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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Aug 1942, p. 5

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THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Mrs. L. A. Squair (nee Helen Pol-j lard Rice) of Sale-ni and daugliter -cf the late Rev. S. H. Rice, passesi 'way at her homne on July 16ý. MenH, Women Over 40 Feel Weak,Worn, Old? Want Normal Pop, Vim, Vitaity ? Do3 week, rundowu. ex3ated conditIon maka f. supplies tro. moalcum. Phoporus. vItaanin Bi.HE 0 = et !Iorânm geOCt> Y vit lu- troductori iu OerexToubTr&uletq onIy 38c. Fo ZÎ. st luil gocadrug emw everywbe.. MORE WOOL. Mrs. Bonwas ealled bte Toronto lsweek oingL' to 'the deathi of lier iseMirs. Milneu. TEA RATIONING lt m\,ilI takýe people s-oneme to thatlhas js corne out. One ounce pperson par weeic does not seern very mueh for the lea-vy or, even tLhe lig-h.t tea dinkers. -After our first rationing we will have a P),(tty g'ooid idea on hoivw much -we can use per a wee-k. The saine will aipply to tihe c:offee. IIn Orono It's Mac Smith's I at your service Baby Jackets, Fine Wool 98c Children's Knitted Suits.......1 .98 Girls' Broadcloth Pyjamas....... ...$ 1.-59 ....$.. ..;4 50 Bruli Blouses MAC. SMITH PHONE 61r 2 - - ORONO KELP INCREASE TH4E SUZE AND NUMBER 0F ONTARIO SHEEP FLOCKS P RODCINGmore wool to clothe Canada's fightinig forces and lier -civil populati;on is a vital task which deserves the earnest consider- ation of every Ontario farmer. A brief study of the wool production of North America and of world conditions occasioned by the war reveals an alarming situation that catis for straiglit thinking and forthright speaking. North Amrkaun Wool Production 1941 Canada ............ 19,200,000 Ibs. United States... 455,000,000 Ibs. Total -........ 474,200,000 ibs. DEFICIT - - - - North Amerkan WooI Consomption 1941 Canada ......... 109,000,000 Ibs.. United States..977,000,000 ibs.. Total....... .1,086,000,000 Ibs. - 611,800,000 Ibs. You can see that with shipping space at a premnium and with every merchantman a target for enemny submarines, the situation is indeed critical. More wool must be produced at homne and it's up te Ontario farmers te help produce it. The Ontario Department of Agriculture is working te effect an increase of 25%7 in this province. To do this, ail present flocks must be kept, and in addition, 110,000 ewe lambs from the 1942 crop must be kept on the farm. If every present flock owner kept three ewes from this crop, mnost of the increase would be obtained. But since many sheep owners cannot accommodate anly moreý animais, the Department is asking Ontario farmers te establish 1,000 new flocks W.hich wil absorb ail surplus ewe lambs. Your Agricultural Representative will be able, te put you in touch with men who have lambs for sale or men who wish te purchase them. In establishing 1,000 new flocks, it is intended that expansion take place by counties in proportion te the present sheep population. You will see what expansion must be accomlplished in your county in the iîsta below. CÂTEGORT "A" 3; More Flockm per Towneip Rfquired Bruce Canseton Duflerin Durham Grey Bastingsl Huron Latubtos Lanark Menitoulin Middlesex Ontario Raicy River Eenfrew Bimncoe Victoria Wellington York CATEGORY "B", 2 More Flocks.par Townslhip Requir.d Frontenac Haldiznand Flaiton Peel Perth Peterbore Wmterloo Wentworth CAITS.GEY "', 1 More Floaît pet Townehip Requzred Aigorna Brant Dundas Blgin Essex Oiengarty Orenviiie Maliburton Kent Leeds Lennox & Addingtoo lUncoln Muakoka NipissEng Norfolk Oxford Parry Sund Prescott Prince Edward Russel Stormont Sudbury Temniskamng Thunder Bay Weliand THE RAM POLICY Any farmer starting a new flock of 15 ewe lambs or more may-eur rmfor two years on loan ftoma the Dominion Goverament. CONSULT YOUR AGRICULTIJRAL REPRESENTATIVE For comtplete information about securing ewes, ewe lainbs, or rains, or about aay part yon cofl play in helping Canada produce more wool, consult your county Agricultural Repre- sentative or W. P. Watson, Live Stock Brandi, Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. HON. P. M. DEWAN MINISTER W. R. REEK DEPUTY MINISTER Ij ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE [r. 911 I Local News Local News Mir ndMi Roland Smtlih, of Oshawa, spenit Saturday in town. Miss Ruth Lowdeni, of Toront-o, spent the week-enid at hier hom1-e here. Mis NTole spent Sunda!ýy with her daugliter, Mrs'. McElroy, at Peter- boro. Mr. Wallace Sisson, of Sudlsury, iis spending his vacation -with his iother. Mliss Doris Lowden, R.N., of the Onitario IHospital, Orillia, spent the week-end at home. Mr. an-d Mns. J. Engleson visitedi wvith friends at Kendal andi Newton- ville on rSunday last. 'Mrs. David Johnston, of Parry Sound, visited her niece, Mrs. Giddus Jones, over the holiday. Miss Lillian Fowler, of Peterboro, spent the week-end with h-ar par- enits, Hr. and Mrs. iR. J. Fowler. Mr. Neil Wood, of Toronto, spcn-t the week-end and holiday -with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. M1r, andiMa Giddus Jones and Eileeni visites' their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. -N. Greena-way, at Port Hope reCently. "Ur. Jac-k Cohbledi'ok, of Toronto, is aspending a week-'s vacation- withi his parents, Mr. andi Mns. Ne-wton iMr. ard Mrs. Awde wisli to ex- press their gratitude for the many acts of kindues s hown during Mrs. Awde's illness, an-d for the lovely flowers received. New, modern test equipmnent en-I ables &ne to make fast, dependableî repairs ta any niake of radio. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. tf, Dr. R. 0. Dickson, -who has, prac- tised dentistry in Orono for the past eip-ht months, lbas discontinuesi his praeti-se hlere andi leSt forT Toronto on Tuesday of' this week where he will open usp an office in tbat city, where he prac-tised before csxming ýto Oro-no. Mrs. Dioks,-on will remain in Oie-no for artei-er month before jo-Idaîng lier busban-d. We are sorry to lose, Dr. and Mrs. Dieckson fr-n cur midst, andi this again leaves Ooowtliput a cfentist. Visitais and tallers at the home of Mr. and Mis. ýGiddus Jones oiver the -week-end were : Mi. andi Mrs. W. AbereronThbie, Toronto;Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allen anSf - îlofOhwa, Mr. andS Mrs. ebr Galbraith andi Miss Marjorie GaI- braith, of Blackstock, Miss Eileeni E. Jones, of Piékeîinig. Mr. anS Mis. E. E.. Patterson and son Jirn, of Newcae-stle, MIvrs. Wesley Elhiott and Annette Elli-ott, from Kendal, Mrs. Dean -Carscadd-cn and Mrs. R. R. Waddsel-l Orono Ti«nshop% Some Metals are hard to get you need any get your order in as soon as possible R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Oroo Phone PARKST.UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Littlewood PARKST.Pastcr Dur ing -the month of Au-gust weorship at l a. MR1. J. J. MIELLOR -will officiate at these servjices There will be ne e-venng RE &"WHITE Mrs. ýSujsainna Tani lyn, of Park Sti eet, <pet apleaýsan)t week with her sitri-aLMrs. Ella Thioip- soni, at Kendal. SMps. C. F. Awde is mcliC improýved in healtli andi is enjoyîng a cag od air visiting lier sister, Mrs. Silver, North Boýwmaniville. Mr. andi Mrs. Frankl Baehr and daughter Betty, od Cleveland, Ohio, spent the holiday week-end with Mu. anS Mis-. H. A. Mlillson.. 'Miss Aud'reoy Haîness, of Picker- mrg, is visiting -with lier parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Laverne Hlarness, being homneon a week'-s vacation. A large number from Orono at- tendeS the sports events at Newcvas- ,le, whille a number aIso nttended the races at Port Perry on, Monday. Be sure te attend 'the Orono W. I. liakinîg sale onp-Saturday, August 8, comrnereing at 2.0-O p.m. Carýd:s -ill lie played, and there \vill also lie tea cup îeading. Correction - Regarding the wol- lenis te be left at the library, ail in- formation concerning pri-ces, etc., mlay ie had from Mis. Wm-\711-. Cobble- dick, anS net Mrs. liesýper Dean as stated in lasit -week's issue. Mus. Chas., Green aiiMiis. Ross Broomi-e and fansily, of To rono, visit- ed thieir parents, îMr. anS Mis. Percy Chapmnan, over the holiday. Miss Betty Chiapmiaa rieturniing with them for a coiiple of wee1ts' holi- days. Mrs. A. -E. -Ciapman spent a few days at tbe home of iMi. anS Mis. Stanley -Cha7pmn,,i and family, it lie- ing the evenit of lier birthiday. Mrs. Chapm-a.n had provi-Sesi many lxr ies for the occasion, among which was a largýe birtliday cake decorated in ipink, and white icing with "hiappy irldy"wî ittenu on the toip. The next day was spent in >eaîling on iKilby friends which was much en- joyed. PHONE 12r2 dAR Phone For It STRON IT PAYS TO PAY Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 SPECIAL PRICES Nuback Corsette wvith heavy elastic inserts and hose supporters, will flot ride up, sizes 34 to 46 .... .... $3.95 Corsette, good quality, with Brassierre top and elastie inserts, sizes 314 to 42 .... $2.25 Corset, back Iaced, nizes 26 to 36 . $2.25 BLANKETS Heavy English Flan- nelette Blankets, 70x9O for ...-........$9j.25 Flannelette Blankets in plaids, blue, rose and yellow, 70x8O ... $2.45_ Brunswick Sardines tin 6C. Shouilder Roast Beef lb. 25em Fresh Sausage 2 lb 35c. Llamburg Steak 1I- SPORTS WEAR Ladies' 1-piece Slack Suits, in bNue and rose, sale price ....... $2.59 Ladies' Shorts, in navy and white, sizes 14 to 20. ... $1.00 and $1.25 Children's Sun Suits, 1 to 4 years ...... 25c. LADIES' DRESSES Balance of Stummer and Spring Dresses onk sale at greatly reduced prices. Sheer Dresses with Slips, in black, navy and rose ... .... $6.45 Eclipses Pastry Flour 24 lb. Aeroxon Fly Coils dozen Round Steak lb. $11 Porter- house Steak lb. 40oc* Rice Crispies 2 for MORE WOOL US NEEDED for Canada's War Effort CO-OPERATE IN ONTARIO'S EFFORT TO PRODUCE *1 Bee Hive Corn Syrup, 5 IL tin 5 Tiger Catsup, 2 I 2-oz. botties 2Z' Quix, ail wheat cereal, 2 pkrgs with pearing knife 2 Campbell's Tomato Soup, 2 tins L Fly Tox Hiand Sprayer Z Fly Tox, 16 oz. tin 4 Wilsons Fly Pads, 2 pkgs. 1, Aeroxon Fly Coils, doz. 2 CohPn,6dz1IMonarch Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. & Robinhood Flour, 98 IL bag $2. Apple Sauce, 2 tins 11 Canadian Cooking Onions, 5 Ibs 2 Round Steak, IL.21 Sirloin Steak, lb. 3. Small Link Sausage, lb. 2, Smoked Picnic Pork Shoulder, ib 3: Smoked Bacon Squares, lb. 2 Dutch Loaf, lb. 2 English Bra-wn, IL.Z Pure Cider or Spirit Vinegar, per gallon ...... Zinc Rings, dozen for ........... Rubber Rings, 4 dozen for........ J. J. CORNISH

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