ORONO Vol. 6. No, 29. OPONO. ONT., TH[IRSI- Farmers Urged To Raise More Sheep To Increase Wool Supply Ontario Department 0f Agriculture Opens Sheep ~" Raising Campaign I1,000 New FIocIks Objective For This Year, States Live Stock Officiais Canada is facinig a serious wool airortage. Fariniers frein const tc coasit are beinýg aîkdte increa 3heep prod1uctioný, as oe millier mnore sheep are qirdfer 1943, 'agrieultaal offiiais sate. Onitanie far-mers hbave done, an ex- ~e lent job li qproducing war1time loods sncb as cheese, porlc, egga and, oneedmilk anid are aow hbeiag ia.,ked te increase thre sheep popula- tien of thre Iprovince, by 25 per cn1 The Onýtanie, campaign n iow get- ltig unden way, la unider thle per- sonal directionce W. P. Wa t soai, Live StockBanh Ontario Dopait- -ment of Agrviculture. MnL. Wats9nüi states that the reseit sbeep'popul) tien la a ppnoximately 4410,000 and 2,5 per cent lacrease wil rcquire the .-retention cf 110,000 owe lambs. Total sheep marketings at year wene appreximately 250,000 heads 'witqh about haîf the nar4etings lio- in-gnmaIes. Thin eans, saiîd Mn. W%ýat ýsoni,"trit etof thre 1942 e'we n-bý -,crp nmuat be salvageLd for breedingi purposes. "Thene are Mf)0000 Ontario farmi- -ens keoping sheýep. If ench cf the(se, -moen retain tbrece ew-e lamba lan ad- 'dition te those neq'uired for; replace-- m-ent, the necoasary inci-ense -wîll ho Littained. Hwever, a great manWy :ilocik owniers are already keepÎipg ail rthey cenapropLýry acmodtse arO-w flocks nmuat bc etaliheiOr objective for 1942 la 1,000(1 ae oks"said 'Mnv. Wto.jT sireuld ho established la qin i~ anet suitaîbbie for sheep ~iig Countties havte beon divided int'ýo it.'Categories A, B aihd C, accejdfiag te present sheep pr'oductioni." 'CoutieLsiia "A" categ-or-wý-here over 5.000 lamba1) were mai le at year-wiiI ho as'ked toesetabliahb three iew fîeeýka ipc o tiship. Thjeîy include, Bruce, Canleton, Dufferin, Durham, Grey, Hastings, Hurcon, LanMtoai, Lanark, îMaitoulia, Mid- d1esex, Ontario, Rainy Efrer, Ren- re-w, Sinieoe, Victoria, Wellington and Yo1n'k. Counties lan'"B" Category whene Iamb imaiketin'gs iwere beiween 2,- 600 and 5,00Iat year, ,ril'be ask- ed te estabolish at leÏ'sý two aew ~flocks jper towý,nship. These include the couaties cf Fronten~ac, IHaldi- mand, Ilaiton, Peel, iPerthr, Peteinbene 'Waterloo and Went-wonthL Ail1 othen counties not iacluded la -aibove categories 'will ibe asked te 'establisb coeaew flock in each towa- ehilP. .Agiutural representatives are ,aking a preminent partt la the eami- paiga for more sheop. They have just ýcempleted a sheef survey and are lnaa position teo ac sepios-ýpec- 11n past yealrs, parties wvishing -"te establis¾fi olks lhave ivnibypost- ponied doing se un]!til the fail mjont'hs, ilbelieving that (ewe .tlms could tbe j purc:h'ased at lower pr-ices at thluit lion m-'ay o(Ccur ag-ainl this year, the Onitarie ) prmet proposes te puirchase 'good( ewc lambl's, on the, * aktand' in smeof the lne sumer onts.Theuse lambs ll be- asemledatstrategie poIints se) thait a rýýeeve supply will 1)e avail-! abile Inaterý in the s-easean. L is plan-i ned te seli these Lamhs at cuurrent Prospec-tive purchiasers ar eire- minded that ailtheuglýh the prîce per pound Ay be lorwer in i the sa son], the hlnWbýs wîll %Veigh milore, with the resuit thiat there wViIlibe vr littie differenice ia the total costË. Ewe laýnbs purchased anid assein- bled Ihýly the IDept. w l1 b e avail- able ftDr shipm-enit te counties where the local supply is insýuff!,cient te meuet the demand. Whea lam-bs are sh-*)IPped in carloaid lots bet'ween (points -wîthini the Province, or where lamnbs are shipped in less than car- Joad lots ibet-ween points -within the Provinc(e located within 200 miles of eacýh other, freight wýill be p'aid by the Domninion Department of Agri- Culture. The Donion Department of Agricul-ture aise proposes te sup-. plyý a ram fer- two years, free of charge ijader a boan policyv, te al ;)arteet biiseingnew f cks cn- sisti' of a inimum orf!,,jewes, se long as suitableu ramls are avail- ahbIe. FIeris ":for. ma'kinlg applicationi erfreight 'sitne or lbanof tams,'will be a'vini & a al Agnri- cultural Represe-ntativesz' offices on ai after August lst. Deer Sighted At Kirby For the first timeL in many years a young doe was sighted on the f armi of William ii Rutherford at Kirby. Donald Brown and Sid Rutherford wene hoeiag turnips at the edge of thep connifilkl when Iooking up they sighited this doe makzing her way siowiy thirou.gh the corn where they wvere working. When it sighted the hoers it stopped, then leaped nlimbly over the feaice intco the 'pasture amoag- the gnazing cows. The cows looked u(p in wonderment as the doe trotted ipast themi, cleared two mnore fenies and pvoceeded across the farm ia a south-eastenly direction. It is a possîility ýthat this animal1 had escaped from a park in tlhe dis- tricet, 'but it is more likeiy that it is one of several thîtt have mnade theiri way south fromn the H1aliburton dis- trict and have new made their head- quarters la one of the larger buishes aloag the, aiath or tenth concessions. Township Rate Same As LaC ear, 4 Milis on the$ The regular meeinlg on Clarke Torwaship Council iyas held la the couaciil chamiber, Orono, on Tuiesdayý iast with aîl the [inbens preseat.1 Thre minutes ýof th~e previeus mneet- ing were rend and approved. Thre followving 'i4-laws were pro- sented and passed : S By-aw ,No. 1t77-&nriking tire ~. Tate for the lcêèg of Orono, being 7 aills, 'the paî- as last yean. By-law N'o. W08 - Strikingo the flowiag rates for the To'wnship of Clarke :Oountby rate, 11.5 milîs; To-wnshliip rate, .f4 milîs; geànenal sehool rate, '6.9 'nxiiu1e. S Thre foP vig retelutions -wereý passed:- 1û68-ýDýfin~g wl, dir te road al- lowaace anatter.ý JC069-Conti ýin- C. P. Awde as tax collerter. 1070 --'Grarkting the sum ef $200 te the, Durham Cenîtral Anciua Socie'ty. T'le follewing bills were erderod jpaidi: iMrs. 'E. J, Randali, $32,00; MVrs. Morrils,$'.0 J. J. Mellor, snlany, postage and mnileage, $65.27; El- liott's Statieaery, office supplies, $2.- 94; S. R. Hart & ýCo., stationery, $6.7ý5; Gordon C. Martin. $-25.00; A. S. Ailiter, calcium chloride, $6.H0; Clarence J. Allun, 1 sh'eep klled by dogs, $18.00; Clarnece J. Allun, 1 trip as valuer, $2.50; Wm. E, Davey, B.O.H., $2.25; Dr. J. H. Holbnook, M.. $7.50; Onono Weely Timies, inutes, $2.50; R. H. Wood, cane cf hall, $5.50; Max Stapleton, 1 sheep killed by degs,$1,0 E. L. Mac- Nachtaa, 50 per cent irospital mtce., $30.00; E. L. MacNachtan, hospital nef ud, $23 .613; Durham- Central Agnricultunal Society, granit, $200.00; rond voucher, $515,68. ALLIED TA-NKERS BI~N OIL T'O 1BRITA-IN Even ini peacetime eiýI lot of an[ oi-tanker's ecew is net an emviable one in wrthn te perIils arin rae tenifoldi. Undier the protection of the Royal Navy andf R.A.F. Coasýtàl Commandi3(, fiIled tnkes ontijnue t echBritin is'afely dekspote cnetdU-'boaIt, E-boat and emnmy aîrcralft ataldlcs. Picture shos0,On ourd anl o: tanker byounld for Bri- ta ii; a view of the "li' nde' Canada's War Effort A weekly review of deveblopments! on die home front fnom July 23 te July 30, 19412. 1. Second and third readiag g-iveni in Sonate te Bill empewening the Governm-ieat te impose conscriptioni for eversea-s service. Vote on seu- oad reading: for, 412; agibst 9 2. Canes nnuned a uater- maste eea's bncDpart- ment of National Defenic, as sequtèl te Duff report on Hc Ion g em p ediHti onI. Caevt motion au inig for nognzte of Depnt ment defeated la Commn-ons ý1.v13L0 votes te 4 3. -Batta-lion of 'Cainadian ara toopa auithorized. Tringsrt shorltly, 4. Four aainsudostk part lai air attacks on HIantýuung and Duisburg 5. 'Shortag(,o f ietalsla Nnrth Am-enica hecomels more serious. Still more drastic civilia curtail- mienis muat be Made if -%ar p]lants are- te be -kept la full operatien, an- nenniced Hon. C. D. lReo, -Mýinister RED CROSS MEETING 'Tire Orono Bnnnch beld its Auguat meeting last Thursday aftenooDn la the 'Orange Hall. The Britisir Clvi- lin sewing iras comre la veny well indeed, and our nequisition of sanl boy's' outfits will seon ho readyte amhip. iSeveral iwomoin's nigirtgownis are nendy ae-w te ho made and may ire precured frnm Mrs. Hespen Dean 'nt any timo. Our Branch hias been requested te make iýp comifort bags for sailons tus year -for tire firat time. These are teoire sent away la good time befone Chrnistns. It was decided te close our %work-- rocom for tire mentir of Auguat, ai- thongir quiltinga ny be beld at, otirer pinces if desired. Tire troasurer's report lsans foi- lows: Blncee Juiy 1 ............. $571,41 Donations ................ ........ . 25 $579.66 July epns................... 90.88 $488.78 Tire foliowing1- bilis wvene erdered paid: Canadianl Red Cross for ires- pital supplies . -.... . . .......... 25.43 Secretnry's 'bock ...........,-,.. ........... .5q $25.93 Secondary Schoois 1 ~To Open Latel of Munitions aald supply. 6. Producens and consumones Of Figh-speed ste2el ordened te intr- ducecertaicanges *la m-anufactur- :ing prce.Purpose :'te oconserve, tCanada's djiinising s'upply of tuagste4n, eoyîbdenum and vana- ~dillm. '7. liseof ireazol la gasodino foýr iotor. vehie(s or its use- for aawy qthuen non-wýanrpeprhbtd -w e rsiicin onl credit buy- im)lIlIuiCld!bY WanItiInQe PricLýe s and Trade Bard. 9Furher seasonnI reduction in maximum wholosle beefpricoj aegngcao c entl a peunid, came J into effuct AuLguat 3 10. Fi-st ot of Joint War Pro- duaction 'Commiiittee of 'Caniada anid l'le UTni'ted States shows annullal rate c>f United States munitions pro)duc- tion for scecond quarter cf 194:2 iup nennrly four tim-es oven 1941. Cana- djian Production, in'cludiag many 'citical itemis, uap nearly lthre ie for aMme pelud. CLARKE UNION Mi-S. George Fogg is visiting with fniends in Os!hnw-ýa this week. Miss Jean Rickaby, cf Toront,, a risiting ýat Mn. and Mrs. Rober Souch's. 'Mr. George F'ogg, cf Pickering, visited at holme. George is sperting n '28 Pentine. Mr. and Mrs. Jee Bates and son DJavid visited -with Mrs. Georgec Fogg necently. Mn. Archie Watson, cf Kingaston, visited witb bis parentsMn-.' and Mrs. Alex. Watson, oven the week- end. Mn. and 'Mrs. Samn Lawrence and son John, Mnr. and MVrs. John Ro\we and son Hîilliard, and -MissMeafe of Toroîtto, visi'ted with 'Mn. and Mnrs. Fred Blackburn,ad -Mrs. Jeu- nlings, 'Who bas beon with M:. anid Mis. Blackburna returýncte toToronto with themn. A number cf Clarke Union pople gaithorod'at tire hom1c-ocf Mr. and Mrs. Her1b. Scott on M\onday igh-lt nnd prosoated _Mn. and Mns. Aylward Little with an eleètric floor- lamp. Mr. Enniest Hawke b-oug1hrthtie gnth- ering te order and ýcallecl on Mrs. Dan Fraser te rend tire address, af- ton whicb Mn. Jin Nixon mrade tire presntaten.Mn. and MnA1s. Lîttie replied very capnibly. thankiag the follcs for tire glft. Tire remainder of tire evoniag wns spent la -social chat. The evening iras broughbt te a close bDy the serving of lunch. Seconidary Schools in Ontario will crop losses in Ontario.- open two weeks late this Fall sol If necessary, says th e Premier, that twenty thousand sehool children 1Secondary Schools 'will be kept 'Clos- can hel.p fariners get in their crops. edi an extra month. This ha, been aTnouned by Pre- Officials ,f the Departanent ol mier ýMichell F. Hepburn, who says Agriculture have appealed for more that the shortage of farn labour is sehool ichildren .to helpp in the fields. acute. Delaying- the opening- of It's estimiated that tea thousand ad- seoos desig-ned to avent great ditional hind are nýeeded. Port Hope Wins Honors In Bail Tournament At Newcastle On Monday Ail Bail Gaines During the1 W. M1. S. MEETING Aftrnon w re eryThe Aug-usýt meeting of the Wo- Keenly Contested nall's MsioaySoeiety was hield at Oronlo Park when lanl interestîn'g Marvellous weather conditions Z1adejybetime -was; spen21t. la weepreset_ for Newýcastle Sports theane of the pres,ýiden,ït, Mrs. day eld onrMndy fteroo iast Little-wood, whe with Rev. Litle.- an argeiruilber of speuctators wood are on their holidayýs, the first wer e presenlt. vice-presidenit, -Mrs. M. H. Staples, Thete were five bil gaines P!,ayed pr ýesýi ded. thr-oughout the day. A sýpecil ft The meietLiingpenied with singiaig 'haljl game was plny-ed la the mor)ininig anme fifamiliar hymnus, led(y betwoeen to Newcastle girls' teamls, Mrs A. A. Dr.Ulimoad(, ailI eet the team of 193Ï2 against 'the teau, the 231,J pSalaiad pr-ayer by Mrs. of 1942, Thle gii's team- of 1932, M. Hl. St~ls with their star ry pitcher, Ruhy Ila the 1busineýss 'period the presi-. Brunit, wonl the gamle b a Score of dent Illuce te September mieet- 8 'teo 3. In the fir-st innings the .1932 ing of the W.... ould .be ieild the team scoried .fve runls, one of them ? ecoad Tuesdayý in the mnontlh instead beinig a home rua :b-y Violet Wood- of the first Tuesday. It irýas ne- lock ,with twvo on baises. Thle 19412 quested thiat the jars of fruit seli', teaml scored their thruee hans la the eac!h year te the Fred Victor Mis-~ first inings, and fromn there on wene sien, be brought la eanly la &eptemn- hield in check. ber, There wnvas a discussion on The first gamne of the aftennoon who weuld be sent as delegate te. was the mien's scflibaîl -gaine between the "School for Leaderis," held in Salemn and .Newcaistle,' whielh was Witby 'Colleige frcem August 3lst- closely 'ceitested, Salem got aayte Sept. 4th. It -was left ivith 'Mrs. 'te a goocd stant by scening tbnee run's &taples te get the deleg-ate. The la each of the first and second la- themie of the, meeting was "The nings. and then neyer scored agai, Bihle, the word of God." Respon-. unltil the sijxth wýhen two ruas were. sive rieading wvas g-iven! by Mri. rogit !la. New astlce scored one St,ýples and MssDa,,- and Ms me, la the second, two la the third, DaVY 'gave a few tboughits on the one in the seventh, making the score promiises of G od. A n approipninte 8 te 4 la faveur of Salem. hyman was rend1by Ms A. A. Dr-uii- The second game of thee afteirioea)i mond-11 ivas the bard ba-il gamebewe Port Thie W.C.T.U. haid charg1e of thie Hlope and New\calstle which rsle rgam which ira1s on Temiper- la a wýinl for the fiormer team "y a ance. Mis. Staples rend the aimai coef 8 te '7. Newcastle f - LheW.t.T.U. wili ae to prio- blakedlathii st, whle Por t 1Hqp', nielte tempernice Pl in(ipîes at al scoreLd t\wo runs by B. Foot na B. times, etc. Mrs. Il. Walsh gave a R det'le firs'tw atesontetal on Ithe liquor pobeshwa lieu.Newcsieoae nigtbakte nesitnyta whie s ini thle seond [ote ieitup we 1 ayti'saerati0oed, liquor is C'cuch, the firatatr,0 dreve euta nt atiaed, 1Mrs. H. Rowý,2e-eplain.- home rua, thea Ho)ar sinigled and i cd n'out thie Little Whiteý Ribbeners, scrdon S. Gi-rinam'sinle New- shbe havng chage of that depant.. caIstie wenlt inito the lead in thýe ltird I1 ment ia 'the W.ýC.T.U, She alýso told when Tex _Riekard si :1g1ed anditer of eatertainling the mothers of the scored. Port Hope waîs 1blanked in,,childrea once a 'year-. Mrs. Stajpîca -the se,,cond aadthird iin;iags, but rend a sho-rt imessage from MrJ -s. 'cone five'U'nl the fourth, aine Tvickey in which she .ur-ged us te ah- mown going te bat. N (wýcastl1e rmni stain and try teL influence those inoabunch of errons la this inniags around lus te abstaini. and Pointer, Huffmaa and Raften The m'eetin'g ciosedl withi the mis- Were al safe on erreraý, mwhile Hler- pah benediction. Sandwiches aad Mari drove eut a 2-bag-gen, thon tea wýere served and a social t1ime en- Phillips, piaying ila place of Rýow- j oyed. den, erove eut a home rni, clearing the :bases, miaking the score 7 te 3 at ed the w'ay for their final runs. the end of the fourth. Newc(astle Brunit gave up eihits and Rafter put across two runs ia the fifth, for Port Hope gave uip seven. wben 'G. 'Waitea sîagled, ýMoise safe The third game ef the afteirnoon on errer, and Inter both seored, while wvas between Orone and Newicastle Port 'Hope came baek with one rua il,- he eule na i o in tic lst o file fithNewcastle by a scýore of 12 te 10. a homer iby îHuffman. Ila the sixth Donna West started on the mouad Newlastle scored 2 runs, H. Couch for Orono and was replac-ed by Joyce safe on errer and scored on D. Wal- Lewery in the third mlaga'-, while ton's 2-base hit, aaid Walton seored D. Allia started on the meouad for when Geo. Walton was safe on an ea'tebtwsrpaebyJn errer, 'Ia the firat of the 7th la- Bewcatlebn la cethe f eurh ang niags, B. Feote weat into the box . -ta n h oith aýg for Port Hope la place of Rnfter Hawkins rehieved Mq. Ash as catchi- andputeNe aslbatrot er' aise in the fourth. Newcastle la orden. Bruat went thie route forr soredMla eey inns,2l h Newcastle and ipibched goo10 al( fr)tny M1Gry and E. H-enry; tire stnkia eu eiht baters bu t inl the second by MU. Ash andj D. AI- eros uht cepgt lawutth dwnelllia; 2 la the third hy B. Allia and DM. erron thv eret in a de Ash; one la t'he fourth by B. Van- (if Newc-astle, as Port Hope sicoreOd u c'lateiffhb'.Gb thnee of their five ruais on errors l snIynsa the fatal fourth innings, wbich pav- (O)catiauled on page four) Living Cost bonus To Increase 6Oîc,,Augiust I.5 0'bawa, Aug. 5thi-The flrst ap- will pay emiployees the -weekiy 60- preciable increase in 'Caaada's officiaI cent bonus, or the percentage provi- index of living ceats since price cea- sien for lower wage groups. trol was applied last Docemlber is Pensons earaîa'g boss than $2,100 expected te s'well the nation's pay- are automa'ti;ca1ly subjeet te the roîl by more than $1,000,000 a wneek, bonus order while those receivr2g ionr $5ýi,0,0 a yean q ,efec - 1 Au. Q,00 r mrearecosidne__sa-