EL 'Vol. 6. No. 32. OPONO, ONT.,THUPSDAY, AUG. 27th, 1942. S'Ubscrîption, $ 1.25 Per Year Durham Central Agricultural Society Fair, Orôno, Sept. i1- 12. Adission, 25c* -R. S. Graham Wins Silver Cup For Most Points At Newcastle Flower Showý '1arge Arrangement of Flower And Competition Was Very Keen At thje New asitiel riclua Society,'s Flowces ani Vegetable Show, hleld in the Commiurity Hall,. .Newcastle, on Thursday, August .20th, Mr. R. S. Qrahamn -won the Welliaglton Foster Cup for. theL most 'Po-its ;in Élte thIree sectiolls. 2Mr. ýGr'aham' ninns also iniclude1d thie T.' Batoni Co. fioWer boni for- thec n-ost pointsý in the iwrsetos iaad chamiipionishipý r ibihons foi: the best zinnia andi the best flonier, an African al od s.J .Js was -unric>-Ilp in points; an(! niol thie prize of a bag1 of fer-tilizer. for bea;t Lall vase, thie J. h1. Smlithl prize of 'War .Saving-s Stamps fcor ptriotic wreath, and the Newncastie -Metallie Ait Produets' prize of a copper 'flower basket for namied cùllecýtion of' ~gi-,As. Mrsý. J. H. Smith captured Oile C. ýD. Massey CÙpl- for hest dlis- -play of bouse plants; Mris. P. R. Laing-i,ian the C. A. Conian prize of a Catalpa tree for a woodland g-ar- ,,er; Mes. M;att. Broýwni tthe 11. R. Pearce prize for best basket cf d1ahlias; Mrs. C. A. Conian thie Carl 'Weyrich prizse of a woodi tray7 for, Itest bowI of roses; Mss. Chis Lai t!7 J. Anderson Smith Co. pnýize of a ilver cýaibiet 'forý best dijsplay of annuals; -Mrs. E E.PatsoM. _Deicy ronspise of i cream pit- feer- forihe best marke(t baske(t of Othies ninner's of caposi eibbonsý were: Miss Trenwith for- theý _7est aster in the show; E. E.Patr 551i for the best dahlia, and Dr. Sis- î k., lfor the b est glad. DsIawingsIoomi display cf znis lst, R. S.Gaa,2nd, Mris. C. Law; bouquet of mnixed asters, M-fiss Tren- wvith, Mrs. P. Rare; dlisiplay of hýouse plants, J. R. Stmith (the Massey ýCîup), E. E. Pattersor, Mrs. B. 'Thr)mas; decorative display of an- rïuaIs, -Mrs. Law, R. S. Gsahamn; Woodland garden, Mr.P. R. Lang- înaa, Msrs. Thomsas; basket of peren- nlals, Mss. Howiard Toms,, Ms-s. Thomas, Mrs. Lai; named collection ofgladliolus, 12 vairieties, J. R. Jose, D.Sisson, I. R. Pearc-ýe; basket cf dahlias, mrs. M1. Bronn J. R. Jose; S basket (YI gladiolus, J. H. Jose, Dr. Sisson, E. E. Patterson; large vase for hall, J. H. Jose, R. S. Graham; 'patriotie nireatis (red, white and 7t bIne), J. R. Jose; ary other funeral desigan, E. E. P'atte-ïson; centrecpie-ce 'for dining table, R. S. Graham, MIrs. 1lare; bowI of roses, MrIis. C. Conian, Mrs. Thomas; 1basýket of Polyanthai roses, Mrvs. C. Conan; as-ter, whbite. Mrs. M. Brown; aster, pink, *Mrs. P. Browin, Mrs. Hfare; aster., cr'ims-or Mr1s. Hare; aster, puriple nor mauve, Mirs. P. Brounin, Mrs. H. E. IHancoc, Mrs, Hare; calendula, R. S. Graham, J. A. Allen; clarkia, Ms H. E. Han- cock, Mr's. Cowvan; dahlia, caetus, M1rs. M. Bronin; dahblia,deoaie Mris. M. Brýýown, R. S. Graami, 'Mris. Hiare; da lisow, Mrs. M. Bon R". S. Grahm,tl Mrs. HIare; dahlia,' cletoMrs. -M. Brownl,IR. S. Grahiam; gaillairdia, Mrs. Hare, Mrs. J. C. Hancock; g-ladioluis, wvhite, J. H.os, D. Sison; glad(ioluls, plik, Dr. Sisson, J . H. Jose, J. A. Allen; gladio)Lus, salmnon, J. H1. Jose, Dr. Sissoni, 1H. R. Pearce; gladiolus, vel- low, Dr. Sissoni. J. H. Joseý, J. A. Al- le;gladiolus, smoky, Dr. 'Sisson, Mris. La w, J. H. Jose; g-ladiolus, bluie, Dr. Sissor, Mrs. Cowvan, J. HI. Jrose; gladiolus, puiiple, Mrs. Cowan; gladiolus, red, HI. R. Pearce, J. H. Jose, Dr. Siss;on; gl1adiolus, namied variety, J. Hl. Jose, Dr-. Sisson; hy- dlrangea, peýrennial, Mrs. P. Brown7n E. E. Patteirson, Mis.s Trenwith; Larkspur-, H. R. Pearce, Miss Tren- with, R. S. Grahami; imarîgold, Fr. R. S. Gralhami, J. A. Allen, _Mrs. Hare; marigold, African, R. S. Gra- hiam'; nsriuMss. P. Brown, E. E. Patterson, MIrs. Law; novelty foeMss. Thomi-as, _Mrs. Law, J. H. Jose; paaisy, collection, -Mrs. Latigman, _Mrs. Law\, Mss. Thomas;ô petni, sngeplain, R. S. Grahami-; pýtunia, single, ruffied, J. Hl. Jose, Mr.Thomnas, Mrs. Hase; petunia, dobl,R.S. Gaa, r.ThomaS; pll~~aeR S, Gsa'ham, 'n ' rs C a , Ms. Rarie; Sal1v ia, Mrs. Cowa; slpigosss TI. R. Pearice, Mr.H. E. Haacock, TMrs.liCr; sca- bia,1. R. Pearc, .A.AleMs ronJ.A. AlIln,E E. Patterso-(n; ~tocr, rs.Coni, Mrs. ..C. IHan- (Continued on page four) DR. A. F.' McKENZIE CATCHES 5-LB. BASSI The nicest bass nie have ever seen was cauglit on Wedniesday vin cf Iast nieek by Dr. A. 'F. McKenzie nivhile fisingý, at tihe mnouth cf the Otonabee river nihere lt emipties; into Rice Lake, The docter was using a Hesidon Rasser Plug vhen lhe made bis catch. Wb"en it nias brugbýlt to tewni the fish wnas mneasured and weigbled, it measuiredi 19 inchies longe badi a girth of 15 incfies, andi weigbh- ed exactly five peunsis. The doctes anearly lost the fisb before it nias safely landesi. Wheai hie fish i as against the side cf the b>oat il gave a fiip, strikinig thbe side cf the boat and the line broke. Perc.l Luan, ibo nias along, basi the gaff ready and gaffed the fisb before it goDt away, ithe fish staying on the surfaci(e a feni second neüt knowing- it nias free. New>Ration Books Ready By September the 7th Yaiu nIl receive your nen rtionl bocklaintbe rmail by Septein!ber 7th andi you nul aneed it te get tea, cof- fee ands ssgar. L s odfe1i monthas. Take a note of the seriall num'lber on thse fr-ont cover of your !býok as youn wul neesi this number '±p got a nein bock if yo)urs is lest or -destroyesi. You must enter tIse serial rumnber ,m a eci of thse seven pages uf cou- pons in tise book, in thse Place shonin. 'Zou miust also siga your rame andi 1rsson eveiy page. Do net tear couempons. Tbey are rot valid ii detachesi by any o-re but your altýo teils you h'ton ta use yous book. S Thse first cf the-( seven pages cf ceuppors in thle book are naked sgr"and nl ble required in the purcehase cof that emiimodity. Týise next six are marked "Sp)are", sud the first page (greeni) of these spare couponls are goosi for tee ai coffee. The ther five page1cfcoupons are there la case it becomnes necessary te extend -tIe life cf the bok or te ra- tion any other cormmodity. No unch move ýis contemplaitesi, but y ou, shoulsi guard thse extra pages case- fully la case they are nieedesi. La prepasiag ansi 'dstributing 12,000l,- "00 ration bocks sureieniistalces may occur, If you do rot receive a book or receive a wp4-rnlg bock, plIeese in- ferm thse ration offices et thse adl1dres zîen on the inid ro nt connnr üf MALTA,ý, UNDER HIOURLY AIR RAI1DS, STAGES DEMIONSTRATION Despite almiosýt continuons Axis air at,J,-_cks, Sei-vice and civilian life in Malta goes on as usual, and thie island continues to stand as an effec- tive barrier to A-xis activities in the Central Mediterranean. Picture shows :A inl Mortar crew Iaying a smoke sereen d.ring a British army tactica.l demionistratîin whkiih took place despite air raids over Tihe island. Canvada's War Effort A ýweely reivieni of developinents on the hiome front fromn August 131hi to Augusit 2Othl, 1942: 1. Eliminati-ion of certain redu'cd fare'us on rinas includiing specJil cýonvenltion rates, a'o,)d Y Hn C. D. Honie, MIilnister of Muinitions adSupiply and acting TinistLer of rtransipost. 2Elliott M. Little, Dirctor of Nationial Selective S erv'ý-ice , s tate 2s itMotra that National reg-istra- ionl of woiisnn nul st-Art, early in Septemrber. 3First uofca estimate fromôn Wýinnipeg of western Oatnada',s 192 imarvest mianipo\nir need is 50,000 nlenl. 4. First cf nen Cannain ni- ships craossing, the Atlantic direutly te the United Kndmarive ut British base and report fgtigoff two subcrnattacks en route. 5. Fwo hundresi deleg-ates to the Canadian Week-ly Nenispaper Asso- ciation 23rd Annual Convention con- clude bhree day session at Saslça- C6. Fin-ance Minister James L. Il- IR.C.A.F. NEWS (By FlighIt Lieut,. T. C. ýMcCal, R.C.A.F.> Sports enthusiastis from eone endi cf Canada te tilie other neepiniter- ested te leara thlat Lionel Conacher -"Ise Big Train" cf other year-s hasi joines tIse RoyalI Cana-dian Air For-ce andi is te ak full charge cf Sports organlization withia tie ses- vie . Fis mary years Conacher -nias bfarCaas outstanding athliete, exýcelliing at hockeybaebilansd fo allnad siacee bis retirement from(ative sporit lhebd been chair- Man1 cf thle Ontario Athletic Co- missýion. Ris organiizîng ge ,nins ansi tborough kaowlecige cfathleticsnl be put to goduse( in the service ln whvicb h ,lysical ftness, keenness and alerrness are number one sequisites. He Joins an ee-roigbard cf Oaaada's athletic herees la dorning Air Force Nu'-e. Canada's its of National De- feuce for Air, Major thse Renourable C. G. Ponier, M.C.. is non a Filet of the Polis Ais Force. Reantly the strikin(gly-designed "Wings" nihich adora PoIand's fliersniere pinnedi on hlm ia recognition cf the services bei I'as renderesi Polard in thse train- inig of her sirmen la this cuýuntry. Also te receive the badgecs niere Ais Marshall L. ýS. Breadiner, D.S.C., Chief of the Air Staff, Air Vice sley la an incomne tax statemient thati Canadiaris nut save "as they have nUees saived foe"to nia h wr 7. R.C.A.F. heis to "s-un interfer- en(C" foi-great 11yi11g fotre10 -whten the ulite ilStaùtes a1,rm ",air e " force send over R1ouien, Framce. 8. SuppliesCnrolr Aln H Wj1ilisoa d(hecareýs ribrsituation is not imprjiovc(d and striles th1at con- tiniuedcollection of rulbber, for re- daim iipurposea is esnil 9. Cnadianl str iking force of cosdrbe size" undm(er Ma jor Ge1neral J. H. Roberts esnplo-yed la Uniited Nations mahbebind tank paredat Nazi-helsi Fsenchi har- bos cf Dietpipe. 10. Canadian fightuer squadrons in acition in Diepý3pe sly battie seportesi to have rbal detroyedi one third of Germian air force figiter-pliane. streag-tb -la the w-s<t. Il. Prime Minister King annou-- ces nn eaue of control over ma lponier andi womanpowerdei- (d to plae ah1 but very olId, thse Very- youing and disabled, bebird tse nier effort. Spa in a alting English, Group1 Captain Stefan Sziiuk, bead of the! Polis;ih Air MVission here niho sigle- handed, nias resporsible for the es- cape of the Polishi Air Force te Ru- rmania ia Septemïber, 1939, observesi: "Only ln eue instance dees a Pelish airmiaa peak English distinctly andi wvith the pr'oqes accent. it is w'hen be speaks te tFise eremy, u1,ing -the eloquent oagag f th engih maem<achine gurs cf bis figh"ter Grim1y etrmne to (do their sare alarge- conitingent of Cania- dlian air'nmen - moier f the R. C. A.F. Womeni's Divisionr - se- cently landed at an R.C.A.F. statio)n in Noýwfoundland. Tbey ar-e t1ie flrst grouq) cf Canadian airmnimen to) meve into a theatre of nias oversea, andi as snicb are proud of thse "a ada" badges wbicb tliey are now permittesi to near on their shoulsi- ers. Stationedi at a remote contin- ental outpest, they -Nuîl replace mien in a nuimber of important grounsi tasiks necessary te "keep 'em fiyipg." Fligiht Serg-eant Herry Hamilton of Be-anraville, Ont., is ipretty keen aboutIbila big Wellington bomlber. Thiree tnes it býas brought hhl bsek safely tLo bis base in Great Britain wîth only une motor functioning-. The last tinse lt happenc-d, thse -h ip fought along on one motos for more than twD bour- after thse other isas Russeil Osborne, Newcastle, Wins First Prize In The FieldCrop Comp'etîtfion W. I. MEETING Thirteen Farmers Entered The Orono WAomen's Institute held and AIl Secured their re'gular monthblly meeting on Lligh Marks Friday after-onoo f last -week withi a goodily numIlber of the meni-ibers Drig this cropsesn under the present. Durrham ' Cent ral Aigricultural &i.. Sinethe start of their year il,ucity, hrehsbeen a ckmpetition Ù-1 Junei, the Inistiitute wais iuble to gr'winýg Erlian atd \Tangard Gats. gtiinyone to take thlie plae of The(se, conrp'arratively niewvaite presidenit for-tHe enistinig year, S50 are becioir ingpplrad thirteeal Mrs. O. W. Rolph, thie lasýt pesdetme rsCch enitered La field la the has conisenited to take the position as conitest. pre-sidenit foi,> anothier yeuar to the The main coindition)s of the contest greait satisfactioni of ail thýe lmemï-- nirethat anyv field hadl to contain bers. Mrs. Richardsýon has taikeni the at least threýe acres and the seed position of, secretary in the absenice uedmust either have been register- of MrIs, R. A. Florriesteri, who is un- ed itself or gilowin from regisee able to be presenitlat the meetings. seed. The crowre grownin a ihe MUrs. Fredi Tamlblyn was in charge ordiniary way and just Ibefore har- of the programme, and tire topic vestinrg a judIge was sent by the Onl-. was the Federation of Agriculture. tario Dej-,irtm-ient of ýA;,griculttire Mrs. Fred Bonien gave a very in- niho seored the fieldis on the follow- terestirgl talk on farm forumrs that inig tasis: Out of 100 points, 10 -are are held througýhout the different given for' puritY of variety; 10 for cormimunity a nurnher of timies feedomi fromi other grain; 15 for nwnth and are broadcast over the fredm fomî diseases, sueli as radio during the 'winter mnonths. The smnut, ~blight and rust; 25 for free- farmiers are given questions to dis- domn froni weeds, and 40 for vigor eýus for, a certain timie then they and unIIifonmi-ity of ci-op and pros'pec- wiedoin iltieiranswers. Ths j, tive yield. to secure the opinion 0of thre farmi- Ar. Alex. Davids-on,. a fa rm er ersý in these locailfrm whichi have froImI1Agincourt, visited the fields as prýoved (1very helprful to the1' farmlers, julge andscol-edi Item 1as follows: Miss-MaryvB'we heAodu,) sT sWI iornrie,. 91 oita ni ty!ped( forumil. Sýhe div,(iddtutl, L- 2111, Garnect Riekard 92; S IM. 1H. stitte into iffTeretcgrou-ps and 'lgave S t -jýples&, 91; th, Harold PIascoe, thmqetosto bire 4iscuçs(ed iand 90*1>; 5th, T. Balkeýr, 90; 6th, J. H. nsee intnml îinutes. Thiîs nas Jonse, 89; 7th, Johni Richarid, 88"', carrjicd on thef same ais the ,farm 8th. R. K. Sqar,8 b t, S. C. Ai-' forms hih gvethe emersanlenoi & Son 81/s;loth!a. T. Browrt iiteinto atthese forumrs man8512; llthi , Ross -HallowelI 8L); 12th, to the fres Alex. H-endry 81-1,; 13th, S. S. Mulr- Mr.Everett Bronin sang a nsolo, 1 ton 8SO/I lso) Mrs. Harold Allen of No. 9. A purse of $7500q, part os wh-ich Some more fei1t slippers nWer1,e 1 is I) m p,,,, the, turaed laii hat aebeing aefromi -ol feit hats. The(se wviîl be szent to Biritaini. Mrs. J. C. Tamjbly rpote o thie psogress beiag made in prepar- a1tion for the baby hootbi at thie Fair on Fiday andi Ssturday, Sept. Il andi 12. Casting For 'Lunge Catches Sea Guli Rere is an renia item that nie should iehas Mr. Andyv Carke des- cibe oves Neighbor-ly News this Sunday 1marning -if lbe bas anytime for, it this week, and this is a tr-ue story. While Ms rdoToronto, nias viiin itbbier par-ents, -Ms. and Mss.Main Hall, Orono, is week, tbey nient to Rice Lake for afsia par-lty oves thewe-nd hreo rs Ardron caugbt the only fiying fish of vise dry. Whiile castirg for 'huage Ms Ariroin made ber cat, epl go- iag straigbi and troueeut ovei the lake, but nias, it droppesi fairly onI top of a large aseag1l' tha1 nia bob4ing ,up ansi do-wn on1thenavs The gu 1 becam-e fýI1btLenIe (1 ansi 1>1 ',Ivit211 O1a L11U .rVe$f- menit and p)art by the local Society, is divided in prizes rang1-ing -froin $1.Oto $5 amiong-st the first eighku It will be nioted that the scores obandwere quite close and very high1, inidicating a highi standard of cultures. The growers therefore are to bec, olig1ratulate2d and the Society comiended for the fine resuits of other prýoje(!s. In a recent annobuncem-ent by the LCA .SI-t.-Pilot Burrit B. Brooks, overseaýs, nias awarded a comuriris.. .sion for 'i-neritorious service and un- usual eadèrhip." 'Heisa soni of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Brooks of Pot Hope L. made cil' with ,the hooksenagd in its body, puliýng 'thie lina clýear ou~t of the reel, it not being fastened ta' the reel. TheL line then 1becamie tan- gled 1aronund tLhe gulsls and after trvelig iout a quarter of a mile it droppeudinto the lake. Another boa1t thiat was near at hand, rescued the gull, br'ing2in1g it hack 'to Ms Ardr-on, -avio got her ireand Jet the guLil i fy away. This i, the- first timeip 'we have 1eer heard of 'a guli being cagtin thlis marIner. May Increase Tea 1 Ration In Near Future Ottania, Au,-. 20 - Informles effect, it v, sources on Thursday of lest week innimum ct sei -an lacrease in the tea ration of then if pass one ounce a nieek for eaeh person the rations (>ves 12 years cof age as probable. turni'ng fro: Lt is rot kaniwn definitely nihen sometimes thse -niaçease may comne. Lt mostly bIseteau be dep'ended .ons the surecess cf the Unit- and eoll'ee, ed Nations inu havinrg their sbips torpescesi, navigate safelv th ro ugh the 8,000 is lost- Pc it ç .dlRamàhý CRONO