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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Aug 1942, p. 4

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es Office 1ates on11 request Subseriptlion, $1.25 iptions to the United States, $2.00 R. A. Forrester, Publishier raid 'of the -\,,ri to date was puilled off on Wednes- when aro'und 12,000 to 15,000 soidiers of the United ken across the Enigl'ish Channel and attacked the coast at Dieppe. 'The greatest bulk of ftghting ruen, Who 'eufered heavy casuaIties in this spectacular an invasion, iV was just a large daring raid by sol- cen inacýtive so long that tliey were glad to get at iem-y though onfly for a f ew houns. ear that the raid is the prelude to something far ar future. It -was a test of strength, and to find whether a fforce could be 'landed successfully la ffect a bridgehead t1hat could be field. The party ve and stayed for nine 'hours and hbad to fight their iftcations that have been thult for just such occa- ýih forces unto the attaching soldiers extremely The Country Fair cks the Durlrnm Central Agricultur-ai Socieýty Fair ronio, Friday and Saturda,SptmbrIl and 12, Fair will bc an outstanding one, hoth as Vo the dis- ttle, sheclp and swine, pouiltxry, vegetables, rteedle- nets, and art, and also to the entertainment part )e. sthis year have endeavoured Vo provide a better rthose who attend the Fair. In otiher years the ion prinrc$pally an agricultural viewýpoinit, buit many want entertaiiment and this year hey 'itîll nioV There will be a g-oo.(1iid-mi4wy, bingo gaines, and artists of Toorto -will perfornm in fr-ont of the horse races shiould be better as tihe purses have bich shouleritice more and better horses to take etitive angle the Fair is a good thinig for the Sarmi- Ewvry farrirer who shows stock or grain is alwvays nirease the high qualîty of his exhibits, and -with * utdlo tiheir neighbours, it ie bound to keep com- all tintes. It is also a place to meet your friends, ever seen since the last Fair. Let us see alag Send thre attendance Vo a new high, and give the couragemnent to dIo tfi better things in 'the future. le Of admission is only 25 cna a irop of ten cents ror your nreney. Cali to Canadian Women n-ve of wamanpower rwill' beg-in to be mobîlized on ien registration of aible-ýodied wornen, 20-24 years ndertaken. Thre registration will affect chiefly wo- -h een registered before, and 'whose 7potential quali- wvork are noV bpeeiaUly known. Iii this group are vouren -who have noV been en»ýployed, domnestics, and rnîrpoyed in firms noV reg-istered under the Uneni- ce Act. ory for aýl wntn m'h are called up Vo register t, however, as yet coipulsory for wornen to take theni. Coiptulsion la flot at this stage being ap- anticipated that not tnany women -wvl! refuse Vo do tpatriotic dutjy. *otih the wvomen no-w to be regies- ho were for-merly registered -will be callied up for ýrmine heir qualffllations for war work and Vo be front nom-essential Vo war jobs. f it je found y systern le noV brîinging to thre factories thre re- wo'men vorliers, conipulsory ureasures will ire con- ren today are being called upon Vo corne forward uantry in the factories. This is Vire way njow to for freedom and the deceneies of lîfe, and for tireir, ,?cuity. By entering the 'war induisti*es-, women iving first aid Vo Our civilization that le heing haV- e. Planes, tanks, gunrs, food must continue Vo flow d mren on the flring lunes. Womaen are accustomed -d acn difflcilties for: the sake of their famnil- ustomed to risking deaCh in order Vo bring life- ýn Germany one wcntan in cvery hrec is con- work, while in Canada the ratio is one in cvery renice, a i-uighty diiference, which shows why The el1 cqripped' with ail th-e weaponis of war. Dried Pegetables y4,cration -- or the scientific drying of vegetables %as travelled far along the path of progress, par- ent mnxths. TIn the last war the dried vegetables )e rations 'were noV very favourab1y recei*ved, and ýuse at tfhat thie dricd vegetables were jisst vege en ýdried, Tirey were toïogh and tasteless; tiheir ;pro(bably nlil, and, if the, veg-etaibles had been uly dire necessity conrpelled rconsumption, That ed. mionstration was given la OtVawa of dehydrated la i Canadian factories for and. under Vire drec- 1trai Supplies BSoard. Carrots, turuips, cabbage, potatoes (miashed, nlced, French fried and pan 1 ud Vire onsensus wa's that thcy co'uld not be ,fresh-cooked vegetables. iSome f>f tire pensons aintained that thre derydrated produlets were aven looked vegeta1ee;. In tire proees of dehydration Iost but littie of tjheir original vitantin content peried Vo ddhydi-ated vegetables la this. Forurerly d4 to a ýpoint where they appeared right, wit*rout rig paid Vo temiperature and drýying period. Now ,ted for vaietal suitability aud wmaturity fltniess. ted, trimnrtedi, and cut into tire fornii in which they ocaedric(d, andl dehyiidrated. Pre-iprocessing ur vegetaibles stored away ire so inuhcirffleaner and iihïcir would be a consIder- Sail fruits sud vegetaibles THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES KENDAL Missine-z andJue oronar1e holidiligratIJoh LGoldonS. jVIiss1Doàcfi PenIIrefttofiaptn isvsin vith MIs. B. Alexander.ý" MisDriseRoughIey dendMiss Jean Lundy are -witir Mrs. L. Thorne. Mn. and Ms George Clarke, of Toronto, were down for tire week- end. _Mis Mary McLean eind fiende, of Toronto, are et irer sýumîmen homne here. (Mn. andi Mrs. Rose Patterson, of Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Wni. Patterson. Mrs. Howard Linton and Florence, Mamrare spending tire week wltir Mrs. E. Uuderwood. Mrs. Hardy and -Miss Dorotiry El- sic have returned Vo tire city after visiting witir Mrs. IbHâdteir. -Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Lunu and fenrily, of Fraserv-ýille, speut Sunday witi r M. and Mrs. Jas. boy. Master Clifford Collier, of Ton- onto, is spcnding iris irolidsys witir Mre. T. Ililditeli this sumurier. Mrs. JennyNeigig of De- troit, is holidaying- witir Mrs. R. ThentellI. Mn. N. Therteli and Hazel were do-wn for tire week-end. (Congratulations sud Vire beet of -wishes are cxtended Vo Mn. and Mrs. Roy Little (M.ýiss Olive Gordon), re the.ir marriage on Aug-ust iStir. M1r. and Mrs. Tweeýdle have return- ed Vo tire city after spending somie weeke et tircir farm hbere. We hope tirat Virir health -vIll soon be imn- proved. W. -A. Meeting. Mrs. Cires. Thomipeon kindly lu- ~vited tire W. A. to irer hiome for their m-ieeti"ng ,tbisns outi, whicir took, tire forti of s quilting. Tire quilt was onýe ielebers of Vire W. A. haxi previously prepaned for _Mrs. Stoker. Tire minutes of tire twýo Couinty News Maourice E;ot'à, frt: reet "1Y ýarl> -'Y -or o oo~,hsbuEen a-jppoint- tmly etInisuranýe Offlicer fer Vit C'buràdstr.ict. lie Cýommnen- ced iis new dluties on Mondaky lest. * * * *11 Floyd J. Mossley, of Ottawa, was serinecled Vo15 days wie he ap- peared in Ccbourg,. police court on Monûiday last on a, charge of dr-unir drivinrg. On an additioual charge of dangerous driving hie was fined $20 and cos. Mossley's 10-ton trans- port was found in a ditch near Col- borne wiile -Mossley was found asleep up a sideroad. previolle meetings were read and adoplted. In the course of the read- ing, of tire minutes, iV -was riegretted tint Miss K;ate Stewý,art will noV ire aible to continue with us as president, owing Vo her new duties as teacirer of tire Sîxth Line scihool. A ireanty vote of thanke was extended Vo Mrs. Tirompeon flor her kind irospitality. W. 1. Picale A good cnowd enjoyed tireanai- picnîc of tire W. I. on Vire I2tir of tire montir, tire weather being perfect for tire occasion. Tire young folkse-par- ticipated in a ball gamie, while tire older one ected as spectators. Tirere was a race for girls under six, won by Ruthr Jackson, a race for boys un- der seven; also a race for girls un- red twel-ve and boys under twýel-ve, won by ;Margar-et Jacýkson and Diok Martinieil resipedtively. The potato race was tied by Mns. TirertelI snd Mrs. H. Mercer. A good m-any of tire ladies tnied tire' rollig pin throwing- conteet, Mrsý. Wmn. Duncan heing thre winuer. Tire fisir pond pro>ved very popular wviti tire youug people. A nice supper was thfon- ougiriy enjoyed by everyonc. t totMy faUmiIy thçst as long as Jack 1% overseas, we'II eut hash am i 11.11f. "'WE ARE at war. Tt eosts lots to win, It would Cost everYthing to lose. So 1 don't figure that because we'll soon pay a smal amount as compulsory savings, I can fold my hands and say 'That's that!l' No sir!I Some people may need compulsory savings to Save something for their ownI good. But that's the minimum. I'm out to save ali 1 can to buy War Savings Stamps and Certificates to help in the mar and have something substantial put by for the daye when there -won't Le ail tht. -workM and Overtime." U#Iy, chrlsfened My Ogwbage can 'Hiter, und belleve me ha doesn't gef anything thot's worth unything.' BuLy lar Savings Stampa firom druggists, banks,Pos, offices, telephone office_,, depart- ment stores, grocers, tobatcconists andl other retai Stores. Certificates mey lie purchased for immiediate delivýery in denominations of $5, $10, $25 front banks, trus*t compakis and post offices. NainlWa... . *='~uvt' ~.omimue~ Classified COMING EVENTS Oron WToen'sInlstitute will hl another Homý,em-ade Cooking- Sale on Satu.rday afternoon, August -99th, at 8).00 p.. in t-Ihe store, formeriy oecujpied by , arry Bailey. Tea cup readling and] draws. Proceeds will be used for warwo. FOR SALE Bedroorn Suite. Aipply at Timies Office, Otono. a-32-p.1 FOR SALE Quelbec Cool, Stove, anld otirer articles. Apply Vo W.J centre street, Onono. Several begs --of Potatoes, good; elso sereraI rows of growiug corn, and soute cabirage. Apply to Geo. Butters, Orono. STRAYED Fro-m Lot 17, Concession 7, Clarke, ou or about 2 wxeek-s ago, 2 1-year- old Durhams. Anyone knrowin'g of their wirereahouts please uotify Mn. Roiert Allen, Phrone 25 r 3, Orono. FOR SALE Seventy-two New Cernent Chimi- ney Blocks, sufficient for a chîminey 16 feet iigir with an 8-incir by 16 iiich flue. $12.'00 for tihe lot. Write or iphonýe Rowland Sroith, 354 Simicoe St. N., Osirawa., Phone 3224R. e-34-c a fewl Jordan, a-32-p. INCLUDE KLEEREX 1N YOUR F]IRSTP AID KIT. RELIEVIES Sun- buru), Poison Iu"y, Mosquitd Bites, Burns, Inlipetigo. Alsu h leals Ec- zeln1a, Psoriasis, Erytiremia, etc., while you woik. 50c.; $1.00; $2.00. (Mediumt and Strong-). Recorntend- c-d and sold by Tyrnell's Drug Store, Orono, COWANVILLE Mise Miidnïed Brown, of Toronto, visited -with Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer. Miss Muriel iMorton, Mies Lillian Ooies visited with .the Misses Simp- sons recentl(y. 'Ai. Stanleiy Gr-aham, of Newcas- VIe, visitcd et M1r. Hilliard Simip- son's on $iunday. M.Milton Graham sund Miss Lucy Graham 'visited at 1fr.-T. J. Siinp- son's 0on Sunday. Misses Kathleen and Manion Simp- son visited witir tieir aunt, Mns. Todi, of Oshrawa, receutily. Mn. sud Mrs. Andrew Band-y and Harriy, nr. T. Kinsman made a short visit Vo Hermon over tire week- end. (Mn. sud Mrs. J. J. W. Stninger motored 'wi ti r.n.sd Mrs. R. Holling-swortir aud Donothy and Ar- moud 1Hollingewefoitir Vo Petebo aset week. Tirere -was a good attendance out on Sunday nigiht Vo iear Rev. Eyers, of Toronto, sud Rcv. Gordon. of London, Ont.,1Mr. Gordon pleyed tire orgl-an for tire hymne and aocomi- penied Mn. IBycrs wiro rcndered a solo. Mn, Byere will conduct anotir service in Clanke Cirurcli next Sun- day nlgirt et 8 pan. EvenyýIbody le R. S. Graham Wins Sil- ver Cup For -Most Points -Newcastle Flower Show (Oontinued fromt-page one) cock, Mrs. banc; eweet pea, R. S. Graham, Mne. Law, J. A. Allen; ver- bena, Mrs. J. C. Hancoelk, J. A. Al- len.; zinnia, white, 2nd, R. S. Gra- hami; zinnia, piu(k, R. S. rab.a, Mis. P. Browu; zinnia, yeîiow, R. S. Grahamn, Mrs. banc; zinnia, red, R. S. Grahami, 'Mns. P. Brown; zin- nie,, pont pom, R. ýS. Grairam, J. b. J'ose, Mns. P. Bnowu; zinnia, collec- tion, R. S. Grahami, Mrs. banc, Mrs. P. Brown; basket of cosmos, Mr-S. Law, Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. Tiromas; decorative bouquet, Mns. M. Brown, Miss Trcn-witir. Veg-etables - Beets, R. S. Grahanm; re-ans, green, 2nd, R. S. Grahiam; canrots, long, R. S. Grahram; cucumien, long, b. R. Pearce, R. S. Grahnam; ,cumirer, picckling. H,. R. Pearce; koii rabi, b. R. Pearce; corn, golden bantami, ZucI, Mrs. Lw peppers, swý,eet, Miss- E. M. Bliackbiurn, IVrs. Law; pots- tocs, whrite, R. S. Grahram, pie puxnp- 1cmn, E. E. Patteneon; swïss chard, (E. E. Patterson; tonratoe, red, R. S. Grahami; market basket of vege- tables, E. E. Patterson, Mrs. Thomas Prize 'winners lu erder of pointe Professional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURG6EON Offioe Hure: 2.00 t.o 4.00 p.rn.;: 6.30 t'O 8.0ý0 p.m. PHJONR 47r1 ORONO VETEIIINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office: Main St. Oreno Phone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John i. Gilfilian QIJALIFIED OPTOMETRIS1i- Licentiate cf the College of Optom- etry of Ontaria Office Heurs: 10 to 12, R.n. and 9I % 4.30 p.m and by appoinDtmeut Offi-e in C. B. Tyrrell's ])rug Ston. Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile and Liability Orono - Ontarjo, AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Coniduce Auction Sales of ales su.d at reasonable rates. Communicate with hlm At Psrt, Perry, On tarie, or see hie (Jlerk, 1, E. Meýton, et Orono, -for daim. F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bewmntville - Orono Phones: Bownenville, Day 480 Night. 734 a.nd 573 Orono, 27-I The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durhamn Our Service-THE BEST Our Gouds-THIE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORIS& SON BWANVILLE - ORONO 6- -won were: 'R.. Grahama 77, J. H. Jose 37, (Dr. E. W. Sisson 27, H, R. Pearce .24, l!drs. M. Brown, E. E Patterson aud Mrs. ýP. F. Hare, 2 2 earch, -Mrs. Chris. lLa,-, 22, Mrs. P. Bro;wn 21, Mrs. C. A. Coivan 2ý, Mrs. W. F. Tiromas 18, J. A.. Allen 13, Miss E. L. Trenwith 11, Hrs. J. C. bancodk 7, (Mrs. P. R. Langiran 6, Mies E. M. Biackibunn, Mrs. Hl. J. Toýms and Mrs. J. H. Smith 3 each., Mn. John S. ball, of Toonto, judged tire show and Inter in tire evening gave an illustrated addrees, with Mrs. Hall runniug tire pro jec- Von, *Special pnizes wene alIea distributA- ed by (Mr. Hall and Mr. Fied Coogpen, oýf Toronto, iu a flower nating con- test. Tire lacdy directors secvedl tes fnm 5.30 Vo 7.30. IV wae e busy aften- noon and evening for Mies E. M. BIee-,kirn mi kept a record of Vthe judgi,-e's ;amandesuad conrpled te 11eV of prize winuens in neadiness f-or Vire presentation of tire specia! prizes after tee. William Niles, painter sud decor- etor of Cobourg for niauy years, cied suddeffIy ou iMonday of iset week. 11e was 60 years of age and was ýborn îu Coboturg. He is survlv- ecI by hie -wîdow sud VtNe Sens, aIse surviving are two brothers and oe eister. Juteraient mas ruade in S+. Peter's Cexnetery.

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