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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jul 1942, p. 1

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- mwi 6l . No0 OFPONO, )TLSA, JULY 9th, 1942. Subscription, Duham Fecleration of Agriculture Piecnie, Orono, Friday, JU Age Limîit For Compulsory Military Training Now Placed From 20-40 Years AII Single Men ai-d Wid- owers are Subject to Cal Ottawa, July 7-Cnd is en-i lavgin- herriitar orce lby clling. -n Single men and w\idowers without ..ehildret een the ages of 20 and,, 40 years. The pvevieus age limits woebetwcen 21 and 35 ye'rs. War Services Mnse Thorsoni made the -xnjnounccenit in thre C-ommi)ons on '1'uesday last in tihe tabltng of a Mre-n-Cu Cilxtend(ing bhyv s ix _vears the age ýpan--an extens-ion nwiehmans the calling up of 25- 000 mnen next montil. This is thie lagsr ail yet made under the com- lulNory service la". lTJi s is lie- Lieved to have been dcddon a s ithie resuît of the meetingý at Wash- "igton letxween Prime IMinister Clurcbull, Presid'ent Roosevelt and IPrime Minister Mackoazie Kin'.- 'Depaîtmental calvulations ar'e that thlere woul(d be aboutt 1931,000O antýen in the enlarg-ed g-roup, but thoe b~ille heavý' enltractions lbocause ýif varieus ;pioritios and postpone- mie'nts. Do&uctalMe froni that figure would te ail volunteers in the Services andl thlose wh'ese postiponernents mus, lie grantod bîecause et' engagemîent in Ilgriculture anýd other essertial taslks. '0ftire total, abo)ut 93,)00 would liable for cIl,.'Mn. Thorson)I said, but thoso, boîn in 192-2 iii net lie caîl cd ~unil they reacli tireqgeofet'20. Il] the Unlited States m;l)-en agetl froi-a 21 te 45 are lille t'on t hc arra't. N o actual distýinic tiýonisi -dra-wlilbetiweon singlo andmane mreu but se t'ar ii an'iniemn itir delpendents have 'heen called up. Teaysproclamatlion said in jat: "It has beon docidedOte 'Cal eut feor juilitary traîning.. . every nmaI1e Brnitish sLbj(ect mho is onrlas been at any time subsequent te the first "day oft'Septemnben, 1939, erdilnarily 'resident lan'Canada, \who on tire iSti -day eof July, 1940, mas unmaiiriid flor 'à wivdower without child or childi-en and w'hq as boru in ilily oet he yeares 1922 . . 1902, but that per- s3onsj bora la tire year 1922 shall net be ealled ont unti.l they îeach tire geof 20 years. "U7pon comnpletion et' the mjilitary- tranin . .al such- peisýon3s shal le halble te perfori çai tnainting semvice or duty, but only withmn Can- -da or fie territorial waters there- Clarke Council Meetinig A4\delegation ntriewe he coun- cil rue1eting of the hakrihshop ila thetonshp bildinig, anild were infoinmed lthlat the Deplar'trnent wasý not in fatvour Lof Irenting. ý%A coml- ittuee com-iposed or the -Reerve,, Wmi. Lailig nd H. A. Clark ýw.1ee in- sitructedto assist ini hrding a suit- ale place. il. A.Car, on bhî of the C'siinDuence Comilltte, aske for. the use Oet the ýounc(il chani)be'r for. A.R.P. work, 'anid counc(il agr'eed to its useude certain restriction1S. Considerable discussioni was made conýerning dog-s runningl at lre and t'ire Clenký was inistructed te get. the noesayinforma-iition re towni- ship 'by-law coveringl the mlatteir. A iresolultion -was passed making Mon1dayiAugust 3r-d' a ctvie fholi- day in the Townish!ip of Claîkrle. 'chas. F. Awde was eontinued as tax collector. The follo'wing bis were ordered paid : Mr.E. J. Raindaîl, $32.00; Wm. E. Dave;y, taxi, B.0.H., $2.25; W. W. Lord, relief charfged baek, Hope Townsip l, $14.0 7; Dverett Gain, killing do;g, $5.0OO; -Ever-ettCain, l shieep killedi by doge, $0;J, J. Ml lor, s"alar'y, postage and mlae $67;Chas. B. Tyrroîl1, office sup- lis, 2.57; Orono WekyTm, voter s' llsts 1an1d miinutes,$ 1 2.50 7 D.A. F. ~Vceze .H,$240 Milton J. Stapesl, i shep lilled by dougs, $9P.010; Clairenice J. Allun, ' sheep killed by dlogs, $241.001; Clan- ncJ.Allun, 3 tipsasvaliuer, $7,- 50; Dr. W\. H. Stanileyý, B.O..,$30 Mis. HarrY Morris, $5.400; R. H. W;od, carOt(f tOwn ll, L $3.50; ChaIs B. Tyrli .O.H.,$50; E. L. Mc- Natchan, $5-3.91; Rond Voucher No. 7, $0.1 'Counlcil adcjoru(e to mneet ag-ain On Tue(sdayi, Auglust 4th. of, as t1Ie Minister of National De- enemayV from turne to timeL re- 'quire.", For- purposes of call-up reul- tions men miarried after July 15, 1940, are cnice to be cing-le. >Mr. Thorson tabledl his prcclamiia- tion as the House neared thie end of its debate on the bill w'hi-ch wou-ld' give the Governument power to imn- pose conscription for overseas serv- ice hy 'rder-in-Councýil. Calling- 25,0100 in Aug-ust means a mar'iiked i, crcase, als tire higlhest re- quisition in on-e imonith Previoasly' by)ý the anmy ma7 \Vs for' this MOnth wvý%hen 15,4100 men were cle for. Glenn. Tamblyn Receives Reader's Digest Awardi Glenn. Tamiblyn, valodirtorian et' ,tic grnaduating culass aý,t Oreno Coni- tjination Scirool, iras 1,Eeen given tIc SixLi Annual Amard et' Tlire Rend- ersDigest Assoc-iation foi- studenits mire liy thirirsucce s stul echool mork '-ive promise et' attajiintg leadership iantire co'iý-unity, it mýas annouaiced by R. C. Reeiorougir1, principal. Glenn will receive au ionorary subýciption te Tire Reader's D)igestl -for one yoar 'andi an engravedi ceuti- 'ircate fiera tire Editors,, "la recogni- tien -et' past accomipisiennt and la 'anticipation rae.of unusual acirie'vei-ienit Since 19'17 'Thie Reader's DigeL-st Assoia.tion lias presented tirose awards yo-arly in hirigi echools' tirrougirout the Unitedi States ianic Canada te tire highest houer studenýt of tire graduatinîg class. Tire amarde are part t'ftire dctoaprgm sýponsoredi by tire As-socýiation and more a leigical outgrowtl Illie wido use et' Tire Reader's Dilgest ila sohool wonk. Wîtbthtie colaboration et' leainig eduicaters, a, special editioni et' tire mlagLazin)e, containing roeading im-piovemnent guides and stu'dy helps, ie made availalble te scirools and col- loges as a suppleinentary têxt,-lbook in Fanglish and social science couru- Ses. 'lie a'ward te Glenn. Tainblyn, w4o ie the son of Mr. and' Mrýs.'Milt'on J. Taniiiblyn, Orono, was made possible thieugir tire co-opeatien et' Mr. Ras- borfougl pad hie teaching staff. Tirey sebectedi Glenn. te noceive tire amard, desi'gned te stimiulate eoholanship, citizcn'shlp, and continuedi con.tact mitir good readiiug after graduation. "WRK15VICÏOLRY." TUE SLO«AN (0F A BRJTISH- -HALIFAX", REAVY BMBRFACTORY Suene l0 a Bricish a'ir'rat factory eggdinituring elÏut"aiax hcavy fcnr-ined omf r.Thie manufactu'e Of dVhese anid otheri cyie o ihav onier liaýs been and will conitinuie to lie greatly in- ereased to carry,,out tlire R.A.F.'s intUensifie'd plans for- bominlg ta- gets in thie heart ofGermany. The "aia"weig.lrs 27 tons fully loadeld, cairnes 51/, tonis of b)omlnb and lias a range of "),Qùo miles. 1, lias a dlefenisive ai-rnent ofrightBr-owning mathine guns. Canada's War Effort A wekly eviewý\ of develIopmc(nts, on tho homne front from June 21 tb July 2, 1942. 1. Armny Week. Ianceny province Canada gioioor to lier gentle- Men ini battlednc'sýs. speaking onl Dýominion Day ý-iiithoue of Comii- nostIli Pi.me iitridiao tint day cming ay b clse at !liand wlicn Cnedian Ar1my wil ""'aVo an iooi)ed p]a(:cein thie van 2~ Sgarnatinin bycoup"on et'- Maritim jProvices risedfrom tw1- diers a 'nd iione arrive in Great -1. Cadauit eîhnt slip brouglit safely to a Woest Coast port aLttr dotemined aýttauck by Japanese sulimarne. 5. Victor Sifton osins as master- gnrlof the ordnran'cc._Mi. Sifton suuccoodell by Br-ig.Gen.11 J. V. -Young, doputy miaster-genera-,l wmlo becomies aicting mnaster-general ot' ordnance. R.C.A.F. squadrons takçe part in i-epeatedt attacks; on Bromen, Ger- maay. 7. Lt.Col H. J. B. Kenting, for- me ly eibankation Commandant for easýtevnnprs appointed dinector et' supyand transplort with rank et' cooe.'Col. Keatin'g wibl lie assigur- o-d to qatnatneealsbrandli at naitionaldoecieaqurr. S.Maiu priucs at m Cl an- neî's may seul numrr et'ofitems of tiror 1942 pack set in orders iss>ued1 by Waême Pnices and Trade Board. Affeoted are canned tonratous, te- nrato juice, peas, cern, green and axbenns, 'peacheIIs, pears, plumns and aprots. 9. Dlla voumeet'retail pur- ciasýing' 12 per Cent bighier in -May tian in correspçýjoing mont~h las't year; up thrco per cent fîom Apil. 10. Emrplo'yment sihro wed funthen advance -at beginning et 'NMay, when 13,4164 estuilimeirnts rotported te Domnion Bureau et' StatiÊstiaa wor$ing i,-force et' 1,674,665 perrons coruparod -miti 1,652,92~5 on April 1, an inicrease et' 21,740. LOSSJHROUGH WEEDS caRSCADDEN REUNION TOTA $2,O OOe O Tire annual neunion pisniceoft'e The Ontario woed imenae miglit Canscaddon elan assenibled in tire wveIlb lecalled the fiftli coluin et' Mumorial Park, 0Ono, on Saturday, agricultulmaisurproduction, says July 4tir, mien t'orty took dinner John D. MaeLeod, Crop, Seeds and Weeds Branclr, Ontario D'opt. et' and oneo hundned sat duwa te supperi Agriculture, Tor-onto. iHle points together. At'er an onijoyahlle da-y eut that corps le s t througli weed waSslspenit in aiitn d gamos, tire infestation cost rnaio t'ai merz s uul businepss mas thon disposed et' twenty nmlion dollars lest year and îli tire majerity vote in faveur te tunles stnin efforts are made tismeet in tire same place again la yrby ta'aies and mncplauth-l-193 orities tirle boss mali e Lven reaer. PnIzes mý; ere awarded te the fol- "We ust netÉ relax Our efforts, lo-wing: For eldest gentlen, Mn. sai M. aceo. We sheuild re- Da(Crcddn)e'ono),; edes mnember the undesirble weed legacy ld,'r.W ons, et' Ceemoe wvwer- orott at'ter the last mai-, Wflh ongsUhild, Roy Crsaddnof en'uig cep bosss tînt raninto the Toronto; arotcar]oadl,AW. Leon- mloe'folas"ard, et' ale Valley. Mnll. MnLaeodl agreed 'that an Fnindis more prosent t'om Owen extra speial effort mwould lie needed Soun'd, St:ayner, Avening, laple te keep meeds under reatsonaie con- Valley, Creemore, Oilia, Bannie. trol tbis yea, but ho emphiý)asîzed Tnne srm,,lcsolB tfiat time and nmoney speut in cradi- Tmrntoll, ONewastl, Ntoalville,- 'cating meeds meuld blie ci snpent iavly Nwadtetlie ,aprevide divide-dsi nnoaso4d Kendal, Port Hope, Stiriag nnd aad Orono. 'crope tiret mouki more than offret any lahon outlay. He sai-d iis Departmueat would in fiower and is t'roquently found in mîake a special drive on weeds whose ienoe pastures and along iroad- seedis are iad-'born'e, sueli as rr- lands. t iras an upriglit stem free- ennial Seyw Tiistlie, Canada Thistbe ane te threo foot higli; long, taper andi Wild Garrot. Chi'coiy and point leavos and large yeibow fieýwer Hawkweeds more a Crep ni-naco e t ireadis fromn 1 te 21/e ince boad trere s'preading iapidIy and an extra which are succeeded by soeed ireads special effort weuld 'lie made toe ora-1 resemllIing tire dandelion seed irea(j dicate small patriesof Field 3Bmd-Ijbut are larger. Tirese plants, sholuld smeed. ie rut oarly te prevent thenm fie Ycilow Goatsi-Beard mili soon lie 4eeding, states Mr i MacLeod. w,-zlEntrance Resuits 0f Successful Studienti Newcastle and (C PROMOTION RESULTS S. S. No. 21, Sixth Line, Clarlko clames in order of rmet: Iligl i Sehool Entrance Jean Hoy. To Gr'ade VTHT.-.Neil Berry, Eay Corniish, Doreen -Morgain. To Graide I.ptne Hoy. To Graude VI-4Myrtle Hoy. To Grade V.-Joan 'Cooper, June Cooper. To Grade IV.-Verna Berry, Betty Cooper. Grade II.-Gerald Kargas. Grade L.-Bobbiy Che-werda., Fred- die Glanville. Beginners -Hlen l oy, Adele Cooper. ,CNadys W. Aid, Toacher. S. S. No. 16, Cowanville Twe nty Student. Orono Centre-î At Newcasi The ïufollowiing are the csful1 'candidates for- *E iracu Sýanildinfig. A semau have been grantu ica uOn th reconu- the P'rinceipal conicennied passed thý,e recent Dopa aminationis, and sonie Puponl the colripiltionl we'cks of' certified Farmv suihuscuent to Ajpril 17t cenifictes 'of these cit thie mailiks of the othec -will lie for-wanded at ai Granted st4j miendation of th To Grade VIII.-Norman Andrews Dionald'C.; Fai B plus. Joan; McLaren To Grade VIl.-ArmiondHoias L. Mont.; ý,9 wortir A, Rosje Getlielk B plus, Sam lnant, Joye B.3 Scymiour C, Reine MWorris C, Jimi Pasod thef- MWorris C. ations - Beyý To 'Grade VI.-Anne Getlick B, Thna; pat lUb Morris B. Warner, V o To GaeIC-Ile etlick A, ye, m Doreen Wty B 'plu, rancuis Maý y lie gr Cowaii B, Jinie Morris B. CompletiQa of' To Grade 111-DorpeenClieseiro, tified ~Farm 1%. KeneliMori.Russeili erl. Robent; tec To Grad t.u4gae etik tr'icýia; T4r -IMaIon F. Sipson, Tueclix 1 CandidatEL( -_-___-__--0_-__o ,Granted stani W.MS._ EETING aoof Pc-in M.; LerissB.L A veny enjoyabe aftennoon was VaniLuson, uy spenIt 0on Ituesday At thphome of'Jon;Jocs MAs A..DruIImon"1d, itIbeing the July meigof the W'alsMi- rt. sioary Socicty. Passe'd on % The PresiÀdent, M1rs. Littlewood, tien- url pesided, and the meeting otpened Sirley; God Wvinh a sing Song from thre song Fanm WVar S, shýeet. This 'was followed by the dry, Archie. Scipture readin.c and pnayen hy 'Mrs. Littlewood.Prsne The President announ'cedl the balIe rsne Ind been sent away. Lt 'was dcidJed tA bodthe Augu'st meeting as last Mrs. Perrin year. A questionaire on "WiyMits- lier irushand, 'I .sonary fundis are as necessary nowv Caiberry, Man in the different Missionary feldislioied the RL. when sýo 'many missionaris 'hv but did net en reundwas la charge of Mrsm. J~une 2S, 1941a 'WcLaren and anwercd y severna pot, 'Toronto. of the memnibens. Miss' Davey spoke Camip Bonden f on the moi-k et' these returned mis- Nvme,19-1 sion-anies in the homne mission flelds,. Wireless ShchO 'patiul nlylaB.C. Lrsý. Littlcwoodl mas stat-ioned gave a splendid report of fr. sirop- r eceived iis sen'saddîess AtOsiawa qn Sead-14 when iýe s'hP. 1boss Air Gunne Tire meUting losed wifit te Sing- G ScliooI. Jaý %y of' a hrmn and ;iphBndi-cmeiyof fion. A gres teasles e lchWas Ihim vwith 'a mn. ser'ved ]and a social timnjoye. olme on lbis Ih ruding ~e ire Principal -rrow, Dor ', Anchie; l I)opartiynent, wclibch, Jun itterson, R. r;Sy'er, Lbo onald<(10-5 es; 9 ni-b icipal - Leslie; H. Brunt, A oin, Evely Ser'vice - Join The Band 0f Sev 0f Orono B Thie Oronio Branhof et' the Redcl Prom OrotIo kOms held its regular monthly Fronm Starkx mreeting on July Znd, in the Orange Scouts and H-all with tire President, Rev. S. Lit-î Day...... tleiment in the chair.i Quilting is stii g-oin.,,on eï&cb I1 e e r y e- n Pt n ,e

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