Modeyn Etiquette tin hulAbesent to n-i;ly ,,vfiereteae gonsens end deaugiters?! 2Should a woman attempt te C Isais tiseerprincia jl thi et a privee or persnan ature on a post card? 5. WVhen nccompaying a wo- an te, tise diinner table, sol îiman it do;wn (exactly et thesae lime Ashe s" 6Is ilcoasidered n social ar- mer for one tA be able Vo take baeof n person or a group of pepeqUýckly? ANSWERS 1.Seld one invitation vo tis ~ father ed rmother, and a eart ouet e ench of lise sens M adugi- tors, 2". No. Hïi-iseeled shoos ate net adepted te tise golf course andi are injurieus te tise turf nnd the green ls, ,bTise principal thing is te con- sdatise congeniality of enaci guest. One guest who is net kmn- dre inlatise testes andtiniaste of the otisrs cne asly spoiltise , No; thisisbadti tste anod poor tudgmenp-t on tise part off tisej wr iteCr. An-tbiig writtea on a,, ,postal ca-,rd isa public nmessage, ndshould thýerefore b2 Avoide. Th yýpe of card isouid be used1 soy for tie purpose of sendig greAngs. ,No. Tise mansoud rw o)u tlise chair fogr his p)artner sud no't sit dîown untilinidatl ater she im seateýd. 6. Yes, wisen eue eado s quickly andi greciously, whicis mutntbe confused wîtis abrupt Crudenegs. Outwi'ts Rommel 70 Indian Tiroopt ilow a Biish colonel orgaie tie scap)e wth booty, of. himseoif ond more than 70 cauoti nd ienUR oops "uerce very nouss o fîI'eh! MalsbialErýwijn omel sud' 11it 0 oîhlc.era laiNorth Africa is tld !U ïtCairo dlespatch le othre f Leno baily Teýleraphi. Thie colonel, who wa;s lu Roui- amel'S eatiquarlers for ou hers toki1 tho story as follows: "Rommel0sLnot uniko tho Gos- ian Csewul Prince, wth shIighltly veceding forehemt, anti ho speaike goiEnglisil. Hoe htgaht mite. -Telling hlm 1 wisheri 10 holp le pick'ing Ont my scattereti troopS 1I orlrowedIl is fieltiglsssaile dea1tifieti talien posttiý. on a ritge 10 tise seuh. "erma l fficers > nidthy me- gretbed bhey would have le pass usoves l te l talian.e but I play- eti for tlimeby conplnliniag ts Gomin11as 1ýwere net, cariag for tise Br lillai wuned. Tisey apologizeti, coxlainiuig they lhad aivaced 80ýc quickly lhey Mla 10111d dcters "Rmepermilledd mle t t ake a frwelSpeech l Udn (Cll-1 qlaindustai). As I1 pk tle Gomnas ýstooti erouad adir- lngy,* ýlitîle Èkuewiaýg I wns telling iny tIro e ryanti escape bie nigl)t, mnklang their way loag a telegraýpl i Une which I spottei wllh Rommels fleislglasses. "Oves 70 of tiem escpedti ia 1ightad nmarciing tffrough tise dackniess, guitiotiby tlise l- graph Eln, met m-IaIse escap- edi-at nlace 1I aimedinlu îe gurswere asleep we seizod a few Briisllorries whi l Gemas ad cplrdten drove off. "Durin1g teda eovertook bwo Germann brigadaies on tise rondj, Says Mrs. R. E. Etches, Dor-Vlilý Quebec: "KELLOGG'S ALL- BRAN has so maay good quelities% really is the 'BetterWy. Il has been n family fàvorit-e for ineny years, and as long aâ lb retains its qualities, ALL-B3RAN wil cotinue to be a big favorite la Our hoýme." Whydon't you try ALL-BRAN'S Wvhat science Is Doing ,FLOODiT' ,WolUNDS ewsurgical isrmnswhich- "floodlighl" the interior of the body ane being used by some Army surgeons in the Midde Est. Equipped with a set of theSeý un- braalIumiinous inistrumients, mnedicos cant perforiii field obpes-- tions under a tree or a lean-to shelter, writhout wosrying about aircraft oeha and with better liàghtin lMte wound tha n la operating theatre. Madle of aý transparenit plastic inaterial like glass which trans,- mislgtround corniers, doos not conduet heat and cen be tlhrown- onr the ground withouit breaking, the instrumecnts are 1mado1 ci'n abvout 30 different shapes, t,',0sit any kind of wouind or operation. Evon werethýere are two right;- anigled beds lu thie tran-sparen-ti inistrum-ent, the lîght rays travel down 10 the frosted htp anrd flooJd thoý wound with a cold, s-hadow- les3 light, hIoweVer inaccessibe the place moay be, Blood doeos not easily congeal on thie inistr-ument, asz it deoes with ordinary 'ighbting apparatus. About 80 different instrumients, aIre evailable, but there are t hree orT. four dual-purpose models wich-l are quite sufficient for or- dinary diagnostic and surgical, work in the field. A Set of thIv:ee together with a smalffl electrie ac- cUmuLlator, costs about £12 and Mail-y Surgeons ia the fighting service3 lhave hough. them ont of their (own pockets, S-,) useful ha-ve they proved lan action. Som!e o'f Britain's greatest sureon ar n1,W using these instrEmulents for- wounds whichi canniot bo soon into b)y rdinary opralîng thieatre,- lighting. Simuler instrunts have been m-ade lan other couitries for, some years past, but they had the dis- advantage of losing thoir shape ie serilzîng. The new instruments are maUde of a m-1ethyl miethecry-. late Plastie speciell1y developed by Biiis chemnists, wic(,h will stand any amlouint of boiliag withoutI losing shape. Money May Be Sent To China Restritions on semlittanices tof money to China, pre'viously con- fined to benevolent purposes, have been removed, the Post Of- fie Peparbment seid recenitly. limittances znow imey lbe mrade, for, suis , i round amrouints ofý Chinlese dollar-s. Thle miimumli- amîount which may be forwarded is $100, Chinese curency, eqtuivai- letto $6 lai Canadien currency. torm . t o Thn e mai te losgeut giby frtt i f1. BetsWay" b ocorrect the ceuse, of~ ~ ~~t cosiaindeblack Cf the right kind of "bullç" ie your diet. But remnember, ALL-BRANdoet work like takeslme Get ALL-BRAN et >your grocerc', in two convEnienit ize packaes, 'or ask for the individuelsriu! ak age at restaurants. Made byr Kellogg's iii London, Canada. H-ave You Heard Thie utarc ia had gone ,to Se easide for a hlQid3ay. Hfis- wifeý, who wenrt otSWimm11ing, wais ieasly drowned, and was res- cued with difficulty. Shle w9s uncoascions, surrýoUn1d- ,ed. by a crowd, whea hber husband puffed up to ask, how she was. "1Pretty bad,"- said the doctor, e'tltm aýfraid wýe'll have Vo give her artificiel respiration." Ariialrespiration beblow- ed"said tho mari, ctdy ";you'll give he1ýr the rJeal thî-ng. PUi pay for it? Landlady: "I wonst charge you for breakfast, seeieg that you didn't 2eat any." Boarder: "That's go couldn'tleaap sither!" An American soldier now in N('ortisera lireland is sidto av "Dear Dad-Gue?? what 1, need mo$,jt of al, Tiat'$ riglit, *end it along. Be$t i$h$.Your $on, Tomi" The fathe rseplid: "Dear Tomà --NOthiag ever happons here, rite lus aNOther letter eNOn. Jimmy was askînig about you Monday. NOw iwe have to Say good-byel" "Flow did thea deetiv'ez discover that tise burgins was dressed ag e -womanb?" Hepxsed j a bat ;tore withiont iooking je.", The Negro soldier isad bee-n pteelin-g potatoes util his handis ached, Turiaig to e. fellow K.P. hLeid "What dat sergeant mnea whea he caîl us K. P.?"' "Ah dunno," repliedIa ta- ore,"but froinideý look On his face, Ah think ho moeans 'Keep Taller(mauugSo- iman fur a suit ofcote: and ho-w would like thse poc- kets, ir? MecTaviis: WeII juat »a. %wa bit difficulitot gel at. "Wisy do you insist ou keeopiag "Because" aswered tie lonely man, "I like to hear it talk- .LTis parrot is tise onlyý, creaiture gifted wNith the power of speech, thet ila cotent to repeat just what it heers without tryiug to miake a, good stor-y of iH." "'Wist'a thse most cf feciive agency for thse redistribution of we:altis?" *'Tise wive* and daughter% of ricis men." Maika ont my crtificalte for........nits Owyêer Prospiectnglntieneut$0,0aeh, Rlerels usy ebeqeafor $.......e brr aon tile iierk, Atiirs~.......................... L. Mlagic Mountain 0f Moiybdenum orle of World'a Greauea1 ed AtImaClrd -Nou woaider moin guard 6is workings of ClimaxMolydenu wvith a Asteelfnce and s.-àstee gate whvlich oniyopn to frieads.» Its store f molbdenteblack shiny slippery compouaîmd fmoyb denmm is pr-eciotus. Whea ionl'y 5 lbs. of molybdenumi added to a ton of steel makes il strong aad to ugh, thie storebisue r)f sach magie has to be guarded and kept available te our side.ý They add a bigger pesceatage of molybdenum te, steel to mk tisose high speed tools t-halt keeýp th-eir keenneýSs et Cherry redi heat, This higis speed molybde-num ,steel m-ust be guardied, if we are toý 1keep turing imb shape gua bar- rels and all those other he1nýVy steol weapons of war. Thieworkings were ishard enough te ge l, i.,nywqy. The,ýyar awey 1uP hig-h inl themotan of Coloradlo, et an altÏitudeo of 11,400 feel. It's like a different world up there. The air is thhin and keen suil is winter sevon moniths a yens. A lonely place if wasla he heart f oI eeun- tiiL Cirxýolybdenum madie a c'ity for ils werkers:. Tisere are net many pounds o cf mlolybdonlite te thse toni, onaly 5 or 6 on fihe everage, buttseeare a lot of tons. It hý estiml-ated that Cieax bas 200,000,000 tons Of- ose that contain abilo pounds, ofmlybdieuile. Bîg, mili buildings houise th.e g ianit nia chinery that crusises and grinds te powder the 18,000 tons, of m-iolyb)denite, rock -atday et Cieax. Tise crushecd rock go0s labo clis or tan1ks wisere iL rmixes wittis pine ou 'and water. Compressed air comning up through holes in the bo0ttom foris bubbles. The mîolybdenile floats awey ont the bubblles leaving tise unwanted rock behincl. It is as ismpleý as tisat. 'Youj'd thiik Vise oil flotation pro- coss1 se famous for being cheap andl efficien1t, was just mdofor m1olybdenlite. 1V separates coy- ipletely. Geriaay would ike tu haye Climrax witlisils deily heandliag of 18,000 tonts giving about 36,000,- 0011 lbs. oif molybdenite yearly. AIt orninybas s a limiteil 1>- 000,000 pounidsem year froiniNov- way and a, litle frorn Frenchs Morocco. Net only cýan bot'ter worik be dou-e wit l-i olybdeniumla inthe steel; less steel l,ýe ededor the Sanie strength and endurance. Thinok of wisat thaut :eeso air- planles, tankls, guins, jeep's and '111 our other fighlting -weepens. Ont. Farmer Gets Record Qat Yield A lrecor d yield in the 1942 oat crpVas reported by Hercules Trahan, Paicourt, whoc believesý ho bas found a aew ee-rly variety of oets which cannol be equnlled iia production. Trehen had oight acres of the "Mabl" enate biset were broughit froni Quebec by N'apoleon King ailcih a s jUsit tlirelised 1,080 b1usishs ýgiving ant ni/orage of 135 buLshels tetlise acre. There lins nover beev sucis a yield reporled ilatise district, according to expeienced fam- ers. Mabl oats were developed by MceDonald College la Quebec aud are polenated se a-, to sr pass nlotheer rie inlayîeld antCI early m-aluribyv. To Develop Lignite Fields In Ontario TheOtroGveaetwl proceed immcediaeely wthéhede- velopmnent ofinite Icdeposita la the Onakawa-na lgiefields17-5 miles north Cof Ccraeoïlthe Temýiskamiiiiing and NrhenOn- aioRailwayv, Premier FHepburni of Ontarlo nnunedlast ;veek- The lignite supp' a Oaa -wana lahalost ulmietheý Premnier said, wth100.000,000 týons already beingbocedonxt and 8,500,000 toýns radyac- Chafod Skin, ired, Sore Muses*s et, us" Si4 16,w, fait- cip tia handy f)ro lerY HMEALING SALVE SUIR ces3,uibl tie. etshv3dm ntrt, P1ans for thedeeopet a fo0 0r ork csting ab'1outV $250,00fi Gu iar Ou1it$49 la triy ruse. PIANO ACCORDIONS WUrite ff i tiettils *nIv Tepret-Tono CLASSIEIED AUVERTIS EET$ ACCORDIONSWANTIED, ACCORDIONS WANTED BesI pri-es paiti for piano THE T. EATON CO. MT. Mnlsil Istumn Dpatm Toreute AGENTSWA¶E WE R1HAVE A GOO1D EARUNINý OP- portunity for attractive weli,. groomied women t1 o astriume Suprtetiby' atonlAtverti- ingý. Write today to Aývon ro duets of Canada L-inilteti, 1 St. Alexand er St.,M1nTreal' Qa. A>PVUTOMBIES- USE»T1Mý See usIl rst aw il l te- fund yurcost Utrnof r tion to Toronts. ,,If you buyý from us. Mouint pleasant MtosLtd Useeti 'Ar !Lotm at 1650Dantorth Avenue and 2040 Yeonge cStr-ee. àet ffice, 6C2 Mount Pleasant RotToront-,o. Telephone Hgh Iand 2181. ready soon. You'll finidIl te- valua)ble this com!!ing season with poultry andi f arm prodtucti'on ranking wîvïth t11eessenitiai je. dus'triesý. Odryolir Braýy Sep.. tember chicks la g-- tie, alsQ, Bray~{aeiiry,1~0John, Ham.- ilton, Ont. ery, a;so rebujilieupmn ways onbu'Td. l'om0saruei Correspondence lviedfubbard Portabfle oven Co.. 10.* luathurst S t.. Trno DVEING, & ULE2ANINO H1AVE Y'OU AN YT U 1NG NbEED.S dyeing or cleaning? WVrite to UN for Ifrain eaegaio1 ans13wer your qetos eat nient IL , Parker's Dye Worksî Ltmvited, VU Yonge Street. Te.- BAU-MEEKA FOTBALM dsry ofesv or ,1 , ' 1ilatîy, 45c bottle, Ottawa agent. Benmejsa ýrug 'tore. Ottawai. FILMS DEVELOPED You will appreciate, the true nisan- ing off qualil. ty ndsevie f U seti y ouir snapsb1ots to be àdeaitp,- eda 31! i/ONCESTETTRNO "HelpfuI Shoüiing Tips" (To aid you ioakn better pic- turcs we g'ive' ad"ieiire anticiticisqai on every roi!.) or 8epsrs eeoeianti 6printed, 2e.2 pr1int ts !eac3 MAYFAIR PHOTO SERVICE 314 C'CESTREFUT,TOO O VREE! CïAOGE 0 AiRE anti ExcitingTbok. rRee.Tyrere Gret ork o araeRela- 1 )E R, 7QuenStr-eet West, LEAR RAIDRESINGTIUERiOB- ertsn aetho. Iformtijon on jre- quest rega'rdjig classes. (Robert- Avenue Road, Tor'onto. 'a tent oI1t ors. Etbiht 8 9 ", 14!King WeNscýr, Toronto. lo: i oldt f Ifrainon e- ISSWE' 35-242 iti, and Rbeumatic ans hos antiS stsit.MnosDrug.e Store,38 lnOtwIo- 30 ACRES %W O O)D. POUTRýýY Fcarm. J. (C. Thois, Ottaa, i.O;tt, ÏIABEitls l'oRtSALE 1,OR S.11LE.- URPLUý!S TOCIÇr, Lovel-y Pure Wbihlte A-J.ngoras-- Alatuilre(,-] antci younlg ý als c.exýtra.4: Ilutchle, (6 Inone). Wit:C, A Simpsont, TIllsonburg, 0Outarlo. READ TRIS - EVERY SUTFFERý- eî of teuai Pisor iti> s shoti ýltry Drn ee2 Muniiro's Drug Store, 36Eg Otti-Waý. Postpaid$10 PAFE-NTS À& TRADE MAREIS EIGERTON R. CASE, GSERf 1-Jited Statýes, Canladianl, Brltlehb Patent Attorney. B-f:ooklet grat;çL EstabMlsheti over forty years.ý Uailsam nAvenue. Toronto. (n ' .S. N,2, Purity cxtra No. ,$10-()0 per 100 iba., fr p&ght and bags free on 10ls roS ,E.Bishlop&Soetiea Belleville, ont. W'ýheait, $1.23; bushlenFal ml $1.10 lbushel. Botb NW 1 gaA, s Bag)"s freeý.17.0.1, LBelle-vilie. ,C. 8M Bishop & Son, Soeetsmn, Be1e. DON'T TRUDGE' T.ýh e 1Hea%àt, lRamk THROUGH ner liaSf Art. A] am'y ey Wyomll Wite cfor 'rIe A nun Big Profits to YOU from Smuall Outlay 1 sily the lm'eict eatiay tthl ou ant I curme te mlakie i' ol - tirefil t lu hbuket t owab 0rtis emp bl e t inDg a Minie wi ti1, its Miii. iabt ',we;.Z't tfor 1ila ea mal wbe tioa't reeken 1il la fract-ionàs. But ,obur'.mass otf lytinie oc doesn't neeti a sbntft or n vestly Miii, tibrg-l seial goti fortune. -We ecand vti ibntftle big fïinancier ai soy the ionss here 'bicb usaig11y goes te bise. Tha.I> t's wby yen get nwetb, b cfraRcion of the totlpoft for yoIur l oeist Oeutiey. fit may probe nigrich for yu anx.%- t mtinle. lUrgent aetIja et totiay aiy ue ift aeiittfor yens gogti fortuneb. Ieccans>e (1 ) o.-r rock is ta.a bill, at )tibe higfake e b»olybtdeiite feu loff e fui ramn tbe rockthaequ etn con- tracter I bsa.foruet- itigcn tecover imoiybtienite pretty ceui 'i tble GveamatIants meybtonte e rgently fov impilrov'- iug stlLecïinluWaIr imienents ttbnit bey Iare tol bave nCusna Il1iv1îîtakemdanti.payfor tîvbat 'e Iprotlince, antQi a a igb p Érie, Do yen1 reahize *wbaf it is goot iiuck brilaga te yen anti1lue. V aiena oine"e tme cotracter on anlti lutmtp n aicoule o0f weekp iottreat-. Ina 1J600 Ito t ock a iu4>'wlben fIlec tiionI ti rihinu: alir otcofrm re testa Yf qnatmtiy atii gratie, 3.0oq ailton eprofit iloitdIPsavua iiiionýs«a y.ear for yenan il e01oftau te tivitie. Tbetotue-akngtima ro loin gany iatijuaitiustryis, likie >Il arb tli.g, lefore it aivouaset cet Proepeietu yndicajtef stage.- Osr SyItiictba 18>4 0 naits 1000 eeh. M 1heu tbeieron- payis formedti eaeb uit brIngg yen 150 or miore sue.Eacbl sinie .bae iggt seliin t olfir.You nbeeAiu't Éieite on the- luirger unbetr o e nits yen bvxlnt îUte ewu, totiny.Take yens iltim. *i»ply ,'rite- me te, ma-ke leitt7myecertificute for ieatweP, ten,ý wbIatever 3ousa 11%duti oitiyens opportunity open. Wblen y01u attacli iur ceqc o siae saluabIe tima -for iloft us. Relieves MONTHLV F EMA LE PAIN Woroeawbo sulier pain 0of rregIulllT perlotis with craaliy nervousitess-- dueto onthly functional dlsturb- anessould fud Lydia r. Pink- bam's Vogetable Comrpouati Teblets (wlth atidet i ron) ver, effcetiive *0 relleve such distress. Plnkhari'us Tai,- lets matie especally jfor ivo01110nel ild tiup resistance aamtsc aniln syii Sfmtomsý.FoIliow label airactions. Matie In Canada.