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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jul 1942, p. 3

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WIRE ON RCR tioe n nond recentiy develop.- as thî as a um'1an hair and my oftefoundation11, a1ffýiiated12 ith thu llîn isÉsitute oC Tchol Vo tarvn eCamra,;26-year-ol ct-&ff assistatphyicisa Ttc ecoderis about the sýize of a large portableradio esd an 'igt-ou cntinuous rCo-'C0rd inýg qan e wundon a spool five- <~ nchs n demeerand two nce wid. I-rcords soundàmagnret- lcali and hereis n1 mchnia hagein ,the wire. ,vwhich en be 3aemagnetiïiJzed ndused gan Once theSc ecording isnmed e h ~onscen be played beck i- Vatogsaîd theu wire oud e t 1inhis rfecorded sountiptete for years or could be wiPed ean pro"cews, Tho reodele sait, eau be pet ta strt and stop automatie- t&Lyad ïueeds 11o attention wh-ile running. H1e said these advant- êgagive it lim-1itiess prac'tîcalap Plicaýtions. suceh as: Ilt airpînnes, microphione's plac.. cd in t1 he control cabins Coula 'pick utp ail conversations 1and01comi- bientis.House inlutan ashesto c-ase, thie recorder would survive - ash a-1nand v1tei thestory of what Pîeceded it, it coulti record maillions of, odsof enensy propaganda at govermnment moritorng ramio sta- tions ýanri r educe greatly the1 ý aiiimiut of crîtical materi"als uased iiu making standard type records. The 'storage problem, too, would. '1 li the hoe radiothe device mould record a daytime programi -chas a basebail game--so ~htthoso fr wa culi ear st boter. ~ve hiWartiixne Reat and Relaxatiomn NeCes- At a time likethis when war, Production nîust not be permittet Vo laJg, smepeýople may say we chould forget ail about holitiys this summer and'stuck tior ~ tass, vrite theKitchener Re Tod f a person weýre e a sbbne that eau be operated24 h usa day andi seveýn dy eeit miglit1-ý be ws ofore-- g-o vcton hssumnr. Bu heeis a'U mitto-whiatthlebu matbodiy ce'n endure. it ro- qu!ires Yrest and rela1xation te'o efficiet wori, Medcalm~ sa lidays are aver becuse f tepressute" benworing This view coin ef tbe question, Wri or in Brtainhave bec stppeul p -but umme vacaionsgo on be But there isone very import- 1n -'dthi Cyar1. i idays 1 shudbe iann& so that thoe them, litinays cen ho spoiletifrom thestrtbynot uigcmo sone ad trowngcaut'ion to h "Aoeile 1ne1Medon 1 ofes oe iel dvctwe Ji, says: "A erson unaccustorneti Vo any form of strenucus exer- cieother than strap-han11 gi ng iný a tetCar obiosl"sould tk Woodàen plugs and mnake5shiift plates help) keýp seelk H. M. S, Penelope seaworthy as sip, ie týarget of one of hieavieýst raids% on rnuchi-bombed Mal1ta, (cornes safelyhom t British port. un, rd o1 bomb and sheili slinter holes pepper crafts side. Have You Heard? Jo-nes aid Smith were siting in their ent i he African jungle discuaing their skil ashuner, Preseiitly Joulesrem-farlietthat hoýý would bot Smith a poun t Val hé coultigo ont andtMU kIalon forth- with. Smith took VH-lebel anti sat ac Vo await resulîs. About ani hour passet, andt ten a lion pu-; ts isheatVhouh lî VontfDap. "Do you kno elow ele Joues?" it esket. A J do" saidiSmih, baciiî a way "Ah !" sait hselion, "ho owes you e Poundi." "WIIeuallcRy ay I nmý a Zeif-made man." second Patient(ady ýYotq're in Iuck. l'uslte re. Vledr work of mny wife and The ýchief -constable ofadaî town was also an expert ieterin- ary sreo.One nighai hs tels. phions bell rang. The chie con- stables viee answeret. Cs tatWr.Jenkins ?" asked an agitateti voies. "Do you w n y husbanti in bis caactyas veteriny surgeonm o-as chiejf constable?", ply "W ca'tget Our new bull cave there. A magnificent isad and noble featus. Say,. oudyou '-na me aa couple of dollars?" Pt"Icould not. 'Tis MY AUScotcleýti nI the cat's-nsat shlop esmenng av isai rand asksd thocet a pfleny nooon.ý suprýziset i ete nv', uset e "We'Rh atera"iqurt Vhsbthe -. "Isyour cedeýati?" "bes cut amos" WittyorilAsou sta wi ien te weatjobiof si-ein. , Rather Aira," Witty Luandl îa: "NO,- By 1-the wpa, your board bu1n onlie tofwether, I Amen- reprtdtî sdne o 0 LhtCigarettesÈ2 Bitain's M.P.'s Make Munitions TwoP members of Parliamneat, one of them a primy dressed wo- ma, orked s-ide by side wit'h Parliamrentaruy clerka a t their ben- ches turning out war mtras It was only prtie ork, but both Miss Thelmna Cazalet, a Lon- don Conlservative, and -A r thu 1r D)u'ek worthi, Shrewýýsbu-ry Conserva- tive, said it made thems feel they were doingsomething mextrat beat Hitier, Mliss Cazalet was Dilng a swall netal brwhile Duckworth Wasn planig a piece of metal. AI tink this is nhe thing to do," hie said. "Any available im shouidî( be uitized. Many of mny constituents work in mnunitons plantsand 1IUlthin tweil that should know how, too." Miss Cazalet, DuCkworth and the -Parliamnentnry emlployees first becýame interested in munuitions mor& wen they disoverd an 4,d lathe ije the baseument or fiehe - torie building hl nfiewth iug duty. Aft.er ,a lfew xprienstey dcedturning out warmaris wsbette"r thaun playing dnrtsu- hereofoe teirprinicipal diver- borbs ndasked for addîtion.al Aw'ard ForBrvr Jo'_sepli V. Stalin's son Vsiy recently was awarded the de of thelred iBanner for his services as- aclnlintHe Rusýsian air' force. Thed'corlationaare youn Stlinwhostil'l is in hiý tweuîeswasin a long lisýt an- oncdon thle eve f eran' The citationred: "FPor ecl lenlycrrying Out litary pro etsof theco an in the frontý liïI ns atle wîth the Germniag. grsoseaud showing at the seme timle rvey and valou." Another of Stalin's sons, Jcb Indg wth anartlley batey untii -:uv àMon y iBa% ae icquid D. D. ri.Prsiton Geals, içehiua . 3 P ra hos i ro Ve, , ssoeybaeA * Du eor ogsdy orD..D te SCRbl fIiON Riea distrnes Ir elpeMONTHlY CLylda i. Plrb-am' eeai Oopu d o oui' hepo rlie HiOW CAN I? Q. 110,a;'i reeove rees froM de Im? A1. A teaspocon of boraxiw -warm w vater wheda -ciagti, Itair remioves greas antiiproveg the appearaes cf UVhIair Q. Hov;cen Imake avle eggs? A. A gooti recipe fortievileti egga la s1 bsp. of usustard, ,4-- tsp., sait, 1/-tsp utter, 6 eggsý biard hoilet. Cut hse Cggs in halves, imash Vhs yolks, sao with sIt, ust.ari, niadd Y,-, Vbsp. nmetibauter.PiEths egg wohes. Q. owcenI 1keep Vhs ca ver of hs cook book dlean? A. Malte a covo-r for Vhs, bok! sanie tlime give il e suýrface VIat mlay be wipoti off easily in Vhs futue. Q. Hew cee I remevce spaper label on botle AIVca, ho readtIy remvt by firtwettingil anti thhelti,- icg ci ar aufleme of the steve. Q. ow cen-1I malte a cleanser for nlkrfriue urireare sait: aýnd ti aer,,or a so lnvf;ar wte2r anti a w'ill den etth reîeslk I 0T2OSTA ST E GOOD l UN lllA pi pF, New Cafe S er vice For CN T.rainsi a"Couese op I io, Cope-t hiere eajeg passsenger Trafafic,èe Cefe car of a tupinesa Caaaare, aboutVha j lece l sericie on the anaien National While descrirebeigas velaf Ica thp ,ianew eampeo inn a eqipeu as bavsebe-en eraoivet a e"coffsee, anop" c r Itientir- ay diffret i nero-plnfo the tanardtpe Lof dining car. IncreaEg pasenge taéledu tyo grjivîtu wartime businOïessha inng arsaedth t e- wbit spaps with Viat denii. Tneahse as hve eenevove lthe strog, içmn e oex- petie ervoýigtc ani ta provdfo ao 070eater numbe cinataS sfîte with tec;he mrlfh e lsuey inl te. fry hchra luecsï2ae AccommodýSatiwon pantry n hcntreof VSfnur scewth a inig domprîest There areno hairs, eseati bein prviedb comfortal setee plae lon h ii al.Tbe ~Modern Etiquette fomsu ddefiendshipithpe- pIe thiat cone asfltno we but a eyshorttie 2. Whien on s a usIea sml Iiýmer, should one ccept a epigofsvery ish.1offersd 8.What is the first rul)ou should oseveingiigasce- fuI party?, 4. Wheu pepoplepesVintl- ing eit the theats , ait eris- s-eat at Vhe dinner abe 6. Isu' it poor menners to malte iman's new des hn l group? ANSWERS 1 , It is fer botter te procee& more cuîulutloais 'bet- te:r acquniînteti, be'fore f orng a", real frieud1ship. Au o1lproveris says: "Beware equally of a sud- tien friend anti a slow enomy." 1, ye W I IlUhave OupD' and dislikes, but -et a smâ ldba. uer it is emarasi ltote ho-. tess when a'iguost rfssa d~,~ One eau at st imanage a smell quantity. 8.. To bring togethier oypeu-. pie wo the hosqteýSs isuew ho congenial. 1. Yes. buit do son quietly ait ais pleaaautly as possible, If t hey resent the requSt or inoe t' spa e h er. Oly VIt; moat rude andi il-bred p2ople ar guilty of tuis. ,5. The ýýwomni n thai,,right, 6i. Yes., A ýomupleentary re- mark cen hob made prýivately:, bu, should ho avoided when ot3-hers- aeprecs"ent. SA FS bei- e iean yeioSSe ý1, or Cabine, forn4mnese ii m dj.TAVLD UMÎT5 114, Front St , r ron Ri là0 WEý'R1E READY TO FIUL ORES eary rdri. B"ayI'clry 110JonRaion, Ont. for alweddie.chicl. ie wiid l b Artof A ;UguL, IveL hatches a eek Osapebrtedua, 9 bybr i- crosses, anS5beeaoitrei Ccicks, anS older uliets, . ay delivey. Fee Catalogue.Asku g, 1Ofntarlo. ery, ado1rebuiit equipmen a. (Day son has Trmnarrý,siaged Coeponden einited, utanar Portabie Oen o.,03 atus St UTruto. t u outhdnerolr;theselations, 68 met 11,ed arkes maRe u many friad. Write or eorrees Bo- lont on eire en dat n YISUE1 M-EA1.N2 in Canada fo BU 11(andPoui- tcaarelaed uLt 1029 Ba;Zy St.- Tornt. oueaýu alwas hsure of real hg'grdeusedýcarsat cli ntee; bu!litaUplthrough eabrs of evngwl.Itrwi ay ,-ou to itusweinTrnobe -ides w ae urewecen av BAMEEAFO AMdestroys ofensive dor insaty 5 VREE CATALOGUE ~'E!CTALOGUE lý0V RAR Ln:E tigbuookasRv.Tyreýr'S tions, $249.SUPER MAL,O-)Ï iEl, u 1en Street Wes for imlnedi[ate service. Due to n- 4juisîtion ofiitJe lherd ofthe lt JE. J. Thomiipeon of M nltreai, w- have a large selection, yearlings ansder blin Il ofexcellent creSdnt.- ?eu r, u$00up. M.CeAL Claoî SokFarna, Rfrew6 ,' Ot elpo7 e. -MAPLE AND IEDCRDOD asIýo Hrdanli( s ùoftwo, 0odc!Slabs& -muldle-d ldgings. Gvefli par- tlcuIars3, \alter S&l)iess, Nnte 11 inda treet, Toront% yae do'ving; save 3u% gas afl ois-guarant-ed to restoro cont- pressioný , $2,00 dlvra. Mkt Igras, 41 aniob Av,,Win- ,fuli details ý,.eOn ar o o l . O - DOM, 5for beySteeToon iA Til EVERY SUlFEl ERO7T RheumatîcN Pints àor Ne l'qilrîti shouid try0 DixonRCmey.v pailg94VQueenSt. W.,Toronto,. Diixlsou's Neurii and xheum5t airemedy? St gives gooiý te- Service 30 Munos DrgStore, 335ý!ý 1890m14llOng Weait, roronto HA-yOTOGURAPHYP Wry FP(Y MRE TUR FL devloped and, Il gtiý- osspo largeent iuiluSS Wie o EM I*RIL POTO SEViH N N N -s N s-s N --s -s- N -s- -s e. a t5' s-s ~'Ns- -s-s as- 4-s -s-

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