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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jul 1942, p. 5

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15,000, julL'i1Ottawartio V cOOI Iof the btýterbou poiicy of thie war'timle pr ,icesantrade bLl( vl al pe'riod of one year lmay costnmorýe The prices board announciLed iast weuk that prodlucer-s will be paid a sixcet-a -pouttid subsidy on butter- fat, effective MAonciay. The bonus, desig-ned to avert a threatene-d short- age n(ent rwinter and in the foiiow- * ing season, ;s equivalclit to flive cents a 1)ound on creamiery butter. Butter consumer-, wil'i continue Vo have the protection of the 35 - cenit-aý-pound basic wholesale price tg t~cefflig but prices p.id farmners for arniik sent to creameries wiii be in- raedby the bonus. The bonus wiii bing their returns moïre nearly * . in line witlh those of fariners whose .milk is used for cheese making. Applyat th ORONO TIMES OFFICE Any one who ean afford Vo buY Orono - Ontario their eoal better do so. This winter, we are inforanedl, coal may be bard] to secure. InaOrono It'si Men's Work Boots, pair........3 15 Boys' Walker Work Pants.... ...$187 Boys' Work Shirts........ 85c. Men's Walker Overitils .ý. .........$ )2.50 Men's Fine Shoes, broken sizes, regular $51.00 $7.00. SPECIAL ...... ......... Men's Blue Work Pants .............. $250 MAC. SMITH PHONE 6 r 2 - - ORONO RED & WHITE -STORES Gillett's Lye, cash & carry, fin li c Magic Baking Powder, tin 28c Ne wport Fluffs, deicious cereal 39c Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. 15c Cooking Bran, 2 3-lb. bags 25e Alymer Baby Food, 2 tins i15c Brunswick Sardines, 2 tins 13C McCormick Graham Wafers, i lb. pkg. 25c Wheat Flakes, 5 lb. pkg. 22c Apple Sauce, tin lOc Sunlight Soap, 4 bars 22c Handy Ammonia, 2 pkgs. il c Certo Crystaîs, pkg. 12c Round Steak, IL 32c Sirloin Steak, IL 35C Porter House Steak, lb. 38c Lifebuoy Soap, 2 cakes 13c Chipso, pkg. 25c Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. jar 29c LighnÏngFloor Cleanerg, bottle 25c Quix with pearing knife, 2 pkgs 25c 1lb. tin Corn Syrup $1.10 I J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 Phone For It Prompt De live r i Local News Mr. H-arry homne§ paint. W. E. Armnistrong and M. 'Meeer are having tei freshen up 'with a coat cfi Mm. Mý4dNaýlbb cf Gannington, is as- sisting in the oa-nk cf Cominei-ce bere, while MMary Sonierv-ille is 'havinig ber holidays. Mas. Victor RIaneo, Eleanor and Gary, spent last wveek visiting with Mrs. Haroldi Hancoclk at -Ehnieoft Fainm," OrbaWa. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin at- tend'ed tne Veterinary Convention and banquet held im Gueiph on Wed- 'nPsday cf tthis week. Forty-tihree ne-w bocks have been piaced on the sbel'ves cf the Orono Lib.rary, ineulding such bocks as "This Above Ail," by Erie Knight. LAC James Powers, of Manning- ~Pool, ýand Mr. Roy Pc-wems, cf Tcr- osto, spent Suanday 'with their par- ents, Mm. and Mrs. C. Powers. As an added attraction for Ariny Week, Major Keir and Relgimentai Sern-eant-Major George McXennat were awarded effilciency xinedals at Peterbcrough training centre on -Fi- day last. -Mrs. Sid Lathainý and txvo cblidmen, aecinpanied by hem mother, 'Mrs. C. Adamus, al of Toronto, spent Juiy ,st with hem aunt, Miss F. M. Cobble- dick. Mrs. Adams remuaincd for a longer 'visit. Yirs. John Ar.mstrorig entertained at afternoon tea in ber home on Park street on Wednesday after- noon, -ia honour of ber daughter-in- law' Mrs. -GeorgeAinsirong, of Timmains, wlio is visiting with her. Mr. anld Mrs. Georg-e Henry, ofý Ripiey, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gray] o 'f London, visited rwith iMrs. A. Hfenry, -Orono, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. HalwlStarksiie, and with Sixth Line friends over the week-end. Dr. D. N. MeElroy called to see his grandimother, Mrs. Noble, en- route to Toronto, retu.rninig froni visiting his mother and sister at Pe-tei-iboro. Keith is no~w practising ini the Sik k hildre's Hospital, Tor- onto, Some of the Orcno ladies have been very industrious recently and over half of the «-Red Cross sewing quo-ý?a has been eoimipietedi, There are stili about thirty sirts and twelre pairs cf s-aal boys' shorts to be iriade for BritLish children. Can aniy one else volunteer Vo do'eit"Ier machine or hand sewin.- inmidiate- ly, as these articles are i3rg-ently needed? Mrs. Hesper Dean will be glad te supply work and instruc- tions. New, jmoderrn test equipmexit en- ables one to make fast, dependable repafrdcte any make oDf radio. Chas. R Knox, 2r 2,rOmno. ti. Mr. ýand Mrs. Chas. -Shaw' and faiiiy spent Sundi(ay at Lakc 0oe. Whitiby- Rotaryý and Lions wili hoid their street fim on ,5th. Sim- Club1 Juiy- A fter Satur daY 'S perlformance, it is time that ail d ogýs be tied ni). Mr's. (Dr.) Hcnrlly, of HaImlton, is visiting ý, Mrs. J. C. Gamïiey thiswek Miss Lillian Workmani, of Cire, visited with frien'ds in towýýn on Tues- day. Dr. and Mms. J. Hl. Luslie, cf Pet- eriborougl-h, are on a three ees vacation. Mm. Clifford Jones, cf the Radio Range(, Stirling, was home for the week-end. Miss Marlon Cooper, cf Toronto, is spendfing her two weeks' vacation at her home. Seragt. Pilot Ronald Patterson, of the R.C.A-ý.F., Brýam-iptDn, is on a wek' iave here. Mis. A. Wesley, of Toronto, visit- cd afe days recently wlth hem cou- sin, -Mrs. J. Eagieson. INMrs. R. Jones and two childmen, ofý Bowmanville, are spending the week with 'Mrs..M ena Miss Mary W. Somerville, of the Bank of Coumerce staff, is spend- ing lier bolidays in Toronto. Misses Margaret Flintof and Jeanne Forrester, of St. Catharines, were homne for the week-end. Margaret Wathen, cf Toronto, is spendinig hem suntier vacation %vith ber g-randimother, Mrýs. Craneý. Mr. Sandy Sonierville, cf Toronto, is, spending Iis liolidays -with hîs brother, Mr. T. W. Somerville. Wben a fariner goes ou ap his potatees, he n( just what he will find, bu most sure to fi-nd pýolt Monday of this -week3 Cowan, whiie dgginig hi dug up one that was leld of a ciasp loat froin a set This ciasp wvas pioug-hed year when the ptatoes ed, and one of the ne-w po into the clasp, -Which hlay piagy in the window of office. Furna< May be hai get later4 ORDER - R. E. LOG PROPRIETOI] Centre St. Orono PARK ST. UNITED Rev. S. Littlew( SUNDAY, JUUY li a.n.-Worship. 2.30 p.i-i.-'Suinla~y S( Bright singing, fine1 'ZP.i.--Ciarkýe Patr will attend Di-vil ut te plough ever knows ýut he is ai- L.AUUAI llcwbY? O i ýhiUwil i be heid in oruoll rnunity Pr on Frilay af'tei Jiylý 7thi. Corne early so vy P'ark 'StreetSundahy Seýhool Jiýlîcn lissncisayh ot wii behci r OrIiOCosnuityi rng your lunchbake and Paiîk t1lis ai'ftern11oou (Tliihusda. janid stay foriue. Rot wate SPor"ts o)f ail11 nds wi)('be'eld,'aibe suippied foi, your tea. Eve t1wo softbali gailles wil b"e piayed. iweicomie. A1 good timie is assuired ail who at- tend. »Dr. B'Idwell Tekrwho is n( The Hon. -M. F. Hepbuirn wiil be the am11ly, froin,, QuceIbec, païd a the -ýpecýia 1speaker at the Durh-ai j V o Oroino this week. EVERYBODY WELCOME AT FAR MERS Z)PICNI Friday, July 17, '42' Under auspices of Durham Federation of Agriculture Speaker : HOé%N. M. F. HEPBUR N Premier of Ontario P icnic Lunch - 12.30 p.m. Bring Lunclh and Dishes, Hot Water Supplied ADDRESS 2.00 P.M. Sports and Girls' Softhall Game, North vs Souti In case of rain the programme wvill proceed in ti Agricultural Building Mmrs. Simipson and famiily, of Tomý-. onto, are spending their uisuai two months' at the park. 'The Rotary Club cf Port Hope heid their annuai atreet fair on Wed- nesday and sonie froim the village repcfrt a good time. Monday, Auglust .38rd, bas heen prociaimied civie holiday for Clarke- Township by the council at their- regular meeting on Tuesday hast. Messrs. Penc. Lunn, Madison iHall and Dr. MecKenzie were fia-ing on Thursday evening cf iast week, at Rice Lake, catching thmree bass and one miuskie. Dr.%iMlXenzie was the iucky one, catcbing the imusk;Iie and iosing. another. On Tuesday cf his week we e- ceived a letter fronm Mm. O. W. Scott fromi West Guilford, inf-orming us that theme would be no Scott e- union heid this year, oigto bthe scamcity cf gasoline and tires, as s0 -maniy live toc far away. The Co-wian annual reu*iion was held in Oono Comnmuity Park on Saturday, Juiy 4tb, 'ith a good nurinber in attendance. Gaines wvere played, and a pleasant afternoon's outing was bought. to a c-lose with tbe semving of supper. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan enjoyed. a short visit froas thekr nephew, Sgt. Douglas Eliiot, of Saint John, N.B., Wvho, with his bride, the formier Mise Kay 'Camieil, aIs-o cf Saint John, is spending a i7wo weeks' honeyriioon trip in Ontario. Ilaying is no-w in fui swing on mcost cf the fanam in thlis district. Somrre of the farmers in the north part of the townshiip are ha-ving dif- fteulty in secuing- help to take in their emop, wvhieh is the heaviest in a good nany yeams. Ail grain crops are exceptional aiso in these parts. The gowth has been tre- myendous, andi if the heads, fill-weli, there wilb be a 'bumper crop in grain and feed'. Walter B.1 Secr, ARMSTRDNG'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 Specials Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 9, 10, Il Mr. Brooks H-ainburg is potatoes, Steak - in the g-p I ýt f hai-ness b 1 under this were plant- 0c tatoes grew 3c now on dis- the Tmes Sweet Mixed Pickles ishop large 25c.e ~CS Roun'd Steak rd tolb on 140e. ~ 0W Fresh q4uw Shoulder Pork 1AN lb. ýR 250e Phoo SrlO Shoulder Roast CHURCH Beef Y l2th 30e. ichool.Toniato felloshipJuice neiýt L.OL' ne Service 2 for ¶empember the Sabbat DaY nient, illcrest ShOrtening 2 lb. 29e. Orange Marmalade Crosse and Blackwell 32oz. jar 33c. Steak lb. 442e Quaker corn Flakes 2 pkigs. 15e. Can Pumpkin Choice 2 for Loin Pork Chops lb. 30c. Fresh Side Pork 25cel Rubber Rings 4 dozeR Thr, large Porter- house Steak Large Forbes Heyland President

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