Established January, 19J37. ,he every Thursdlay morniing at th-e Times Office Orono1, Ontarjo, Ptising Rates On reqluest Subseriptio,$1,2 ~Sbscription, to thje Uniited States, $2.00 ob Printing Will Receive Our Pr'ompt Attenition R. A. Forrester, Publisher Our Weapons Must Be Better (The Financial Post) ho Tobruk disaster once again and mast pointedlIy emiphasizes igent necessity for the United Nations inmediatcly acting ta adoqnuate use of their mnost -potent wewpoe: that is the inventive ras production genîus of this continent, guided and inspirod ientists and production enigîneers like the MýcNaLi.hton's and ettering's in which our continent is se ich. United Pross dispatch Èrom the Libyan fr-ont concludes that 2ièat of our forces 'was the result of: German tank superiority, n nunthers and in quality; Germean flexibility in the -use of cee )n for several puiiposes., such as the use of an 8&mmin. anti-tanik ,or anti-aincrafft work; e-xcellent Gerrman and 1Ttaian artillery; ior Gennian tank and equipmient mcowvery, repair 'and mainten- service. In addition, this corresýpndent cited hunsan factors: an superiority in tank and anti-tank technique; Germ-ian super- in generaldsip ani staff work. 'hoso bhinigs about aur nmechanical inferiority arceoxtrem-ely stab'le. Mt is ver difficult to belieove that good use is being of, or ample opportunity being given ta, the brains and ex- ace which have crestod sncb a ivlizationi as ours. ur industriel genriuslias put this continent on wheeis; it has machinery the servant of ovemy housew-ýif e; it lias given the Vs highest standard af living. hlvon a free hand, flashed the simi-ple "go ahe-ad" sig7nal, aur idustrial braieis can translate the needs of our mo-idei-nqai-ies realities tPat will mako Tdbruk the last of a much too long list. Stili Fewer Clothes for the British New cothes rationng books camie into o-peration on June 1 le ,t Britain. Instead af si.xty-six coupons, mon and wiom-en 110w only fifty-one for thie next twelvPninonths. ow miuch te psy for clothes, and where bo buy themr, are ef t oe individuel. But once the fifty-one coupons have been used up eis no way of getting eadditional onecs, except for persans who Sbeen blitzed, until a new ratianîng pericd. Just how are people using their clothes coupons ? Just what fifty-one scraps of ipaper buy? Thoy rwill buy for a woinan: a ler coat, a -wînter dress, ea pair cf shoes, a ngton a set ndorwo-ar, tiwo pairs cf stockl-ings and four smnaIl hendkcrchiof s. ie substitutos a sunimer drees for the -win'tem one, sre can alse a slipk or a corset. And if Aie lots hier old icoat do another year, can. buy a skirt, a cardigan and a pair ai ankle socks. The- nman in Vile faniily cari buy a suit, an overcoat, a shirt, one0 cf wool seoýks and a tic. I ho leeves off the vest ocfIris suit, ho substîtute a pair of shoes or an extra pair cf ,non-.wool trousers. if hie is weil fitted eout with top elothes and wants te invest al coupons in1 underwear, ho can buy two ' suits af winter under- ;s anid dawems, two pais of pyjamas, a bathr-robe, a pair of bedl- -r siippors and a dezen handkerchiefs. Certain coupons cannrot sed before October 12. 'There are allowances for spocial cases. In addition ta thec ,bed-out, who are given enough coupons ta niake a fresh start, ýkers in certain heavy industries --of such varying categorios as Ybuilders, chihnniey sweeps, qua-rry-rnen and chemrical workrs- a suqpplenrt ta the basic ration. Chiiidren's coupo-ns, as w>Nell bhase for boys and girls ai 'teen ago, are workod out on a special oe. A quarter af a million tons of shippiflg have beon saved on tex- salone as a resut of the lest twelve mionths of clothies rationingl, nearly 400,000 moin and womee have been released ta the fighting oani ta industries dietly engýagedJ in war production. Salvage The vital necessity for the salveigirg af scrap and -waste mater- Ias beon strongly enmpasized by eavents of the past fe-w imonths. ada's war production is getti-ilg into higli -ear. Mor'e and more 7miaterials are heing prued leVao factoios turning out increasing- ntities afi munitions and eupet Japani's enitry into the war he Pacifie bas pl'aced supplies of tini, ruiiber and vegetable ail acritical position. Steel, copper, zinc, iead, brase, glyceine and or are nocded le such vast quantitios that every source of supply he icountry mubch tappoed if theo macbinery ai total -War le to e- nt perating iet top speed. The Diretor of 'the- National Salvege Camipaigei lias appealod co-ceration in saving amid-reovening swrap ai aIl kincis: to nufeacturers ta tumn nl ad, unusable madhmnony; te store and ei keepers te underteke "houso:-cleai;ng" af theit promrises ta) ase varionus kinds afi moictel oquipmon't:te; farmors ta colect dis- d fermo machinery and old ili"k and cream- cans; ta housewives save fat, bones, papers and rage-; and ta ail womien's end young )ples orgeanizati&ris Vu givo voluintary help to ' the -Werk cf cal- ing the saiviagoeand makinig it available ta, the government. The 1-ç-,ys now ahlow speeial rates on cars cf mnixcd selvage shipped ,,m outlying points ta the nearest sorting contre. Over 10 rillion pounds of -waste ipapers have beon collocted. Its .e ta1he -u -anf-_y enbegage 'l"yte+ flikigfig- have catain-ed tootIrpaste and other puirifiei, and, usomi a i-nm(beof c times aiutom--obile wiIl yleld enough sicrap wiiild a tank. About 100,000 cars mnoms a automo'bile "g-ravoyards" are tripping of saleeabie parts, and tare or every ton ai steel produiced by the t- ho inado available te feed 'the fur- rady made valuabie contributions in n pots and pans, are now saving -suir- i on inta glyccrine. Rags are ile great le -wer factorios. 0 local salsrage corirmittees ila oper- active selvage -woekors. Thousands being Vturred baek into ind&ustry - îing cf the Seivage Cn'npaign weuld ,nse or garbage duiip. (Te late for ,lst week) Mise G<wen Gilmier le hoIidaying et hem homo home. û1m. Raymond Farrow miotomod ta Pvetelrorýo on Sunday. Miss Hazel Farrow, of pille, et hem home homie. Wesley Benson and ýBilly Timi spent Sunday et Bewdiey. Mr. H. L. Trim, of Oshawa, wlth M. and Mme. Gordon Tmiim. Mrs. Wm. Payne, of Port Bitein wi*th Mm. and Mrs. Ethen Joncs. Mmr. and Mrs. Frank Stone wlth. M. and Mrs. Johni Stone, Oro-no. Mmr.andi Ms. Brt Trirri and fam- ily %vith Mr. ami Mes. Leverne Pet- tersoit Mr. and Mrs. Rose Halloweii wi*th M. end Mrs. J. E. White, Elize- betilvilie. Mm. and Mrs, Ethan Jones and fem ily with Mr. and Mme. Wm-. U g- low, Morrish. Mr. snd ýMms. Ail. Dobson and MÏary Lau with iMm. and Mrs. Ed. Rutilven, Zion. Mr. and Mfrs. Hugh Kelly and f amly, ai Bowm--anville, with m. and Mms. Lamne Todd. Miss Isaibelle Wray, auir jpuflic sehool teacher for the past two yesms, bas returned to hem homne le Petembor-o. We are sory ta lose Miss Wpray nd -wish hiem eivry suc- ces lei hem nov szihool et Choimong. Misses Porothy Far-row fand Sojphie Shutl<a spont the weýek-end with Miss Isahelle Wray., Petorbomro. She enjoyed hearing Sophie sndl DorotLhy i a duiet on Nel's Safety Club pragrani ovem OHIEX an Setur- day rmomning: SIXTH UNE Visitons home on Moniday lest wero Sixth Liners of years gone by, nae- ly M:1. and Mme. Gearge Henry of RîphIey, and Mm. and Mme. Bort Gray, cof London. The latter namied was formnerlIy Miss Mabel HeInry, a daughtem of the late James A. Henry who livod e few%ý pacos south cf aur Sixth Linoe chool house No. 21, Clarke, and M. Hennr was alseaa pu,,pil home as a. iaddie, We may state withaut reser're that. they were, altoget'her welcome visitors in aur n)eigliborhood, enid they and your scribe talked cf nmeny reminiscencos cf former dsys in Clarke township. M. 'Henry rmported ilsos ai thefoar- mer Clarke people iii the viciniity of Ripley wheme a goodlr numnber fmamn t'hie neighlborhaiod emnoved among-st others, ýMm. and Mms. David Stewart and flve sons -and two~ dau84hters, namneiy Duncan, Arichie, John Peter and Janet. Neil and Jean (Mms. John Loveki-,,) reniained in Clarke. These linos frcni home wil1 elmiost Sumelý' eo rond thia- week in Rbley town and we eau say ta western peo- STA R KVI1 ILE Mrs. Ballagh anid Mrs. 'W. .H lowell, with friends in OshaIw, mr. Wilfred Walker, of Trno with M_1,11and Ms.S. G. laIwll Mrs. Trimn, of OhwsPenit Ich' week-end with Mr. and Mis. Gardon. M.and is WltrSimpson a' (d ailof Canton, with -Mr. and Mrs. Bo-rt Trîm. M1r. and M\rs. Chas. Yffle ,and( family, of Oshawa, with M.and 1'" Mri s. _Wm. Savery. Mr. and Mrs. Herh. Gilimer, and famiily, and Miss Ruth Savery, wilth M.R. Bouglien. Mr. and Ms Wilfred Woods and fanily, of Clarlke, with Mr. an, Mrs. Lewý. Hal1owell. MVr. Euwirt Robinson and M i S Ruth Savory, wlth Mr. and Ms Geo. Kinball, Port Granby. Mr. and Mrs. Herbh. Glmer, Missesý Phyllis and Grleven, wlth Mr. and _Mrs Thomnas Sowden, Elizabethville. Mrs. Silver and Miss Helen Moore. of Pickering> Mrs. Fox and -Mis- Beatrîce, of Toronto, çwith Mr. Geo. Etwoll. The mehr of Shiloh W. A. w-ere entertaineçl et the home of Rev. and Mrs. Lahn on Wed- 'nesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little, of clarke, Mr. Ewart Robinson and Miss Ruth Savory, wý,ith Mr. aiiMrs. Herb. Gilmer. 1Mr. and 'Mrs. HIarry Harrington and son Pauil, _Misýs Bertha Hallo- well and friend, Mmr. Bill Bamclay, nf Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jake H-allowell. It was decidedi to holà a congre- gational picnice on Mr. S. ýG. al- well's larwn an July lSth. Supper at 6.00 o'lock. Come and enjoy the ovening. jucige Conmalin hel his firs-,t courti ie Or-ono) on Mondlay lest xvhen four dasýes came up. One wevs a car accýi- dent, and the othens dcilit cases. Four lsawyýers weme present, Msr.R. R. Waddell, Orono; Ross Strike, W. Ward, sud -Mm. Gould, ail of Bow- manvillo. -Mm. R. R. Waddell gave the sdimess oi welcome ta the judge. .Judge Gernini lot it be kna-wn that on any debtk chiarges ho ivil show on Germnany bas started their sum'i- nmer canmýpa-ige lini Russie, and et preset tbings are beg-iinnlng ta look very bed indeed. e""WAR SAVINOS STAMPS [BANKS .eRO POST OFFICES r E PRTE SOEM RGiT GROCERS * TOBACCONISISEATETSOE ROITS BOOK STORES und other REYAAL STORES,, KIRBYj The W. A. mieeting was held oni Thursday eveninig cf last -week at 8,30 pnm. The mieeting opened with hytmn 390, follawed hy prayer by Mr. Littlewood. Mrs. Forwler, tho presi- dent then read Psaim 27, wvhi¶e Mrs. O. Cha4pman.r took the devotional service which was very interesting. Mrs. Brahamn favored with a piano solo, and the mueeting was brought to a close by singing hymn 445 and the Mimpah Benedietion. The W. M. S. meeting -%as held on the saine evening and -was apened -with the singing oS Hyrmn 502. Pray- er was delivered iby Rev. Littlewoodl, wýhile the seripture reading wvas taken by the president, Mrs. R. AI- Ilin, from Prov., 241 chapter, verses 19 to 35, The minutes of the last meeting -wore read and adoptod. A reading was given hy Mrs. Fowlor, "A mnother's viýe\wpoinlt,," also a read- ing %vas given by MNarion McKel1vey on "Tpnmperanco-.'" Mr. Littlewood then gave a splendid talk on tomi- peranee. ýMiss 'RufbyAllin delivored -a splendid solo rwhich wa-ýs greatly enjoyed by ail. Tite meeting closed wvith a hymu and the Mizpah Bene- diction. .pie frni Clar'ke, '"Coineagain, you will find the latcb string on the out- if iedProfessional Directory SALE tMEDICAL -Apply to George Butters, Oronio. A Small Trailer, tiwvo or fo)ur wheuils, Apply to Wý. J. Leamneni, orono. C-26-p. POULTRY FOR SALE A limited -number of Started Rdu-1 Alvin Glemens, 2133,Bonavle WANTED - Secnd4endColonial Dresser to match Spool Bcd. AWpy at Tifmes officeý, Orono. a-25-p. NOTICE The Tamblyn Beauty Shoppe will ho closed froni July 3O'th (Thu"ay Niýght) tilli Monday, August 1Oth. a-25-p. FOR SALE One PeLaval Cream Separator, practically iew; also one Barrel 'Churn. Apply to Mrs. G. W. Bowen, oronlo. c-27-ip. LOST With the theatre ie his vies, a mliusic s-ore ueualiy clos' e et hand anyd golf nover lfer from bis mmiid, Nomman Licasveteran ai the Fimst Great Wr singer, aineouncer and pine-rmdia -man, is aile of the beter-no i podkcors le the GCa ilo is a me (hrf the Toronto Studia stLaff,has -tul)eivised numer- a)US mJusical comnedy progranmes, is currently ýproducing sevemel 013C Recital 'seies. These ýpar'e heard on MUondays et 7.45 p.m, RED]., 8.45 p.m. ADT; and Tuesdays et 2.30 pm. E1YT,'3.30 p.m. ADT. Ho has beeni in cag of the Curtain M-Xen aies series just ýconcludingl, heard Wednesdays eat 9.30 EDT, 10.30 p.m. ADT, and impressarios th e very populam orgame<'ýýitftlpragmam played by FMa-,itlsnd Faneron Thursdays at 9.00 p.m. EDT. NEW JUDGE PRESIDES FOR RENT Four rooinis with good cllar, ais0 good garde-n. Isim-ediate- posses- sion. Also vac-ant eorner lot for selke. Apply to Miss Eva Patterson, Orono. b.25--c. AUCTION SALE Heuseholld Furniture, the property ai M. W. J. Leamoen, Orono, will ho held an JuL4y 18, 1942, et 1.30 p.m. Tennis ýCash. Ted Jackson, Auc- tioneer. c-26-p. FOR SALE Two Windosws, Sesh and Glass, ccompleto, 7 feet iby 4 feet 3 inches; aIseo 2 doors, size 6 feet 9 inches by ,4 inches. Aipply W. J. Riddell, Orono. a-25-c. FOR SALE iSmiall Guosmey Cook Stove, in good condition, anà will have somne other articýles. Apply to Mrs. W Seyinur, Phone 87 r 10, Oronto. County and District News I{Harol(j Spear, 18-year-old Hamil- ton townshi~p youth, 'was founid guilty on e charge of stealin-gegso- line froiniafelo employee and was sentenced to 15 days linfthe county jaiL. Very Rev. A. F. C. Wballey, dean of Nova Scotia, passe-d away at Hali- fax recentiy. Ho was a native f Oshawa and at one tiine was priest- viicar of St. Geonge's Cethedral, Kingston, and reetor of St. Peto's Churicl, Broelvville. A large L shaped barn and straw shed on a farm owned by Mrfis. Roy, Muklin, haif a mile south f Rose- neath village 'was buned to the wroek, winh theause non. f aT faim i meted cauJe Rabins cfTh Roseneath. Mm. nd iMs. Leo Flescli, Cobourg, whose son, Sergt. Observer Lea Flesch ofi the R.C.A.F., bas been missing for ceaie tuie, have received word froni Ottawa thet, aecordling ta word movceivod through the Intenei- tional Red Cross, thet hoe wes killemi when the plane in which ho wes a crew niemdber lended on Grra tmtoyon Marchr 29. The lIed, Cross was talmi by German nuthor-i ities thet the bedy rf Sgt. Os Fiesch hburli ýd with iuil iiitr lhnos et Wilshellnshiven. Hoe wentý A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SUR GEON Offiýe lilours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.rn.; 6.30 to .00 p.m.. PIIONJI 47r1 ORONO DENTAL DR. R. O. DICKSON Office Hours: Monday to Saturday (inclusive), 9.00 e.m. to 5.00 p.m. Wednesday: 9.00 to 12.00 P.xn,1. For appointment telephone 18 r I VETERINARY 'Wifred WT. Sherwin B.VSc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office:. Main St. Orono Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John J. GiIfiIIan~ -Phmn. B. Lietaeof the College of Opt.m- etry-Lf Ontario Office Hours: 10 to 12 aI. anid 2It 4.30 p.m and by aPPOintMeut Office ini C. B. Tlyrrell'e Drug Steoeê Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo-' bile and Liability Oron - - Ontario, AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator and et reasonable ratea. Per, Ounîtae or600 e im ,at E. Mooetn, at Orono, for dat*. FF. Momrs & Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMB3ULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville -- Orao Phones: Bowmianville, Day 480 Night. 7734 and 57à Orono, 27-I The Oldest, Largest and M'ost Complote Furniture Store apd Modern Funeral Service 'Mi Durham urService-THE BEST Our Goods-TkIE NLWEST Our Prices--THE LOWEST IBOWMANîLLE &SONO HELP THE FARMER ýSomo farmers report that their hlay crop this year is tihe best ther ever had. 'The next tliing is to gel. it into the hem-. Any onle in towr, wlho would like to spend a fow days on the farmi may do so easily, as mnany farmers want moen. overseas in Seiptolnber, 1941. iMystery surrounds the cause of death of 17-year-old Shirley Ander- son, of Caourg, who died on Thurs- eday miorning of lest wý%eek a't a surs- Lmer co(ttag-e et Gores Lanfing, Rice 1Lake, Hor pare nts, are Captain and Mrs. Lorne Anderson, of Cobourg. The young girl whien examined for 1farn wonk v-'as in the best of heaith and modical nmca are una-ble to find ithe cause of her death. ýShe retiret, 1Wedýnesday rig4ht and Thursday, m norning of last rweekl was found-- .moening and unconsciouss in heT 7bed. ýShe passed away shortl1y after. wards. please notify Mrs. Dent, Phone54, Orono. a-25.c. FOR SALE Largesized Crearn Sepaartor, in good condi'tion. Apply to E. E. Jones, R.R. No. 1, Clarke; Phione Clarke 1504. c2.p WANTED Young girl for k-itchen, no wash- ing or eooking, other he1lp kept. $15.00 month. Seaton Hall, Port HEope, Phone 545. b-26-c. . 1 . 1 Orono Dentist