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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jun 1942, p. 5

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BRLNGS O R TO ORONO TIhe Convoction Pr ogiammeo the (-, ntlario 'Agri CLi MtUral Coijege Giulphi, clated IVa 12, 1942, lista theu eighit 'prize ine among the severalhundredstrudens of the var- ioois "yearis". Tese prizes, award- "d0ta',oustaning uns" were cli ied amng oly five students, wvhich mc ï hat tlh ruee wiee double wîners Duham Coutymay be p ~proud that ance of these d (ouble win- nier's l LeRoy G. Br ni, soný of Mrý. And rs. J. D. Brown-i, Orono. The prizes won by Mr. Brown wcrie the Lieut. Go.vernior-'s -Medatl avwaided to the four-th year stuadent whjo lins been outstanding in al * phases of the Dept. of Anlimal Hius- landrydurinig bis fojur years, and the John Bright Prize for highest genieral profiiinciyin1 that subjet f., # tin the tiird and four-th ycars. Hlis average in this ýwas 84%. -Upon graduation be joinedl up for aciive service -in tihe Air For-ce but * officiais prevailed on authorities for a postponemnent wMich wouhlid reain Apply at the his outstand(ing abilities for al time OOTIMES OFFICE as Assistant Agricultural Represýeni- ORONOtative under W. K. Riddell, B.S.A.. Oroflo - - ntario inIiilsxCounùty, with offices at 4London, Le-Roy rspor-ted iast week for- bis new duties. In Orono lt's Mac Smith's Extra Sheer Chiff on Rose--, pair .........$ 1.2 Mixture Rose...........79c. Crepe Night Gowns ,.,.. . . 98c Skirts, summer weight, rose and blue . .. :$ 2.95 Tailored Blouses, short Loafer Shoes ...... sîees.........1 .35 .~$1.95 MAC. SMITH PHONE6r2 - - ORONO RED& WHJTE STORES.I Quality lligher Than Price New Cheese, lb. 29 Oxydol, large pkg. 2 Washing Soda, pkg. î Whiz Toilet Flush, tin M Old English, no rubbing Wax 53 Sweepstake Broom, 5 strings 4 Diced Carrots, tin Libby's Prepared Mustard, jar Ic Bicarbinate of Soda, 4 lbs. 2% Maple Cream Sandwich Cakes IL.. Peach Jam, 32 oz. jar3" Peas and Carrots, 2 ins 2( Fresh Side Pork, lb. 2c Shoulder of Pork, lb. 2 Pork Hocks, lb. 11' Spare Ribs, lb. 2( Plate of Beef, lb. ic Loin Chops, lb.2( Grapefruit, 5 for2 t Tiger Catsup, 26 oz. bottie il Libby's Spaghetti, 2 tins I lodized Sait, 2 lb. pkg, 2 for 11 je je )c 5e 2c 7e 9c 2c 4c 7c Local News There will be) a da)nce at ew catcon Thursday, Jonc , h Wsrt iotnl Patterson, of Tiitvst B rtnhaentthwee k-end,, th issh Billage. so,, WAc 2undersn tat Mr. fioet Sutwart hs pariedntps, _.Un at Miss U.Paterson. fTrno vst med ofrthen wieek-en ith Missp Man2,Powrs, Jaimis Lspent Suneaywee-ndi th hýiresnMer an Mr. C. FPowe tafe f ent of ewoven ywie fening. iph e Harsdwar Oron, o rno ,t twk-e at ther armw er t Mr. C. F. Awlo st ma fewn of h cen letrica *lMs i. Moýlore, of Toronto, visited over the 'week-end witb 'Mr. J. F. Lorimann.p ILAC Bob. Keane, of thie R.C.A.F., Guclpb,' spent the weelk-end with bis parenits, Mr. anid -M.rs. A.H, Ke'anIe. Mliss EniiCahUlbledick, af Wbitby, spent thie week-end w-ýith lier par- ents, Mir. and Mrs. Newton Colible- dick. Mir. Arthuir J maning ansi famiil of Port Hoýpe have moedta Bow- manville and be 15 aaw 'orin l Pickeving. Six ladies of the Oronio W.'C.T.U. visitled the Newtonville W. MM. S. on Tuesday iternoon and assisted la tire programme. M4r. J. J. Corniali is havýinig a large garage bulît at the rear of hisi store, -which -will b e corpleted som-e- time this week, Mirs. 'C. S. MLae entertained tbe staff of Park St. Sunday Sclhool at fier home on Tuesday eveniang for their regular monithly meeting. Sanie tinte Saturday nkight hast an aîmy truck, negotiating the turai at Kiioby eut the corner too short andi 'Snap4ped o'ffPa telephtiane pale. Mn. and Mrs. 'Bert 'Cnassley ne- ceivesi word on, Tuesday af this w-eekç of the d'eatb af their son, Jack Ber- nies, wireless operator lar the me- chant marine. No particulars are ta bandi at present. The miontbly business meeting af the Bcd Cross will be held tîis Thuirsday afternoon at 3.45 o'cloek. Kritters and sewers -will soon ie needed Ibadly, as appeals are com,îing in for- childrenî's elothingi. The mYothers and, Littile White Ribliners are invitedl to ieet with the Loyal Tempe*rnce Le-gio;n and Bandi of Holpe on Mn a aternoon next at four p.m. ,Tc hp hidren will enitertain wi'th t prn ce prlo- grammne, la tbe s'chool r>ooan-, of the Unitedi Churcli W.,T.U. Misses Margaret Fiti n Jeanne Foricster leftL on Sna ceveaing. for, St. Catharines wir tliey have joiaedl th'e Fat-m iServicýe Corps as Îarinerettes. Mýli ýss Mar- garet BRoy left on Tuesday for: Qucenston, wlere she will act as a dietitiain at a gin's Camp. Thi s wcek the Orono Bcd 'Cross Society pacl&ed and sh;ppe'd tihe foli- lewing articles to heaiquarters in Tüooto : 20 tuntle naeok sweaters, 35 scarves, 8 helm-rets, 10 pair ail gloves, l'O aeroc, caps, 32 pair ai mnitts, 100 Pair of socks, 1 sleevehess ,sweaters, 4 layettes andi 20 quilts. Mn. Neil Rai.ney on ýMoaday ai ths week bro)uglit into the Times office tbree stalks aif rye oli which the longeat measuresi seven feet ini length. IHe hua nine acres sewn in rye and if it keeps on. growviaglie w.ill bave to use the corna inder ta harveat the crop. The staîks are on display la the indow of the Timfes office, IRas anlyone loniger staîka than this. Sinice Thursday of last Nweek VI'e Onono Boy Scou-mts ha'ý v ade two shipmeaots. 'One shipment was 4900 pouinda, w hile thle other euvýs 2800 pona In th clletinf aisl- va~the Scouts ask Vînat tbcy be not used u,-s rbgecollectais. Iu the paat they- have npecveti bines whiceh tbey have no use for-, whIinl an- other case ithey wene given' dust froin a carpet sweeper wrapped up in a papen. *~New, modema test Ialles one ta make las t Deveryrepeins to any make oi neli-Iey R Knox, 42 r 2, Oroni I COMBTNATI GO0ES ON B;LI-NKi On1 Mda evening last orlca postofiie sLtaff, aS uul, plac.dah thei parpheraliauscil) the day's iok n -thluvult 11and locked it forý thcnigt.Lter on01 in the eVnin"g Y1rs. Gameny anid dauighter Glen. de- cildd ta work on th-e books and whn anc1( Of tbcm triedl to open thevut it fa1iled ta open. -IVir. Drummiond was caldin ta secif he cudopenl thec vault, but af'ter an)hour or1. so he failed, so word had ta) be sent ta Toronto ta the D)irec-tor of postoffies for hclp. Ncarly ah dcayj Tuesday thie postoffice wýas cas led on uîe difficulties until later la ýthe aftcr- noon whjet an experieniced sIfe man came cloýwni froiin Torionto and rei- edied the safe camtbination. MURS. STEVEN PERRIN The village ü! Bewdley and the eanrmillunity inst a yalued resident ont Thursýda~y morning, JÙne 4th, i the person of àMîs. Steven Perrin, who pasýsedi away ini St. Joseph's Hospital at Peterboroutgh. mrs. Perrin's maiden nin as Sarah Matilkia Eurl, daugbter of the late Mr, andi Mrs. James HTurl of By her lr 1st. marriage to Ed:wîn llannah, who died about tiwenty- seven y'ears agio, there wvere three chuldiren. Eighiteen yarsagoshe ,was united in ariaeta. Stevýen2 Perrin wha predeceased his wif42 ter. years. Exicept for a few years spent la Petevborough, Mrs. Perira for many ye-ar-s 1'ved la Bevdlley or neaslb)y. There slihe was ait ardent worker of St« Anie's W. A. and la miany of the cirarcl or comrnity enteiprises she willingly lent liher aid arid the hos- pitality o~f ber lovel~y home. Her passissg is keerily feit hy a very larg-e cirele of friends, W--lho la,-,geat nmrilbers attended the funieral ser- vice from lier residenýe in the vil- lage on Surnday afterno on. She leaves to moura lier loss two daugltea,s two sisters a n'd four brothers5. The late Alr- andi Mis. S. Pelýina were i-esidents af Newcastle for a numiber af years. IN MEMORliA BUEILEY - In lkving m,,ejory cf çaur deoar father (Mc, Jarnes Bur- ley), who passe-d away on June 4tli, 1937, and our dear mrother (Mrs. James Burley>), h passed awayJr une lSth, 1938. Tbey are gone but not forgçtten And, as dawns another -year, In our lonely hcairs of thinkintg Thioughts of hr are alw,,ay% near. X)ays of sadness wvill corne o'er us, Friendis niny think the woýunds are healed, But they lîttle know the soiraç RThat lies' within the hearts con- cealed. -Sadly and greaLtly m!dssedj by Hlazel, Clarence, Roy and Pearýl. Oronmo Tinshop May be hard to get later on OuRDER NOW R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETO11R St. Orono Phone PARK ST. UNITED CHUfi Rev. S. Littlewood pastor SUNIIAY, JUNE 14th 11.00 . Wrhip 2.30 pn.Sna col 7.00 p.an. Worship. The fortune ai apy ratiai Ëts iaiVh,ý T'le proceedufs of te Rd is JOm amisbyin'ý h drive for ltis district -u1p)to Las 2nectin 'with tOhe pr.esern 3wihstili SOme mnIl(;e usui,,13 cntmsialfetia rionis -0oujcor n . The objeti1ve for morle yuknow thle1 this disti ct was set at b100 bu uiadtat neede( d 1. Neou thatthe war l eerMu11Sc are abý sent 11 fro0 crýee pinrg closédr to our cwn shol')s HeM2'didni't seemi to thil we( il' andawill be called upIon l lrndwiLd a gownlz in(ýcrease Our. giviigs f heJasof Ia chorýus don't in al ever bJomb o ur Westrncas.Th'siut, si ist.It Red 'rs does a marveIlousj&s peeI j csfl otaito of wolk i1ý ri dibinlation of studenitsf it is Up toalal ta see that e nough v1ille, S tarkvie and Ti mioney is sbcie to carry othsI cools wer1e the win wor. js£ehools a-,t the last mus Girls and Wd Age 18 te 45, Single or MNarried, te take TWO WEEKS' COURSE in M achine ( Sp)Onsored by SîMALL ARMS LTDUM Long Branch Subsistence Allowance paid by Dominion-Provincial War Trainting Program Appily 4 p.mr. to 12 midnight, or write to War Emergency Classes, Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute 'j- IARMSTI ONILisM IT PAYS TO PAY CASI Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Specials Thursday, Friday, Sat., Junie 11, 12; 13 TEA TOWELS Linen Welt, 33 inches long Each 25c; 4 for 95c. H-AND TOWELS Large size Terry Towels Each 35c.; pair 69c. Ladies' Pyjamnas in Cotton Crepe for $1.25 Ladies' Pyjamas Butcher Boy Style for $1.25 Sure Good Choice Peas 2 for 21C. Eclipse Pastry Flour 24 lb. bag Large 29 for 23 c. Fresli Side Pork lb. DRESSES See our line of'< Dresses, in smnari styles, in wash nu il, sizes 14 to OD Priced $3.95 LADIES' GOWNS In Cotton Crepe, smal1, medium and large, i white and colons, Each 98c. Girls' Crepe Pyjamas, 2 to 12 years Each 85c. Fresh Pork Shoulder lb. Largeý Pork and Beans 2 tins for- Loin Pork Chops lice 1 m 1

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