weeeived Snob close ad ïaime01t 1~.AF, ithsueh výery satisfactor-y esta athe centre of -kmuei of jrrauya ost limpotant n eces- eties, for the prosecution of hei wa ndustr, says The MNoytreal S*L t constituite.s laslian ieue ercen1t 'of the territory of Ger- vnanty proper, that la to say, Cer- FÉsany befor ise h wVar, , yet it la, t,e mjot den.sely populated lu1- i41strial aý reCa ;in ail Europe. , 1ikough 1 iV embracesaZnuiber of dlon!, Solïrngenx, Reiacheid, Lever- kueGeseuikirchien und11(1 of eo raSe Coog e h-sb Ur g andè mm heRuhr iyreuly one ~ontnuos cty.As MLeonardi %ail oinsout iliaa recet issuec nt Lodn alng;"Oily ïa no- lice idcaig , treet bounidury opr aPrm tpwhere yucag frein euestreetcar te anotheri mhowswhereEsnenends ant Thse baekboue antibpsis of the Ruh's mpotane o Grmany 18 e 0'a Te etie eeonmic life oý *he pRhs dîstriCt depends 0on its Joal dtpoitsan its productîin of biard coul is approxýirpate]y 70 percenrt of Germianiys total eai7. Output. ît aise, produ'es the finl.. fst coltng coulaluiiEurope, and for that reaýso ha t fise locale of tise ajor portiýonfo Germanlys v frnand teel industries, Upon lb. engineering and arnient !works of the Ruisr teritory, it- 1.r'a armies reiy for nearly half Af *esinfghgequipment. rA gdditin to beavy arraameits, the, iLuirtunaot an enormous ounit f 1igistaramntChe- mieais, expflosives, and syntýhetie pdl hItý laIse important for itsex tensýive powter planf-ts. luadd- sauce as a raiay Centre for many vtalkwterways, ineinding k1e Rhioineand Rluhr rivera în(" tour o! th-e principal cni h Geranyî-,, of hihthe Dortmîund(- Ema is these mot imlportan1t. Meet, 5if net ail, of tise pointa maeutiod have been tise ebjeet- vea eofRACF. ttuka. If sncbP auk ea beintsife to "te ts sanim el toe wihbiasted! Gologný-e atRostocis fiat, 1V ha q-bvious that, with thie fhw f Germanyý:s ail esnilwar u- p4lis ,eiiousl"Y duamagcd at tiseir uýaSe, the-re u wt 4be1a corresponid- ing aio iug dowu or suCfis ek lesa expeniditurea o! war miaterial,' as she ha been mung aince the great dlive on tise Russian front be;gan som twemontha ago-ex- peuditurea with-ot vwhich i se Ëouild nt osil ave Cdriveni th1e Russianai back, or ineehave had any chance of nîtimate suc- eces, Fur Traders Need No Ration Cards Tbeie n-truder and tie proa. eeter wisomnitisougis Canadas,ý remeote nortisematrrtris at nianund Eskimios living in tise 1interiand eau aVRiligeV sugur witout producig ratin Ëwcpns, Tise Wartimie Prices andI Trade Bojard ha annmounýed fthut epera- Lors of sorsandtr tading p-ostaý ilealing witis ndians, tr-apperýs and, others living ln "uniorganized" »Fea-s may suppiy angur te aucis gruafor any, neear period en tfisehais of one-haîf poundi per personen ouciseek. Proain organlized ai-es wiso some te trading posta or stores 0111Y Once in severa!l montha for Mher supples are nt beig pro- cided wt ration carda, tise Board xaid, a1 ntIàmy bny augar, witisout produicg coupos. Two Pintail D'ucks Make Long Flights Tise long disane fhQMhs of k.wo pnintil dckfroni tise sent-îfh Naitorpedo bomberaswoop tiowVi o muac1evel over AilietI ce voy brinIg mut rli te Rss lu BasuaSea battle wichý took place eariy in July.__ 'ME WAR -WEEK - CommnentaryonCrntves I Hiter'sMighty War ahn IPushes I n t o North Caucasuse week uit î tis aVs ehsCanons- »ays tise Nec York Tmes,.aines tie Wehrmacst launciset i s great 1942ioffenasive luSoutemuRuaSha. For tJise U.S. 'S. R-anbttior Vh Uinit-et aton-ts moment w-as tise gravect sdnce tise euemy's gunusechoed overMoscwa s b- arisa lat FaOI Frexin tseReaoventsanlce o thse Caucasus tise IWebmacbt -ouid niove lb wodretonbotis aimaetiplniaiyu utigtise soviet feniapicplreserves c! O11 anti ut suimate pemathons ,o! tise M>iidItea It. coaltistik drectiy eat art aros t.ise plains ,e! tise Nrtis Cucsus aregion o!, vaust eqîlevefrm, ferinig Four hundeti unti filtemle ut Atkia Am ai aong suci Army forces tisereabctilu UPPer- Rusais, uetise Gemmana lu poi- thon to intaept Atel snsppli cemhug up tise o'r1,1Casi roi Iran. It weuld isegve e I a bse te, puassouharaothýer 4 mile-s along tise fiat abers eis Caspian,VotisCe reatPetroLeUM- wvelis o!0 aku.Tis rs he wol stad 150 milesfroc irasi FromRosto A sut'-dmmc rom Ros- ivev, aogt-ise Biac-k Sea coat, migit ne tisohdistic t o! Mai- kýop anti.reacub Batum, terminus o!f tise pipe linsens Bi'i aku. Tise distanice wulbe 400 miles, tise rouIte ut ak tiataeo! footisil asorlîneanihu uvi ýjIlu0th ie iofty mIain Cucsuornge At Batil ie Nazis would be.oni tise Turhis biorder. Tise upper provg O! ise colos-sal piinceras drvto tsMtac, e Ea"st wouild ho hulation o! Russian rsit CTie Sovit foces e ýon îtie Don wer sury power!ulanti rady te apply sorcisetiearth tacties i beaten bak.Tie pofsuliy ! countev-blew ou tise Iehrmacist'ýs fiatil:nkt Voronjezis, 200 nimiblnris e! Roestov-, c9 i etbeovrlokti Fremn bases acrosatie Vos!ga, frn tise Vris Treta atiSiberia tise Russians. 3ceffutj rwsple andI !igý'hton. Býut i ilrgh tise !and betweeu tie Black andI Caspan Seas Viere pas ne dOUb' that tise Reti Armys sbotrent yvontI hogratybmpirtianti ýtattie Whmctwudgalin a tresure huaeet A w nrater Vo carry on a protcrcM ar. Oïi, The Greatest-Prize Ov/eý'sisatowj3ng ail ole acs bau esoures-grai itis rival- lag tsse e! iseVimhuinhles yet tVo h ofliy exploted-iacel. Th-etisouniantI yoiars ugo tise dis- cilso! Zroater built abrines te Vhs "etmenal firea lit by gas froi ts Caspian oîl betis. Marco Polo coumeîote seCau!casua :te ses tise oil ipped up la skia nbaga, la eton camlels anti carrietioff Persiaz. AIretI-Nobel, wisv1e gave the world dynamite anti"a Pence ]Prizee a ;nihaut tisefirat o! thse pipe linoý's thatcariltise ol o!f hsCacausVotieWestern- Wori Josephistaliný, asou e! tise Cancasu!s, owabtte-r thanl any e!fbiM coleagues lu tee gev- erninenpt what tise peieso! hs Cacasuîs meun tVoal tiýs et o! Te1t si ay trui vr motn Cacsintenru is ip lpa prçduction figures lu Ruessiaare a miiary scetbtethue r ana ron fedanrt f tise main rmintns preduce 1u per cent o! ail Russia's ù2 supplies undtihie Baku fielde, souti o! tise range, yhed 70 per cent. FuirÀAMEMMecaidEOlOmY ou, this 01mucý-àis o!Russia'ýs life d'epentis. Tise higisl'y mecsani-, Rzdled Arjvmy uat have IL for cars and iotor lorries ndsr power. Thepenant and bis horse ha4ve long snc csdte dlo-mb nate Rssanariulu ety thlere are,,5000 0 tacer, 15,00 combines,21,00heavy farmf truckqSU ail demnng oU to driink oý,n pin f s ta-vat!C- fOr Rus'- Sï,sin. usîs'sorequrirem-ents are so large thAt she lmported olhi in1938 anud placed bevr iv- mlans on ratins despite the âa« vtat fe ha the second largeto- produLcîuig coInrnlthe or. Te keep the oA clthe CaucatS frein t1ae Russian armliies, ti, Wîn it fo-r teievs emn a sacrfice atho sd ,o!German,ý Rd um a n jan, and Hunparian1 jliees. On na front e xtenjiwug from Verneh, arnp the Dn ecs Vogand enveloping ROaStOv ut tishentis tie Don, ediv-sioýnS bave be uldinsrinis t Jak They wr-e r oVusevn sc cs v er-ywhei<sre l'ast wîeek; P.t oonzstise Rssaa er eat- WFng down German attaQk, adanc 'ng meivea. ""Butthe peril'e Key Cte dîitator in tise days of thleRusn c2niil r rgnzei Id Amy sup- plies, is a key indUStrAl n lotv thc W ebr-.,manchtr o ii staiingrud Coast uttempt Vo eut tise Gauasus froln tise rest o!- Ruess, With the city as a base, catrdbiefly last year b- tnO a WintLer o ittrNazi sethacýSa. Iis a po-rt Set isigli mon tie Dn bufaeity o!imore han ai a~ ~ milocpdl, ucino wisefrailways tapping great wheat and barley farms. save rom many lses a t lIe- tovs neworidSoviet dipýloF- mas i biur-ried visits teff meca ad Englisis eades l Wasinto ud London, The r( was no announeement oftihe sebjeet disussed, but there could be but one subjeetThse saine aub jeet wus belng taiked about lu Petluitis anld at m-assmeeig lA Great Britain andth ie Uuted tteForeign visitera la -RusiaL iseqArd"it rom he lpso! the Rqussans tl.p.emselves: "Wishen wi11 Lri ilh ant i' me c ,an off .lel hadý ior.g aneareiOn V uit- genit ts"o salslgaoh front lietcnErp t e4 ease -t-Il e-pressur.e on ie pssa armiers, eyond that there waa w ouniciai word, n officilai acion Mgany obwervers %d seon in the aten l iIlap sAiateasiga isa a second land rot ouil i neth established thlsSmmr Ohl Sad ynoted tMar AmEecatrac lM t Emm Biisistaes wueeSteay Vhey wpld fot be ie t de TII inan et ies ached by t he 13r1 pusw in .tue hcssm be~ ers ~ c' ha;en stesecondfirnt Proumà Mol s came reots th4t theu hs ceondfroteIt hader Bu Rssa n tie Caucasu sus nfuh w-enthirstiug il tir hIop'e ioiise prospecte of a second fret oni the É iayo! iimur ohe ofrta se he Cauusuel bas àben -0gh warrors Tieir radtioal res'I'ý "Ai frnt, Frnt e eu ! iu THOSE CARE-FREE DAYS anyou rmmbrthe eare- frsdays whIen ali th ey useti tis U.ý S, fleet fer was te, talcs Vis President fishing? -Quebecý .Ghrenice-TelegrapIb * ..V' - THAT WULL HEIP A LRFAT (AIVADIA ( IJSE 0 This year, the Canadian Open Golf Ch-am-. pâiship has a significance far beyond its statua as a major sport event, IrwiIl gain present a spectacular struggle for the Openi Chamîpionship and the Seagramn Gold Cup; it willi again foster international goodwill by bringing together fanions golfers from Canada and the United States; but, in addition, the enPtire net proceeds of this yepr's tournament will be donazed to the C anadian 'Red Cross Society. The House of Seagram is espec,.aIuly-lad to be associated with the 1942 Open,whh will b-e ýheld ut the Mississauga Golf & Country Club, Toronto, August 6tJh, 7th and 83th. And, as doru jof the Seagramn Gold Cup, the House of Seagram wvelcomesý, the golfers of both Canada and the United States te the f-airways o(- intenatinalfriendship. flo!r 4 I MWM