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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Aug 1942, p. 6

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:liSES iznoýws a ur mers must tn amont c0f moaey taxesare aidor w ce acie to live, eusenough to lv betrtan tha te a ùUgh to0 becable to cve py War SAiga Certif- ich are undoubtedly Wh stssue ferig &MceS e been cultivating one onld's iect foresta.il lys mie mounham o fo 's l as fn as it a,00C years aga, Ihough as beca taken ont of it qatts.The ý1nionka trees as fast as they old ones Our foreas .disaenngUles atraeles Canada, we, ave ie3 planta.resfor- logged. FonSE et ec. 1grealot wasle DO TI-EY EVER? IAlse 'De Them, ssahlsade Wblch wili be Ibe ina nia ad baad.HMt, Britain Caling Subject8 Homne af the Ï11s f- of service SiA be con- om both rnarned and en- dué-re fomexiting ,prac,- 1 tiseInformation Ser- n extnsion ON',h teri subjet" toinolud(e f the secoud generation aM who would bave been t fortise faiune of tisir mo rgîser bustbate )nsuilatr." ers are being aked 1 emîvswib agooýd Ne» York Wbronwene R, W. Ye-o of TronJit- ont,., whbwaspresýen]ted with bisAi NU-igator'S wn yD. C. Coleml-an, a rma f Canadian PFacifie Alir Lines Limted-a. he Wiangs PaadeofNo. C irObserver Schlool, ,&L. John5 , PQ. On Agut14. No. 19 A.O.S, lapraedbY Dmno SkYwTy (Oserera Limiited, supervised y andin acific Air~ Linpes Lmtdl cnucinwith the Britis Commowealth Aifr TFrai-nirgPln,j-Canadian Pacifie Photo. STHE WAR- WEEK -Cm etr nCretEet United States TIakasR OffensiveI In Battie 0fSolomon Islands No mate -watma be the fial outeonse of the batti sdsill beiag fou)ght ;y-the oooca landj, anys The New York Tpss one fac, leergelcienlythet Uneited States ,ns ls olbn ation itb lsalles" s taiken the offen-siveý, We areot tr- iag ta cse aJaanseadvance, am we swe in the Bates of Mid- wajy and teCrlSe.Ised we 'are strikiag bir ses', ,bY a and by !and ro care rfrom the Japanssecoto of a stategi(e as-ea which ,,they have heldand whieb we inteaid t10 use as ïa base for *futher offensiîve ope-îý tbonsnaiatem As yet we know utIe of the dletails of the oaction exýccettisal Amnenican troop hav sucýceed lforcing a andn fler a nava eýngagement in lwvhich our lbases, anformation, tamounted'o0"at eatoecruicer sunk and two crisersl , to destroyers arad one transport daage" e lmay b nasnbiy certain o)f two, other fa ca. First5 the Japanese dlaimas o'4 destructýin infliciedon0')ou'r fleet are fnatcli as.Tbcy annouaced that twenty-sight of oui- 3shp had been tank or put onut of action. If ws ha.ýdsufr ad even. aîf this las te baise in n Alid dsatle. end, ilirc ra rnhkely tisaI e wulnck an attack jeopardiz'ing thec wbole balance of naïval pjower in the Pacifie. 1This actionlinked wi ,ý-th tlab. olsar a c lt of Kaa n onlyb. eose phase of our Pacific %tategy. WvewiH] bardiy give back tY Japan the fruits of our great defencive vietonesisn athe Coral Sea nd at Midway. Iadeed, 1h. prese-at fesv is based upon thlose vitne. aa as beein ,o1barit, priuiryb ber lasses la plane carriers, thatý lb. initiative resta for the fInat lim(e ;la aurbna.Telonig deadi- lek e roe,rand by Lus. Now, aften aFsavy nval en- gagement,ourtrooa, ncludiaig A 'uericaa ri inpý1es adAuýstra ianis, are, ati ingbrd by land both at the freey garnison naad'at aely buiit aricd. Eveni"f they 'should fail -t0 drive the Jpns into the sea they wyi at least haefor)tledadbroken ýup Australia To the Ua'ited Na'-tions' peoples wh hve atched soC'long the btertreates of their nal'l to- ces frOm outpoat afteroupt lai the Southw-,est Pac-ifie ares, the moat hopeful indicati in the Sooosactiýon l'ay ,'inthe fact that thir -tropa had undertakeni theý ofn ive tat inthe distanrt isIida the cornienstoaes, perbapa, wee eing laid for, funthienr iives to puish the i'nvader from btis aiew- ly w-oaosesiosbetwesn An-s- ralia aad the Burmes jungle, A batti s i eigfougbtwic mayeill mark the turc, of the tide la the Pcfe The usian armies of tihe Soutb wens resling back ]aw week be- Jfore Nazi hammýerbIowa.la c, orne places fthe German wIrar achinles were mong forwad eatt Ie of f fy yms a day. Tepenil to Rusais w-as gnowv- ing houny. l 1942's great of- fnieHîller was !omning evèr dloser 1trairtinof bis objec- tives: 10 sacincle Land ioaeRus- ciab from Ith-e aid sent by berPis- tant allies; to drive a wedlge ,bc- twcen the Southera and Central Soitforces; t10 cni.pple RussiaWs arma ou-Ltpiut and suply Ues by tne cpture of such centers as Stligndte oinaition- of sucb. a, vital river as th-e Vol.ga. :Pos- session of the Caucasus oul fields rwoud be a pnie of double waln; i, would not ony replsish t) ihe dwindlig ful stocks of the Weh'Jrm!acht but mihtsCriousIy hwap eh mobiliy of tise îghly Mlaching soath and sast mbtc tbe Caucasus, the Germans had left hl'uge Russian forces in thein fianka ad n their reari. Strik- ing powver built beyoad the -Urals ingtbe ai, ta tako ýadvaitage of the >Naz1 i poiinThe (day nma-j corne iwhexi Russin w-,ill be asked to hît from te atil wb3-i1Ce iih' second front ' i eïiag sblh in the W=st.At aYlevents, Wonter Mil corne again The firat violkent outbroeaks o tlhe civil disobediencecamag wmee folod by a Mui; the diso- ders in the larger cities began taj die down. The British saw suc- ceas la thir panto dsonct the leaders of the revoit fom terfûoowersý by arrests. London reotdthat t'he iuovemneat had mot received widespread support in the countryside. However, violence flared up anew in Cal-. Cutta an*d ther citis ai te Bn- tiSh s'tudied imrore drasticmeod of cmaigGab' apin In Enlanditsef'ad elsewh-ere îa the world thiere was conraî lest the wbole ia-ffir degenierate Into Mmeesuppresn of a revoit It wç,as felt, that morews requir- ed; th1at nia ustbe wo t ted Nlapts'war effort Help FopWMa ty-one qaemls aetni aifedharry and sm1asýh at Ax"i's shipýpîag t, o NrhAfrica, at Axis air bases in Sicily, Italy aa d Greec2e. From, bases oaly sixty miles away, Axsbombîera have raidied 4 il ore tan2.000 timies-- more than any other place iM th wrl-a hereffor1ts to !knoCk it ouit of th',,e war. At one time 1an1 entire Germlan air fleet was asiae ,o the task. Mal 1ta c bas cuIt bom-b shlelters de-ep inito her solid rock, and lives, for the moaýût part, un-dergr1oud. Bu-t yomi t-he tim-es of the Cnrthlaginianls, siix centuries- before Christ, Mial- ta has proved bard to take. Last week Ea-ýgland, sent reini- focmast ta, te use iit s ata e n the aiawihwerel strengthenig Rom.mel's desert arimes in Egypt. A great convoy. protected by warships, wyas dis- patched to the Mite isand. As the, vessýels sailed past 1Ital1y's i"hoot" a gU at ea battle de-velopj- ,cd . Axis forces determiaed to block thle cavoy's p-assýage, str-uck at it with Pýeerythiajg they had ficast littie to.rpedio-cnrryiag "E-boatS" On the Mlid side the "bulk of the Mdtraenfet wa.s reported engaggd. Lonidon- for a long time emanedsuent admittng oaly the loss of the air- craft carrier Bagle; Reia and Romeclaied hav'y dmaein- fliced---mre hanfifteen v'essels Sent to- the b)ottoml. Latter Loadon reporteýd that, part of the convoy had gotten. through-Malita had reccived its muatchý-neededples Besides thie losa of the Eagle, the inking of the cruiser Mnhstrwsan- nouaiced. Tw,,o atckigsub- mar7inies wvere clatmed sn in abat was descnbed as one of the Iargest naval prain of thei; war. Wbile thet sea btîtle raged, ther British units b'ea"vily bom-. barded the Titaian ialand of Rhodes, Ais thrat to Cyprus and Syria. There werc aigs lst week ofD a ces- threat in the unceasing, Maggie for supplY on the Atlap- tic Oceanl. Fr-omn-rzil am1e re- pot~of an Axis sujrfajce raider- preying on Allied shi)pping off the coast-a large, fnst, oil-buynin1g vesselwbc was believýed to have suak at leûast onc ship ard at-tack- ed others ince it s pesence be- camepaon.Survivoris fromi tor- pedoed vesl addat Sout'h Am1eri'can ports repetedthegrim- tale so often told in more niothera waters of subminie attacksý on u-urddUnited Nýationis freigh- ters. London bL!e--ved Germany had emibarked on a large-scale combiaied surface ridrand lU- boat cmp ii SuhAtlaatic waters, insi iriA4!, ý-îlU A 1 UIflLliy wold't have pu-zzie tat ntfo nsefyet P i t bd' nnc esar or mý:e to studythe "battis dnll hat la now a part of Army- Thee av benone or nwo anticlos at tie Dnillwritte . aaapapers. One of theru, hy apaa Kin Beattie,Tont aewspaperman, Who la now press Liason Offcer at CorpsHe"d- quartra, emphasiedcthat itbad been rece e.ved-with enjthulsiasm byî) tb Cidin, but did not go into mýuch detail aboult the diIkitself. Two reasons frthsLack o(f de tail couîýld be tha3t awitadeS- cniptiol 0f 'adrii)î la apretty uil s'ons no-) details of t dIliareo De imade public. For et1er or bo0f0 hse1a sonshs colua wllcntn it- slwthsaying thlat BIl nl laaseires of exiercs eesgned to mnake good batie feld habits Instinctive and inthacIe drili, Whcau. be caried ont iltrsly puat whal la in teacdùd, Inruon tu Bamte Dniligave mne a shock ani brought onei- aiz7ain thatdr" atal a have a goal, that its purpose la flot acsarlDs asratas -I had thoughl. From tatsllockcaa reas- ierig' robaiy ad ils oîi days "aay bck wea." -!l tis i l ere suppos;ition,; whby ea!(dnol theoigaf"or Platoon" ave been for Iho purpose of tahin collera 4sow t ot-ru Ihe ays hen he "qae a tlie ui f atformat)'ion? You -eemerthose giycir ed chomwes of Brouis iEnitmen la batle, doni Yeu? The front 140,000 Join Armry in Past TwYears tefrtstt-f) in compuanoy ils. tar seîcefor the Scn ra bvbendelivered badnc5t ed by the Army,ilwssa'd aIt NainaVar Srie eîI menlt, This total ex-eeda y2,0eo in tJbe Firast Great Wr-a does net include the f gurs fe Augat anid Septemiber, ts w havicst mntaforia, es5h the dnafting of mien i xsia mon-tlsthaalrIe fail fFrre Tbough ameia alled ,p conil- sorily are pot requin Jt siuew ztatbetweea 85 anmi40 M2rcest of t-hose hoenter thÈ Amyue ea 7 v ount-_e(en for sere a-- wbreinte wonld. Adiitaion of tiecu ;a- tiJonFý val WrServices, boayth sysm b as worked Sui-cily aud7, Ibe mea halebeen bars ih ont ýc- disuraucs r dda a.m wme ii Ere xag4îe ungeasd1 erlieter]n during Use hlgecfriemca rertilze Th, IREG'LAR FELLERS-That's Different A WeeJdy rCeluami About This anid That in Our CanadàWn Arm-y rrobaly eard youýr friendasla the onet"s foýrLaedVa sort f eex I Mervces grumble about drili. lve frie" for the protctiox of A de t myseif.AnI'v e jined la rear rank which zstoodwlh ui pxargumer ntsl wihJohn Citiens hkespoied ready te mow dw hae 1heid rh on the eubieet. atackers by volleys., M ols easy enough 10 plctrathe ia the eanly days of this n", trooa mrhing to battie lu coi ýwarI î ondm eflendlg a ready ua ffusadt mgn h ean to comaplaint that "Bow and ub ffu n Ab arro sodier" wre astig te emuax&d, Ut the haitcon te a, bos iewith a t 0 f "arc- frnhi opn, omn dee a thy arredeutth orer squre tuf,"the lcading group weuld then Nbe And for quite a long time, ai- la positon "to -mee a'] avalr tihough for is reiion andsnap- ucharge. pouea1 Mie drii, Iï aa ncIaeîýd I oud eaoale oan l to subacnibD to the opinion tat And at that timeth ilwod a .1 ltoitwas wasted ie, ad hVe a ach toreomn ts tire latrduced to the new "battie fr teodny adigofIecs rl,"Ibagan to cee tCe light. aW for soldIers of tCe InWMOPa I"" supsete reason for that WIS Cltizen's cArmy dW!sona its use becauseI had o ainc3le Re- to serve Army necruits that tee a D-l o cviiý Ssie Wev a eason for the dril1to wheh ail been drillng evemince gas-1t somuhofthi early army hfe waa rtïid.That pmua rl sdevoted, didn'taffect us ail, but the'iex ;fa C"oder tosup I myself wt oedid,- good rWeson Ypass along I had That's ight! Sugar! But p-pen te think about tesbetco- mr mo tant thn r _-'I'out siderablymrethan I had pravo nationng of sgar a5nagoned SU,, iousiy an, as las so ten the case, 2C )M e mvmonary natoa C the yhoMe thng feointo a pattera, ter and coffee we w me Psskeat ,U'JIl n ysole excus e fr car ot rxIlI! had ben haï t i l acssry I ws rill,'adiÀterass la the eanly das of a«o-i,'s for, the battlefild wTenebsCwt trainlg to teacb hm that he is ratoniag fcesa andscos" ee iiu arotagroup and ttti M grop crnHow snous i took -y-, is not. rcapable fOfuntoigas, rligvrn uFitsto'~î unit untilyit as becm iegrtd ilow that we have ne Chsie through constant practice. la ad- Tesliro alre ira dii o0fcourse, thweeis thle fct epets be given e res ta w-th esa fatigue than a simlar esdesbmhid toeuren" î body waiking atrandom.bave more and stener erdenil 1 o th ouhi obe0Y before tbis job y cee - v je dmttOÊ euhtoftheogia2110fS do0Wourdil he.euly ad eo rd fhr dri5iorth u dyagraon3o wstis Co corne,

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