Y What Science Is Doing Asharpincrý-'eaSe PSu caes M heurt iseus-publelih'5 Ne. 1 euomy - car o beepwd boit! aogserice mou unld civfiliaut as aresait o! ý thO thck sud Strain o! wyar, Dr-, eadJusli flue Ame(îrc; OteptirAsc Dr, Jones, oM fueha' asCity (moe) Coliege ào seopahy and Surgery, predicted lu a pîeparld adrent flue anticipated icreasco wouldho in functioal heurt ase, rahrthan ognr High Spceed a'ndNos Theraon osaid, wsta 1'"t hliglispo t truek, ato flue genoral îi(eesd epoe igodGýemu wf -r'ire bouud cte ro dur-'e ndlou hu esuit ta function1aîlhert troubles eaveu amog turdy, raîuedathleie'ý." queniy mistaken for truieorae heurt dseuse, w"s a functioal disardr eauu'ed by excessive phys- ieal effort or miental streas. 'Or- gueheart diseuelaadies WcHue civilis aae net Subjeet- adctle rme rigorsauasservic wrn, Dr Joues decared, msuy ae.- ,cumh teanma functloual ulmaut luntMe of: wr because o! ovor- war, orry otr fouar. Ho sald iflure notu enoc qPruie heurtdiseuse, but nueitlie wa he pr-ýepte!rcvy good, Less War Neurosis lu other prepured ades DrV. G. Dogas fCerot F,, aid war lneuresis probably Îwoldhofar lea's pevletmong ve;tuns offlueree ntwurthlan It was after flue Word War lu- auethe amed servicesweeDut tempting te weed eut fbue wluoseý cosustuloual muakeuip recbders thle eocally susceptible te if. "Auforiieaareattackilng the tho hel , fiementally lunfitsu fleborderfliem ena aesfe nuSt m ife) an a ucllage scsate in thia war aëd, e-a ouse quec1ýe they are greatiy I-du. n o1tîcS ' Dr. Dou1glýs 5sad, Wings Ove.rDoe Oh, 1isrmember Dover, * whie, And gray fog thm le NoL e Came driff inl ut nîglu; \.~.,,,- No wigs above fueCsne1to Noblue se-acinlglit.I Oh, I reem i'ibe Dori er The ,ýlittIe pathwuy flurougli flue,2- Woods, C(ool sud richl-y bon Nobiachout of the friendly streetý Mlesu fle durit came down, Oh, I remember Dore, Aiutl flue long whN'ite qua"y, Thelie ffacuudren on flue beaph, Anid whýite sa , tss Telîg talesA rme. I hah go acit te Dorer, Te the grey inansd t min Amidsueo fle cetuages once more,1 The liffle fields o!f ran I hhwslk Soffly by fluecif, Aluove tflu, e sou gain. Ed a Jques. MoeParicels For Prisoners -0f11War Mi - Justice P. Hl. Gordonï, chair- resu o!' the national execuitive oï flue Canadian Red Cross Soefty, dsosdthat Canuda wý vouId s-end 75,000 parels a week fa prison- or o aluEr ope. Th'pis la an Thoughý far from thei r Nazi-oppresse,-ýd homelanld, tosno loyal Polish refugees in Iran cntinueli, to work, fight a.nd dIie that their c-ountry mnay regain its freed*omn, Pli"WAAýC's" r-elax afýter day's work.' Have Vou Had te hlave enjioyeti thie foigpr rot yautinso muclu flat liesurt IL wlth P)rim~e M"Iister CurIchfl: A talrWc!lked ito au auCiti shop qas the auictionecer ws akln"ý'g for bS id.s U apRUrot or. "Twventy," sid another i,.-dder. 'Twenity-f ire," Issid the cahot. "Fry, aid the ether budder, "Fotyfiv,"said the salor.No further bida wero hourd,sud LAe auctioneer said,"Sd" The suBeor look the biud and cag, asem oor lu e moey d satid: "T an au awfiei price t Pu'ora parr'Iot. COnu lie fslk?", "Can holtiek!"ecluimed tholý au'ctonleer. ,Wy alr u u bidiugaganetyouL." -o- sawd Me Hobson: "A bub's troublesodie, tht's trucI; btI remeer the hand thant rc the cradie rues the worldp" plied his wife: "WjeliI, thon, s u p p o s e you assumeý viorld-diominiation for the even. ing while I gýo te the movies."* -o- Aworker due to t2ite on a hesvy job, wsS p1ig exumiiued yte works doctor Whîo found uanun- uLsual scur. Te mi dni ve hu"vjiug lhd an ccdetbut cs ll vluteoedthinfrato thut hbe ihsd once Po ordb bull "Don'tyou rilotu t an cci "Ho id il onpups. change for a Pound noe? "Yes, certainly.", "WNel, juzt fend Mc t'Onhli igs of it, wIII you?"ý Three Csu"'in soldiersbseep- ý-apt. ChurcuciMa tIlat ho took a luoýpefu view of the Eg-ypf- ian sýituqation., V.nOed skies tra euefetsdg ooig ni ae~~~~tien'"e -k~i .B D rsrpo . r aels RA.l.FC lin Daylight Sweep On Danzig Nqazi U-BoaIt Base Ralded by campaigu ta driv e u -bat Érm fle ea by smnaahing Grîuuury'q replcemntsbefere if can gelthe into the wuter is flue Story behind fuke Royal Aie ocessenaution1al dayigt midou Danzig recoutiy That nehr daylight, distance, nec' fou)Illwe-ather deferred (ud roue ')f Britiali bombera rs swepu 1wover G*muyon a 1,7a0-înîlo rnuud n udyi sho10wed fthatflue Na'zis are expolod uow te lghty ir asa ay- wleeaud ut any"fime. Tht et hoDanzig ruid laiý com-iparisaon w tlue duylîght ,ar uftack ou flue Germa]nn submi1arîno4E plntutAugLsburg Issi April. Only 12 planles rmadothat af b, only about haif as fatý frei h' easth Tue mouka011Dunzig rouf hia thî'eop lîlaand nofciiindica fions ts hut thîss less fluan 5 per cent f lueatacking force meat thaf ut loat 0 bom-bera miiadil.t On thisý longeat an rskes day- lilf1epieratfion by flle R-... se ters-great fou-mlotoî'ed bmes wibare flue nowý,est sud highl s cretboilucarriersiSu fleir a1ir Othler bamlbers u t lfluesume ime der 4-00 lmiles nrîer l'Eug'1ln hlan To geli f0 Dauzig., Bital nPibl- eu-s bd te buck tlunderstoîms, fueuluerus iudfs, and iciug fo, inut s o er 1Grmuny's dfeusWe- .--i4 hainepoica 1er than fluie 1,000-plane raids Bremnen, Cologne, unid Essen luke thein, it addedi a net, Lit air defounse. lying ne0 furtluer than te Dan- R.A.. planes ceuild reac l- ai- aI any ity ilu Germaniy, ark e Peiad ubnost te Warsaw, oj Italy aimest te Rouie sud !rit cgets in Western sovakiaHa- dy iLti strolte, flue R.A.F, ex ugdDunzig fr-om Germany'sý ît eo"faf" cSies, Tire Grmans t1 lbeen muîkiug flue most eof s -bo bildinig fiacîlities but niow eiur î i uer ofler remnote indus- 'tal centries a re beyo)nd flue, F.' long atm. Danzig luat ibutouly once Ifore, onifle itfïe! Nov. 10, 1940. etsel For Navy Every 48 Hours Figures for Britishi naval pro)- etion giron in London eenl 0w fluaf au average oe!oone war-1 ip la beiug laun'ehed lu Britain ,emy 48 heurs, accordiug te flue The broadcast added thaf uew corvettes, Brifaiu's fast antisu- marine ,craft, (comp1eted since 1939, amouufed te more ta 12-0. This devers war osses mnany fimles orer. Nïinefteen, ruew Cruisers bavýeecoinue initu evc uine 1939. 75 pecento! Gmman'ct wa indufry a boafedlu fue Rlir HOïW CAN 1? wlkrfurniture and peov l whitouppeurane?ý A. Wash Utqdiky it streng solution of coLd w,ýator and sait and put én the hot sun te dr.Nover wash wcerwthaap as Ut wou resuit lu a poor Celer. Q. How an 1I-have ater front lawu?" A , 1er1liapu) the reýason it doos noyt have the trim uappear:anceý others have la the fact that the edgea of the l ýawu ueýxt te the idewalk have flot blen ut.ULA tUny trench eut along the grass edge give's a noeat appearanco and ripeste the lawuý. Q.Ho au i rid tekiceno flies ormoqies A.3By placing a9cup o!vinegar out the store whler'e 't 'Vil, ime enuouigh temkean red, ý Or, hum cam-iiiPhor 9gum1on1the steJve Q. H.ow cap Iuse bas sug,,ar whe'n 1making applesauco? A. Add your sugar te the apple-. sauce bfoe removing it from ,theý steve, aad in, this way m-ucho les2 su1gar wil ho)e roquh-ed tesweete the sauce. Q. How eau I kilt rikesOr drive eut ants? A. Put soe ucLIeubo pol cet àuthin u srs, ounth fbeer at night near thieir haunts.r "There'8 No Fun Like Hard Work"' If it's true that hard -worký miakes you happy thonit's noY)ý wvonder MNs. Clara H-ali singa mnost of the timo, Sho 'lias been, S0 busy filing shells for the pat four, and a 'haîf nmouths, soven days a week, that sho hias averag- ed only four hours' sleeýp ouftoA every f- weuty-four. "ýThere's no fu like wr, said this 33-year-old muiton factory worker anid mth of tEure echldrea wlieu ito1dshe had been ieked by the Supply Min-. lstryas the '<orker o!fthe week". Thusia t ler Usual day lunlier Yorkshîre fuctory; 3.45a.m-braltastand tidy- ing the homne; .15 a.n.-beaves for work; 6 a.m-starf s ou lier job; 2 p..wrkn hft ends; 5.40 p.m-arrives back homie. The journoy ta the factory cakeiunheur and 45 inutesý and on roaehing home later lu the day IMrs. Hlbas her shopping te do beore getting .dinuer. Thon fle is homswyknuedig and geting the childen te bed bof ro- she retires herseif about Il pl. lier husb-iand, a soldier, lias been mnissing sinice Duukirk. Since sheo started a.ai a traine four and a liaif mnt gO, Mrs, Hallha risen to tho postion o! forowomnan. R.A.F. Toughena Up Its Ground Crew Tlhie RAF-ryco-operafion commnand "now lias a school te fouglien its nion-eperafio-nal peu- sonnlel se as te ho ready for flie- euerny if ever flueir airdromyes are attacked," auccordinig tte e BC, These R.A.F. clerks, ,fiffells, armores and others, whoc only a few mnoutha ago were probubly shop assitunts, bauk eclerks or taxi drivers are just givrna few deys' prolimiuary traiuing lu inthe band- lng of firearma, BBC said. Tliey fhey are put through a gruelling assault courue sud under fiire tley have te, negotiafe a ser- tes of pits and ditches, wvire eu- tanglemients, sfreamas, rope bridg.. os sud ladders. To hurry thin Un, hamnileass bomiba simuulate ae- tuaI warfare. SA'F ES Proteet irousOUKS atàrô CASHï frosuPtIRE ueO ilT1HîBVEs. MW Modern Etiquette 1. s i neossryfor awg a te saýy piese" and "fhank yon" te her mnwuservants? C. When reeoeiviuganinvita- tion te -a wedding tlhat la te akeý place u t a cIolla raly9e, pdnapkin wluen dîiuiug i a res - taurant? 4. Wieu lieguest£a ut a dia.' uer are fewlu v n umbo)fr, an'd they are ail intimnate frîoud, wuld lt be aicig-hf for the placecardpa Mary, Elizabeth, Helet,-etc.? 5,. How tohd le card of!ca doctorred 6, Doos s goodcovraoals koe iepeating:"La hatsoYo don't Inean ih. Really" etc?. about ipit, u tuit 18suclia trival ýourtesy ite oxfend te luepepl who aresevin lee, awel-re womau WMlido se. 2. Yes, nakin, 4. Yes, wheýn aIl theguesýtS r close frinds. M. Jame sWakeM.D, ,-rDr James Wake.. 6, No; sucli a habla1al'ways Oporateod by Pst urto , wic winnor of the North America- and Canadian Cai!f Roping Chamion~ipsat the Calgay Stampedo, the B3urton Ranc-h hi Southern Aberta waa os;tab-. ished in 1890 by F. A. Buqrton,, BRANDO0F THIE BURTON RAINCH 7/Z CLASSIFEDn DVEITISEMENTS ACCORDIONS WANTED Beý,St priceý,s 1paid for ia, acodosuwelve to hun- dred aInd twenty hass, THE T. EATON CO. LTD. AU OMOBILES - USED e Us ftlrst. We wiilre- fund your cosù-t 0of transporta-. tion to TWoronoif YOU buy iQo us . Munt £Pelasan-it MtoGUt Useti car Lots aýt 16,50 DanfortIt Avenue and 2040 Yonge Stron, Head Office, 62]Mount Pleoan~t Road, TorontoTelehoneHigh. !Mnd 2181. BE OURt EXCLUSIVE MGAX Subaripton 4entin y ou;r oW64 loaityliglhest comi r-,~ al pbicton.Ful or partý time wrk W ite heDavis 4. ency, l5a Aead t et i ronto, Ontario. AýGEUýNT1S WANTCEM ,ujpplement famn1 iincomeo. i mness experiene or fl _f o time necessary. Wri oAvon PAg ducts of Caad, Lmied St. Alexander St. Mnrei Qe STAR11T THE FALL SEA-SONRX~' with Bryches. WreIrV ar, to batch to unrder for e veï,ry oni aÏd after Septemnbor firs4t. AMe,' have a fwstar'teti cbicks aal able this summirer, but write fç,f, paricnsr. Bayqatcherye 1150 john N, HaIlpton, Ont. ~W0ANDTHIREE WEEK OLD non-s(exed, p)ulletsor cockerels'. -Also odetree rlange pulicts; from 4 '1weeks to :26 weks lt Sedfo llustratet ctaogeandi price list. 19 pure breetis, 9 hy- hrid croýses and 5 breetis of tur- keys to cboose fr. Twedti (21ickH atchories Limiteti, _ergiuI, Ont aio. B ER'OVENS ANýD MAHN ery, aise rebuIilt equipmaent ai- wayý7s on hani, TrmaaraneG portableOveC00, 103 EathUýiï St.,Toronte. IIELTING, ET(C.FOR TIRESERMEN .BELTING FOR HEHMRSN Endfless threshler boitLa, hose, feeder canlilvais. puU1eshaftin, hangars, hearingsmotors. Spee.- ia-lBe1tîng fOr tracen2 inch 5- ply, l5c foot. AIUtyesof trans- mission supplies in stock forý immiate shiment at attractive 10w prices. 1merhandise guaran- toed ard shjippied subject te your iection. Sendyour ordera tD THI YORK BLTING Co. 88 ORKSTRET.TORONTO tian H1ome. Sleep out, $50 te start.Phono ML.5U03foi appoin- mient or write l Parkwood,T- 1~BILT36 .P.LISTER iFUÏ-LL Diesel Eie cmloewith ý 1tch 'dcoo2ng anks; 2 Marine engine 2S0H. RA inW and LinkHarw;LtCoi- ation Feed SUIi; 19355 sake body Internaional Truck; demonstrat.. ing and rehil Mlotte Cre'ai Separators; pinwhiie if lasts,' $1.50 poer gaillon Theo above areý ail specias for Wuy anti August. Mèulotte, Magnlet and P3rceie Cream _0SepaI'rrPat;Myera VVte Sses; onu nl Rm dyeing or ceainl rite to un for infÉormaytion,.W arc, gladte t 2answer your q(uestions, Depart.. m e nt, !q, Pre y o Linnited, 7q! Yone Stret, TG- STOCK 1EE.ANAL SIS FER- ceýntare, iprofei n 1465 ft .Y itnsthloroughiycoke, 1 per ton. K<avanaugh Food(,Ton' FOOT JBALM op o',ffenjsive odor isaty 5 bottie. Otftawa agent , iBominas 1TOERY iSTORE- ODL. ctn.No ppsiionoaï-reroi- dnildistrict. Fixturies$80 Stok t nvicpI ceC. Wrt t Box -.26. st. Tholimas,Onao FRSALE NUTIAFINSTQUALITYý, M, f or $150; p)air $25. Jaesyne RH.11,Wordle, Ont MAID WANTED; ~#ANTD -LAID FORGEEA sun4day off. G'ood wgs Ie Iii GoseurhWeston, Ont, er of PRheumatic Pans r Nu its hould tiry Dixon's RIemedyr Muurjàio'sg Drug Store, 355Elie 0ttawa. PATENTS DOETRTONHUGE H OPA PatdetSontcios. estabiish 1890 14 ing Weesty Torento Bookiet 0f [prnfrmatolon r ýeý quest. v "Id aý7 IMEILPHOTOTUGRAPHJ steain, Rata, ïlo HAVNRE-ID-EEMYOR SNAP Derl iofiReed atcy M7a o AnC o u epouo iltereci SupreM uit an4 fa to3servi1M IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICIAL)I vie Station. - J. Toror ; Ealgi,Ota and nid. Vouiin3.n ug eain Cm QUAny, 964I Queon, ST W.,ToAoNt'il Write orl'ok]S.S.N.7Rdtfe AERVICESTATION FR RNTg MIAMER'S GARAGNE ADSE piumpsý , yralpic akactln weîing oufit, tie ulcnie ISSUE 3-4 FINE CUT