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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Aug 1942, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMEM Maister lRiymoiid Trim with bis ~te aunt aInd unule, Mr, and ,Mrs. W. - Simponof anton. ov, M.adMIs, W'alter -Sýimpson, veli Jimand eral, efCantn, ith 'Mr. adadMrs. Bert Tri cf Piclceri-g, is Fox a'nd jean, of of Toronto, withi Mr. Cee. Etel ierb. MUr. and ]lrs. Chas-. 101bit and f;iinily, of Toorno , are speniding 'v'11 their bholiUays vwitb Mr'. and Mrs.1 aco 1 FrsakSto. ________________________________________________ I Mr.l., arigtn andlCIPaul' Mr-s. Frank .ent and Joan bave retuned e teir bhoenes n Torento after a few days' visit with their, parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jaceb HIalle- well. Five Huïrt In Crashi Anr ccdetwbicb might bave -redfatal inl our mids-t occ-urred- onmeay A car, ivn y Mi'. GUee. Ewlfor somàe ukow vea- son, left the road, talkinlg the( ditcýh andf struck -an ùelmtree a-o.Thie Car is badly wrecked and its occu- panits of the car, Mrl. Etel ufr ucd fouir broken r'i'bs and miner c ut.%, Mr. . iL. Tim, cýf Obwwas severely cut around the meutb re- quiring several stitches. 'ittle Jean Fox-, was taken te the Sick Children's, I-o5ýpitah, Toronto, -with pessibly a fractured jaw, vvhile AMrs. Silver and Mr.Fox were badly 'bruised andu shakeni up. We wisitlbem ail a speedy recovery. EFFECTIVE NOW AND are rationed by coupon The ration is one ounce of teaor four ounces of cof fee per person, per week Coupons A, B, C, D, and E, on the Temnporary War Ration Card, noaw in the hands of the -public, are to be uised, and are NOW valid for the purehase of tea and coffee. Each coupon wil entitie the purchaser to one ounce of tea or four ounces of coffee - a supply for one week. If desired, purchasers may use any or ail of these five coupons simul- taneously, and buy up to 5 weeks supply at one time, on the surrender of the appropriate number of coupons. Nunibered coupons are good only for the purchase of sugar and may not be used to buy tea or coff ee. Siinilarly, lettered coupons may not be used to buy sugar. COFFEE CONCENTRATES AND SUBSTITUTES CONTAINING COFFEE One coupon must lie surrendered fur each qutantity cf coffee coneentrate or substitute containing coffee, sufficie2nt to make 12 cups cf beverag-e. TEA BAGS REQUIRE COUPONS Whien purchasing tes bags, the foliowing coupon values shahli e used : 2 c capons 4 coupons 8 Coupons UNDER 12 YEARS 0F AGE for a carton cf 18 or 20 tea bags for a carton of 40 or 45 tea bags for a carton of 50 tea bag-s ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE ANY RATION 0F TEA OR COFFEEr ýAL NOTIC..E TO RETAILERS after Aug-ust 3rd, retailers must establish at to purchase new supplies of tea or coff ee .r suppliers by turning over te the supplier valld ration coupons, equivalent to the of tea or coffee ordered f rom the supplier. [CES AND TRADE BlOARD Aug ust 3rd, 1942 1 Mrs. H. B. GiLmeran h -Mr. and IMrs. .A IPRESERVE FRUIT WITIIOUT SUGAR Thie New British Method F R UIT -K EP E -No SteriliZing - No Cooking - No Suigar 25c. Preserves 25 pounds 25 Tablets, 25c. Asýk usfo descriptive literature NE WTON VILLE MHiss Fale Jenes is holidayinig ini Warkworth. Mr- Jolhn Colon, Nwosroi visitiig at -Mr. Win.Milan. M-\iss Eileen Alliie, of Tuoento, i s a g-uest of Miss BerthaThrpsn ReebrDecor'atýin Day-, at our- cemieter-y this Sundaýy, -August 9th. Miss Stella 'Che'ekley of liamiilte)n, is visiting bier aunt, Ms.W. Milli- Miss Helen Morton is visitinig hber sister, Mrs. Lloyd Mc(ýGahey, Peter- bore. A umber from bhuieeattenided the, basebail tournamient in Nýwca.stIL on Monday. Mr. Wmi. MKntr of Toronto, visited at -Mr, Georg1e Ovenis' s Wedinesday. M i ss Laureen MýCGCUIlugh i s spending a few days witb Miss, Dor- C'en MUilison. Misýs Betty Sta-pleton spe'nt a day- last week -witb. Miss Phylisjý Gilmer, starkcviiie. MissB ta Theompsýon was in Tornto on busineoss lasýt week and calied on som-e friends. Bill Morton iýsslwy ecern fromn a biemlorrhlage foloiwing the extraýctioni of some teeth. MisLena imbiis ipeingý iely afSter beier rainforapen dici:tis in Osh7awa bos)ýpital. Mrs> . Gordon Lakîng anid MatI lne, cf Necslseta fwdatys ast week wit1i Mrs. Geýorge Kimbil. Messr s. Melville Jonies and Berti! Stapleton and Reeve T. A. Reidl were ini Toronto on business Wedniesday. Ur. uîîd Ms.V. A. Adanis and family, Lake Sorwerýe Sundaby guies'ts of Mr. aind Mrs. Lanson Miil- IMr. and 1Mr1s. Ceeu IStapleton, Glenni. and 'Genevieve spenit Sundi(ay -with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapieton, of Orono. Mr. and Mrs. George Kiiill visited at Mr. 'Obarlie Stapleton's and 'Mr. Lawr-ence Harris', Or-ono, on sund a Y. M.and Mrs. Harold Little and Gary, -Miss Gwen Gîlmier and Mi. John Stark were in Camniphelford on Suliday. Mr. AIf. Thoipson, Oak Park, 1.11., is visiting bis 'brother, Mr. Geo. Thonmýpson, and sister [Miss Berthan Thom-pson. 'Mr. and IMrs. J. A. Barrie and Murrayvsie ber sister,. Ms. W. A. Wright and Mr. Wigbt, Tyronie, on1 Sunday. Miss Pat, Ware bas retuirned 'to Torontol afterý a mon)itht's visit bere and 'is Mairy Burley went with ber for a -week. 31r. and M-,rs. R(,,.Woda and ariie, of Toron)ito, and Ms Nornlan Seiof Newcastle, vicsited rela- tives bieeoSunlday'. Mrs. Thos. StaieLton and' Mr. Ge'o. Staipletonisi çýted the frersbroth- er, Mr-. W. W. ileniderson and -Mrs, Henderseon on .Sunday. Misses Dor-otby Scott anid Nellie MYenieely, of Toronto, spent tbe week- end ýwith the forii-er's rparents, Mr. and 31Mrs. Norman Scott. Misses Evelyn and Thelma Staiple- ton have beeii holidayinig witb their 'brother, 'î.Hugbi Stapheton and Mrs. Stapleton, Oshawa. Mrs. Coathami Sr. and Ray ýStapie- ton spent a few days laest week at Mr. Halstead Coathami's and Mr. Otto Coatha.m's, Antiocli. Mr. and iMrs. Lloyd ýMcGabey and Gary, of Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Luîwe and David, of Port 'Hope, visited their parents, Mr. and iMrs. Rodbert Morton, on Sunday. MvcCrea's ENLARGEMENT SPECIA-%L Youir favorite niegative en- larged to approximateiy 75 x 7 inchies, mouiited and framned in wahnut, ebaony or gohd framie, each ......... ................... 99c. We Seli WAR SAVINGS STAM,7ýPS "Saving is serving", 11 MVr. and MIrs. F. B. Whyte, 'cf Orono, 'visitcd with his brother on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, ýof Kirby, spent 'Sunday at Mr. KeithI Bradiey's. Miss Jean McLean, cf Torornto, visited in the munt over tbe week-end. We are pleased te hear that Mrs. Richard Kirk is doing iýelv after lier eperation. I Miss Cora Perry and Miss C. Fos- ter, 'cf Toronito, vsited -with hMi.-,and Mlrs. George White. The W. A. cf the churchL eld their- mneeting at the iorne cf Mrs. Geo. White on Thursday eveing of last week with a large attendance preýs- ecnt. The mieeting openied -with sing- in-, a hymen, folhowed by the Lord's Prayer, and ahi repeating the " 3rd psalim in unison. The rohi euhl was answered 'by a verse on "love." Af. tetickuietswsprtnon the meuingb the the busines dart cftheqmeeting, Ross Taylor, the wiu-ner being Mr. Max Fisk, -while the second ýprize, a glass fruit -bowl, went to iMrs. Rd4bt. Miller. Lunch -%as then served and- the meeting liroug'ht te a close. great 'Decoration Day Servie was w'ell were attended on Sunday aft-ernoon ast. Bowei Many beautiful flowers were placed f ew On the graves. At he servie in was, the cburch, Mr. Monki, of Bet1hany, kind gave a splendid sermion, whule Mir. D. deeds A. Mackinnon, cf Kirtby, delivered in vai j two solos, aeconilpanied by Mrs, Bry- onto, son on the organ andi whieh were otbeî Sugar Scarce? Use Saccharin Powder or Tab- lets for sweeteiiing- foods and heverages Saceharin !4, gr. Tablets, (',4 gr. equals 1 teaspaon- fui sug-ar), bottie of 100 ....19c. Saccharin 1,/2 gr. Tabiets (1,12 grain equals 2 tea- spoonfuls), bottie of 80 Tablets ......... .... .......... 19c. Saccharin 1 gr. Tablets (1 gr. equais 1 tea.spoonfuls. sugar), bottie of 60 Tab- lets for ........................9.....ie. Saccharin Powder, ionce packa-ige for ... ................ 40C. oz,.1-pkgLý..... .... . .............. 25c. VICTORY BIEALTII SALT Refrehingand Healthlfui, 16 oz. tin .................... .........39C. Certified Hlealth Sait (Eng- iis'h style), I16 oz. "til ..59C. Shippfing Cartones foer overseas maincomplete ith g-uni- I ind adresslabels, iheavy fy.. ing cord andj customns deciara- ion, formi, no ojutside wraipping needed, each ...... ..............1 5c. Certifie! Mineral il, Il6oz. bottie .................. -......... ...39('. 40 ounice bottie ..............81 c. Galion tins, 160 oz .....$2.6o Prescriptions a Specialty ChartesTîyrreil Agent for Phone 68 Jackman Flowers Orono1 Snow Queen 1-lb. Comnforter Batts, size 72"ýX90"ý each .......... ........ ...... ...... ýý..39C. Meni's Broadeloth Shirts, fused coilars., keeps from wrviinklîing, assorted patterns, sizes 14 to 17, each ........ .. .......... .... ......$1.19 Blanchied Salted Jumibo Pe-anuts, 1-2 lb. for. .. 10c. Aunt Dinah Molasses, 21/2 lb. tins, each ....... 19c. Kellogg's Corni Flakes, regular size, 3 for ,. ... 25c. Jumnbo size, 2 f or............ .. ........ 25c. Special Kellogg Deal - 2 pkgs. Ail Wheat and one colored Tea Plate, ail for ý...........31c. Javex Concentrated Javel Water ........16c. 12c. refund on bottle Aylmer Tomatoes, 2 large 28-ounce tins ...... 25c. Aylmer Peas, new crop, No. 4 sieve, choice qual- i ity, 2 tins for ..... ... ..... .........23c.' Beehive Syrup, saves sugar,,large 10-lIb. pail.$1.08' Sago, 1 pound for .. ....14c. Hedflund's Mushroomn Soup, tin........ ...... lc. Hleclund's Clam Chowder, tin ........ .......10oc. Kreemny Puifs (puffed wheat) bushel........ 50C. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENT1RE URONO 5c. TO $100 STORE Motor Equipinent Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped to take care of the modest funeral at the mfflt reasonable charge as weli as the largest and niost exacting Telephone: Office 668- Residexice 523 and 726 Telephone Coiiect Bowmanville, Ont. tly appretiated *hy everyonie. We Agriculture lu an art that renders calso -lad to have Mr. F. W. those <who understand it rich, -but me With us, 'who also spoke a leaves those who do flot undersand words, the thoug-ht of whieh it, however mucli they labor in it, te that if we have sipoken a few live in poverty......Xenoplion, 134-355 rwords. or done a few 0100d Ifor others we have flot îived C ain. visitors attended from Tor- I> eterboro, Puort Hoýpe and The Gernans are wueig if the~ ,surrouniding, towns. Allies -ýýill open up> anotber front. LARGE CHqOCOLATE BARS Enough to treat thie whole famiiy, perfect for soldiers parcels M,ýilk Chocolate or Fruit and Nut, eachi......... ...................33U. EA OFFEE

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