe Orange Hall w,'heui the commuumity gathered te do lou- our te Gusr. Gordon Martinl, King- stLon, sud bis bride (nec Theluis BIodgett. The prograinmr cousisted et selecetiens by, Misses Mary Mer- ceri aud Agnesý White, isses Sophie Shutha sud Dorotby« Farrow, Misses Hazel sund Doreen Farrow; sud thc orch.estra, aise speeches, by thc chýaiýrýman sd ethers, The adrs was res"d hy _Mr, 'Clarence Thiirtehl1 sud was weirespondeci te by Pote. There was a large tablefuli et b)eautiful sud ueu it.Riefmesh- moIfnts were ser'ved ilsd the res.ýt et He eveujiug wss sperüitnlu anIcingý. COWANVILLE _Mr. Theedome Stephenýs bas chan- cd cars. Mr, Alfred Perriin, R.C.A.F., ,vill g'muaîIýte Vhis Saturîday utJavs Mr. aud IVrs. Cha s. Cowan visited withl at m W. A. Reid's re'centhy. Mr. sul(MrS. 'Carence Brey Dor-een and Kenneth, visited LitMr Wes. Stringer's cou Suuday. Mrv. sud Mrs. Leslie Reid went te homt-oo on Sundlay VoQ sec Mr. Sidney Reid, who bias just corne fuom South Msnsd'rs Andrew Baudy sud1 llanry, _Mr. sud Mrs. J. J. W. ýStrin- ger- visited at Mr. Raron'd Bmuce's o)n Suuday. 3Mr% anld Mss. A. T. Perin, of Tor- eInte), 1Mx. sud Mss. John Reid, of Bowravle visited ant Mr. W. A. Reuid's 0on Suudcay. Glad to report tihat Miss Phiiyllis Holnswrhis able te take a week's viit amo'eug ber people atter iearIy lfour- yearss luthceopia eo - England Building Underground Factories Unerrond faýctories 1smo1ah- ready iu use ilu Bitiain sd it is oudthlat subteirsanean coniditionis axe as atsacoiyas S'uface 2con- iitionsý, as f ar as tic werk1iug oet the nIost d1elicate teols Or the heshth et ho, wrokýes is concermned.i. oeeoe bese factories, wornen make up dxyocper cent of the epoe' suld take an equal sha roe et nigît Lhifts vvith meu. Another, 'wàich -wil ho) ready )~y Auigoust, covers several squaré nmiles; quarýteI.s fer- maririecd -oup'Ies, six hostels to accousme-ldatie ti thousand ipeople asud a canteeni çwicl wili serve 500 persens at a timne are beiug hauit. This fsctorýy r-Hke mnany others-bas been m-ade trous a disused quary and about a mrilioin tous 0f hoose stone lad te bc riem--oved betose the hay-out couldi be pIam-ued. 193 o. 'er, Jehu Yelland, mi iuty ice b)rown treut ut Ylbs measused 22 inches rock, caugil [iibroole, vi KENDAL Miss Agnles Whî-ite left on -Monday to workin .Pot Hope. P1te. Gilbert Greig has benh e onl fourteon days leave ufrom Edm(ii-on- ton. Bih Darhington has heen home for t short vctinbefore enltelrg the The youing folks put On their lay Eyes of Lov,"- at MaýLe Grove asst Wednesday and are putting it On At BlcskouniMay i,(andLat Nesn ville on IV'y 25th. The mionthi'ly lieetinig 0f thle W. 1. wvas held last WVednes'dsy the l3tb, With Mrs. Reg. Elliett, Our new1 pesident, in the chair. The other o)ffi!ers elected for. the year ar-e, vice- presideut, M-rs. Joh-n Pattnl; secre- tairy, Mrs. F. Stoker; treasurer, 'Mrs. L. Martineil; district director, Mrs. Wmi. Mercer; auditors, Miss Stewart anTd Mrs. Cornish; .honorary presi- dent, Mrs. Rey Mercer. The ppar$k comm-inittee held tbhi piniometing Monday evening. Due te thc recLnt passing of M.E. Luxon, the president, Mr. A. Tbomp- soni, vc-peiet vsin charge-. As there, are over twe hunidred dol1- lars en hand for tIe up-oe f the par-k, it was tbou-ght the,.proeeds thiis year hol go fer patriotie: work. A cailinmunity me1ýeting is te 1be ld Mondsy, Jmne îst, te eleeýt a loiÎttee Tor lthis yearii. WVe had, as guest speaker, Mrs. Godathe Distriict Pr-esident. Ia the coure of a very interstig talk shIe 1rnentioned 'that the wome eoft t- diay had really boecome efficienit, *tbey wero et "-,clinging vines" anyv more andi thait ne natýin coQld risc above the level of the home. Mi ïss Ailes White and Ms Myrtie Falls c ntertaineci withi duet "I was seeing Nellie Hme"accomipapie-d by 'Mrs. Wm Jackson at the orgý-a n. Miss SKate Stewart gave t aniamsiuig read- in-, entitled "Dumib Dora on the e War Edort." Theexas a l a rge attendanice and -we 1lad an enjoyable and helpfl a -fteruoon.ý cf the Unitedi Chcxncb will lbld their auuiversarly services at 2.ansd 7.30 p.mi., when the guest speaker will ho Rev. Dr. Olee 0f Wehcom-e. The supper ou-M.ay 25th ýwill he followed by a pla'y 'by the Keudal youug- peo- pIe, entitled "The Eyes cf Love" Mlr. sud Mrs. Wîlbur ffiance'dk, ef Peeboeàre .meving ijute their bious e in the village hc they pur- chased som'i-e timie ago from lMiss Lor-raine M\illigan. Mr-. und Mr-s. Daiina,iv(wbo were in 'Mi, Hancock's honse, have movcd into -Mr7Frak Ovnsiouse, which bas bcumade jlito amdm homou. On Fiday T(2eouiite p'upils of NewonvlieSclbool, directed Iby their taer*Mr. F. aeulnsd their miusic uevieMu. Neil Stewart,' pait on thle follewing cencert to rais1,Çe funmcis forer Redi Cross 'work. The chirman -iýliwss IHeury Whc-eler-. O Ca11nad, y Iah; duet, Shir-leyPye sudi, Evelyn 'Gordon; duet, Jean ýMii- ligiian sd MilcireciHoskin; a 'phay by theu junîors, "Examinatious'; chorus by seniors, "~On the Cool Atlantic Shiore," and "Lovely Night,"; choral redn,"The Hlighwatym-ani"; juinior, chorus, "Susie, Little Susieý," "iRobin Red1breiast" sud "Taine Fish"; folke (lance, "Oats, Peas, Beans sud Bar- loy"; play, "Don't ceuuit your chich- ens before they're hatcheci"; chorus by seniors, 'ýMy Pledlge 'te Canada"; Maypole 'danc e; recitation, Biily Lane; beys' chorus, "Foellow the piough"; quartette, Jae Joues, Mr gar-et Oveus, 'Bdua flenult and Jean Stscey. Thiere wvas a s~ed. dis- play etftthechiidrui's work. Keith Stapleten -won first prize on bis bivd bouse sud Keith MclVlury won first pize on his rope halter. STARK VILLE Mr. T. Mcllolm, cf Morrishi, witb Mr. and _Mis. 'Ethian Joues. Mr. su ad 'Mrs. Caries Tambiilyn sund babew, 0f Orono, withi Mrs. Mda Stark. Mr, and Mrs. A. Debson sud Mary Lou with arnsd Mis. Eci. Rutbve, of Zion. Mrnsd Mis. Ross Haliowell and Wýcsleyv Benisea spdnt Saiturtdty lu Peterboro.1 Mrs. S. G. Hallowvell bas returned freom a pesn holiday with Tor- enite frýienis. Mr. sud Mrs. Ethan Jouies sud famil'y witl Mm, sud Ms.Cecil Joues, Orono. Mr. sud Mrs. Walter Sinpson sud ofil tCanton, wlth 'Mr, and Mr.Bort Trimi. Mr. sud Mrs. Warr-en Carson sud famnilv with Msf. sud Mrs. Fred Wii- son et Perrytowui. Mr. Geo. Wilson, cf Perrytow'n, is speuidiug s few days with lis niece, Mss. Warren Carson. _Mr. sud Mrs. Lawrence Savery,l Jim sud Figin, cf Oshawa, 'witb Mr. acMs.Wmi. Savery. MrUs. Cloughcîif lhas returud to her homre in Toronto, laviug spent tlic pa-st two -weeks witl ber daug-h- tes, M-s. Gordon Trim. Messrs. 'Morley TRobinson, Calvin and M'\ussayi Dunu, Jack sud Wesley Beuson eujoyed a trip te Trenton an suCastleton ou Suuday. EVERY DAY LOW PRICESI On Your Favourite RemediesI 'NE WTON VILLE Mus. JarS.ouak anded the fa- nerai of M2,r. J. MeMillan at Cobourg. Rev. and IMrs. J., eaha visit- cd fiends in Bra>,icebridg,-e last weok. A numnber fromt here aittetnded. the WM..Presibyterial at ewa stl1e o n Friay. Mr. anddsMrs. Chll Lane visýited, ?rs.Henry Reichrah in Oshawa HTosp!ital. Miss MUargaret Neshtt has joined the Womae's Aaxiliary of the Cania- Jian Army. anrd sud Mrs. J.T. Barrie andi Mutrray -were Sunday giic'sts of Mr. and MmLý. Walter Co1uh, Orenib. Mis Wendy Graham sud Mr. Peter Grahax, of Bircehcliff, Toronto, are stayin'g with Mrs. Hamminond Brown. On Sunclay, May 3l,'st, Rev. Racke- hamn, of Hamnpton,ý will occapy the U. C. pulpit whrile Re-v. MocLachian preaches anniversary services at Hamipton. Mr. and Mrs But Caldlwell, Tor- outo, Mise Phyllis Carleton, of Orono anid Mr. 'Bud ald ell f Peterboro, Mr. and IMrArthur Belýl sud Dawu, of Bomuilvisiteci at'Mr.Geo). MacuGrcgz, oires, Harold EBurley, George Stone and Floyd Ilison, of Torou)ito, Llad ilîson and Keithi Bur1le, of Peterboro, and Pte. Ecigar, M1iisn wee t their respecive bernes here over Sunday. tMr. and -Mrs-. arolci slinnrer sud fam-ily, of Tyrone, and M sr. asud Mrs. Wm. Lakîe and fï'amil., of Ne\wcastl, iteteirmohr Mrs. Win. Lakre Sr. nt the homie of ber dlaighrter, Mrs. Alfred Browni, on Mother-'s Day. In thie United .Church pulpit Sn day eveniug, Rev. J. MLahu gave a scol-stirriing address on "The Lumîip 0f Sugar," expflsining the large quantities of sugar requireci for mutnitions an~d the enormous quantities of sugar wasted 0i male- ling alcohoL. 59c. PBo>ttle of 100 .-98e Cerýtified ý A.S.A. Tablets, bottie of 100 ..... ...-29e. Certified Beef, rou and Wine, 16 oz. bouttie.....55e. Fellow's Syrup of Hypo- phosphites, 14 oz. bottie for ......«...... .................. .39 +The Red Cross Society need $1,00O from Clarke Township in their present drive for funds. Give as much as you can NOW. CANDY SPECIAL Pull one-pound 'Milk Ch'oco- A q44, F010 ALBUM F REE. late or Frutit and Nut Bars, *WMfhe,* rol excellent for iicluditig in R~DeCOe soldier's pLgs. Eaeh 3.. PrT-ri*ed __________L__H RE CERTLFIED O Q oliyOk HEALTU SALTS SEND P HOTOS TO BOYS IN SERICI 8S ounice Decorated Tumibler FREE with eachi 16 oz. tin, both for .....................59c. SCOTTY BRITEN - WRITING PADS Tooth Paste, Tooth PowdIer, any size cleaus and brightens Ithe SPECIAL ............... .. ......9c teeth, 229c. tube or ini, Dee-Tee Envelopes to match, 2 for .......................... 55 pack of 25 ................. 5c. f~~rffF~"""I I Prescriptions a Spécialty Charles Tyrrel Agent for Jackmpan Flowers Phone 68 Orono Stedman's Floor Varnish A speedy and effective way to have floors and stairways fresh and shining. One price to ail, Per, quart ..... ........... ........69C. Kraft Paper Win.do-w Shadles, 3 feet wide, 6 feet long, can be tacked to any standard roller, ~co1ors cream, green or -white, each ........ 15c. Blind Rollers, standard size, comiplete wth brackets, each.. ...... ... ..... ........ 20c' Men's Summner Caps, cottoin material, plaids and checks, ail sizes, eaeh .... .............. 25c. Brock's Bird Seed, 10 oz. pkg., 2 for .......... 25c. Shirriff's Lemion Pie Filler, pkg.......... 14c. Durham or Canada Corn Star-ch, 2 pkgs,..... 19c. Rinso, large pkg. Special . ,..... ........... 25c. Shredded Cocoanut, miedium shred, lb ....... 19c. Crunchie Sweet Musta-rd Pickles, 19 oz. jar. Special ........ ....... .. ........... 23c. Sun-beam Seeded Raisins, 1-lb. pkg., 2 for.ý.... 35c. Kreemny Puifs (puffed wheat), bushel bag ... 50c. O.K. Laundry Soap, unwrapped, 3 bars..... 10c. Cakes, Duplex Creams. Week-end Special, Mb. 15c. Yodel Wafers (resemibles water ice wafers), lb 21c. Aylmier Tomiatoes, choice quality, large 28-ounce tins, 2 f or,...................... 25c. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE ORONO 5c. TO $100 STORE- j Motor Equipmient Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Punerai Directors and Purniture Dealers KINDINESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped to take care of the modest funeral at the most reasonable charge as %veli as the lar-gest snd miost exacting- Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephone ColIleet I.. . G The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Aln International Daily Newspaper is Truthful-~Constructive Uflbiased-Fle f rom Sensational. ism - Editorials Are Timeiy and Instructive, andi Its Daily Features, Together with dhe Weely Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The ----s-a--ciene-- u iish ----cie - One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Yer. Ir-troductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Address.--------------- SAMPLE CO Pils, large box .........47c, Puretest Yeast and Iron Trablets, bottie of 100 tab- lets .......................6.........(9c. Ironlized Yeast Tablets, bot- Ie of 60 tablets......Se. Puretest Syrup of Hypo)- phosphites, 16 oz. botie 98c. Tie ire> sudi. lix hoe requi Vhere bas num-rbor heokIs sol ptienis t( d 'J'83D lary -t - ------------------- ----------------- Bowmanville, Ont.

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